Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
1. Why are top
Israeli political and military -- plus top strategic
planners -- convinced that Israel must extend her sovereignty
Because they can
see that America is in serious decline and cannot be
depended upon to be a faithful ally in the future!
fear of a US retreat from the Mideast is driving Netanyahu
toward annexation", The
Times of Israel, 5 July 2020
"Why is Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu so keen on annexation?"
The standard answer is
that he is convinced that Israel must annex Judea and
Samaria and even possibly the Jordan Valley, while he
has the revered President Trump in office. But, there
may be more to it than that.
"Given the high potential
costs, none of the usual run of explanations seems adequate
... An annexation amounts to an Israeli declaration
about the status of some territory. Trump may recognize
that declaration, but would a President Joe Biden uphold
that recognition in six short months?"
Now, prepare yourself
for a shock of great magnitude.
"When Israeli defense
planners who support an annexation move talk about a
'window of opportunity' in Washington, they mean something
larger than the expected end of the Trump presidency.
There is a fear that America itself is in retreat, and
with it a global order that could be relied upon to
ensure some measure of stability and security for a
small country like Israel."
" 'American hegemony
is crumbling before our eyes', said Dr. Eran Lerman,
a prominent conservative defense thinker who supports
the annexation plan ... It is hard to exaggerate the
effect of the sense of American retreat has on Israeli
Since President George
W. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq, in March, 2003,
on the flimsy excuse that Saddam Hussein possessed nuclear
weapons he could launch against his neighbors, we have
chronicled the tragic spectacle of the American superpower
emptying out $3 Trillion of its lifeblood on the sands
of that poor country.
President Bush's persistence
in pursuing a completely needless war for such a long
time and at such a high cost in money and lives, was
so egregious that Candidate Trump announced that, if
elected President, he would stop America's continuation
of all needless wars.
President Obama continued
to allow American treasure to be wasted in those treacherous
sands of Afghanistan and Iraq, all the while he was
bowing to the interests of Islamic power.
But, in looking beyond
President Trump, Israeli planners believe they see the
signs of political weakness toward Israel. The entire
Democrat Party has aligned itself against Israel, and
that bodes ill for the tiny Jewish State.
Bible scholars have long
lamented why America does not come to Israel's aid during
the Gog-Magog War foretold in Ezekiel 38-39, after being
such a faithful ally for decades. Perhaps this is the
America is in serious,
permanent decline, spiritually, financially, politically
and militarily!
The continuous
pounding against America's support of Israel from Leftists
has finally toppled the statue.
Using cyber-ware, Israel has destroyed much of Iran's
nuclear enrichment and research capability.
Mysterious Explosions Cripple Iran’s Nuclear Capability:
Israel Responds", Breaking Israel
News, July 5, 2020
"A series of explosions
in Iran including several at problematic nuclear sites
has left the regime giving conflicting answers to difficult
questions. It also graphically illustrates that even
the most secure Iranian facilities are open to foreign
Where were these attacks?
* "On June 25, a
huge explosion rocked Parchin military base about 20
miles southeast of the capital Tehran ... It was later
revealed that the explosion was the result of a cyberattack,
possibly carried out by Israel. "
* " Four days later,
an explosion from a gas leak in the Sina Athar Medical
Center in northern Tehran killed 19 people. "
* "On Thursday, a
fire and explosion damaged a centrifuge production plant
above Iran’s Natanz nuclear enrichment facility
... Natanz nuclear facility is generally recognized
as Iran’s central facility for uranium enrichment
with over 19,000 gas centrifuges currently operational
and nearly half of them being fed with uranium hexafluoride."
* "Disaster hit Iran
yet again on Saturday as an explosion ripped through
the Zargan power plant in the Iranian city of Ahvaz.
* "A few hours later
on Saturday, IRNA said a chlorine gas leak at a Karun
petrochemical center in the city of Mahshahr in southeast
A few hours later, ...
a large explosion at the local power station left half
of the city of Tehran without electricity. This incident
seems unrelated to the cyber attacks on Iran's nuclear
Now that Iran
knows she is not capable of matching Israeli military
competence, she will not directly come to the aid of
any action initiated by the Palestinians.
is patently impossible to discuss social engineering
... without implying extensive objectives of social
control and destruction of human life, i.e., slavery
and benevolent genocide ... When a silent weapon is
applied gradually, the public
adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate
its encroachment on their lives until the pressure ...
becomes too great and they crack up. ["Behold
A Pale Horse", Cooper, p. 36, 40]
3. Former Satanist,
Doc Marquis, stated often that, when the time comes
for the Illuminati to launch its final offensive against
this Old Order, they will cause one disaster after another
to rage against us.
"Scarcely can people
adjust to one disaster than they are abruptly faced
with another, and then another and then another, until
suddenly their collective national consciousness is
broken. And, then they can be conquered." (Doc
Marquis, 1973)
As you can readily see,
Doc's statement corroborates that of Bill Cooper, New
Age author, as we have reprinted, above.
Consider what
we have endured thus far:
* Russia Collusion
* Ukraine Traitor
* Impeachment
of President Trump
* Coronavirus
-- COVID-19
* Riots In Our
Cities Attempting To Overthrow President Trump
Now, consider
new disasters potentially on the horizon:
* New deadly virus,
part Swine Flu and Part Spanish Flu
NEWS BRIEF: "Chinese
researchers discover ‘human pandemic potential’
swine flu strain in pigs",
The New York Post, June 29, 2020
"Chinese researchers
have reportedly identified a new strain of the swine
flu that has the potential to become a pandemic. Scientists
in China say the strain, which emerged recently, is
carried by pigs but can infect humans."
"Researchers say
the virus has 'all the hallmarks' of being highly adapted
to spread from person to person and trigger a global
outbreak ... Given that it’s a new development,
people will likely have little to no immunity."
Dr. Fauci announced last
week that this new swine flu contained similarities
with the 1918 Spanish Flu, which caused 50 million deaths
worldwide. ("G4
swine flu: New virus found in China similar to Spanish
When this new Spanish
Flu does hit the world, we might see the global influenza
foretold in Seal #4, of Revelation 6:8! That Seal Judgment
will kill 25% of mankind!
* Bubonic Plague
officials confirm case of bubonic plague",
The New York Post, July 6, 2020
"As if the novel
coronavirus isn’t enough to worry about, a disease
that caused the Black Death and killed some 50 million
people in the 14th century has raised its ugly head
again, according to a report. Officials in China are
on high alert after a case of bubonic plague was discovered
in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region."
* New "Bunny
Ebola" Killing Thousands of Rabbits across America
new ‘bunny Ebola’ killing thousands of rabbits
across US", The New York Post,
July 1, 2020
"As if the world
wasn’t plague-stricken enough, a deadly new virus
that’s more contagious than the coronavirus is
sweeping across the US, killing thousands of both domestic
and wild rabbits in the Southwest."
"“We refer
to it as ‘bunny Ebola,’? Texas veterinarian
Dr. Amanda Jones tells .... of the leporine affliction,
whose official name is rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus
(RHDV2) ... it does cause lesions in rabbits’
organs and tissues, which results in internal bleeding
and death. Even more peculiar, many of the affected
creatures’ noses started bleeding post-mortem."
" 'We still have
no idea where it originated', Ralph Zimmerman, New Mexico
state veterinarian ... since April, the US Department
of Agriculture (USDA) has confirmed RHDV2 cases in Arizona,
California, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Texas and New Mexico.
Nearly 500 bunnies in New Mexico were infected between
March and June alone."
"RHDV2 — which
spreads through blood, feces and urine — is more
contagious and deadlier than the coronavirus, with a
90% mortality rate recorded in the current outbreak
... a person or a pet can easily bring it home and help
facilitate the spread of the virus. Not only that, but
the hardy disease can live on surfaces for 3½
months at room temperature and can survive freezing,
as well as temperatures up to 122 degrees for at least
an hour."
"... the current
epidemic is particularly alarming because this is the
first time the virus has jumped from domesticated animals
to wild rabbits, pikas and hares ... Currently, there
is no locally available cure for the disease."
“This is
a new problem that’s here to stay', says Jones."
But, thank God,
this disease so far has not jumped to humans.
When will the American
people reach the point of "crisis fatigue"
and simply crack up?
Quisling Democrat officials throughout America are refusing
to allow police to enforce the law.
NEWS BRIEF: "'National
protector' needed as 'Democrat mayors and governors'
allow lawlessness", World Net
Daily, July 5, 2020
"Our America First
movement faces a fulcrum moment. After achieving the
incredible upset of seizing the presidency from the
conventional interests that dominated United States
politics and media for decades, now President Trump
can advance to the next step of his historic quest:
transitioning from the Great Disruptor to the become
the Great Protector of the American people, particularly
the middle class."
"Now, and into a
second Trump term, our country will forcefully reject
the plots of violent agitators who would impose a Mao-style
cultural revolution that attacks monuments, desecrates
our history, and bans works of art and literature. In
addition, far too many Democratic mayors and governors
tacitly allow, and sometimes even encourage, lawlessness.
The need, therefore, increases for a president as a
national protector."
Murder, mayhem,
and blood are staining these Democrat-controlled cities
and towns.
NEWS BRIEF: "Fireworks
for Some, Murder and Mayhem for Others",
American Greatness, July 6,
"Holiday weekend
brings fireworks for some, murders and violence for
others ... There was no holiday respite for the malefactors
and troublemakers who made the headlines all weekend.
Let’s review a few of the notable happenings."
* " in Seattle some
Black Lives Matter idiots blocked a freeway (illegal)
in the middle of the night and a “luxury”
car driven by a racist hit two people. Oh wait, the
car was driven by a black dude."
* "In the city of
Baltimore, took down a statue of noted confederate solider
Christopher Columbus."
I did not know Christopher
Columbus owned slaves, either Native American or Black!
* "... a statue of
Frederick Douglass was toppled in Rochester, New York.
I’m not sure what the pretense for this was as
Douglass was an abolitionist and a black man. Does anyone
still think all this vandalism and destruction is about
racism? "
* "Chicago had a
rough weekend with 70 shot and 14 dead. Several children
lost their lives, including a 6-year-old in San Francisco,
and an 8-year-old in Atlanta. Some fine gentleman in
NYC pulled a gun out in broad daylight and shot someone."
Please take a few moments
to watch this
video of a father walking down a street in New York
City with his daughter holding his hand, only to
get shot down from behind by a shooter riding in a car.
This kind of murder and mayham is occurring very rapidly
now that the police have been partially defunded, criminals
have been set free, and bail laws have been changed
so that criminals walk free while awaiting trial!
Democrat-run cities are
charged in fatal shooting of 7-year-old Chicago girl
Natalia Wallace"
opens fire outside Brooklyn apartment moments after
child enters"
captures moment of Bronx double homicide"
Gov. Kemp authorizes National Guard after a weekend
of violence in Atlanta left five people dead, including
an 8-year-old girl"
5. The national
Democrat Party is cheering on the burning of America.
A Massachusetts
Attorney General -- worth $4,000,000 -- tries to justify
the lawlessness and the burning of rioters.
NEWS BRIEF: "National
Democrat AG Association Co-Chair Cheers America Burning",
Republican Attorneys General Association, June 3, 2020
"With American cities
coast to coast on fire over the last week, and rioters
and looters taking to the streets, torching police cars,
police stations, banks, businesses, homes, and even
a church, the Co-Chair of the Democrat Attorneys General
Association publicly urged the continued burning of
"During a speech
on Tuesday, liberal Massachusetts Attorney General and
Democrat Attorneys General Association Co-Chair Maura
Healey referenced the violence going on across the country,
saying, 'Yes, America is burning. But that’s how
forests grow'.”
Maura Healey is worth
$4,000,000 so she can afford to be cavalier about the
gross and dangerous practice of burning businesses and
homes and people.
If American voters do
not turn out these traitorous officials, this once great
country, nor its enlightened Republic, will survive
the next four years.
6. Meanwhile,
President Trump reiterates the honored values which
has allowed God to bless this country:
"We Stand
Tall, We Stand Proud, And We Only Kneel To Almighty
‘We Stand Tall, We Stand Proud, And We Only Kneel
To Almighty God’," Breitbart
News, 4 July 2020
"President Donald
Trump declared in a fiery speech delivered at Mount
Rushmore’s Independence Day celebration on Friday
that 'we only kneel to Almighty God'."
" 'This is who we
are', he continued. 'This is what we believe, and these
are the values that will guide us as we strive to build
an even better and greater future'.”
"The president addressed
the mounting tensions in the country by carefully laying
out the left’s tactics, exposing their political
weapon of cancel culture, “driving people from
their jobs shaming dissenters and demanding total submission
from anyone who disagrees.”
“ 'This is the very
definition of totalitarianism, and it is completely
alien to our culture and to our values, and it has absolutely
no place in the United States of America ... Not gonna
happens to us'.”
7. New research
proves -- again -- the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine
in treating COVID-19.
Zelenko Vindicated after Hydroxychloroquine Proven Effective:
Calls Naysayers “Mass Murderers”, Breaking
Israel News, July 6, 2020
"CNN has been a longtime
opponent of treating COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine
after the president advocated its use but their stance
took a turnaround in an article published on Friday
citing positive results for the drug ... "
"So it was quite
surprising when CNN published an article on Friday co-authored
by Cohen reporting on a new study of 2,541 hospitalized
patients which found that those patients given hydroxychloroquine
were much less likely to die. 26% of those not given
hydroxychloroquine died, compared to 13% of those who
got the drug."
Black victims are most
cruelly impacted by Coronavirus, so this next segment
is encouraging.
"A secondary result
indicates that black patients who were part of the study
died at a lower rate than white patients', Macomb Daily
reported ... 'potentially, African-American patients
benefited significantly from this drug'.”
The far-left has blood
on their hands!
"Many in the public
and in the health sector were incensed at how the left-wing
media had deceived the public in medical matters in
order to advance an anti-Trump agenda. David Samadi,
the director of men’s health and urologic oncology
at St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, New York, and a medical
commentator for Fox News asked, 'How many lives were
lost because of it' ?”
Dr. Zelenko goes even
further in his condemnation.
"Dr. Zelenko stated
that 'hydroxychloroquine deniers' were 'mass murderers'.
The video was removed by YouTube for 'violating YouTube’s
community guidelines'.”
A "Second
Wave of Stupidity" is sweeping over us!
Second Wave of Stupidity", American
Greatness, July 5, 2020
"The coronavirus
panic was starting to ebb after the successful state
reopenings of May and enthusiastic public protests of
June. Rather than acknowledging this good news story,
the same lunatics are clamoring to tighten the screws
The War to Close
Down the Economy
"States have been
reopening for about two months now. The economic results
certainly have been impressive, and deaths are not accelerating.
The new metric of rising cases' seems custom-designed
to keep the bad news coming, even though it includes
long-since-resolved or asymptomatic cases."
The overriding agenda
of the Mass Media is to frighten citizens and officials
into keeping the economy shut down so that a new Great
Depression will erupt and will greatly aid in defeating
Trump this November.
Do not play along this

8. South Africa's
recent history of dramatic economic decline shows what
happens when an entire country is suddenly ruled by
leaders of Ideology and Hate, and Not Economic Skill.
Africa paid the price for defaming Israel
", Israel National News, 6/7/2020
"Common characteristics
of a failed state include a government too weak or ineffective
to provide public services; has widespread corruption
and criminality;refugees and sharp economic decline”
(UK Essays)"
"The top lawman in
the land, you see, the Chief Justice, had expressed
what Israel meant for him ... 'I'm under an obligation
as a Christian, to love Israel, to pray for the peace
of Jerusalem, which actually means the peace of Israel'..."
"I know, hatred for
Israel, by me and for my nation can only attract unprecedented
curses upon our nation.” Well, it seems to have
"Hell, though, is
not the end of the world. Life in a failed state is
not entirely bad. You have to deal with elements more
or less stable, more or less controllable, more or less
mad. Only one thing really matters – to recognise
the curse that brought you to hell and what will keep
you there unless you learn that those who curse Israel
will be cursed."
How quickly would
America remain a Superpower if this current rabble takes
President Trump
continues to masterfully manage the economy
In Our Own Prosperity"
-- Psalm 17:10
Surged to All-Time High and Job Openings Unexpectedly
Soared in May
Cramer: ‘There’s an Optimism in the
Country’ — ‘People Are Hiring’
Visa Suspension to Drive Up Wages for U.S. Professionals
extends PPP deadline with $130B left in small business
I Will Make Statement on Minimum Wage, I Think It’ll
Be ‘Very Positive’
Listen to this prophecy
and you will see how it truly applies to America today,
under President Donald Trump: