Thursday, July 9, 2015

Most recent Newsletter online

What Must I Do To Be Saved?


5. The 'Jade Helm 15" Martial Law Exercise Begins Next Week, Significantly Reduced From Original Plans

Will Americans be forced into lockdown because of this exercise, as many are fearing?


1. Pope Francis I Touched A Raw Historical Note When He Asked, "Why Didn't Allied Planes Bomb German Rail Lines In World War II".

Allied airpower could have easily destroyed the Nazi death camps and the railroads bringing victims. President Roosevelt will be held accountable on Judgment Day for his tacit cooperation with the Nazi death machine.

2. Medicare "Death Panels" Are Gaining Acceptance Amongst Americans

"They who hate me love and court death" -- (Proverbs 8:36)

America's love affair with Death is staggering.

3. Is Donald Trump Going To Deliver The Hispanic Vote To The Democrats Single-handily?

His outrageous remarks may do more damage to the GOP this fall than any combination of Democrat candidates.

4. Former President Jimmy Carter Shockingly States That Jesus Would Have Approved of "Same-Sex Marriage"!

Carter continues to do great damage to the cause of Jesus, all in the name of Jesus.

daily news updates

New Common Core DVD Is Shipping July 14!

"Escaping Common Core"

"Setting Our Children Free"

Still Only $19.99 Order Yours Now

Now Is The Time For Gods People To Separate  And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Rev 18: 4)
God is calling all Christian parents to separate their precious children from Public Schools to save their eternal souls. Common Core is a new label for state -controlled public education standards in an ongoing attempt to dumb down' the American educational system, a struggle that has raged for 200 years. Common Core is a deficient education designed to produce the Common Herd work force for the New World Order.

We are NOT advocating that Christian parents aggressively try to reform the public school system from within. That concept is NOT biblical, has been tried for 40 years, and will never work. Scripture commands families to provide Christian education, not a secular or godless education.

We advocate that Christian parents remove their children from public schools to enroll them in the safe sanctuary of private Christian schools, home school or online Christian education. The Bible tells the believer: 'Come out from among them and be ye separate, says the Lord...' (2 Cor. 6:17) This 'Call To Action' is Biblically based! Many parents today refuse to address the spiritual forces endangering their childrens beloved eternal souls in public schools. Many are too in love with the worlds system - even if they have to send their precious children to a pagan, atheistic, hostile public school. Our approach is Biblical, following the express teaching of the Bible on how to raise and educate children, an essential part of our Christian walk of faith and obedience to Christ.

Are you ready to answer to Jesus on Judgment Day for why you left your children in hostile, pagan Public Schools?

15 Speakers include: E. Ray Moore, ThM (Executive Producer, and Exodus Mandate); Dennis Cuddy (Ph.D); Mac Dominick (Researcher, Cutting Edge Ministries); Dan Smithwick (President, Nehemiah Institute); Ohio Representative Andy Thompson; Matthew Gerwitz; Ellen Gerwitz (Honour of Kings Homeschool Curricula); Bruce Shortt (Author); Vodie Baucham; Ed Gamble (President, Kingdom Education); Felice Gerwitz; Brian D. Ray (PhD., President, National Home Educational Research); Israel Wayne (Founder, Family Renewal); Kevin Swanson (President, Generations With Vision); Rick Boyer (Head of Character Concepts); Heidi Huber (Ohioans Against Common Core).

Hot News


1. Pope Francis I Touched A Raw Historical Note When He Asked, "Why Didn't Allied Planes Bomb German Rail Lines In World War II".

Allied airpower could have easily destroyed the Nazi death camps and the railroads bringing victims. President Roosevelt will be held accountable on Judgment Day for his tacit cooperation with the Nazi death machine.

NEWS BRIEF: "Answering Pope Francis’s Question About Auschwitz", Breaking Israel News, 29 June, 2015

" 'The great powers had photographs of the railway routes that the trains took to… Auschwitz', Pope Francis remarked this week. 'Tell me', he asked, 'why didn’t they bomb them?' "

One of the greatest mysteries of World War II was why the Allies did not bomb the Nazi Death Camps until they would work no longer, and why airpower did not destroy the rail lines and the trains carrying Jewish victims to their genocide. Allied intelligence knew in 1942 that the Nazis had moved to the "frenzied killing level" and surveillance over Germany watched the death camps being constructed. Why did the Western Allies sit back and refuse to intervene. Had dramatic intervention occurred in 1942, millions of innocent lives could have been saved.

As it turns out, Jewish organizations dramatically urged President Roosevelt to act to save Jewish lives.

"The reason the Allies had photos of the railways leading to Auschwitz is that throughout the spring of 1944, Allied planes conducted surveillance of the area in preparation for bombing German oil factories, some of which were less than five miles from the gas chambers and crematoria.Yet when Jewish organizations asked the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration to bomb the railway lines or the death camp itself, U.S. officials replied that such an operation was not feasible because it would require “diverting” planes from the battlefield. That was false; those oil factories were very much a part of the battlefield."

Why was Adolf Hitler so committed to destroying the Jews? He hated them for religious reasons; he was a dedicated Black Magick Satanist and the demons possessing him drove his insane hatred of all Jews. Antichrist will hate the Jews in the same manner when he arises, which is why he will attempt to annihilate them, starting at the mid-point of the Tribulation.

In "Blood Sacrifice: Cleansing the Soil For The Coming Aryan Antichrist", we prove that Hitler intensely wanted to cremate the bodies of his "human sacrifices", believing that, when he spread their ashes over Germany, he would "sanctify" the land for his 1,000-year reign as the Aryan Christ (Antichrist)!

This Satanic belief will stagger your mind, but it is one of the most important factors behind the conduct of World War II.

Now, let us finish our discussion by returning to the refusal of the Roosevelt and Churchill governments to act to save Jews from Hitler's genocide. The truth of the matter is that, while Hitler was clearly a master practitioner of Black Magic, Roosevelt and Churchill were followers of the White Magic brand of New Age thought.

Because White Magic New Age also is occultic, their followers are seized with the same kind of hatred toward the Jews. The Roosevelt State Department was led by men who also hated the Jew. Now you know the truth.



NOTE: News Alert continues after the advertisement, below

Prophetically Understanding World War III

World War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event

New DVD by David Bay

In the minds of most people, two words carry so much emotional baggage that people cringe whenever they hear these Apocalyptic words. 1) Armageddon; ) World War III.

In the past 20 years, whenever a battle begins in the Middle East or whenever a verbal confrontation breaks out between major powers, 'gloom and doom' scare-mongers immediately begin to shout 'World War III', much like a person yells 'FIRE' in a crowded theater.

Bible prophecy reveals that Antichrist will be produced on the world scene by a number of signs, including 'wars and rumors of wars'. Demonic familiar spirits told the Elite in 1870 that three world wars will be needed to produce Antichrist. Make no mistake about it: Antichrist will be produced by World War III.

Therefore, the question of the hour is, 'when will this global war begin' and 'what are the signs it is about to commence'? Many major events are planned to occur just as World War III begins. Mankind will be systematically hit with unparalleled disasters of every kind as this planned global war unfolds. But, none of these events will occur until the lynchpin called 'World War III' is pulled.

When the Global Elite pulls this lynchpin event called World War III, events are going to be unleashed in such severity and in such great numbers the peoples of the world will not stand in awe, they will panic and run for the hills. Jesus said that 'men's hearts shall fail them for fear', and the Elite is creating just such climactic events which shall not occur until the lynchpin known as 'World War III' is pulled.

We will show you the 12 major disasters the Elite has created and is waiting only for the beginning of World War III to unleash them all, almost at once. No one need fear that any of these disasters will jump across the starting line ahead of time; each awaits the 'pulling of the lynchpin', World War III.

One Hour --

This DVD may be the most important you will ever see on End Times events!


2. Medicare "Death Panels" Are Gaining Acceptance Amongst Americans

"They who hate me love and court death" -- (Proverbs 8:36)

America's love affair with Death is staggering.

NEWS BRIEF: "Medicare's end-of-life counseling policy may find acceptance: "Death Panels", The Charlotte Observer, July 9, 2015

"WASHINGTON -- Six years ago, a proposal for Medicare to cover end-of-life counseling touched off a political uproar that threatened to stall President Barack Obama's health care law in Congress. Wednesday, when Medicare finally announced it will make the change, reaction was muted."

Isn't it amazing how easily people can be manipulated into supporting some radical proposal they had originally opposed, just by waiting a period of time pass by? This theme is paramount in our new article, shown right, "Invisible, Invincible Mind Control".

Mass Media exists primarily to be the population-wide "mind control change agent" which will eventually mold the thinking of 80% of the people to the position the Elite want their people to support. At the time, six years, ago, Sarah Palin popularized a term straight out of the Nazi handbook.

"At the time, former Alaska Republican Gov. Sarah Palin's accusation that voluntary counseling could lead to government-sponsored 'death panels' dictating the fate of frail elders was widely discredited. But for the Obama administration, end-of-life counseling remained politically radioactive, even as the idea found broader acceptance in society."

New laws crown the Independent Medicare Advisory Board (IMAB) as an untouchable regulatory authority wielding dictatorial powers. This law is the Worst Case Scenario for Americans who fall into one of the "Devalued" categories, Elderly, Terminally Ill, Vegetative State, or Insane, or Politically Incorrect. President Obama's Health Care Law gives rebirth to the Nazi Biomedical Vision - the bloody Nazi Wolf is back!"

Please take a few moments to read our 2010 Headline News Article, NEWS2412, entitled, "New Health Care Law Will, Indeed, Set Up Death Panels". You will be shocked to realize that America has, indeed, fallen in love with DEATH!


NOTE: News Alert continues after the advertisement, below

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Ready To Ride

Revelation 6:1-8 - DVD's by Dr. Missler


The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse -- Jesus Christ -- Revelation 19

"The Triumphant Return of Jesus Christ"

Volume I - DVD by Mac Dominick - 2-DVD Set

Jesus Christ IS returning to Earth, this time as an Omnipotent Warrior King, anxious to totally defeat Antichrist and his armies awaiting Him on the Plain of Armageddon!

We are living in a world with an apocalyptic mindset. The viewer will learn of such topics as The History and Future of Israel, The Rapture of the Church, The Building of the One-World Church, The Coming War with Russia, The Identity of the Antichrist, World War III, Armageddon. and the much-anticipated Kingdom of God on Earth.

If you want to learn what the Word of God tells of the future and make changes in your life as a result----you must get this series.

2-DVD Set, nearly 3 hours --

3. Is Donald Trump Going To Deliver The Hispanic Vote To The Democrats Single-handily?

His outrageous remarks may do more damage to the GOP this fall than any combination of Democrat candidates.

NEWS BRIEF: "Trump's immigration comments hurting GOP: Romney ", CNN Politics, July 8, 2015

"Wolfeboro, New Hampshire (CNN)Mitt Romney said Saturday that Donald Trump's comments on Mexico and undocumented immigrants have hurt the Republican Party, making the 2012 presidential nominee the latest Republican to slam the billionaire over his controversial remarks .... Asked if Trump's comments on Mexicans have hurt the Republican Party, Romney replied, "Yes."

" 'I think he made a severe error in saying what he did about Mexican-Americans', Romney said."

There is no doubt but that Donald Trump's remarks are highly offensive against Hispanic voters in America. If the Democrats wanted to create a sensation that would drive Hispanic voters into the Democrat ranks during the 2016 election, they could not have chosen a better way to do that than Donald Trump's explosive public rhetoric.

Republican candidates need to condemn Trump;s comments or over 10 million Hispanic voters will vote overwhelmingly Democrat, and will continue voting for Democrats for decades to come.


NOTE: News Alert continues after the advertisement, below





Also in this sale you can get Prophecies Churches Are Ignoring - DVD Combo by David Bay - Volume 1 which contains 3 DVDs with the first six programs shown above.

Regular Price: $89.94
Sale Price: $29.99


See Our $9.99 Books / DVD's
72 Titles From Which To Choose

4. Former President Jimmy Carter Shockingly States That Jesus Would Have Approved of "Same-Sex Marriage"!

Carter continues to do great damage to the cause of Jesus, all in the name of Jesus.

NEWS BRIEF: "Jimmy Carter: Jesus Would OK Gay Marriage, Some Abortion ", News Busters, July 7, 2015

"Liberals love to define the Bible the way they want. This time it was the 39th U.S. President Jimmy Carter. About half way through the interview on Huffington Post Live, Carter was asked his opinion of gay marriage, to which he gave the obligatory, 'That’s no problem with me. You know, I think everybody should have the right to get married regardless of their sex' ... "

"Carter skipped the point where Jesus defined a relationship between a man and a woman in Mark 19:4-6 ... "

A USA Today article contains more details on Carter's remarks.

NEWS BRIEF: "Jimmy Carter: 'I believe Jesus would approve gay marriage' ", USA Today, July 8, 2015

"Former President Jimmy Carter said in a recent interview that he thinks Jesus would approve of gay marriage. 'I think Jesus would encourage any love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else, and I don't see that gay marriage damages anyone else," Carter said in a HuffPost Live interview with Marc Lamont Hill published Tuesday.

" 'I believe Jesus would approve gay marriage', he said. 'That's just my own personal opinion'."

America continues to march toward God's Judgment Abyss on this issue of national promotion of homosexuality on the same basis as heterosexuality. THAT was the major sin of Sodom and was the main reason the gay boys and men of the city felt brazen enough to demand that God's angels come out of Lot's house so they could make love in public!

Please take a moment to read our Headline News Analysis Article on this subject, NEWS2549, entitled, "U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Declaring Same-Sex Marriage to Be Legal Has Officially Forced America To Cross That Dreaded 'Sodom Judgment Line'."

Your understanding of the moral hell into which America has fallen will never be the same again.


5. The 'Jade Helm 15" Martial Law Exercise Begins Next Week, Significantly Reduced From Original Plans

Will Americans be forced into lockdown because of this exercise, as many are fearing?

NEWS BRIEF: "Jade Helm 15, heavily scrutinized military exercise, to open without media access", The Washington Post, July 8, 2015

"Jade Helm 15, the controversial Special Operations exercise that spawned a wave of conspiracy theories about a government takeover, will open next week without any media allowed to observe it ... Embedded reporters won’t be permitted at any point during the exercise, in which military officials say that secretive Special Operations troops will maneuver through private and publicly owned land in several southern states...."

"The exercise is scheduled for July 15 through September 15 and is expected to include more than 1,200 troops. Army Special Operations Command announced the exercise in March, saying its size and scope would set it apart from most training exercises. For months, some protesters have said Jade Helm is setting the stage for future martial law ... Jade Helm is no longer as large as it was described on briefing slides published on the Internet in March."

Cutting Edge posted an article on this exercise, revealing its true intent and its limitations. Please read NEWS2546, entitled, "Training Troops To Impose Nationwide Martial Law: Studying the practical effects of the operation, 'Jade Helm 15'. Will America be in Dictatorial Lockdown once this exercise is completed?"

Knowing the truth shall set you free!

Headline Analysis News Articles

"Incredible End Times Prophecy Unfolding In Israel!"

Prominent Jewish Rabbi Declares Appearance of Jewish Messiah Is So Close That Jews Around The World Must Come Home!

Modern Israel has always enjoyed a strong stream of Jews returning to the Promised Land.

But, God promised that one of the signs that the End of the Age was near was when He would send His Holy Spirit throughout the world, calling them to come home! Listen:

"Like a "bee-keeper hissing for his bees", God is drawing His people back to His land.

"The Rabbi told him that he should not leave Israel because the Messiah would be arriving very soon. As the Islamic threat mounts ever higher against Israel, Orthodox priests believe even more strongly that these threats are a major sign that the Messiah is very close to intervening on behalf of the Jews."


"U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Declaring Same-Sex Marriage to Be Legal Has Officially Forced America To Cross That Dreaded 'Sodom Judgment Line'."

America's new god is Baphomet, the Transgendered Demon of Hell

Baphomet's human symbol is now Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner!


Watch Trailer

"God's Loving Sovereignty Over His Chosen Nation, Israel"

God's Pattern In Dealing With Israel Revealed - From Ancient Israel To Today

Warning to all haters of Israel and the Jews: You are fighting 'Mission Impossible", fighting against Omnipotent God

"Training Troops To Impose Nationwide Martial Law: Will America be in Dictatorial Lockdown once this 'Jade Helm 15' exercise is completed in August?


"Dragons In The Pulpit"

If your Pastor or Deacons are Freemasons, the Holy Spirit has written "ICHABOD" -- the glory of the Lord has departed" above the door to your Church!


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See All Our $9.99 Books / DVD's
72 Titles From Which To Choose!

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30 Titles From Which To Choose!



May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries


What Must I Do To Be Saved?

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