Hot News
Donald Trump seized the Republican Party at the Convention,
sending those tired old "R.I.N.O." (Republicans
In Name Only) Republicans packing.
Donald Trump easily
won the Republican nomination for President on Tuesday evening!
Triumphs as Official Republican Nominee, Completing Stunning
Climb", Fortune Magazine, July
19, 2016
United for a night, Republicans nominated Donald Trump Tuesday
night as their presidential standard-bearer, capping the
billionaire businessman’s stunning takeover of the
GOP and propelling him into a November faceoff with Democrat
Hillary Clinton."
"This week’s four-day
convention is Trump’s highest-profile opportunity
to convince voters that he’s better suited for the
presidency than Clinton ... "
Make no mistake about it,
Donald Trump and his adult children, stamped this convention
with the "Trump Brand", making a compelling argument
that Trump would make a better -- and a less risky -- President
than Hillary Clinton.
This convention reminded
me of the Ronald Reagan years, when I felt proud to be an
American, especially a Christian American!
As I watched the proceedings,
especially the speech by Donald Trump, Jr., I felt an overwhelming
sense of "deja vu", as my mind harkened back to
the 1980 convention which nominated Ronald Reagan. During
that convention, I felt so proud to be an American Christian,
listening to Mr. Reagan reiterate the values upon which
our Founding Fathers had founded this country and pledging
to rescue the country from the clutches of Liberal Democrats,
led by President Jimmy Carter.
If Donald Trump carries out
his campaign promises, he will lead a rescue of America
out of the even more evil grip of Liberal Democrats led
by President Obama and Candidate Hillary Clinton.
I remember Hillary's actions
during Bill Clinton and most assuredly do not want another
4 years of that kind of leadership rotten to the core. Were
Hillary to win the White House, she would hang a "virtual
reality" sign over the front door, "White House
Favors For Sale"!
2. Donald Trump Jr's
speech "burned the house down", leading me to
wonder if the Republicans had nominated the wrong Trump!
Officially Clinches GOP Nomination, Breitbart
News, 19 July 2016
"Donald Trump Jr.: 'Hillary
Clinton is a risk Americans can't afford to take' ...
Trump Jr. Rouses Convention Crowd By Bashing Hillary Clinton
and Praising His Dad",
"Donald Trump Jr. lit
a fire under the crowd at the Republican National Convention
Tuesday night -- lacing into Hillary Clinton and praising
his father as the "only" choice for president.
The speech, which was met with resounding cheers, came hours
after the Trump children got to announce, along with the
New York delegation that their father was the 2016 nominee
for the Republican party."
"We didn’t learn
from MBAs — we learned from people who had doctorates
in common sense,” said Don Jr., who like his father
and sister Tiffany, who also spoke Tuesday night, attended
the University of Pennsylvania. 'His
true gift was a leader is that he sees the potential in
people that they don't even see in themselves', he said.
Trump's eldest son gave a
terrific speech, one that might launch his own career in
politics very soon.
Melania Trump's speech
on Monday evening was so effective that the only thing the
Democrats could find wrong was the claim that she plagiarized
Michelle Obama in her 2008 Convention speech.
NEWS BRIEF: "Melania
Trump convention speech seems to plagiarize Michelle Obama",
The Guardian News, 19 July 2016
"A number of lines in
the robustly applauded speech delivered by Melania Trump
at the Republican national convention on Monday night appear
to have been lifted verbatim from a speech Michelle Obama
delivered at the 2008 Democratic convention."
Let us address the information
in this paragraph, that Melania's speech was "robustly
applauded". In other words, Melania's speech was very
well accepted at the time she gave it; the problem came
about two hours later, when a reporter thought he had heard
some of these lines before, and, when he checked them, he
discovered that Michelle Obama had spoken these lines and/or
thoughts at the 2008 Democrat Convention.
Since critics could find nothing
they could criticize Melanie for -- not her speech and not
her style of presentation -- they pounced for all they were
worth on this plagiarization issue. When the world woke
up in Cleveland the next morning, the Liberal Mass Media
was all agog at how Melanie had committed a crime worthy
of severe punishment by apparently repeating some of the
words of Michelle Obama. The Media spoke of virtually nothing
else for the entire day, and it did seem to throw Donald
Trump into some indecision.
So, who is responsible for
this needless mistake?
"The speechwriter who
helped prepare Melania Trump's remarks Monday at the Republican
National Convention now admits some of Michelle Obama's
phrasing got into the address made by the wife of the GOP
nominee. The Trump campaign released
a statement Wednesday from Meredith McIver, an in-house
staff writer with the Trump Organization."
"McIver says she did
not check Mrs. Obama's speeches, which was a mistake. "I
feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the
Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama. No harm was meant.'
McIver says she offered Donald
Trump her resignation, but the Republican nominee rejected
it, saying, "people make innocent mistakes and that
we learn and grow from these experiences. "
NEWS BRIEF: "Michelle
Obama Copied Alinsky in Speech Melania Trump Allegedly Plagiarized:
She "joins Hillary Clinton,
Barack Obama and Joe Biden as accused plagiarists",
Breitbart News, 19 July 2016
"Melania Trump, wife
of imminent Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump
and potential First Lady, faces accusations of plagiarism
after several passages in her speech to the Republican National
Convention in Cleveland appeared to echo lines from Michelle
Obama’s speech to the Democratic National Convention
(DNC) in Denver."
"Trump’s wife joins
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden as accused plagiarists.
Even Michelle Obama was accused of plagiarizing part of
her own 2008 DNC speech."
This fact deserves to be kept
boldly in our minds, i.e., that Hillary Clinton, Barack
Obama and Joe Biden, have, in the past, plagiarized other
people's works.
At this point, former Candidate,
Ben Carson, revealed something very, very interesting:
It turns out that
Michelle Obama, in her 2008 speech, had plagiarized Communist
author, Saul Alinsky!
"(Ben) Carson says he
has learned that one of Clinton’s heroes/mentors was
Saul Alinsky. “This was someone she greatly admired…
and that affected all of her philosophies subsequently.”
Carson says Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”/Clinton’s
hero acknowledges Lucifer."
NOTE: Christian author, Chris
Pinto, reveals in his DVD shown above, "Megiddo
II', that Hillary is deeply immersed in the worship
of the occult. Pinto even shows a younger Hillary receiving
a blessing from a Shaman.
The bottom line is that the
Liberal Media had nothing else upon which to criticise Melanie
Trump's speech. As this media turmoil rolled out the next
day, it became a "tempest in a teapot". Only the
Liberal Media gave the story any credibility. The greater
majority of Americans saw an impressive performance by the
potential First Lady, and were impressed by her beauty,
her poise, and even her dress.
I heard a news report that
the manufacturer of Melanie's white dress sold out within
a few hours! The American people were impressed by the total
performance of Melanie Trump and will care not one whit
about whether her speech plagiarized Michelle Obama/Saul
New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie used his credentials
as a former criminal prosecutor to put Hillary Clinton on
trial for her alleged crimes which disqualify her from being
NEWS BRIEF: "‘Guilty!’
Chris Christie Delivers Thundering Verdict Against Hillary
Clinton", Breitbart
News, 19 July 2016
"New Jersey Governor
Chris Christie delivered a guilty verdict to presumptive
Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, much to
the delight of Republican delegates gathered in Cleveland.
As a former federal prosecutor, Christie asked the crowed
to act as a jury as he presented the facts about her failures
in Libya and Syria, caving to Russia and China, supporting
the Iran nuclear deal, and using a private server to keep
her emails secret."
""Is she guilty
or not guilty?” Christie shouted after highlighting
each issue.
“Guilty!” the
crowd roared each time, and chanted “Lock her up!
Lock her up! Lock her up!”
Governor Christie's speech
was delivered so well, we encourage you to view the full
15-minute speech here.
This technique proved
so effective that it motivated the crowd to standing ovation
time and time again, and to chant, "Lock Her Up"!
Maybe Christie's powerful
presentation will cause millions and millions of voters
to "remember in November" and pull the election
lever for Donald Trump. In case you have not noticed, I
have always been in the camp of "Anyone but Hillary"!
I am not "for" Trump as much as I am "against"
I have been warning
for a year now that I have serious doubts about Donald Trump
and I still do. I may yet vote Libertarian, just to placate
my conscience.
I hope and pray that,
once elected, Trump will fulfill his many campaign promises.
NEW DVD by Pastor
Billy Crone
The Character of God Volumes 1 and 2 "
1) "The Existence
of God" - Defeating Practical Atheism
2) "The Intimacy
of God"
'The Existence of
God' proves that God really does exist. If our
society does not believe that there is a God, then why are
we so shocked when they keep acting like it? We dont need
any more secular solution to the ills of our society. What
we need is the truth of Gods existence proclaimed across
our great nation. People need to know that God alone is
to be worshipped and that God alone will demand an account
of every word and deed we have ever done. One hour
'The Intimacy of God'
will comfort your soul greatly, at a time when
we all need more intimacy, real intimacy.
Even though God is Independent
and Immense, He still wants a personal relationship with
each one of us. And if we truly understand this, it'll Change
Your Prayers, Your Singing, Your Walk, and Your Loneliness.
But if the world is ever going
to believe our message, then you and I must stop acting
like practical atheists and start demonstrating by our lips
as well as our lives that God is Personal.
Two hours - Two programs on
one DVD, a total of 3 hours of dynamic Fundamental Bible
instruction! http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2739
JUST 14.99
NEW by Pastor Billy Crone
Character of GOD series Volume 3
The Wisdom of GOD
People, believe it or not,
we now have Churches full of people who are living like
practical atheists. Oh, we say we believe in God, but half
the time we act like He's not even there. How? With our
lips and with our lives. And this is not only detrimental
in our walk with God, it keeps others from believing in
God. Therefore, to avoid this irony of Christians living
like a practical atheists, The Wisdom of God shows us that
God is Wise.
God Is Above and Beyond Time
which means there's No Such Thing as an Accident and No
Such Thing as Chance (not even where you work, live, who
you married, and when you die) and that there's No Such
Thing as Bad Advice (from God that is). This is the awesome
message we have the privilege to tell to the nations. God
not only exists, but through Jesus Christ, people really
can have an intimate personal relationship with the Creator
of the universe!? But if the world is ever going to believe
our message, then you and I must stop acting like practical
atheists and start demonstrating by our lips as well as
our lives that God is Wise.
2 Hours of Teaching - http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2740