News Alert
- Thursday, 7/11/2023
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The Israeli Cabinet voted to extend the financial assistance
necessary for survival.
NEWS BRIEF: "Israeli
Security Cabinet votes to save Palestinian Authority",
Israel National News, July
10, 2023
"Israel’s Security
Cabinet on Sunday voted in favor of a series of economic
and defense measures to boost the Palestinian Authority.
Eight members voted yes in adopting the draft decision
submitted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with
one voting against and one abstention.":
What does this law draft
"Israel will act
to prevent the collapse of the Palestinian Authority,
while demanding that it cease its anti-Israel activity
in the international legal-diplomatic arena, the incitement
in its media and education system, the payments to the
families of terrorists and murderers, and the illegal
construction in Area C,” the Security Cabinet
said in a statement following the vote."
An Israeli official explained:
"There is no greater
absurdity than the fact that a body that encourages
terrorism, pays salaries to terrorists and their families,
encourages in the education system incitement in favor
of the murder of Jews, takes over territories in Judea
and Samaria, will win a basket of rewards from the Israeli
government in the midst of a wave of terrorism,”
he said." (Ibid.)
We Concur.
Israel understands that
the time is coming when Israel is going to fulfill God's
prophecies precisely. Listen to the prophecy, written
2,500 years ago:
'The house of Jacob shall be a fire and the house of
Joseph a flame, but the house of Esau shall be stubble;
they shall kindle them and burn them and consume them,
and there shall be no more survivor of the house of
Esau, for the Lord has spoken it.' [Verse 18]
Israeli leaders understand
that they will be committing serious War Crimes by carrying
out this type of annihilating genocide. International
Law grants more latitude toward a military force fighting
against a NATION rather than killing the same people
of a "Not-Nation", a mere grouping of people.
In other words, Israel
can better defend herself against international war
crimes after the Palestinian annihilation if they were
attacking a Palestinian Authority, or a Hamas or a Hezbollah.
Therefore, Israel needs
the Palestinian Authority -- the Government -- to remain
in one piece and functioning as a government, right
up to the moment Israel attacks.
When the world wakes up
one morning to discover that Israel has annihilated
as many as 5 or 6 million Palestinians, they will be
screaming for an explanation. The only reason people
cannot comprehend this unparalleled disaster is that
they do not understand God's Nature, in all of its Perfections.
This bonus teaching will bring to light God's attributes,
which explain why He carried out His prophesied annihilation
of the Palestinians, after giving them 2,500 years of
warning! (Listen to full details in the DVD pictured
above, ("
'Israel's Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians'
- PLUS Bonus Section, 'God's Perfect Attributes")
2. Native Americans
are now demanding reparations.
Universities’: Native American Tribes Demand
Reparations for Land Sold to U. of Minnesota",
Breitbart News, 10 July 2023
'Several Native American
tribes, whose ancestors sold over 94,000 acres of land
to make space for the University of Minnesota, now want
reparations from the school. Eleven Native American
tribes sold the land to make room for the university
over 150 years ago, but researchers claim the time has
come for restitution ... The document alleged the school’s
founding board of regents “committed genocide
and ethnic cleansing of Indigenous peoples for financial
gain, using the institution as a shell corporation through
which to launder lands and resources,” the outlet
On October 12, 1992, Americans
observed the 500th Anniversary of Christopher Columbus'
discovery of the New World, later to be known as the
North American continent. Historians generally have
recognized Columbus' discovery as the official beginning
of the greatest, richest, and most powerful nation in
history, the United States of America. For all our failings,
America has given its citizens the greatest measure
of freedom the world has ever seen. Because of these
freedoms, Americans have responded by producing a nation
which has grown ever more prosperous and which has given
the world the greatest list of innovations in history.
The entire world has profited from the heroic achievements
of America.
you would think that most everyone would be celebrating
Columbus' Anniversary unreservedly. Not so, and for
very good reason. America, Western Europe, and Japan
are prepared to lead the rest of the world into the
occultic New World Order. One of the fundamental requirements
to enter this new kingdom is that citizens discard their
love of country, replacing it with a new love and loyalty
to the World Community.
Starting in 2001, we began
seeing a rash of books, articles, and TV documentaries
which cast Columbus in the role of villain rather than
heroic discoverer. The intent is to discourage Americans
about the beginning of their country. In the process,
proponents of the New World Order would also have the
opportunity to advance the cause of Neo-Paganism by
glorifying the Native American Indian's culture and
Let us now examine this
"While Columbus often
is venerated in our history books he is no hero to most
tribal peoples. For them, his voyages resulted in a
sometimes unintended, but real, catastrophe." The
author then lists the many accomplishments of the Native
Americans. These Native people had created a fairly
large and sophisticated culture, which included some
of the following accomplishments.
* "Had developed
farming techniques
* "Had invented irrigation and terracing techniques
* "Some Indians had developed into peaceful peoples
never hurt anyone. The
author does acknowledge that some tribes engaged in
warfare, but the reader is left with the distinct impression
that these Native Peoples were primarily peaceful and
loving creatures, and most importantly, living in communion
and harmony with Mother Nature." (NEWS BRIEF: "We
Are All Related", Parade Magazine, supplement to
the Boston Sunday Globe, October 11, 1991, pages 8-10.
Special Report on Christopher Columbus' Discovery of
the New World.)
And what havoc did the
European invasion wreak upon these people? "Since
Columbus' celebrated landing, native populations have
been ravaged by disease, alcohol, heightened warfare,
calculated acts of genocide, forced relocation, and
the destruction of their traditional ways of life."
Much of this information is true; certainly, the White
Man did much to wantonly destroy the Indian. However,
the Indian is not the angelic and noble creature he
is depicted here. When I was in high school, I was a
member of a Boy Scout/Explorer Post whose major desire
was to preserve the dances and cultural traditions of
the American Indian. This group was called the Koshare
Indians, located in a small town in Southeastern Colorado.
We were good, and so we had the opportunity to travel
across America, entertaining audiences with our authentic
Indian dancing. In my high school years, I traveled
to the East Coast twice, the West Coast twice, across
Middle America repeatedly, and into the South once.
We traveled aboard a Greyhound Bus, which the Koshares
owned outright. In my high school years, I traveled
over 100,000 miles with the Koshare Indians.
All Koshares were required
to read five books yearly on the American Indians, and
three of the five were specified reading. While I was
sickened by the atrocities which were committed against
the Indian by the White Man, I also understood that
these Indians were not noble, kind, and peaceful people.
Their worship was modified Satanism, very close to the
New Age today. Many tribes regularly sacrificed humans
in their ceremonies, and they worshipped many spirits
and many gods. Some of the tribes which Columbus encountered
were also cannibals. Some of Columbus' men were actually
murdered and eaten by these tribes. The Christian attitudes
of the Spanish and Portuguese explorers naturally rebelled
against these obvious Satanic practices, so they acted
to militarily subdue them and force them to change their
reprehensible activities and beliefs. There is enough
blame to go around, but do not be deceived into thinking
that these Native Indians were pure and peaceful.
Now back to our article.
Remember that the second objective of these anti-Columbus
articles is to expound the New Age type religion of
these "noble" people so that people today
would feel empathy toward them and would want to adopt
their spiritual beliefs.
The author begins by defining
the "great problems" which are afflicting
the world of the White Man today. "After years
of urging Native Americans to take up our ways, we may
have at last realized that it's time to take up theirs."
In bold, blatant language, this author urges us to give
up our traditional cultural and religious beliefs, rooted
in Judeo-Christianity, and adopt those of the Native
Indians. He continues, "This is not merely a venture
into the exotic. As the year 2000 approaches, we are
threatened by an environmental catastrophe and afflicted
by a spiritual malaise...American Indian culture could
be our salvation." Remember, we are being urged
to adopt a system of religion and culture rooted in
Satanism rather than in Judeo-Christianity; and remember
the Plan espoused in the mid-1700's that, as the world
begins to enter the New World Order, great problems
would be invented so as to scare the peoples of the
world into allowing themselves to be herded into the
new system.
The author then boldly
shows his true spiritual agenda in this article by immediately
speaking of spiritual matters. The first matter to be
examined are ancient Indian prophecies concerning the
end of the world. These prophecies foretell that the
end of the world would be preceded by great environmental
disasters: "First the elms will die. Then the maples.
Then the fish will go belly-up in poison waters. The
strawberries will no longer bear fruit, and then our
world will be close to dying."
Isn't it convenient that
these supposed prophecies are contained in verbal traditions
that can be changed and manipulated at will to say anything
you want them to say? At least Judeo-Christian prophecies
are written down on old manuscripts which are several
thousand years old. Anyone who knows the Hebraic language
can go to these old scrolls to check out the prophecies
against the progress of history.
Behind this move toward
reparations for Native Americans should be the realization
that the system of religion of the North American Indian
is very close to the neo-paganism practiced by the Indian.
That means that the North
American Indian will have virtually no difficult accepting
Maitreya the Christ as the Messiah he claims to be,
and will be able to fit right in with his claims and
his agenda.
3. Biden's DOJ
indicted The Anti-Biden Whistleblower (Dr. Gal Luft)
Who Had Given incriminating evidence to Congress.
Luft Indictment Sparks Joe Biden Conspiracy Theories",
Newsweek, July 11, 2023
"On Monday, the DOJ's
Southern District of New York charged the co-director
of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security
think tank on eight counts, including several alleged
violations of the Arms Export Control Act and conspiracy
to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
"The indictment of
Gal Luft, a U.S.-Israeli citizen linked to the House
Republicans' probe into the Biden family, has prompted
conspiracy theories that the charges announced by the
Department of Justice (DOJ) were part of an effort to
hinder an investigation into U.S. President Joe Biden."
[the] DOJ trying to silence Dr. Gal Luft from publicly
exposing Biden family corruption?" Republican senator
for Wisconsin, Ron Johnson, wrote on Sunday. "The
American people deserve the truth and Dr. Luft must
have the chance to testify before Congress."
Even more damning
is that Hunter Biden is as guilty as Luft, but he has
NOT been indicted.
DOJ Indicts Whistleblower Gal Luft, not Hunter Biden,
for FARA Violations",
U.S. Department of Justice indicted Gal Luft, a whistleblower
in the Biden family scandals, for failing to comply
with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) —
but has never indicted Hunter Biden for the same."
"As a fugitive, Luft
alleges his testimony to the committee would show the
Biden family received money from CEFC China Energy Co,
an entity linked to the CCP. He also claims the Bidens
had a mole inside the FBI who shared information to
the benefit of the family business."
Luft faces FARA charges, critics note that Hunter Biden
has never been charged with the same, despite acting
as a representative for foreign companies and officials."
the charges facing Luft allege that he worked for the
same company — CEFC China Energy Co. — as
the Bidens are believed to have been doing business
with. But only Luft thus far has been charged under
FARA." (Ibid.)
A dictatorial
Justice System is forming in America and soon will have
Communist Josef Stalin cheering.
4. "China
Cannot Invade Taiwan" -- Former Japan Official
cannot invade: ex-Japan Official",
Taipei Times, 4 July 2023
" 'China cannot invade:
ex-Japan official INSUFFICIENT STRENGTH: China would
need at least 1.3 million troops to invade Taiwan, and
it is not capable of transporting that number', Tokuichiro
Tamazawa said ... China is unlikely to attempt an invasion
of Taiwan, as defeat would mean the collapse of the
Chinese Communist Party."
"China is also facing
food security problems ... Tamazawa said that as China
imports 5 percent of its food, and since its Belt and
Road Initiative has failed to boost its food security
as Beijing had hoped, 70 million Chinese face food security
problems. Those food imports are also being threatened
by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as China previously
had obtained 27 percent of its imported grains from
the two nations, he said."
" 'Beijing realizes
that an invasion would fail, which is the reason it
uses aggressive cognitive warfare tactics against Taiwan',
Tamazawa said."
5. Did you know
that the Philippine Islands form a formidable obstacle
which will greatly assist Taiwan in her defense!
The Philippines makes the Invasion of Taiwan so difficult",
7 Rangers, May 11, 2023
" Now, even the doves
and anti-US politicians in the Philippines are losing
their influence on the general population. It's hard
to imagine having 4 new US bases (temporary and limited)
in the PH, especially before the SCS issue, there's
no way the PH government can get away with that. The
Filipinos are fearful and angry and now returning to
their oldest ally."
"They know war is
inevitable especially when Chinese bases are just a
couple of miles away from their homes, locals hear sounds
of explosions and see the silhouette of Chinese ships
from their shores, and their fishermen are told to scurry
away by the Chinese coast guard."
"I won't be surprised
if the PH in the future will agree to give the US, proper
and permanent bases, let's say reopening the Subic Naval
Base (the largest US naval base back then in Asia) and
the Clark Air Base. "
the most current Newsalert
Must I Do To Be Saved?
podcasts are now reaching 85 different countries.
Here is our latest podcast just published. Our podcasts
are provided to you FREE by our readers and listeners
through their donations.
We need your help this new podcast outreach with a monthly
or one time donation.
New Bookstore
the Lord's Prayer, Jesus specifically taught His disciples
to pray, "...deliver us from evil."
While we here
in the United States have enjoyed a relatively peaceful
existence, it seems that the Gates of Hell were opened
in 2020, and the citizens of this country (and all of
humanity for that matter) have been assaulted on every
side by the oppressive forces of evil from the spiritual
realm. It has gotten so bad that even secular
individuals are publicly proclaiming that we are under
attack from evil spiritual forces. Cutting Edge
Ministries has produced this teaching series to give
all who are seeking the truth answers as to where the
attacks originate and to provide a path for victory
over Evil.
This first installment
introduces the student to the issues and opens the Word
of God to educate as to the origins of the evil perpetrated
on mankind. In this first lesson, we will look at the
biblical accounts of primordial evil that picture Leviathan
and other dragon-like representations of evil forces
named in Scripture. We will then look at the first
rebellion outlined in the Bible with the Fall of Satan
and the Fall of Man.
Run Time 1 hour 54 minutes Watch
- Summary:
Enemies Within: The Church is an educational, historical,
and evidence-based movie experience that provokes a
passionate return to orthodox Christian faithfulness
across the western world. As is necessary for such a
wonderful turn toward Christ, the movie heralds a clarion
call for Christians to turn away from popular, yet errant
beliefs held in contradiction to carefully interpreted
Holy Scriptures. - Run Time 2 hours 20 minutes
About the Film Enemies Within: The Church
is much more than a mere movie. It is also an invitation
for believers of every denominational stripe to employ
a proven Biblical recipe capable of producing restored
strength and blessing for all who answer. Specifically,
the movie encourages the Church to cleanse itself from
contamination imposed by cultural Marxism and a heretical
teaching known as “The Social Justice Gospel.”
By hearing the exchanges between the movie's host and
experts interviewed around the world, viewers are provided
with a bright light shining upon truths formerly hidden
behind the shadows of shallow pop-culture.
In the end, the audience is pointed toward
a hope- filled and practical action plan that produces
solutions found only in and through the royal Law of
Christ. The movie elucidates the fact that every single
problem faced by western civilization is, ultimately,
a theological problem, and every solution to every problem
is a theological absolute. It answers the question:
“What happened to living, powerful, trans formative,
nation- shaking Christianity?”
Full Description
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The Satanic War on the Christian: The Protection
From Satan and Demons (DVD) Billy Crone
As a born-again Christian, the moment you got
saved you entered into a spiritual war against
a demonic host, whose sole purpose is to destroy
you and extinguish your effectiveness for Jesus
Christ. This is the Satanic war on the Christian,
and it’s been raging for the last 6,000
years. But the problem is many Christians, even
churches, refuse to talk about it, let alone equip
others who are in the midst of it.
This study, The Satanic War on the Christian,
not only reveals the shocking reality of the supernatural
battle we’re in as Christians, but it also
exposes the seductive weapons, traps, and attacks
the devil and his evil emissaries use against
us to keep us from becoming a mighty army for
Almighty God.
5 DVD set  |

Christ and His 12 Apostles made history –
and benefited mankind for centuries to come. It’s
just as possible that Satan, always a flawed imitator
of God, used the services of his own 12 Apostates,
in perpetrating his crimes on Earth.
Author Lubrett Hargrove has pinpointed 12 men
in Bible history, who “turned from the truth,”
and just may have qualified to be one of Satan’s
12 apostates.
Readers will better comprehend the complexity
and dangers of the modern world in light of the
cautionary tales of these men who turned from
the truth and joined Satan’s forces.
Now is the time to decide whose side we are on.
191 pages  |