"The Jubilee (Hayovel
in Hebrew) is a Biblical commandment that is observed exclusively
in the land of Israel. It is the fiftieth year that comes
after a period seven sabbaticals. The year triggers a number
of Biblical commandments concerning property rights and
returning the land to its original inheritors, the Jews
who were allocated the land by lottery. Debts were forgiven
and slaves who sold themselves due to debt were set free."

The overwhelming understanding
of any practical reading of the prophecy of Obadiah 15-18
is that, once God uses Israel to annihilate the Palestinians,
all the land previously claimed by them will cease to exist;
all that land will instantly revert back to the original
Jewish owner.
In the DVD shown right, we
note that stark prophecy in Obadiah 15-18 and then we detail
how complete Israel's military and civilian preparations
have been to carry out the prophesied "Destruction
by Fire" as dictated by Obadiah.
Now, we see that Orthodox
Jewry is declaring a Jubilee Year, a Biblically mandated
commandment which demands that all land sold in the previous
49 years will be returned to its original Jewish owner!
Last week, we reported that
the Elite has just set in motion their plan
to produce the False Prophet and the One-World Religion.
Now, this week, the Sanhedrin has announced Israel's first
Jubilee Year of the modern era.
Can you hear the horses hooves
of the Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Christian, look up, for your
Redemption draweth nigh!
This year of the "Feast
of Trumpets" (Rosh Hashana) begins October 2 and lasts
through October 4. Might this be the year when God calls
His people home on the "last Trumpet call"?
Liberal Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, may
be aiding Donald Trump greatly in his race for the Presidency!
She "pulls no
punches" in denigrating Trump. Is he the very "Devil"?
NEWS BRIEF: "Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg intensifies criticism of Trump:
'He is a faker'," CNN News, July 13, 2016
"Washington (CNN)Supreme
Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's well-known candor was
on display in her chambers late Monday, when she declined
to retreat from her earlier criticism of Donald Trump and
even elaborated on it. 'He is a faker', she said of the
presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point
by point, as if presenting a legal brief. 'He has no consistency
about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment.
He really has an ego'."
This criticism was not the
first from Justice Ginsburg.
"I can't imagine what
this place would be -- I can't imagine what the country
would be -- with Donald Trump as our president," she
had said in the Times interview published Monday."
As expected, Donald Trump
quickly responded.
" 'Justice Ginsburg of
the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very
dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot - resign!'
Trump tweeted."
Ruth Ginsberg is widely known
as the epitome of Liberalism in America today. Criticism
from her might hand several millions of votes to Trump in
the November election! Keep her talking, CNN!
Finally, Bernie Sanders withdraws from the race for President,
and endorses Hillary Clinton.
Sanders Endorses Democratic Rival Hillary Clinton",
NPR News, July 12, 2016
"Bernie Sanders endorsed
Hillary Clinton for president today at a high school gym
in Portsmouth, N.H., and so began the process of uniting
the Democratic Party ahead of the general election ... Before
the candidates took the stage, the event had the feel of
a wedding where the families are unsure. There were supporters
in the gear of their candidates and clashing chants of Hillary
and Bernie."
"SANDERS: I have come
here to make it as clear as possible as to why I am endorsing
Hillary Clinton ... Sanders went through a series of policy
positions where he and Clinton agree and praised the Democratic
Party platform hammered out last weekend as by far the most
progressive platform in the history of the party ... Our
job now is to see that platform implemented by a Democratically
controlled Senate... A Democratically controlled House...
And a Hillary Clinton presidency."
Hillary responded by enunciating
her key platform issues, and sounded rather plastic. As
usual, the passion and the heart belonged to Bernie Sanders.
As we have stated before,
Bernie was supposed to be Hillary's token candidate in the
Democrat Primaries, easily paving the way for Hillary to
"win" the nomination.
But, no one ever understood
that there seem to be as many really angry Liberal Democrats
as Trump has proven to be in the Conservative Republican
ranks. Just as Trump represented the "Anybody but the
Establishment, so Sanders represented the "Anybody
but the Establishment" (Hillary)!
Can Donald Trump appeal
to the really "angry" Sander's voters? At least
persuading them to not go vote?
just needs 'angry' Sanders voters to win",
CNBC News, July 12, 2016
"Now that Senator Bernie
Sanders is effectively dropping out of the presidential
race and endorsing Hillary Clinton, what's Donald Trump's
best strategy for courting the former Sanders voters? "
Most of you might think that
Trump can do nothing to appeal to the former Sanders voters.
This Liberal journalist thinks otherwise.
"I've already made the
case that Trump can grab a very small but still significant
number of Sanders' supporters simply because he is now the
only 'change' candidate still standing. And Trump is pulling
no punches today, already expressing his 'surprise' and
accusing Sanders of selling out by joining the 'rigged system'."
"That kind of sharp rhetoric
makes sense because the one kind of Sanders voter Trump
is most likely to have a shot at co-opting is the angry
voter who believes both parties have sold out a large segment
of the public for decades. These angrier voters will also
tend to be a bit older than the average Sanders backer,
who tended to be younger and more idealistic as opposed
to being 'angry'."
"That group is the Trump
campaign's sweet spot. This is a portion of the voters that
is likely to favor Trump's attacks on NAFTA, TPP, and other
trade deals. And in a union-heavy state like Michigan, union
leaders have already acknowledged that Trump's message resonates
with a lot of their rank and file despite the leadership's
support for Clinton. Michigan hasn't gone for the Republicans
in a presidential election since 1988, but the primaries
proved the pollsters underestimated Clinton's weaknesses
This election might be very
interesting, and Trump may well be the one Republican who
can return the White House to the GOP after two full terms
of a Democrat occupying the Oval Office.