Newsletter- Monday, 7/18/2023

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Critically Important News Articles - Analysis

1. The Final Propaganda Push to scare mankind into a total panic that will give birth to the Global System is finally here

Lying premise: This Earth, called 'Gaia' by secular pagans, is a living, breathing goddess whose very life is threatened by man's Industrial Civilization.

Our pollutions may one day just caused Mother Gaia to simply DIE!

"The threat of environmental crisis will be the 'international disaster key' that will unlock the New World Order."

A script is being followed!

"Their script is now written ... Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come." (Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 223)

"When we come into our kingdom...who will ever suspect that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?" (From "Behold A Pale Horse", by Milton William Cooper, Light Technology Publishing, 1991, Sedona, AZ, p. 303)

The final propaganda drive is here, and this propaganda is kicking off the final drive to the new Global System. We have been waiting for the final media drive to persuade people that we must have a fully Global Government, Economy, and Religion.

NEWS BRIEF: "Deadly heat is an alarm bell of a planet on the brink", The Post Most, The Washington Post email, 7-13-2023

"Floods, fires and deadly heat are the alarm bells of a planet on the brink ... Massive floods. Record heat. Extreme ocean temperatures. Forest fires burning out of control. Climate alarm bells are ringing all over the planet."

Satan long ago realized that not all the peoples of the world could be duped with just one monstrous lie. Therefore, Satan has always created numerous false religions, knowing that, if a person is not deceived by one lie, he might be deceived by the next one. For that reason, the world struggles under the darkness of many hundreds of false religions.

In like manner, the Illuminati must have decided that they needed multiple global crises in order to convince the vast majority of the peoples of the world to accept a dictatorial government, and a global economy and a global ecumenical religion.

Global Warming / Cooling / Climate Change -- The concept behind this global scare is simple: mankind's activities, and the pollutions from these activities, have now "thrown Mother Earth (Gaia) out of balance". This imbalance has caused the Earth to begin warming, and may reach the point where life on this planet may cease to function! Mother Gaia has already started to try to force mankind to curtail his activities, and allow a return to "balance", through increasingly deadly storms. But, since man never has taken note of Gaia's attempts, the Mother Goddess will continue to bring more and more deadly storms, until one day, she will send a killer "Superstorm" which is capable of annihilating an entire continent! The movie, "Day After Tomorrow" is most articulate in demonstrating how seriously New Age and modern Environmentalists are in viewing this scenario.

If you have not seen this movie, nor read our account, please take a few moments to read NEWS1924, "DAY AFTER TOMORROW" seems designed to revive support for the disastrous Kyoto Accords.

This movie is propaganda, not science, but today's scientists wielding Scalar Electromagnetic Technology can produce these very storms!" You will understand this Global Climate Change issue far better once you properly understand this movie.

What kinds of global environmental problems have we witnessed suddenly being expounded?

* Global Cooling, which was dropped in 1979, and replaced later by Global Warming, which was still later changed simply to "Climate Change"!

* Destruction of the Ozone Layer

* Destruction of so much Rain Forests that we will not have enough air to breathe soon

* Pollution from our Industrial Civilization that threatens man's existence. The answer to this manufactured "crisis" is to destroy our civilization. former Vice-President Al Gore makes this part of the Plan very plain in his book, "Earth In The Balance". Read it and weep, because Al Gore was Vice-President when the book published, and was a man who wielded considerable power in Government. Political Power is absolutely required to destroy our civilization, and Gore-Clinton plus Bush-Cheney possess it.

In this political vein, most American perceive that Republicans are against Global Warming, and Democrats are in support of it. Cutting Edge reported the reality in mid-2002 that this perception is totally false! In NEWS1663, entitled, "President Bush Six-Steps Americans Into Global Warming", we reported that the Bush Administration suddenly issued a report to the United Nations in which it blamed human actions for recent global warming. Conservatives and/or Republicans were incredibly angry. Rush Limbaugh was so angry he referred to President Bush as "George W. Al Gore"!

Al Gore has just been awarded an Oscar award for his documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth", in which he argues that Global Warming is now an issue which is truly threatening mankind. Immediately after the Democrat Party won control of Congress, I started posting Global Warming articles, as Democrat leaders began really sounding the alarm that man had better change his Industrial Civilization in a hurry, or Planet Earth could cease to be able to support life!

This propaganda is intense and is designed to scare the living daylights out of people.

When the Illuminati finally takes control of the world, they do not want to be in control of a world that has been emptied of its resources! They want a world which will be able to support them in a very pleasant condition for as long a time as possible; of course, they plan to continue their extravagant lifestyle. Only the "common folk" will have to go back to a primitive agricultural lifestyle. You see, in this coming New World Order, there will be only two kinds of people left alive: the Masters and the Slaves.

What is the Biblical Truth?

* God is in control and His prophecies are determining world events. "“As long as the earth continues, planting and harvest, cold and hot, summer and winter, day and night will not stop.” (Genesis 8:21-22)

The truth is two-fold: 1) God created this world and will not let it be destroyed until His destruction is at hand; 2) Jesus actively observes and controls all activity on earth in real time, making sure that everyone and everything are progressing as He desires.

All mankind cannot destroy this Earth!

But, that is not the gist of the pagan panic:

"It is true that without the population or the bomb problem, the elite would use some other excuse to bring about the New World Order. They have plans to bring about things like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, extraterrestrial landing, and economic collapse. They might bring about all of these things just to make ... sure that it does work. They will do whatever is necessary to succeed. The Illuminati has all the bases covered ... Can you imagine what would happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the shelves, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time?" [William Cooper, "Behold A Pale Horse", Page 177]

2. Mexican Drug Cartels briefly took over the section of San Francisco's drug section of the city!

President Biden and San Francisco Mayor, London Breed, lost Sovereign control over a portion of downtown San Francisco to low-life cartel drug criminals!

NEWS BRIEF: ""Honduran migrants working for Mexican cartels brazenly took over San Francisco’s drug market ", The New York Post, July 10, 2023

"Honduran migrants have taken over San Francisco’s drug market with the aid and blessing of Mexican cartels ... The Hondurans work on the front lines distributing to users, capitalizing on the lax immigration and crime policies of the California sanctuary city..."

"They operate brazen open-air markets in the in city’s notoriously blighted Tenderloin and South of Market neighborhoods, where they have squeezed competition out through their highly-coordinated organization and sheer numbers,"

In neighborhoods where they have established full control, they act like normal citizens.

"The migrants often commute to their street-dealing posts via public transportation and 'conduct business like they’re going to a job', San Francisco Mayor London Breed told the outlet."

How bad is it?

" '[I]n San Francisco, it’s like you’re here in Honduras', an anonymous dealer told the Chronicle. 'The law, because they don’t deport, that’s the problem … Many look for San Francisco because it’s a sanctuary city. You go to jail and you come out'.”

Now we know the truth: these lax and liberal policies destroy the livelihoods and the quality of life as we know it here in America.

Now it is plain: these destructive policies were enacted with the most flowery language that hides a policy straight out of the Pit of Hell.

"On average, the outlet found, jail sentences for drug dealing lasted 168 days."

A review of the once beautiful downtown is sickening -- "The Wages of Sin is death" (James 1:15).

NEWS BRIEF: "Downtown S.F. on the brink: It’s worse than it looks", San Francisco Chronicle, June 10, 2023

3. What would the world look like if China was successful in invading Taiwan?

NEWS BRIEF: "The world after a successful Chinese invasion of Taiwan", Taipei Times, July 14, 2023

"Nuclear weapons would proliferate. Global trade would end. The semiconductor industry would be destroyed or come under the control of an expansionist and authoritarian regime. Democracies would face a crisis of legitimacy and the alliance system developed and led by the US since World War II would be shattered."

"It makes for grim reading. "

" 'Put bluntly', editors David Santoro and Ralph Cossa write in the introduction, 'today neither the US government nor allied governments (let alone the respective publics) have sufficiently assessed the strategic implications of a successful PRC invasion of Taiwan. There is still a lack of urgency about the severity and gravity of this problem and the impact for them, the region and the world, should the island of Taiwan fall into Chinese hands.”

"...we discuss some of the major points expressed by the analysts from Japan, South Korea, the EU, Australia and India. "


"If Taiwan is taken, these experts reason, the US did not provide meaningful support, so “the confidence of regional countries in the US willingness to commit to regional security will collapse.”

"Japan and other allies of the US (begin) shifting towards China’s sphere of influence in an emerging bipolar Asia-Pacific.

* "China could attack Japan and the 50,000 US troops stationed there, which would further undermine trust in a Japanese-US security alliance."

* "Chinese military activities will become more active than they are today in the Taiwan Strait, the East China Sea, the Western Pacific and the South China Sea, where 90 percent of Japan’s crude and 60 percent of its natural gas are transported through...there are no Self-Defense Force bases or camps on the Izu Islands or the Bonin Islands."

* "With regards to semiconductor technology, the economic impact will not only be serious for Japan, but for the world as a whole. Thirty-three percent of the semiconductors used in Japan are imported from Taiwan. Tokyo also depends heavily on Taiwan for high-performance logic semiconductors that cannot be manufactured in Japan, while Taiwan currently accounts for 92 percent of the most advanced semiconductor manufacturing in the world. "

Repeating: "Taiwan currently accounts for 92 percent of the most advanced semiconductor manufacturing in the world"!


Even worse, Taiwan’s loss after US military intervention would be a catastrophic blow to the interests of the US and probably represent the end of a free and open Indo-Pacific, as US influence in the region wanes in favor of China’s expansionism... a successful invasion and occupation of Taiwan would force Australia to reconsider whether the US could live up to its security commitments to Canberra."


"... many in South Korea would believe that Washington could no longer be trusted to live up to its security guarantees. A conservative government in Seoul could begin serious discussions on ways to develop nuclear weapons. An isolationist government in Washington could add weight to Seoul’s decision to go nuclear. "

The script for a nuclear war in Korea has already been publicized: "Their script is now written ... Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. Most of the main actors ... have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come." [Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script" , p. 252]

"Taiwan’s fall would likely embolden North Korea to be more aggressive, both politically and militarily — especially if the US committed its 25,000 troops based in South Korea to a Taiwan contingency — regardless of the aforementioned two actions." (Emphasis added)


"The potential consequences of conflict over Taiwan “may have a direct impact on European security and prosperity,” and lead to a “redefinition of the international order ... [and] a fundamental attack on the international legal order that the EU has committed to uphold”

"... every European capital would suffer from a war over Taiwan as the global economy would 'nosedive'... Brussels needs to start preparing for a Taiwan invasion, which starts with limiting any kind of dependencies on China, including in the technological, economic and financial realms."


"It remains somewhat of a default position in India that the US cannot be relied on and that in the case of any outbreak in hostilities with China, India would be on its own,” writes Jacob, associate professor at the Shiv Nadar University and an adjunct research fellow at the National Maritime Foundation."

Perhaps these consequences are the reason the Chinese have not attacked yet.

4. Will there actually be a 2024 Election?

NEWS BRIEF: "Will There Be a 2024 Election?", Canada Free Press, July 10, 2023

"Biden says he is running for re-election, yet shows no sign of any campaign...strange. If you believe the polling ... The Democrats have finally decided that Biden's and Harris' usefulness is coming to an end. They need a new team that can take direction...a direction to a New World Order where we become just a cog in a big wheel. No more Bill of Rights or Constitution. The Left is convinced that we are not deserving to be a free and powerful nation any longer...too many past sins. But, that is just a feint."

"... the globalist plan is to develop a Chinese-style socialist system using AI, synthetic biology, metaverse (virtual reality), and digital currency that will forever destroy privacy to become, as the globalists have said (using a Nazi accent) 'masters of the world'...not you, the globalists."

" In just over two years, the Democrats have turned the United States into a third-world country with nukes. It's almost as if they have called upon the demons of Hell to guide their every move."

"The Democrats must win the coming 2024 election. They know it. You must understand it. Everything they have worked for these past many years hinges on it. Trump cannot be president again. The Democrats and RINO Republicans have committed too many crimes, too many acts of treason. It's now a matter of saving their own skins. "

"If the elections become unavoidable, they will 'fix' the elections in the 6 or 7 battleground states as they did in 2020."

Methinks the Media is pointing us all in the meaningless wrong direction where we are depending on election results.

After all, Former President Barack Obama bragged, "Thank God we Democrats control the voting machines"!

"America is a problem to the globalists. It is a free nation with a half billion guns in private hands and a trillion rounds of ammunition."

5. The Christian movie "Sound of Freedom" jolts to #1!

NEWS BRIEF: " ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie Soars to $83 Million as ‘Dead Reckoning’ Slips", Breitbart News, 16 July 2023

"Sound of Freedom is no flash in the pan. In its second weekend, the Angel Studios’ phenomenon grossed another $24.7 million, which is an astonishing 26 percent increase over its debut weekend. Currently, THE MOVIE DISNEY DUMPED sits at $83.2 million."

"Never forget that the Disney Grooming Syndicate owned Sound of Freedom and then tried to disappear it ... Obviously, a demonic company like Disney, a company dedicated to grooming kids by sexualizing children’s content with homosexuality, transsexuals, drag queens, and transvestites, does not want anything to do with a movie that depicts the sex trafficking of children as a bad thing. "

"Disney is determined to normalize sex with children .... This is what happens to a studio when it becomes a slave to identity politics, fetishes, and perversions."

Disney has been a star in the campaign to destroy Christian/American values so that the United States can meld into a global government and a strong supporter of the coming Masonic Messiah (Biblical Antichrist)

All secular Hollywood movies turned in despicable numbers!

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In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus specifically taught His disciples to pray, "...deliver us from evil."

While we here in the United States have enjoyed a relatively peaceful existence, it seems that the Gates of Hell were opened in 2020, and the citizens of this country (and all of humanity for that matter) have been assaulted on every side by the oppressive forces of evil from the spiritual realm.  It has gotten so bad that even secular individuals are publicly proclaiming that we are under attack from evil spiritual forces.  Cutting Edge Ministries has produced this teaching series to give all who are seeking the truth answers as to where the attacks originate and to provide a path for victory over Evil.

This first installment introduces the student to the issues and opens the Word of God to educate as to the origins of the evil perpetrated on mankind. In this first lesson, we will look at the biblical accounts of primordial evil that picture Leviathan and other dragon-like representations of evil forces named in Scripture.  We will then look at the first rebellion outlined in the Bible with the Fall of Satan and the Fall of Man.

Run Time 1 hour 54 minutes Watch Trailer

DVD - Summary:

Enemies Within: The Church is an educational, historical, and evidence-based movie experience that provokes a passionate return to orthodox Christian faithfulness across the western world. As is necessary for such a wonderful turn toward Christ, the movie heralds a clarion call for Christians to turn away from popular, yet errant beliefs held in contradiction to carefully interpreted Holy Scriptures. - Run Time 2 hours 20 minutes

About the Film Enemies Within: The Church is much more than a mere movie. It is also an invitation for believers of every denominational stripe to employ a proven Biblical recipe capable of producing restored strength and blessing for all who answer. Specifically, the movie encourages the Church to cleanse itself from contamination imposed by cultural Marxism and a heretical teaching known as “The Social Justice Gospel.” By hearing the exchanges between the movie's host and experts interviewed around the world, viewers are provided with a bright light shining upon truths formerly hidden behind the shadows of shallow pop-culture.

In the end, the audience is pointed toward a hope- filled and practical action plan that produces solutions found only in and through the royal Law of Christ. The movie elucidates the fact that every single problem faced by western civilization is, ultimately, a theological problem, and every solution to every problem is a theological absolute. It answers the question: “What happened to living, powerful, trans formative, nation- shaking Christianity?”

Read Full Description

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The Satanic War on the Christian: The Protection From Satan and Demons (DVD) Billy Crone
As a born-again Christian, the moment you got saved you entered into a spiritual war against a demonic host, whose sole purpose is to destroy you and extinguish your effectiveness for Jesus Christ. This is the Satanic war on the Christian, and it’s been raging for the last 6,000 years. But the problem is many Christians, even churches, refuse to talk about it, let alone equip others who are in the midst of it.

This study, The Satanic War on the Christian, not only reveals the shocking reality of the supernatural battle we’re in as Christians, but it also exposes the seductive weapons, traps, and attacks the devil and his evil emissaries use against us to keep us from becoming a mighty army for Almighty God.

5 DVD set

Christ and His 12 Apostles made history – and benefited mankind for centuries to come. It’s just as possible that Satan, always a flawed imitator of God, used the services of his own 12 Apostates, in perpetrating his crimes on Earth.
Author Lubrett Hargrove has pinpointed 12 men in Bible history, who “turned from the truth,” and just may have qualified to be one of Satan’s 12 apostates.

Readers will better comprehend the complexity and dangers of the modern world in light of the cautionary tales of these men who turned from the truth and joined Satan’s forces.

Now is the time to decide whose side we are on.

191 pages


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May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries

What Must I Do To Be Saved