Finally, one day -- after
a number of horrendous natural disasters have hit this
country and throughout the world -- a spiritual "superman"
will arise on the world scene, and will announce that
the reason America has been suffering so much is that
our Industrial Civilization is imposing stresses on
"Mother Gaia" ("Mother Earth") that
are intolerable to the goddess; therefore, Mother Gaia
has finally started to take manners in her own hands
by imposing these disasters. Then, Antichrist will order
that "Re-Wilding" be carried out throughout
the world [Read NEWS1368], a draconian plan in which
most of the land in the world will be set aside, prohibiting
mankind from carrying out any "human activity".
All humans will be shoved into very tightly controlled
land areas. The USA map in NEWS1368
tells the story, so we suggest you study it carefully.
Note that virtually the entire East Coast is designated
either "Core Reserves -- Little or No Human Use"
or Buffer Zones -- Highly Regulated". This area
is precisely the areas affected by Atlantic hurricanes!
How many of his
measures have already been tried?
4. The European
Union displayed her hypocritical nature when she simply
re-labeled Fossil Fuel And Nuclear As "Green"!
NEWS BRIEF: "European
Union- Now Re-Labeling Fossil Fuel And Nuclear As
'Green'," Canada Free News, July 19. 2022
"The European Union
(EU) parliament announced a decision that’s causing
the fraudulent climate change narrative to self-destruct.
EU parliament backs labeling gas and nuclear investments
as ‘green’ and ‘climate friendly’.
The EU has been plunged into an energy crisis that’s
dividing EU nations and forcing a reevaluation on which
energy sources are deemed renewable. "
The situation in which
the E.U. finds itself is that no city, state, or government
who has closed down significant numbers of its energy
producing industry has been able to generate the fuel
required to run a major modern country, by depending
upon "Renewable Energy" resources!
"This decision is
the first sign that European leaders may be pulling
back from the green energy suicide cult that now typifies
socialist progressive governments that are more interested
in virtue signaling than allowing their own domestic
economies to function."
Now, the E.U.
can meet her targets -- MAYBE
"Even more worrying,
says Bjorn Lomborg, is that despite all the trillions
spent on renewables, the UN’s International Energy
Agency find fossil fuels will still provide two-thirds
of global energy use by 2050, only a modest drop from
79% today."
Every aspect of the "Green
Deal" is a fraud and everyone from Joe Biden to
John Kerry to Nancy Pelosi knows it right well.

5. The NYC Public
Service Announcement demonstrating how citizens can
survive a terrorist nuclear attack has thrown New Yorkers
into panic and despair.
on nuclear attack leaves New Yorkers worried, baffled",
Newsbreak, July 13, 2022
"... a new PSA on
surviving a nuclear attack has rattled some cages. Released
this week by the city’s emergency management agency,
the 90-second video advises citizens to stay indoors
and wash off any radioactive dust or ash. It opens on
a computer-generated street, devoid of life. Damaged
skyscrapers can be seen in the background. "
One concerned citizen
wrote: "Yeah, since 1964.... zero public safety
messages about "what to do during a nuclear attack,
now, with Putin and his loyalists threatening nuclear
retaliation for the last 6 months, all of a sudden we're
gonna talk about nuclear safety ? Can you blame some
folks for going into "panic mode"?
Last week, we revealed
that the Global Elite has published a list of 'disasters'
designed to abolish our current Order and bring in the
New. These disasters could be thought of as "Cluster
Disasters" designed to so panic the world that
the Masonic Christ (Antichrist) could arise.
These 'Cluster Disasters'
* Los Angeles is hit with
a 9.0 quake,
* New York City is destroyed
by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb,
* World War III breaks
out in the Middle East,
* The banks and stock
markets collapse,
* Extraterrestrials land
on the White House lawn,
* Food disappears from
the markets,
* Some people disappear,
* The Messiah presents
himself to the world,
"and all in a very
short period of time? "
What if the Elite
set off every part of their 'Cluster Disasters' At Once?
6. Finally, Iran
announces she has achieved nuclear weapons capability!
Iranian Official: We’re
Capable of Making a Nuclear Bomb",
Breitbart News, 19 July 2022
"“Iran has
the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb but there
has been no decision by Iran to build it,” Kamal
Kharrazi said ... (Israeli PM) Lapid publicly disagreed
with Biden’s assertion, saying: 'Words will not
stop them, Mr. President. Diplomacy will not stop them.
The only thing that will stop Iran is knowing that if
they continue to develop their nuclear program the free
world will use force. The only way to stop them is to
put a credible military threat on the table.”
But, Iran has had nuclear
weapons for almost 2 decades now.
One fact is clear:
Iran purchased nuclear weapons "off the shelf"
from Pakistan shortly following the 9/11 attacks!
Intelligence, Week of June 4, 2002.
""A Russian
general's statement about Iran's nukes fails to register
with media. Sometime a slip of the tongue is so incredible
that no amount of doctoring can explain it. And sometimes
a slip of the tongue is as intentional as could be.
Take an appearance by Russian Deputy Chief of Staff
Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky. He gave a briefing on Friday in
Moscow during the Bush-Putin summit and was asked about
whether Iran actually fired the Shihab-3 intermediate-range
missile in a successful test earlier this month. The
second question was whether Iran can threaten Israel,
Russia or the United States with its nuclear and missile
Then the Russian general
takes a surprise turn: 'Now, as to whether or not Iran
has tested something like that. Iran does have nuclear
weapons,' Baluyevsky said. 'Of course, these are non-strategic
nuclear weapons. I mean these are not ICBMs with a range
of more than 5,500 kilometers and more."
Now that is news indeed!
Iran purchased nuclear bombs from Pakistan right after
the attacks of 9/11. As President Bush made it quite
clear that he was going to attack Afghanistan and the
"Axis of Evil" nations, i.e., North Korea,
Iraq and Iran.
At the time of 9/11, North
Korea possessed nuclear bombs left behind when the Cold
War collapsed the USSR, Iran was buying nuclear bombs
ready-to-shoot from Pakistan.
However, Saddam did not
possess nuclear military capability, nor did he plan
to develop such capability. North Korea's Kim is said
to have told Saddam bluntly, 'the Americans will not
invade Iraq if you have nuclear warheads which you can
rain down upon American forces.
But, Saddam did not obtain
nuclear military capability, so his nation was the only
one of the 'Axis of Evil' nations to be invaded.
However, the pertinent
question remains:
Heated public rhetoric
has filled the newspapers and radio broadcasts since
Summer, 2003, warning that Iran is nearly ready to produce
nuclear weapons and that, if she were ever to actually
produce those weapons, she would be an unacceptable
risk to her neighbors and to Israel through direct military
confrontation. Further, Iran is said to be ready to
supply global terrorists with nuclear weapons, thus
posing a risk to the United States, to Great Britain,
and to the European Union.
Peoples of the world believe
this rhetoric. Many must lie at wake during the night
worrying about nuclear warheads bursting upon their
America, on the other
hand, is pictured in the world's media as being the
most responsible power in the world when it comes to
actually using nuclear weapons in combat. Peoples of
the world believe this rhetoric. Few must lie at wake
during the night worrying about nuclear weapons being
used by the United States.
Is this public perception
We have already noted
that America is the only nation in history who actually
used nuclear bombs -- in 1945 against Japan.
Since then, her leaders
have achieved a respectable image in the minds and hearts
of the peoples of the world. Most people throughout
the world seem to be comfortable with the idea that
America has nuclear weapons and is developing new ones,
because they believe the leadership in the White House
to be responsible in the manner in which they manage
those terrible weapons.
In fact, this public perception
has allowed America to launch four Depleted
Uranium nuclear wars since since 1991 -- and
the world seems totally oblivious to this awful reality.
Let us list these wars for your education.
1991 -- Gulf War I --
George H.W. Bush was President
1999 -- Bosnia and Kosovo
in the Balkans -- William Clinton was President.
2001 -- Afghanistan --
President George W. Bush is President.
2003 -- Iraq -- President
George W. Bush is President.
The world truly
seems to be entering that stage of which Jesus foretold:
hearts failing them for fear" -- [Luke 21:26]
7. President Biden
rejected the Saudi proposal to give the Palestinians
a state carved out of Jordan.
rejects Saudi plan for Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine",
The President
then backed the "Two State" Proposal which
has been rejected by the Palestinians since the Camp
David Accords of August, 2000!
rejects Saudi plan for Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine:
"Prefers A Terrorist State of Palestine",
Canada Free Press, July 17, 2022
"President Biden’s
support for the creation of an additional Arab State
between Israel and Jordan constitutes his clear rejection
of a Saudi plan to merge Jordan, Gaza and part of the
West Bank into one territorial entity to be called “The
Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine” (“Saudi
'Two-State Solution' as Panacea Never Fades Away",
The Jewish Press, July 19, 2022
"In Jerusalem Biden
said 'the Palestinian people deserve a state of their
own that’s independent, sovereign, viable and
contiguous. Two states for two peoples, both of whom
have deep and ancient roots in this land, living side
by side in peace and security'.”
Thus, Biden thrusts the
Middle East into pursuing a "Two State Solution",
which the Palestinians have rejected since Yassir Arafat
abruptly stomped out of the August, 2000, Camp David
Accords because he rejected the concept of a Two-State
Let us go back to that
Even the July 11, 2000,
Camp David meeting, between President Clinton, Israeli
Prime Minister Barak, and Arafat, failed, even though
Arafat was offered 97% of that which he stated he wanted.
Rather than taking the 97% offer, Arafat rejected the
offer and on September 29, 2000, launched his infamous
33-month Intifada uprising.
Every attempt to "make
peace" in the Middle East has failed, for several
important reasons:
1. Bible prophecy does
not speak of any peace in the Middle East after Israel
comes back to her land as a nation, but only war (Joel
2. Arafat was not really
attempting to either make peace with Israel or get the
best result for the Palestinians
3. Here is the bottom
line: the Palestinians will NOT EVER accept a deal which
leaves Israel alive on her land. Their genocidal hatred
for Israel stretches back to Esau, 4000 years ago, and
will not end until God annihilates all Palestinians
as He prophesied 2,600 years ago in theBook
of Obadiah!
Therefore, President Biden
is plunging the entire region into a predictably failure,
and that could lead to all-out war, in which God has