Tuesday, 7/9/2019
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Cyrus Effect" DVD
Trump A Type of King Cyrus!'
by Michael S.
Smith, Only $19.99
The Cyrus Effect is a
High Definition film describing many events that took
place in 1917 and 1948, including the 1967 Six-Day War
in Israel. There are also many parallels between King
Cyrus and our President, Donald J. Trump, that will
surprise you.
This documentary is a
real piece of history which will both surprise you and
please you.
Consider some key parallels
between King Cyrus and President Trump: 1) Cyrus issued
a decree which began the Jewish move back to Jerusalem
and the re- establishment of Israel. President Trump
issued a decree which moved the American Embassy to
Jerusalem. 2) King Cyrus forced a peace between the
Jews and their enemies as the Jews were making the move
back to Jerusalem. President Trump is forcing a peace
plan upon Israel's enemies which will result in the
destruction of all of Israel's sworn enemies. 3) Gentile
King Cyrus singlehandidly ensured that Israel could
rebuild her destroyed Temple. President Trump can likewise
ensure that the Third Temple is rebuilt.
You will absolutely love
the message of this video!
Shipping June 7 --
Critical News
Headlines -- End of the Age
1. Led by the
Nike Betsy Ross scandal, Democrats overwhelmingly prove
to Americans how much they hate this country.
President Abram
Lincoln was entirely correct: "America is too strong
to ever be defeated by a foreign power; she is only
vulnerable to subversion by traitors from within"!
2. Remember the
old saying? "As California goes, so goes the nation"?
Let us examine
how California is quickly becoming a Neo-Sodom?
3. The Feds arrested
billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, on charges of underage
sex crimes.
Bill Clinton was
quickly identified as the "main man" associated
with Epstein.
The Democrats
instantly began employing Bill Clinton's major tactic
in dealing with this kind of scandal,
4. President Trump
announced that ICE was going to begin deporting one
million illegal immigrants, soon.
A plurality of
American voters support him wholeheartedly!
5. President Trump
continues to masterfully manage the economy.
The prophecy of
the unparalleled prosperity in Revelation 18:7, continues
to draw nearer!
Terror of the Lord: Understanding ALL of God's Attributes"
Regularly $16.99,
Now Only $14.99
The Christian Church has
neglected to balance the teaching of Gods love with
the equally important truth that He will judge each
person who has ever lived. However, the pendulum of
emphasis has swung to the side of His love and mercy
for a long time.
But the pendulum needs to swing back. Not all the way
to a judgmental and legalistic God, but to a balanced
expression of His personality. There needs to be a declaration
of His terror by those who know Him to those who know
Him not. We who know Him are neglecting to warn people
of the consequences of taking God too lightly.
Unbelievers have always
had a reckless attitude toward God. That is no surprise.
But Christians today are doing the same. We are living
in an era of self-serving motivations. Even in Christian
society, we don't want to lay ourselves down for the
good of others. The idea of self-denial has become virtually
obsolete. Anything that God would truly have us do we
see as an annoying inconvenience. We shun Gods ordained
opportunities to be included in His marvelous work of
saving lost people from an eternal hell.
Whole congregations attend
church Sunday after Sunday without ever hearing words
like sin, judgment, and hell. Ministers and leaders
teach year after year, never touching on phrases like
'the anger of the Lord' and 'the fear of the Lord'.
We teach too lightly, preach too lightly, pray too lightly,
and the result is the world takes God too lightly .
Even the secular world is noticing this lack of fervor
by the church.
The Tennessean newspaper
ran a troubling headline on an Easter Sunday morning,
way back in 1992. It read: 'Hells Not a Hot Topic Right
Now.' Rest assured, Hell is as hot as it has ever been.
Its the preaching that has cooled. If preachers wont
preach about Hell, who will? If the churches wont warn
sinners about Hell, who will?
One of the greatest sermons
ever preached was titled 'Sinners in the Hands of an
Angry God[', delivered by Jonathan Edwards. Edwards
began his sermon with the verse from Deut. 32:35: Their
foot shall slide in due time . . . (King James Version).
where are these sermons today? Where are these preachers
today? As Ravenhill so profoundly stated in his book,
Why Revival Tarries: 'We have too many dead men in the
pulpits giving out too many dead sermons to too many
dead people.'
171 pages,
Uses only King James Version
Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
1. Led by the
Betsy Ross / Nike scandal, Democrats overwhelmingly
prove to Americans how much they hate this country.
Celebrate America's Birthday Nike Chooses Fidel Castro-Lover
Kaepernick Over Betsy Ross",
Townhall News, July 6, 2019
"Nike Nixes ‘Betsy
Ross Flag' Sneaker After Colin Kaepernick Intervenes
... Nike Inc. is yanking a U.S.A.-themed sneaker featuring
an early American flag after NFL star-turned-activist
Colin Kaepernick told the company it shouldn't sell
a shoe with a symbol that he and others consider offensive."
Street Journal, July, 1.)"
Let us get this crazy
story straight. Nike produced a sneaker for the Fourth
of July Independence Day celebration which featured
a stylized Betsy Ross Flag, i.e., Stars and Bars with
the Revolutionary symbol of 13 stars in a circle.
And, they then began to
promote this sneaker. Colin Kaepernick -- that washed-up
NFL quarterback wannabe from the San Francisco 49ers
-- complained that he found this symbol to "be
offensive"! Kaepernick is referring to the reality
that some of our Founding Fathers were slave owners;
therefore, this Betsy Ross flag is "offensive"
to blacks today.
Before we discuss Colin
Kaepernick any further, let us discuss the Betsy Ross
American flag.
"The Betsy Ross flag
is an early design of the flag of the United States,
named for upholsterer and flag maker Betsy Ross. The
pattern, which was in use as early as 1777, uses the
common themes of alternating red-and-white striped area
with stars in a blue canton. Its distinguishing feature
is thirteen 5-pointed stars arranged in a circle to
represent the unity of the Thirteen Colonies. As a historic
U.S. flag, it has long been a popular patriotic symbol."
This flag evolved as new
states were added to the Union, thus necessitating more
stars than the original 13. Today, the American flag
boasts 50 stars and 13 red - white stripes, reflecting
the 50 states in the Union.
Historically, America
has only had two major flags, the Stars and Stripes
and the Confederate Battle Flag. Black activists had
better stop to consider that the freedom they gained
from slavery with President LIncoln's Emancipation Proclamation
of January 1, 1863, was bought and paid for by 700,000
battle deaths by Union soldiers.
Blacks were redeemed from
Confederate slavery by soldiers bravely fighting under
the Stars and Stripes flag. This flag was originally
the 13-Star flag, commonly referred to as the Betsy
Ross flag.
In fact, President
Obama twice displayed the Betsy Ross flag during
his Inaugural celebration of 2013! Why was this flag
acceptable to the first black President and not to Colin
Now let us return to Colin
"Colin Kaepernick
('The Face of Nike') idolizes on the t-shirts he shows
off at press conferences: (Fidel Castro) the terror-sponsoring
Stalinist dictator whose lifelong craving was to destroy
the nation that made Colin Kaepernick a multi-millionaire
and made the famously 'ultra-hip and anti-racist' Nike
Inc into a $25 billion plus multinational corporation."
" 'Black civil rights
activist' Kaepernick's idol also jailed and tortured
the longest-suffering black political prisoners in the
modern history of the Western Hemisphere, jailing them
for longer than did apartheid-era South Africa, in fact."
Listen to a few of the
quotes from Fidel Castro, Kaepernick's idol:
"The U.S. is a vulture
preying on humanity!"
"War against the
U.S. is my true destiny!"
"Of course I knew the
missiles were nuclear armed! That's exactly why I begged
Khrushchev to let me fire them against the U.S.!"
Juanita Castro understood
her brother, Fidel.
" 'You Americans
just don't understand it. The depths of my brother Fidel's
hatred for your country cannot be imagined by you Americans.
His intention—his OBSESSION!—is to destroy
the U.S.!" (Juanita
Castro testifying before the House Committee on Un-American
activities on June 1965, shortly after defecting from
Leftist activists never
are consistent with their historical facts. The reality
is that too many Americans, both individually and corporately,
have turned against the "Goose that laid the Golden
Egg", the United States, whose Capitalist economy
and political freedoms gave these activists huge reservoirs
of wealth.
In other words, the American
economic and political system has enabled these traitors
to attempt to hang all of us from the rope they were
able to buy only in a free Capitalist country.
President Abram
Lincoln was entirely correct: "America is too strong
to ever be defeated by a foreign power; she is only
vulnerable to subversion by traitors from within"!
2. Remember the
old saying? "As California goes, so goes the nation"?
Let us examine
how California is quickly becoming a Neo-Sodom.
NEWS BRIEF: "Whistle-Blower:
California Middle School Curriculum Teaches 10-Year-Olds
To Do Oral, Anal, Put Condoms on Dildos",
Big League Politics, June 4, 2019
"A whistle-blowing
former public school teacher is sounding the alarm about
new middle school sexual education standards in California
that sexualize children and teach them dangerous sexual
behaviors before the age of adolescence.
" 'It's shocking', Rebecca
Friedrichs, the founder of For Kids & Country, said
in an interview with The Christian Post. She spoke of
relay races where 10- and 11-year-old girls are trained
to put condoms on a prosthetic male erection as the
boys watch on.
"Kids as young as
11 years old are trained in how to engage in oral and
anal sex and taught to experiment with bisexuality by
public school teachers."
"Parents are banned
from removing their children from lessons inducting
them into the LGBT lifestyle with propaganda about gay
marriage and gender fluidity."
Listen to God's prophetic
warning to the Economic Babylon of Revelation 18, whom
we firmly believe is the United States:
"Babylon the
great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation
of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage
of every unclean and hateful bird." (Revelation
18:2, KJV)
Newsom ‘welcoming women to California' for abortions",
Washington Examiner, May 31,
"California Gov.
Gavin Newsom said women seeking abortions are welcome
to come to his state to have the procedure ... Newsom
signed a proclamation Friday 'welcoming women to California'
to 'fully exercise their reproductive rights' ... "
"Abortion rights
are protected in the California Constitution. The state
legalized abortion in 1967, years before the 1973 Supreme
Court ruling legalizing abortion nationwide."
This next article puts
America squarely within the disastrous boundaries of
Sodom and Gomorrah!
NEWS BRIEF: "California
Christian School Faces Shutdown for Not Allowing Same-Sex
Relationships", The Epoch Times,
July 3, 2019
"A private Christian
boarding school in Northern California may be forced
to shut its doors after the state filed a lawsuit to
close the facility, a move that defenders of the school
say is ideologically motivated. River View Christian
Academy (RVCA), a school in Shasta County for troubled
teens, is run by the nonprofit Teen Rescue; the school
has been in operation since 1993 ... On Jan. 18, RVCA
was the scene of a raid by California Highway Patrol
officers, along with canine units and social workers.
The state allegedly had evidence that school staff were
storing guns and illegal drugs. Nothing was found."
The only crime from this
Christian school was that it insisted upon Biblical
doctrine that homosexuality was "an abomination"
to the One true, Omnipotent God. Listen to what God
did to judge Sodom and Gomorrah:
"For we (Holy Angels) will destroy
this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before
the face of the Lord ... the Lord rained upon Sodom and
upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of
heaven." Genesis 19:13, KJV)
"And he overthrew (destroyed) those
cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of
the cities, and that which grew upon the ground."
(Genesis 19:24-25, KJV)
God does not allow Himself
to be mocked as these witless politicians are going
now, excusing and encouraging the practice of homosexuality.
Written for eternity in the Word Of God, the Holy One
warns, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
(Galatians 6:7)
And, now, California's
leaders are reaching out and smiting God's Church:
NEWS BRIEF: "California
Bill Would Dictate What Topics Pastors Can Preach About",
Prophecy News Watch, July 2019
"In the latest and
most egregious example of attempted government overreach,
California legislators have proposed a bill that would
dictate what pastors preach from the pulpit.
"Specifically, 'Assembly
Concurrent Resolution 99 calls on 'counselors, pastors,
religious workers, educators' and institutions with
'great moral influence' to stop perpetuating the idea
that something is wrong with LGBT identities or sexual
behavior. ACR 99 also condemns attempts to change unwanted
same-sex attraction or gender confusion as 'unethical,'
'harmful,' and leading to high rates of suicide'."
"Put another way,
these legislators are telling pastors and spiritual
leaders to throw out the Bible, disregard the Lord's
will, ignore the testimony of thousands of ex-gays,
and conform to extreme political correctness -- or else."
God's principle, cited
above: " for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)
Examine these rotten fruits
of California:
NEWS BRIEF: "California
On Verge Of Becoming Our First ‘Third-World' State:
Disease, Trash, Homelessness Plague Her Biggest Cities",
Explain Life, June 26, 2019
"Thanks to Left-wing
Democratic policies that reward bad behavior, a number
of California's biggest cities are becoming cesspools
of trash and disease as the state teeters on becoming
our first 'third-world' enclave."
Consider the facts:
* "Earlier this month,
The Los Angeles Times reported that rats had infested
city hall thanks to all the local dumping and build-up
of trash and homeless camps."
* "CatsUSA Pest Control,
brought in to assess areas outside City Hall and nearby
buildings, warned that homeless people create 'harborage
for rodents', according to the report issued Dec. 28..."
* "The company said
it found 'poor sanitary conditions'— including
leftover food, human waste and hypodermic needles —
and recommended that the city clear away the homeless
population living in the Civic Center."
* " 'We have a complete
breakdown of the basic needs of civilization in Los
Angeles right now ... 'Third world countries are insulted
if they are accused of being like this. No city on Earth
tolerates this. The entire population is at risk'."
"And this can't be
said enough: Let us never forget these enclaves are
all due to Democrat policies. Which begs the question:
Why do Californians who live in these cities continue
voting for the same policies, the same Democrats, over
and over again while expecting a different result?
"That's the textbook
definition of 'insanity'."
Finally, Californians
are reaching out against the Jewish people:
NEWS BRIEF: "California
Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Increase by 21 Percent in 2018",
The Jewish Press, July 4, 2019
"The California Department
of Justice (DOJ) released a report on July 2 revealing
that anti-Semitic hate crimes increased by 21 percent
in 2018 from the year prior ... Jews were the most frequent
target of anti-religious hate crimes in California in
2018, followed by the 'anti-other religion' category
at 30 instances, 28 instances of anti-Muslim hate crimes
and 10 instances of anti-Catholic hate crimes'."
California is headed into
the Abyss of Hell by her very Liberal, anti-Christian
political leaders.
"And they had
a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit
(Abyss), whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but
in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." (Revelation
9:11, KJV)
3. The Feds arrested
billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, on charges of underage
sex crimes.
NEWS BRIEF: "Billionaire
pedophile Jeffrey Epstein arrested in new underage sex
case", The New York Post, July
6, 2019
"Billionaire pedophile
Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested in New York in a massive
new underage sex trafficking case ... The hedge funder
— who twelve years ago wriggled out of similar
charges of abusing young girls — must appear in
federal court in Manhattan on Monday on charges of trafficking
dozens of minors between 2002 and 2005 in New York and
Florida, where he has homes."
"The doorman, who
asked not to be identified by name, said that even now,
Epstein entertained a continuous parade of 'girls' who
came and went at all hours. 'Tall', he said. 'They looked
like models … I'm not sure [of their ages] because
of all that makeup'."
"The indictment will
be unsealed Monday; it includes additional victims and
witnesses who spoke to the Feds in New York over the
past several months. 'Oh my God. Finally, finally, finally!
Justice!' one of Epstein's previous victims, Michelle
Licata, told The Herald. Licata had been molested by
Epstein when she was 16 years old, the Herald said."
Bill Clinton was
quickly identified as the "main man" associated
with Epstein.
Clinton's 'Billionaire pedophile' friend Jeffrey Epstein",
Trending News, July 7, 2019
"They're calling
him the 'Billionaire pedophile' as Jeffrey Epstein was
arrested for his alleged participation in sex trafficking
what is said to be 'dozens of minors' in New York and
Florida between the period of 2002 and 2005 ... For
more than a decade, Epstein's alleged abuse of minors
has been the subject of lawsuits brought by victims,
investigations by local and federal authorities, and
exposés in the press. But despite the attention
cast on his alleged sex crimes, the hedge-funder has
managed to avoid any meaningful jail time, let alone
federal charges."
"Back in 2016, the
Daily Mail did an article detailing the relationship
between Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton ... Bill Clinton's
relationship with a billionaire pedophile will be thrust
into the spotlight once again in a major book by a bestselling
author ... The former president will face renewed questions
over his ties to Jeffrey Epstein, a registered sex offender
who was jailed for 13 months in 2008 for soliciting
girls for underage prostitution."
predicted trouble for Bill Clinton as unsealed docs
in Epstein's case could expose powerful men",
BPR News, July 7, 2019
"... this decision,
made last Wednesday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit, could pose extremely serious ramifications
for a slew of the billionaire pervert's celebrity friends,
including possibly even former President Bill Clinton."
"In its 27-page decision,
the (Federal Appeals) court made it explicitly clear
that the public's right to know the truth outweighs
the privacy concerns of 'numerous prominent American
politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents,
a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders'."
"What remains unknown
but has become a prominent question on social media
is whether other noted figures will soon face a similar
face. Enter Clinton. It's been well-documented that
he traveled aboard Jeffrey Epstein's Boeing 727, known
as the 'Lolita Express', numerous times."
"[T]rips between
2001 and 2003 included extended junkets around the world
with Epstein and fellow passengers identified on manifests
by their initials or first names, including ‘Tatiana,'"
Fox News reported in 2016. "The tricked-out jet earned
its Nabakov-inspired nickname because it was reportedly
outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex
with young girls."
Other pertinent questions
must be answered:
* "Hillary Clinton
is also a personal friend of Epstein and flew on his
plane to his pedophile island. Why?
* "FBI Director Robert
Mueller is the man who dropped the investigation of
Epstein during the Obama admin. Why?"
"To be clear, the
former president has never been accused, let alone convicted,
of engaging in sexual activity with underage girls.
However, he's been accused of sexual misconduct multiple
times. So has his close friend Kevin Spacey, who was
accused of having sex with an underage boy."
"While no evidence
has surfaced to show that the former president ever
committed any illicit activities on "Orgy Island," the
fact that he may have traveled there without his Secret
Service detail is troubling. If nothing else, it suggests
President Donald Trump had a point when he predicted
that this island could wind up becoming the bane of
Clinton's existence."
The Democrats
instantly began employing Bill Clinton's major tactic
in dealing with this kind of scandal.
NEWS BRIEF: "Contrary
to Fake News Spin, President Trump is a Whistle-Blower
Against Jeffrey Epstein, Not a Co-Conspirator",
Big League Politics, July 8, 2019
"The fake news is
desperately trying to attach Trump to the sex criminal."
Bill Clinton utilized
the well-known tactic of accusing his key political
rivals for the very crime for which he was being investigated.
This tactic spread mud within the investigation and
would usually result in the charges against him being
News -
3:30pm on 7/9
NEWS BRIEF: "Wikipedia
Users Editing Epstein’s Bio to Remove Democratic
Party Connections", Explain Life,
"It’s no secret
that billionaire Jeffrey Epstein collected political
connections like most children collect candy on Halloween.
He boasted literally hundreds of high profile Democratic
and Republican party connections including former President
Bill Clinton."
"An astute Twitter
user noticed that all of the sudden Wikpedia users are
quietly editing Jeffrey Epstein’s bio on the site
to remove his connections to the Democratic Party ...
Indeed, this is frightening and shows the lengths Democratic
Party operatives will go to bury unflattering history
down the memory hole."
Why do businessmen like
Jeffrey Epstein and politicians like Bill Clinton believe
they are above the law? Because people like these Wikipedia
contributors act to remove them from the long arm of
the law.
"Known for socializing
with politicians and royalty, Epstein once had friends
including U.S. President Donald Trump and former president
Bill Clinton, and according to court papers Britain’s
Prince Andrew."
What is despicable to
me is that Democrat officials are demanding that Epstein
be given the Constitutional right to be considered innocent
until proven guilty, a right they tried to deny Bret
Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation!
"Christine Pelosi,
Daughter of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and a
top official with the Democratic National Committee
(DNC), sounded the alarm over the weekend arrest of
Jeffrey Epstein on sex trafficking charges ... 'This
Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve
justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are
implicated but we must follow the facts and let the
chips fall where they may – whether on Republicans
or Democrats'.”
If the Democrats during
he Kavanaugh hearings had adhered to the mantra "we
must follow the facts", Bret and the entire nation
would have been spared enormous lies based upon sex
that never happened.

4. President Trump
announced that ICE was going to begin deporting one
million illegal immigrants, soon.
Ready To Deport Approximately 1M Illegal Aliens Who
Already Have Final Deportation Orders", Tea
Party News, July 7, 2019
"Acting United States
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director
Ken Cuccinelli says the Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) agency is ready to deport about a million illegal
aliens who remain in the country despite having final
orders for deportation."
A plurality of
American voters support him wholeheartedly!
NEWS BRIEF: "Majority
of Americans want ‘mass roundup and deportation'
of illegal aliens: A Trump immigration chief says
it's about to happen", Conservative Review,
July 8, 2019
"The illegal immigrants
to be deported in this upcoming operation have 'been
all the way through the due process and have final removal
orders?' Cuccinelli explained. However, he also added
that further information about upcoming deportations
is being held close to the vest right now."
"Who among those will
be targeted for this particular effort, or not, is really
just information kept within ICE at this point," the
acting director explained to CBS' Margaret Brennan?"
"And a majority of
people want to see ICE do its job, a recent survey found.
According to a monthly Harvard/Harris poll conducted
in late June, 51 percent of Americans would like to
see a ‘a mass roundup and deportation of illegal
immigrants' if Congress fails to address the ongoing
border crisis."
5. President Trump
continues to masterfully manage the economy.
Market Soaring To The Stratosphere",
Liberty Nation, July 8, 2019
"Yet, his pro-business
agenda and America First initiative are making the labor
market great again, which may prove the old adage correct
come election day: It's the economy, stupid ... the
U.S. economy added 224,000 new jobs in June, beating
market forecasts of 170,000 ... unemployment at near
50-year lows, this is still a positive development;
300,000 people entered the labor force to finish the
second quarter."
The prophecy of
the unparalleled prosperity in Revelation 18:7, continues
to draw nearer!
We will also reveal two
major contributions to End Times' prophecy which Donald
J. Trump is poised to fulfill. In fact, Trump may be
the only leader who can fulfill these prophecies in
America today. President Trump does not realize it,
but he has 'An Appointment With Destiny', a favorite
term uttered many times by 33rd Degree Masonic President,
Franklin Roosevelt, referring to the New Age / Masonic
Messiah, whom the Bible calls Antichrist.
Listen to this prophecy
and you will see how it truly applies to America today,
under President Donald Trump:
"How much she
hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously ... for she
saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and
shall see no sorrow." (Revelation 18:7, KJV)
Americans are today "living
deliciously" and many truly believe that the good
times will never end!
But, God quickly delivers
His judgment.
shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning,
and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for
strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." (Revelation
18:8, KJV)
Clocks A' Ticking": Book
by Dan Goodwin (author of 'God's Final Jubilee")
Regularly $21.99,
Now Only $19.99
The hour is
late, there are seven clocks all ticking towards midnight,
and everything is about to change. This is not just
a book about prophecy; it's a book that reveals the
warning signs pointing toward the end times. I call
them 'ticking clocks'
.These seven
clocks are sounding an alarm of impending doom, and
are speeding towards a season of great tribulation
upon the earth; a time of suffering and sorrow like
the world has never seen.
Today, it is
five minutes midnight; time is running out. Everything
is about to change, and few are aware that a horrific
storm is about to rock the plant.
The condition
of the world today is like the folks on the Titanic:
eating, drinking and being merry, unaware that time
is running out and their doom is just hours away.
Like those on the Titanic, humanity is unaware of
the judgment soon to be released.
Are you spiritually
prepared to meet Jesus in the air?
Are We Building
The Kingdom of God (At This End of the Age)?
Volume 1 DVD
Mac Dominick
* What is the Kingdom
of God?
* Who are the Watchers
and the sons of God
and how do they fit in with Building the Kingdom of
* Are we now living in the Kingdom of God?
* Is the Church the Kingdom of God?
This study begins before Genesis, in Eternity Past,
and continues through the Book of Revelation, and will
be absolutely critical in maturing your faith at this
End of the Age.
Isaiah 9:6-7 is the logical
starting point for this study. Jesus Christ is revealed
as: * The coming ruler of World Government.
* His government shall rule from Jerusalem from the
lineage of the Throne of David.
* His government shall rule FOREVER.
* He shall be Mighty God.
* He shall rule with eternal Justice and Peace.
* Christians today must
focus their gaze upon this final wonderful ruler and
His kingdom, because this world is going to have to
go through an unparalleled tyrannical kingdom of Antichrist
and of God's judgment upon all mankind. No matter how
awful events are going to get, remember, you are not
home yet!
In the ultimate analysis,
who builds God's Kingdom on Earth? Human Church leaders
or Jesus Christ?
2 hours long 


Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians"
Bonus Section, 'God's Perfect Attributes

When the world wakes up
one morning to discover that Israel has annihilated
as many as 5 or 6 million Palestinians, they will be
screaming for an explanation. The REAL reason people
cannot comprehend this unparalleled disaster / judgment
is that they do not understand God's Nature, in all
of its Perfections. This bonus teaching will bring to
light God's attributes, which explain why He carried
out His prophesied annihilation of the Palestinians,
after giving them 2,500 years of warning!
Obadiah 15-18 foretells
the annihilation by fire of an entire nation, the House
of Esau, which today are the Palestinians. Israel possesses
the "Weapon of Fire" (Fuel Air Bomb) that
could fulfill this prophecy precisely!
Understanding how Israel
is planning to carry out this annihilation soon is critical
to comprehending events in Israel today between the
Palestinians and Israel.
Consider the somber prophecy
of Obadiah 18: 'The house of Jacob shall be a fire and
the house of Joseph a flame, but the house of Esau shall
be stubble; they shall kindle them and burn them and
consume them, and there shall be no more survivor of
the house of Esau, for the Lord has spoken it.' [Verse
This prophecy states that
the nation of Israel [the combined houses of Jacob and
Joseph] shall have some kind of a fire build up within
them that will suddenly explode outward to consume the
House of Esau in 100% annihilation. Since a weapon of
fire does not travel outward from its source too far,
we can assume that this House of Esau must be living
in close proximity to Israel at the moment of this conflagration.
Thus, the major question
is, 'who is the House of Esau today'? It is the Palestinians,
led currently by Mahmoud Abbas.
You will be shocked to
learn that God's Holy Spirit has been working since
1990 to convince the Israeli leadership of the need
to annihilate the Palestinians. You will be further
surprised to learn that the huge security fence Israel
has erected around the Palestinian towns and cities
will prove to be an indispensable tool in their strategy
to carry out this complete destruction, as God has foretold
2,500 years ago.
We wish to reiterate that
we take no satisfaction from this unbelievable prophecy
of carnage, but a lot of people are going to be searching
for valid answers in a hurry once this carnage does
occur. They have to look no further for correct answers
than this prophecy in Obadiah.
Over one hour long -

Guys With Guns" DVD
to Deter A Tyrannical Dictatorship"
Regularly $24.99, Now
Only $22.99 
Why are we seeing so
many mass public shootings? Our 'Experts' seem to have no
answers other than 'disarm the public'! Gun Control has historically
made it much easier for a government to become more violent
in the manner in which it treats its citizens; in fact, the
first action a new dictatorship takes is to seize all guns
from the people. Lenin and Hitler both seized individual weapons
under the same false premise that they were making their citizens
"more safe"; the reality was that they made their
citizens more susceptible to a severe dictatorship.
New Age author, Bill Cooper, has some very pertinent things
to say on this issue: In every instance that I have investigated
since 1988, the shooters were all ex-mental patients or were
current mental patients who were ALL ON THE DRUG PROZAC or
some other mind-altering drug! This drug, when taken in certain
doses, increases the serotonin level in the patient, causing
extreme violence. Couple that with a post-hypnotic suggestion
or control through an electronic brain implant, or microwave
or E.L.F. intrusion, and you get mass murder, ending in every
case with the suicide of the perpetrator." "Beyond
A Pale Horse".
Scholars tell us that
tyrannical governments have murdered 262 million citizens
after they had seized all private weapons. Since our government
is still using the One Dollar Bill, we can only assume that
it is still pursuing the type of government on the back of
that bill:
NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM (New World Order), planned to be the most
dictatorial government in all history.
How well is this deliberate
government mind control program working? 'This plan is well
under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class
is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment'.
Our Founding Fathers did not write the right of americans
to bear arms into the Constitution so we could hunt and shoot
targets; coming out of the slaughter of citizens in Europe
by dictatorial kings, our Fathers were most intent upon never
allowing America to be so subjugated, and they realized that
only a Constitutional right to keep and to bear arms could
prevent private arms from being seized.
Spread the word! Our
right to arms is being eroded and a dictatorship will be inevitable
if private guns are eliminated.
In Egypt" DVD
by Michael S. Smith,
Only $19.99
'Joseph in Egypt' is one of
the most exciting stories in all of the Bible. It is packed
with prophetic golden nuggets from beginning to end.
What would you say if we told
you the rapture, tribulation and millennial kingdom were all
in this story? One thing we can clearly say is that this Bible
story is NOT from this dimension! Not only does this story
show Israel's past, present, and future, but it also shows
a clear pattern of God's relationship with all who love Him.
As Joseph went from the pit
to the palace, we have the blessed hope and assurance that
our journey on earth will soon be completed and we will go
to our home in Heaven.
Michael Samuel Smith was stationed
in Germany as a military pilot.
- Deadly Wound "Healed!"
of the Beast: Antichrist's Resurrection and Return Planned
in Washington DC!" 
This video builds
upon the foundation of our Secret
Mysteries of Americas Beginnings series and adds
to and builds up and updates what we presented!
From 1776, a Shadow
Government existed which really controlled the levers
of power; under President Obama, this shadow government
was transformed into the DEEP STATE!
Washington DC
was planned to be a High Place of Luciferian worship,
exactly like the High Places" in Old Testament
times, against which God railed. Washington DC is correctly
called the most evil place on Earth with spiritually
controlled buildings and seething with occult energy,
just as we reported in
Riddles In Stone!
Luciferians of
Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and other occult leaders
have always viewed world and national events as being
controlled by National Overlords, demonic beings as
revealed in Daniel
US Capitol was
built with a secret crypt empty of a body, so that,
at the right moment in world history, the body of the
assassinated Masonic Christ can be placed within; the
most powerful Scottish Rite Masonic leaders will then
convene to conduct the Aleister Crowley Raising of Osiris
ritual which will raise Osiris (Antichrist) from the
dead, thus fulfilling Revelation 13:3, so that the power
and authority foretold in Revelation 13:4 can be fully
7 New
$1.95 Booklets
all Titles

report the vital issues of the Church today, and they
are popularly priced at $1.95! Selection is now up to
Rabbis, Donald Trump and The Secret Plan
To Build The Third Temple"
book by Dr. Thomas Horn
$19.95, for 250 pages
The new government
must apply sovereignty to Judea and Samaria,
Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan pledged
as he spoke to the thousands of visitors
who flocked to the Tomb of the Patriarchs
in Hebron. We are praying that [the] new
government will declare sovereignty on Judea
and Samaria' said Ben-Dahan, who served
in the last government under the Bayit Yehudi
'A government
that with God's help will show the world
that there is no difference between Hebron
and Beersheba. Hebron is what connects Jerusalem
to Beersheba. Here in Hebron the nation
of Israel connects to its roots', Ben-Dahan
said [then] added a prayer that the Jewish
Temple, which was destroyed by the Romans
in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago, would
be speedily rebuilt.
our Archived Article reporting the fervent
Masonic determination to rebuild the Jewish
from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple;
leave out of its ritual all references to
that sacred edifice, and to the legends
and traditions connected with it, and the
system itself would at once decay and die
... " ["Encyclopaedia of
Freemasonry", by Albert Mackey, MD,
33º and Charles T. McClenachan, 33º,
Revised Edition, by Edward L. Hawkins, 30º
and William J. Hughan, 32º, Volume
II, M-Z, published by The Masonic History
Company, Chicago, New York, London, 1873,
A.G. Mackey, 1927, by the Masonic History
Israel is drawing very close to rebuilding
the Jewish Temple, and it will be to honor
their newly-arisen Jewish Messiah, whom
the Bible calls Antichrist!
times are exciting, are they not?
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