Tuesday, 7/16/2019
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Prayer Covering
Please cover my son, Daniel
Bay, in your prayers on July 26 at 10AM, when he undergoes
surgery to extract all four of his Wisdom Teeth. This
surgery is complicated in that one of the teeth has
a nerve wrapped around it, so the doctor must skillfully
unwind the nerve before he can pull out the tooth.
So pray that the Holy
Spirit grants this doctor skill so that he does not
make matters worse for young Danny.
Thank you all so very
much for your generous giving, which covered the operation
and will cover post-surgery needs. Unless complications
develop which require Danny to be admitted to the hospital.
May Jesus Richly Bless
All of You,
David Bay, Director

the Truth and Direction of the Word of God" DVD
2 - Are We Building The Kingdom of God?
This DVD contains
the second installment of a study of the Kingdom of
God that traverses the entirety of Scripture. As the
study continues from Disc 1, we will be looking into
the Word of God to ascertain the role of todays Christians
in the construction of Gods Kingdom.
* We will discuss
the New Covenant that God will make with the House of
Israel as introduced by the prophet Jeremiah.
* We will then
conclude the study in the Old Testament with a summation
that lays the groundwork for and foretells of the coming
Messiah, King of Israel, that will rule over the entire
earth---both Jews and Gentiles.
* The Gospel of
Matthew presents Jesus as the King for whom the Jews
have long been awaiting
* We will learn
of Jesus' bona fide offer of the Kingdom to First Century
Israel, their rejection of the Kingdom, and their execution
of their King.
* We will traverse
a path that reveals the mysteries of the parables into
the book of Acts, and ultimately to the Book of Revelation---the
book that details the Kingdom of God on Earth.
* We study the
misapplication of Scripture, the perverting of Scripture,
and the outright redaction of the Inspired Word of God
that is leading to a general gross misunderstanding
of the Kingdom of God in the Church Age.
This message will
prove to be indispensable to your understanding of Jesus'
role in the foretold Millennial Reign. Run Time 1 hour
50 minutes.
Only $19.99, Will
be shipping July 31 --

We Building The Kingdom of God? Vol 1 DVD
Mac Dominick
* What is the Kingdom
of God?
* Who are the Watchers
and the sons of God
and how do they fit in with Building the Kingdom of
* Are we now living in the Kingdom of God?
* Is the Church the Kingdom of God?
This study begins before Genesis, in Eternity Past,
and continues through the Book of Revelation, and will
be absolutely critical in maturing your faith at this
End of the Age.
Isaiah 9:6-7 is the logical
starting point for this study. Jesus Christ is revealed
* The coming ruler of World Government.
* His government shall rule from Jerusalem from the
lineage of the Throne of David.
* His government shall rule FOREVER.
* He shall be Mighty God.
* He shall rule with eternal Justice and Peace.
* Christians today must
focus their gaze upon this final wonderful ruler and
His kingdom, because this world is going to have to
go through an unparalleled tyrannical kingdom of Antichrist
and of God's judgment upon all mankind. No matter how
awful events are going to get, remember, you are not
home yet!
In the ultimate analysis,
who builds God's Kingdom on Earth? Human Church leaders
or Jesus Christ?
Only $19.99, 2 hours long

Critical News
Headlines -- End of the Age
1. Iran continued
to ratchet up tensions in the Gulf by forcing an oil
supertanker from UAE to divert to Iranian waters.
Iran also continues
to stir the pot of war against Israel, using her proxy
forces. War rhetoric fills the air.
2. As domestic
political warfare continues unabated, we suddenly hear
the drumbeats of the USMCA (NAFTA) agreement.
Can the issue
of illegal immigrants from Mexico be intertwined with
the issue of forming a new supernation which includes
3. President Trump
uttered a personal feeling felt by many patriotic Americans,
when he stated that people who have come to America
from overseas need to go back if they are truly unhappy
Immediately, the
President was hit by charges of "Racist",
the overused and tiring label thrown at anyone who disagrees
with a Leftist today.
4. President Trump
won an important Federal Court case on Sanctuary Cities.
He can, indeed,
withhold funds and services from cities, counties, and
states who break the law by not cooperating with ICE.
5. Donald Trump
became aware of the Jeffrey Epstein - Bill Clinton connection
as early as 2015, but decided to hold his information
until the timing was politically correct!
Underage girls
victimized by Epstein and his powerfully connected friends
are providing much detail as to his system of predatory
6. One of the
major signs that a society is coming apart is when lawmakers
become major lawbreakers!
The Leftist Democrat
Party is leading the way!

Terror of the Lord: Understanding ALL of God's Attributes"
Regularly $16.99,
Now Only $14.99
The Christian Church has
neglected to balance the teaching of Gods love with
the equally important truth that He will judge each
person who has ever lived. However, the pendulum of
emphasis has swung to the side of His love and mercy
for a long time.
But the pendulum needs to swing back. Not all the way
to a judgmental and legalistic God, but to a balanced
expression of His personality. There needs to be a declaration
of His terror by those who know Him to those who know
Him not. We who know Him are neglecting to warn people
of the consequences of taking God too lightly.
Unbelievers have always
had a reckless attitude toward God. That is no surprise.
But Christians today are doing the same. We are living
in an era of self-serving motivations. Even in Christian
society, we don't want to lay ourselves down for the
good of others. The idea of self-denial has become virtually
obsolete. Anything that God would truly have us do we
see as an annoying inconvenience. We shun Gods ordained
opportunities to be included in His marvelous work of
saving lost people from an eternal hell.
Whole congregations attend
church Sunday after Sunday without ever hearing words
like sin, judgment, and hell. Ministers and leaders
teach year after year, never touching on phrases like
'the anger of the Lord' and 'the fear of the Lord'.
We teach too lightly, preach too lightly, pray too lightly,
and the result is the world takes God too lightly .
Even the secular world is noticing this lack of fervor
by the church.
The Tennessean newspaper
ran a troubling headline on an Easter Sunday morning,
way back in 1992. It read: 'Hells Not a Hot Topic Right
Now.' Rest assured, Hell is as hot as it has ever been.
Its the preaching that has cooled. If preachers wont
preach about Hell, who will? If the churches wont warn
sinners about Hell, who will?
One of the greatest sermons
ever preached was titled 'Sinners in the Hands of an
Angry God[', delivered by Jonathan Edwards. Edwards
began his sermon with the verse from Deut. 32:35: Their
foot shall slide in due time . . . (King James Version).
where are these sermons today? Where are these preachers
today? As Ravenhill so profoundly stated in his book,
Why Revival Tarries: 'We have too many dead men in the
pulpits giving out too many dead sermons to too many
dead people.'
171 pages,
Uses only King James Version
Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age

1. Iran continued
to ratchet up tensions in the Gulf by forcing an oil
supertanker from UAE to divert to Iranian waters.
NEWS BRIEF: "Missing
UAE tanker suspected taken to Iranian port",
DEBKAfile, July 16,
"US and Gulf security
sources reported Tuesday that the UAE's MT RIAH
oil tanker has not been sighted since it went missing
over the weekend ... according to US intelligence sources,
the UAE tanker was forced by Revolutionary Guards boats
to sail into an Iranian port and break off communications.
The missing tanker was last seen off the Iranian Qeshm
Island in the Persian Gulf."
Iran also continues
to stir the pot of war against Israel, using her proxy
forces. War rhetoric fills the air.
NEWS BRIEF: "Locally
Made Cruise Missiles, Ballistic Missiles, Drones Unveiled
At Houthi Military Exhibition:
'Death To America, Death To Israel, May The Jews Be
Cursed', " MEMRI News Analysis,
July 12, 2019
"The President of
the Supreme Political Council, Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat
– who is also the supreme commander of the armed
forces – opened today a military exhibition for
Yemen's military industries that is named after the
martyr Saleh Al-Samad. The exhibit showcases ballistic
and cruise missiles, as well as new drones."
"Yemeni Experts Have
Developed 'Ballistic Surface-To-Air Missiles', 'Short-Range,
Medium-Range, And Long-Range' Surface-To-Surface Missiles,
And Drones ... The ballistic surface-to-air missiles
are the strategic deterrent force of the Republic of
Yemen. They are the long arm of the Republic of Yemen,
and they are meant to strike large strategic targets
in the countries of the aggression."
I personally believe that
this missile capability of Yemen was not developed by
Yemen internally, but imported into the country by Iran.
Saudi Arabia invaded Yemen in March, 2015, with the
stated aim of restoring President Abd Rabbuh Mansur
When the Saudi military
offensive penetrated only a short distance into Yemen,
Saudi rulers put out a panicked call for allied Arab
states to commit forces; this shrill call for help revealed
a very critical shortfall in the Saudi military. While
she had fancy tanks, helicopters and fighter jets, she
had not built up a truck transport fleet which could
keep her fancy military toys re-supplied during an intense
And, of course, Yemen
realized this shortcoming immediately and began arming
Yemeni forces with the kind of weaponry described above.
In other words, Iran will
use the proxy force of Yemen to wrest control of oil
fields and shipping facilities, and the Islamic sacred
area known as Mecca and Medina from the Saudi's! Just
like this map illustrates.
Just as we reveal in the
DVD shown above, "Bringing
Saudi Arabia Down Without Destroying The World Economy"!

Not to be outdone, Palestinian
leaders threatened to "slaughter Jews" worldwide.
official calls on Palestinians across the globe to 'slaughter
Jews', Adara Press,
"This senior Hamas
official makes it plain. The war against Israel has
never been about land, or territory…or the ‘liberation'
of the fictional ‘country of Palestine.'
"It's always
been about the extermination of the Jews."
Then, his rhetoric becomes
supernaturally heated.
" 'There are Jews
everywhere', Hammad shouted. 'We must attack every Jew
on planet Earth! We must slaughter and kill them, with
Allah's help', he said ... "
Do not be deceived: God
is not mocked and He is aware of every murderous thought
on Earth uttered against His people. Listen:
"Shall I not in that
day, saith the Lord, even destroy the wise men out of
Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau (Palestinians)?
And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the
end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off
by slaughter." (Obadiah 8-9, KJV)
Now God addresses the
issue of the Palestinian hatred of the Jew, which began
2,600 years ago.
"For thy violence
against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and
thou shalt be cut off for ever ... But thou shouldest
not ... have rejoiced over the children of Judah in
the day of their destruction ... yea, thou shouldest
not have looked on their affliction in the day of their
calamity." (Obadiah 12-13, KJV)
"For the day of the
Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done,
it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return
upon thine own head." (Obadiah 15, KJV)
This verse brings us squarely
back to this senior Hamas official. His threat against
all Jews worldwide and his call to slaughter them will
"return upon (his) own head"!
Listen to the slaughter
God prophesied upon the Palestinians at the End of the
Age: "... the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and
the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for
stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them;
and there shall not be any remaining of the house of
Esau; for the Lord hath spoken it.: (Obadiah 18, KJV)
Sound the alarm, because
the threat by the Palestinians to slaughter all Jews
is about to unfold! We tell the full story in the DVD
shown above, "Israel's
Annihilation of the Palestinians"!
We have also recently updated this DVD to include a
Biblical teaching on the full nature of God's attributes.
Both secular and religious people are totally unaware
of this devastating prophecy. When it does occur, you
and I who are aware of this prophecy, will have to step
forward to explain to a very angry world why this happened,
pointing out that God has graciously given the Palestinians
2,600 years of warning to stop hating His people.
Finally, this DVD ends
with a pictorial Plan of Salvation, so this DVD is a
Soul-Winning tool!

2. As domestic
political warfare continues unabated, we suddenly hear
the drumbeats of the USMCA (NAFTA) agreement.
Mark Walker Calls On House Democrats To Pass USMCA ",
One America News, July 12, 2019
"Rep. Mark Walker
spoke to One America's Patrick Hussion about the
recent split among House Democrats as a more progressive
group gains more of a public following. Meanwhile, House
Republicans are pushing for more border security as
well as the importance of the USMCA trade deal."
Notice how this congressman
links border security with the creation of the United
States / Mexico / Canada Agreement ( USMCA)!
Can the issue
of illegal immigrants from Mexico be intertwined with
the issue of forming a new supernation which includes
The prophecies in Daniel
are quite clear in predicting that the world in the
last days of time, during the 7-year Tribulation Period,
will be reorganized into 10 Super Nation States, or
10 Regions. Today, there are over 170 sovereign nations
in the world. A new governmental structure is being
silently erected over these 170+ sovereign nations Before
our very eyes, a new government is being erected; this
plan, originally published in 1974 in "Mankind
At The Turning Point", is being implemented.
And when it is finally implemented, it will fulfill
this Biblical prophecy of 10 Nations at the End of the
Therefore, you see, NAFTA
is not simply an economic super nation; rather, it is
the political Nation #1 of this 10 Nation New World
Order. Very few people understand this, because they
have been falsely conditioned by our national leadership,
aided by our national mass media. No one has ever explained
this before. Now, you can understand why Presidents
as seemingly dissimilar in world view, style and philosophy
as Presidents George H.W. Bush and William Clinton could
support the creation of NAFTA. President George H.W.
Bush began the push to create NAFTA, but was unable
to see it created before he left office. President Clinton
supported NAFTA, even though he opposed nearly every
other thing for which Bush stood. The Clinton/Bush team
pressured Congress to pass NAFTA in 1993. At that point,
NAFTA more resembled a Free Trade Zone than a new sovereign
nation. That was the plan, as the Elite figured it would
be easier to pass a Free Trade Zone than a new supernation,
where each individual nation would be force to surrender
their sovereignty.
And, now President Trump
is advancing this 2,500-year-old prophecy under the
guise of "negotiating and better deal"! Therefore,
since Conservative / Christian opposition to this new
supernation is most vociferous, and most effective,
in preventing it from happening, it is very significant
that this supernaton is being advocated by a Conservative
President admired by many Christians.
Truly, as was the case
in 1970, when Conservative Republican President Richard
M. Nixon disavowed Taiwan so he could recognize China,
so today only a Conservative Republican President supported
by many Christians could have brought Supernation #1
-- Canada, United States and Mexico -- into this prophetic
Indeed, I have long believed
that leading Americans into this new Supernation was
THE most important reason that Donald Trump became President
at all. Those of you who have been reading Cutting Edge
for a long time will remember that I was warning of
this scenario back in the Fall of 2016, while the campaign
was still raging.
President Trump uttered a personal feeling felt by many
patriotic Americans, when he stated that people who
have come to America from overseas need to go back if
they are truly unhappy here.
to Democrat ‘Squad':
‘Why Don't They Go Back and Help Fix the
… Places from Which They Came',"
Breitbart News, 14 July 2019
"President Donald
Trump taunted the Democrats' so-called "Squad"
— the four far-left first-term representatives
— on Sunday morning, telling them to go back and
fix the places they came from before telling the rest
of the country what to do."
" 'So interesting
to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally
came from countries whose governments are a complete
and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept
anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning
government at all), now loudly and viciously telling
the people of the United States, the greatest and most
powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be
run. Why don't they go back and help fix the totally
broken and crime infested places from which they came.
Then come back and show us how it is done. These places
need your help badly ..."
"Trump's remarks
seemed primarily directed at Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN),
who is from Somalia. On Friday, Omar said the president
'shouldn't be in office', responding to his similar
criticism of her, after questions from reporters."
I guarantee you that President
Trump hit a real nerve of support amongst Patriotic
Americans every where! One of the most important reasons
Donald Trump is so popular is that he believes what
we believe and he is not shy about stating these beliefs.
Immediately, the
President was hit by charges of "Racist",
the overused and tiring label thrown at anyone who disagrees
with a Leftist today.
NEWS BRIEF: "Liberals
Rage Over Trump Tweet: But Here's The Truth",
Sons of 1776, July 15, 2019
"... In recent months,
the media has spent a large portion of its time celebrating
newcomers to Congress. These progressive, left-wing
politicians—such as AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida
Tlaib—have accomplished nothing in the few months
they've been in office. Nothing good, at least
... They have a reputation for insulting the United
States, American citizens, and our way of life. Several
of these women, as well as their allies, have come from
foreign countries. They and their families fled to America
for a better life. Yet now, as representatives, they
trash our country and push an agenda that would ruin
our economy and freedoms."
Yet, these women are embraced
and upheld by the Democrat Party.
"Woah. Those are
some strong words. Yet he makes a good point. Many of
these congresswomen come from countries that horribly
mistreat women. Countries that don't protect their
citizens' rights (like free speech or freedom
of religion). Their economies are in the gutter, not
to mention the rampant crime ... These women play the
race or gender card to get attention, but they've
done nothing to make America a better place."
"Hollywood celebs
and Democrats in D.C. spewed the same, tired attacks
against Trump. Not once did they call out these congresswomen
for bashing our country. Nor did they acknowledge the
fact that women like Ilhan and Tlaib are do-nothings
in Washington.
"But the painful
reality is that, once again, Trump is right. And internal
polls from the Democratic Party prove Americans aren't
too happy with these women either. Ocasio-Cortez was
recognized by 74% of voters in the poll; 22% had a favorable
view," Axios reported. "Rep. Ilhan Omar
of Minnesota — another member of The Squad —
was recognized by 53% of the voters; 9% (not a typo)
had a favorable view."
"Ouch, those are
dismal numbers. I mean, even third parties have better
numbers than that. In fact, the poll went on to say
that if voters keep hearing about terrible AOC and her
allies in Congress, Democrats are going to lose big
in 2020."
4. President Trump
won an important Federal Court case on Sanctuary Cities.
DOJ scores rare win on sanctuary city crackdown in appeals
court', Fox News, July 13, 2019
"President Trump
notched a win on Friday in a federal appeals court,
which upheld a Department of Justice method for cracking
down on sanctuary cities ... In a 2-1 decision that
overturns a nationwide injunction, the DOJ is now allowed
to give preferential treatment for community policing
grants to cities that don't defy federal immigration
He can, indeed,
withhold funds and services from cities, counties, and
states who break the law by not cooperating with ICE.
"Judges Sandra Ikuta
and Jay Bybee, who ruled in the DOJ's favor, were appointees
of President George W. Bush."
5. Donald Trump
became aware of the Jeffrey Epstein - Bill Clinton connection
as early as 2015, but decided to hold his information
until the timing was politically correct!
Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years: Knew
About Clinton Island Photos", Tea
Party News, July 15, 2019
"President Donald
Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker
Jeffrey Epstein's elite inner circle during the
2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National
Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump's comment
at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein
Robert Mueller is possibly
implicated as well.
"Documents released
by the FBI pertaining to Clinton-connected pedophile
Jeffrey Epstein show that the known child predator had
a professional relationship with then-FBI Director Robert
S. Mueller."
But, there is more! Evidently,
the government of Florida had cut a slanderous deal
with Epstein.
"Epstein has also
provided information to the FBI as agreed upon,"
says one of the court documents. "Case agent advised
that no federal prosecution will occur in this matter
as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement
with the state of Florida."
How immoral is this agreement
between the Federal Government and the filthy rich Epstein?
The government spares this child molester justice and
refrains from removing him from society so that he cannot
molest and rape other young girls?
God has seen all this
occur, and He has noted that the highest level of officials
were taking advantage of this exceedingly sinful set-up
which Epstein had created that facilitated nonstop orgies
with underage girls.
Listen to God as He talks
about the factors which lead to His ultimate destruction
of the United States of America.
"... Babylon the
great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation
of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a
cage of every unclean and hateful bird ... For her sins
have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her
iniquities ... " (Revelation 18:2, 5, KJV)
God's judgment will be
"Reward her even
as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according
to her works ... Therefore shall her plagues come in
one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall
be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord
God who judgeth her." (Revelation 18:6-8, KJV)
Underage girls
victimized by Epstein and his powerfully connected friends
are providing much detail as to his system of predatory
NEWS BRIEF: "Epstein
Sexual Abuse Victim On President Clinton: "There
Was Sexual Conduct And Foreplay… And A Bed On
Epstein's Jet", Tea Party News,
July 15, 2019
"... Bill Clinton
flew on Epstein's plane 27 times and ALMOST EVERY
TIME that Clinton was on the plane there were underage
girls on the plane ... Sarnoff told RT the abused girls
were all under the age of 16-years-old. Sarnoff then
read from her book on victim Virginia Roberts who told
the judge during court proceedings that Epstein had
several prominent clients."
"Towards the end
of that testimony he asked her about former President
Bill Clinton. And she says that there, that there was
sexual conduct and foreplay and there was a bed on Epstein's
jet ... She placed former president Clinton on the island
where Jeffrey Epstein has his residence."
Senators who refused to convict President
Clinton should be very ashamed, for they allowed a sexual
predator to leave the Oval Office a free man so he could
continue a predator as a private citizen connected tightly
to Jeffrey Epstein!
One of the major signs that a society is coming apart
is when lawmakers become major lawbreakers!
Peace In The Valley When Lawmakers Become Lawbreakers",
Canada Free Press, July 14, 2019
"Today's eerie early
morning calm is bound to turn into an all-out melée
as immigration activists take to the streets, knowing
that any violence that results can always be blamed
on the Trump administration ... "
"An ICE deportation
warrant is not the same as a search warrant,"
Pelosi said at a press conference. "If that is
the only document ICE brings to a home raid, agents
do not have the legal right to enter a home. If ICE
agents don't have a warrant signed by a judge,
a person may refuse to open the door and let them in,"
Pelosi continued."
"Lt. Col. Allen West
Says ‘Pelosi Just ... Committed a High Crime and
Misdemeanor ... bordered on treason ...' He is
likely right"!
No country can long survive
once individuals who have sworn an oath to uphold the
law, are themselves violating the law and encouraging
others to do the same.
The Leftist Democrat
Party is leading the way!