Wednesday 7/12/2017
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Must I Do To Be Saved?
New DVD's!
Real Clash of Titans DVD"
(5) Hours Long, Only $19.99
Bible stories you've known since
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and the importance of holy mountains to the rebels who
conspire to steal the throne of God.
Satanists today continue this
goal of storming the Throne of God after beating Jesus
Christ at the Battle of Armageddon! At this point, the
ultimate battle as shown in Daniel, Chapter 10, will
erupt in the Heavenlies.
-- More Information on this DVD
The Foundation of Our Faith - Volume 1, The War Against
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In This DVD we present the evidence
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2 hours run time, Mac plans 3
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Shipping begins Late July -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2775
News Headlines
1. Oh, no, not
another false news story based on "anonymous sources",
this time accusing Donald Trump, Jr., of treasonous
collusion with Russia!
This entire cacophony
of false accusations since the November election is
creating great angst among Americans, exactly the scenario
called for in the "Protocols of the Learned Elders
of Zion", written 200 years ago.
You will be amazed
at how the old Plan of the Protocols is being carefully
carried out today.
2. Fall-out from
this article continues to rapidly unfold.
Are we back in
the old Communist days where no allegation had to be
proven and where allegation equaled conviction?
3. Rabid Pro-Abortion
/ Pro-Planned Parenthood Senator Elizabeth Warren carried
hypocrisy to a new level when she said "We must
fight for millions of babies who cannot fight for themselves"!
God's kingdom
is one of order and organization, while Satan's kingdom
is one of disorder and chaos.
Senator Warren
epitomizes disorder and chaos!!
4. Independent
Prosecutor Mueller is assembling a "hit team"
of Democrat, Clinton "hit men" as he prepares
to "investigate" Donald Trump's "collusion"
with Russia during the November 2016 campaign.
Since "the
best defense is a good offense", I suspect that,
once President Trump gets his new FBI Director in place
he is going to move rapidly against Hillary Clinton
and her entire nest of vipers, to investigate her REAL
collusion with Russia when she was Secretary of State!
5. China continued
her campaign of pressure against Taiwan by sending her
newest aircraft carrier into Taiwanese waters.
We believe it
highly likely that a Chinese invasion of Taiwan will
occur once the global World War III erupts. Thus, World
War III will consist of war in the Middle East centered
around Israel, the North Korean nuclear confrontation
and a Chinese invasion of Taiwan!
6. Is the Christian
Church falling into the Abyss of a Death Spiral?
These statistics
are more than just heartbreaking, they are proof that
Antichrist is very close to appearing!
Great Inception-
Psyops from Eden to Armageddon"
317 Page Book,
You stand on a battlefield, surrounded
by an enemy that you've been told doesn't exist. This
is a classic example of a PSYOP a psychological operation,
a mission to change what you believe by feeding you
information that is inaccurate, incomplete, or an outright
This PSYOP is one of many by entities
who've been at war with God since the Garden of Eden.
The Bible calls them gods. God Himself calls them gods.
But we have been taught that they're imaginary, so we
stumble around the battlefield completely unprepared
to defend ourselves and the ones we love. In The Great
Inception, you will learn:
the full description here
'Cutting Edge Distinctives" Masterpiece

OFFER REVELATION DVD VOLUMES 1-6: Mac Dominick's Startling
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This systematic
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Volume 2 studies
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and exciting event.
Volume 3 demonstrates
'The Wrath of God', culminating in Him peeling back
the covering of Heaven so that wicked mankind can see
an Angry, Almighty God sitting on His Throne of Judgment.
Read the write-ups on volumes 4-6 here
To watch trailers
on the DVDs or puchase individual volumes select the
front cover in which you are interested, below:

News Analysis
1. Oh, no, not
another false news story based on "anonymous sources",
this time accusing Donald Trump, Jr., of treasonous
collusion with Russia!
Jr. Was Told in Email of Russian Effort to Aid Campaign",
The New York Times, July 10, 2017
"Before arranging
a meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer he
believed would offer him compromising information about
Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Jr. was informed in an
email that the material was part of a Russian government
effort to aid his father’s candidacy, according
to three people with knowledge of the email."
We can stop reading this
tripe right now, because the New York Times has just
revealed that their sources are "three people with
knowledge of the email", not real sources with
real names and phone numbers, whose story can be checked
out by independent investigators.
In Journalism 101 in college,
we learned that news stories should NOT be based upon
anonymous sources, but upon "two or three witnesses",
just as the Bible commands.
But, when the goal is
to smear your opponent, with lies and half-truths, then
anonymous sources are the best you can get. It did not
take long for this Times story to be ripped apart.
NEWS BRIEF: "Another
New York Times' anonymous 'bombshell',",
Conservative Review, July 11, 2017
"What they
leave out … The Russian lawyer in question
had a relationship with the DC firm that hired someone
to prepare the infamous unconfirmed dossier on Trump,
at the behest of Democrats."
In other words, the "Russian
lawyer" meeting with Trump, Jr., had been hired
by the Democrats to create political dirt on Donald
Trump, for the Democrat camp. In all likelihood, the
Russian plan to help Hillary decided to try to meet
with Trump, Jr., knowing that the Democrats were planning
to create the public scenario whereby a meeting automatically
equaled guilt!
"Levin explains
the real bombshell … CR Editor-in-Chief
Mark Levin explained on his radio program last night
that the real story the media should be reporting is
that James Comey brought classified material home."
Once again, the Democrats
strike first, creating such a false sensation that the
REAL story will be buried by mounds of fake news!
"We!? …
Slate took to Twitter to wonder … “Why
do we love to imagine Donald Trump sexually pleasuring
dictators?” Um, who is this “we?”
The true inner spiritual
heart of these viscous political hacks is seen for what
it truly is!
As I sat reading this
most recent example of "yellow journalism",
I almost became physically ill. This back-and-forth
campaign of baseless journalism was making me sick and
tired. Let us examine just a few examples of this type
of character assassination headlines!
* "On Tuesday’s
broadcast of CNN’s 'Wolf', CNN Intelligence and
Security Analyst and former CIA operative Robert Baer
commented on Donald Trump Jr.’s emails about his
meeting with a Russian lawyer by saying it’s looking
more like treason."
* "We must resist,
resist, resist" -- Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren
* "Impeach, impeach
and impeach" - Democrat Congressman Maxine Waters
entire cacophony of false accusations since the November
election is creating great angst among Americans, exactly
the scenario called for in the "Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Zion", written 200 years ago.
You will be amazed
at how the old Plan of the Protocols is being carefully
carried out today.
* "The principal
object of our directorate consists in this: to debilitate
the public mind by criticism; to lead it away from serious
reflections calculated to arouse resistance; to distract
the forces of the mind towards a sham
fight of empty eloquence. In all ages the peoples
of the world, equally with individuals, have accepted
words for deeds, for they are content with a show and
rarely pause to note, in the public arena, whether promises
are followed by performance. Therefore, we shall establish
show institutions ..." [Protocols #5; reiterated
in Protocol #10]
This single paragraph
tells us all we need to know about politicians of both
parties, but especially Liberals. They deliberately
intend "debilitate" our minds and to "distract"
us through "sham" speeches of "empty
eloquence". We certainly have seen and heard enough
of this type of speaking to last us a lifetime! You
can just put the name of any number of politicians on
both sides of the aisle that fit this description. Talk,
talk, and talk some more, is the motto of the consummate
* "... we shall give
that physiognomy a voice in orators who will speak so
much that they will exhaust the patience of their hearers
and produce an abhorrence of oratory."
[Protocol #5]
Even I experienced an
"abhorrence of oratory" by these latest false
Once I give you the definition
of "physiognomy", you will clearly understand
how clearly this part of the Plan applies to this TV
Age in which we now live and in which we now elect our
officials. Physiognomy means, "the practice of
judging human character by facial features". In
other words, the Protocols envisions putting forth some
very good looking leaders who will attract the voters
simply and only by means of their good looks. My, how
the authors of the Protocols understood human society
generally and our present era specifically! Bill Clinton
received millions of votes, mostly from women, largely
on the basis of his good looks. Polls have shown this
fact to be absolutely true! This may be shallow and
it may be wrong, but it is surely effective in manipulating
the electorate.
"In order to put
public opinion into our hands we must bring it into
a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all
sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such
length of time as will suffice to make the [average
person] lose their heads in the labyrinth and
come to see that the best thing is to have no opinion
of any kind, in matters political." [Protocol #5]
How many times have you
heard some pundit say that the American people are sick
and tired of all this Donald Trump mess? We are told
that we just want the whole affair to go away. Once
again, this has been the Plan for a long time. Furthermore,
this sentence in the Protocols validates our "Six
Step Attitudinal Change Plan" as the planned method
for changing the values and attitudes of Americans very
silently over a long period of time [See
our DVD above, "Invisible,
Invincible, Mind Control", for full
But, there is more!
"We must compel the
governments of the goyim to take action in the direction
favoured by our widely conceived plan ... by what we
shall represent as public opinion, secretly prompted
by us through the means of that so-called 'Great Power'
-- the Press, which, with a few exceptions, is already
entirely in our hands." [Protocol #7]
Now you know that you
can truthfully look at the Press as the enemy they really
are. This fact is the reason so many columnists today
are extremely, fanatically Liberal. You can also realize
that you can ignore the daily polls, as they have been
manipulated to say what the leaders want them to say.
But, there is still more!
"In the hands of
the States to-day there is a great force that creates
the movement of thought in the people, and that is the
Press. The part played by the Press is to keep pointing
out requirements supposed to be indispensable ... and
to create discontent ." [Protocol No.
Can you believe the boldness
of this statement? Not only does the State control the
Press, but the main purpose of the Press is to "create
Now do you see why these
baseless lies come daily? They are designed to one day
overwhelm your senses, making you moist clay to be molded
still further.
Still more:
"And thus the people
condemn the upright and acquit the
guilty, persuaded ever more and more that it
can do whatsoever it wishes. Thanks to this state of
things, the people are destroying every kind of stability
and creating disorders at every step." [Protocol
#3; Emphasis added]
One more quote:
"It is from us that
the all-engulfing terror proceeds. We have in our service
persons of all opinions, or of all doctrines, restorating
monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and
utopian dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed them
all to the task: each one of them on his own account
is boring away at the last remnants of authority, is
striving to overthrow all established form of order."
[Protocol #9]
In one brief sentence,
you have the essence of the New World Order Plan. The
Plan intends to "bore away at the last remnants
of authority" and strive "to overthrow all
established form of order", so that their final
global dictatorship may be established!
Never before has the Opposition
Party -- the ones whose candidate lost the election
-- so consistently bored away at the authority of the
Winner (President Trump). No lie is too heinous or too
scandalous to be used against the President.
But, now, at least, you
know that the reason that Liberals/Democrats are so
massively attacking Trump using every propaganda tactic
at their disposal is that they are following the precepts
of the 200-year-old "Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion"!
2. Fall-out from
this Trump, Jr. article continued to rapidly unfold.
York Times Has Neither Seen Nor Read ‘Russia Email’
to Donald Trump, Jr. ", Breitbart
News, 10 July 2017
"The New York Times
reports Monday evening that Donald Trump, Jr. was informed
through an email that the information on Hillary Clinton
that a Russian lawyer had offered to provide “was
part of a Russian government effort to aid his father’s
candidacy' ... Supposedly, the email would have alerted
Trump, Jr. to the lawyer’s alleged links to the
"Curiously, the Times
does not provide the email. Nor has it actually seen
the email. Its source: “three people with knowledge
of the email.” This is only the latest effort
by the Times to bring down President Donald Trump that
relies on documents it has not seen and verified."
Donald Trump, Jr., stepped
abruptly into the fray by voluntarily releasing the
entire email chain to which the Times points as the
source of their story.
Trump Jr. releases 'entire email chain' regarding Russian
meeting", Fox
News, July 11, 2017
"Donald Trump Jr.
on Tuesday released what he said was the 'entire email
chain' of his conversations setting up a disputed meeting
with a Russian attorney, showing what appeared to be
an offer to provide information that would 'incriminate'
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as
'part of Russia and its government’s support for
Mr. Trump'.”
Trump, Jr., made it quite
plain what he thought of this "inside information"!
"As Rob Goldstone
said just today in the press, the entire meeting was
'the most insane nonsense I ever heard. And I was actually
agitated by it.' "
Are we back in
the old Communist days where no allegation had to be
proven and where allegation equaled conviction?
3. Rabid Pro-Abortion
/ Pro-Planned Parenthood Senator Elizabeth Warren carried
hypocrisy to a new level when she said "We must
fight for millions of babies who cannot fight for themselves"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Pro-Abortion
Sen. Elizabeth Warren: “Fight
for Millions of Babies Who Can’t Speak For Themselves”,
Life News, July 11, 2017
"Pro-abortion U.S.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren held out a very premature baby’s
story as an example of why Obamacare and Medicaid expansions
are so important. Ironically, Warren also supports late-term
abortions, which could have destroyed the life of that
very same baby who she is advocating for."
Indeed, Senator Warren
is so pro-death and so pro-Planned Parenthood that her
policies most certainly would destroy the life of that
baby for whom she pretends to be advocating! What sheer
"The Massachusetts
Democrat posted a video on Twitter Monday where she
shared baby Peter’s story and called on her fellow
legislators to 'fight for the millions of babies …
who can’t speak for themselves' by opposing the
bill to repeal Obamacare and defund the abortion giant
Planned Parenthood."
Lately, Liberal Democrats
have been using the frightening phrase "people
are going to die" is this or that change is made.
For example, "people are going to die if"
* Health
Care Reform is enacted --
If ObamaCare is changed -- Even
from Republicans
* Climate
* If
Trump wins the election (which he did)
* If
American border controls are enforced
* Millions
upon millions are going to die when the 'debt bubble
* "People
Are Going To Die Without Clinton Foundation"
You get the point; this
choice of words "people are going to die if..."
has proven so effective it has been invoked in a wide
variety of causes. Yet, as in the case of Senator Warren
and her stern support for the baby-killing machine,
Planned Parenthood, people by the millions have already
died simply because her policies have been carried out.
Anti-abortion activists
can legitimately claim this mantra.
But, Senator Warren cannot
claim that people are going to die if the baby butcher
Planned Parenthood is defunded! Her statement is the
most ludicrous and hypocritical I have ever seen.
God's kingdom
is one of order and organization, while Satan's kingdom
is one of disorder and chaos.
Senator Warren
epitomizes disorder and chaos!!
4. Independent
Prosecutor Mueller is assembling a "hit team"
of Democrat, Clinton "hit men" as he prepares
to "investigate" Donald Trump's "collusion"
with Russia during the November 2016 campaign.
NEWS BRIEF: "Mueller
Is Assembling a Team of Ambitious Democratic Hit Men
Against Trump", Breitbart
News, 11 July 2017
"Bob Mueller is putting
together a team of politically ambitious Democratic
hit men who have a history of ethics accusations being
raised against them for the way in which they’ve
handled prosecutions', he elaborated. 'As a general
rule, prosecutors do not make donations while they’re
being prosecutors because it’s seen as raising
issues of partiality. The only prosecutors who make
donations to candidates are the ones who want to become
judges or congressmen or senators. Those are the people
he’s literally gone out of his way to find. It’s
actually hard to find them. Those are rare, not commonplace,
in the judicial process'.”
"I think he’s
seriously problematic, and he’s put all of his
cards on the table, as ex-congressman Gingrich pointed
out, by who he’s chosen to staff his team with.
He shouldn’t have even been hired legally. It
was done in an improper process,” he charged ...
I think he’s very much a creature of the Deep
State swamp who thinks the rules just don’t apply
to him,” Barnes said of Mueller. “Comey
had that same Hooveresque mindset that really thought
the FBI was supposed to be ahead of the president."
"Going into the swamp
is going to get dirty, ugly, messy, and smelly. That’s
where Trump is, and he’s just doing the best he
can under difficult circumstances,” he concluded."
Since "the
best defense is a good offense", I suspect that,
once President Trump gets his new FBI Director in place
he is going to move rapidly against Hillary Clinton
and her entire nest of vipers, to investigate her REAL
collusion with Russia when she was Secretary of State!
5. China continued
her campaign of pressure against Taiwan by sending her
newest aircraft carrier into Taiwanese waters.
says Chinese carrier sails into its defense zone",
Reuter's News, July 11, 2017
"TAIPEI (Reuters)
- Chinese aircraft carrier the Liaoning entered Taiwan's
air defense identification zone early on Wednesday morning
on its way back from Hong Kong and is being monitored,
Taiwan's defense ministry said ... The Soviet-built
Liaoning, China's first aircraft carrier, had been in
Hong Kong for events marking the 20th anniversary of
the territory's return to Chinese rule from Britain.
It was the fourth time that the Liaoning has sailed
near self-ruled Taiwan, which China claims as its own,
in recent months for what Beijing has said were routine
We believe it
highly likely that a Chinese invasion of Taiwan will
occur once the global World War III erupts.
Thus, World War III will consist of war in the Middle
East centered around Israel, the North Korean nuclear
confrontation and a Chinese invasion of Taiwan!
Returning to our featured
news story:
"Earlier this month
Taiwan scrambled jets to shadow the carrier as it made
its way to Hong Kong. China has never renounced the
use of force to bring Taiwan, which China considers
a wayward province, under its control."
For the past 60 years,
China has routinely carried out exercises designed to
invade Taiwan! Not much has changed.
6. Is the Christian
Church falling into the Abyss of a Death Spiral?
Thomas S. Ranier, July 3, 2017
"Simply stated, we
conducted a random sample of churches with data in 2013
and 2016. The margin of error of the research is +/-
3.1 percent. It’s an accurate study – very
accurate. In the previous post, I shared that 65 percent
of churches are declining or plateaued. Over 61 percent
of churches average fewer than 100 in worship attendance.
Yes, we are a nation of small churches. I love it. I
love small churches."
"But if your church
has fewer than 100 in worship, it is likely to be a
declining church. In fact two out of three of these
small churches are declining." Consider:
* "A declining church
with an attendance of 200 or more declines at a rate
of 4 percent each year.
* "A declining church with an attendance of less
than 100 declines at a rate of 7.6 percent per year.
* "A declining church with an attendance of less
than 50 declines at a rate of 8.7 percent a year.
It’s a death spiral. Declining smaller churches
decline much more rapidly than larger churches. Once
the declining church goes below 100 in attendance, its
days are likely numbered."
"Once a church declines
below 100 in worship attendance, it is likely to die
within just a few years. The life expectancy for many
of these churches is ten years or less.
If a church's leadership
starts watering down the Gospel message in hopes of
gaining more people in their pews, they will be considered
"healthy" by Thomas Ranier. Thousands of pastors
have already taken this step and are increasing their
Yet, this also is a major
sign that the Apostle Paul gave us by which we shall
know that the Antichrist is close to appearing.
"Let no man deceive
you by any means: for that day shall not come, except
there come a falling away first, and that man of sin
be revealed, the son of perdition..." (2 Thessalonians
2:3, KJV)
These statistics
are more than just heartbreaking, they are proof that
Antichrist is very close to appearing!
7. As the Veteran's
Administration prepares to erect a monument to Satan
in a Veteran's Memorial Park, Roman Catholic lay people
organize a protest.
NEWS BRIEF: "Catholics
to Rally Against 1st Satanic Monument on US Public Land",
Liberty Headlines, July 11, 2017
" Catholics in Minnesota
will gather to ask for God’s protection and to
pray against the nation’s first Satanic monument
approved for display on public land. Lay members of
the Catholic church will gather July 15 for a rosary
rally to pray for America’s protection from Satan,
in light of a Satanic monument approved in May for display
in a veterans memorial park in Belle Plaine, Minn. "
"The monument, a
large black steel cube engraved with a golden inverted
pentagram topped with an upturned soldier’s helmet,
is the first such monument approved for display on public
grounds in the U.S."
I find it disheartening
that the Veteran's Administration under President Trump
allowed this Satanic monument project to move forward.
America has succumbed to a "Love of Satanism"
that has been anticipated for decades by Fundamental
Bible Commentators.
Just another "sign
of the times" by which we know the world is very
close to the appearance of the "Son of Perdition"!