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Hillary Clinton walks scot free from the email crimes she
FBI Director
said that Hillary is "guilty but not guilty enough",
he admitted that she and her staff were incompetant, and
that she is above rule of law!
won't recommend Clinton criminal charges despite 'extremely
careless' handling of classified intel",
Washington Examiner, July 5, 2016
"FBI Director James Comey
said Tuesday that his agency would not recommend criminal
charges against anyone involved with Hillary Clinton's private
email network, even after finding that Clinton's team was
"extremely careless" in handling classified emails."
Later, Comey admitted that
Hillary had been careless enough that some classified material
undoubtedly was hacked by foreign hostile powers. That is
the definition of a criminal act and, were Hillary not a
Clinton, she would be going to jail.
The FBI Director continued:
"Still, he said Clinton
sent or received dozens of emails that were classified at
the time they were sent and noted the former secretary of
state did not turn over thousands of work-related emails
to the State Department."
But, matters immediately turn
for the worse:
"Comey said 110 emails
contained information that was classified at the time they
were sent, including eight emails that were top secret."
Hillary had repeatedly lied
on this matter, claiming that no evidence existed that she
had sent any classified material over her private, unprotected
email server. Therefore, Hillary committed perjury to the
The utter importance of the
FBI Director recommending no prosecution against Hillary
becomes truly important when you realize that the Attorney
General Lynch announced her intention of following the recommendation
of the FBI. The "skids are now greased" for Hillary
to skate away from this entire mess, which is really, at
its heart, a matter of whether Hillary Clinton is competant
to run the White House when she has already proven she cannot
run the State Department securely, so our heavily armed
enemies cannot compromise our physical existence!
Russian President Putin must
be salivating over the prospect of facing Hillary across
the negotiating table!
NOTE: In Megiddo II, shown
above, Chris Pinto shows that Hillary Clinton is a practicing
shaman in the New Age religion, and Doc Marquis reveaed
in 1992, that in the realm of the Occult, Hillary is a 4th
Level Witch, while Bill Clinton is "only" a 3rd
Level! In other words, in the Occult, Hillary outranks Bill.
Now you know the source of
Hillary Clinton's incredible power over people, over government,
and over any higher authority.
2. What are the 14
most disturbing facts about this Hillary scandal reveals.
Prepare to be totally
14 most damaging things said about Clinton's emails at the
FBI press briefing", The Washington Examiner,
July 5, 2016
"FBI Director James Comey
has recommended no charges be brought against Hillary Clinton
for her use of a private email server to conduct official
government business. And while Clinton is nearly guaranteed
to face no criminal indictment now, there was a lot in Comey's
press statement that was damaging to the former secretary
of state and should be used against her in the general elections."
Listen to what FBI Director
said about Hillary in this matter.
1) Clinton lied about using
just one device for emails
2) Clinton lied about no classified
information being sent from her private server
3) There were work emails
not turned over by Clinton, despite her repeated vows to
the contrary
4) There were work emails
not turned over by Clinton
5) The FBI director called
Clinton 'extremely careless'
6) Clinton 'should have known'
her system was unsafe
7) The level of incompetence/carelessness
was astounding, said the FBI Director
8) Clinton should have known
her subject matter was classified
9) Security culture at State
under Clinton was 'generally lacking'
10) People who emailed with
Clinton had their email accounts hacked
11) It 'is possible' that
Clinton's email servers were hacked
12) Clinton potentially violated
federal law, even if the FBI recommended no charges
13) People in similar situations
would face sanctions
14) Clinton didn't intentionally
do this, she was just that stupid
Hillary Clinton is walking
away from criminal legal indictment in the gravest possible
threat to our National Security simply and only because
the "Bill Clinton Rule" is still being followed
in Washington, D.C.
What is the "Bill Clinton
Let us go back to the ugly
days of the Clinton/Monica Lewinsky sex scandal:
Republican Senate leadership,
led by Freemason Senator Trent Lott, acted to ensure that
Clinton would not be impeached. When it was quite clear
that the House impeachment managers did not know that the
"fix" was in place, and were protesting the fact
that the Republican Senate leadership was "selling
them down the river", Senator Stevens of Alaska quipped,
"Henry, I don't care if you prove he raped a woman
and then stood up and shot her dead -- you're not going
to get sixty-seven votes [to impeach]." (NEWS1448)
3. Russia is said
to be preparing a massive release of classified emails they
intercepted from Hillary's unprotected private server!
NEWS BRIEF: "Russian
Government Intercepted and Will Release Hillary’s
Emails", Oil Price News, JUne 13, 2016
"... the Russian Government
could in the near future release the text of email messages
intercepted from U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s
private e-mail server from the time she was U.S. Secretary
of State. The release would, the messaging indicated, prove
that Secretary Clinton had, in fact, laid open U.S. secrets
to foreign interception by putting highly-classified Government
reports onto a private server in violation of U.S. law,
and that, as suspected, the server had been targeted and
hacked by foreign intelligence services."
Cybersecurity experts
agree that our aggressive enemies most certainly were intercepting
all Hillary's correspondence.
NEWS BRIEF: "Cybersecurity
Analyst: ‘There’s No Doubt’ Clinton’s
Emails ‘Are In the Hands of Our Adversaries’,"
Breitbart News, 5 July 2016
The picture of Bill Clinton boarding the plane on the tarmac
carrying Attorney General Loretta Lynch and talking for
37 minutes is priceless.
Trump slams Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton meeting: ‘Who
would do this?’, The Washington Times,
June 30, 2016
"Presumptive Republican
presidential nominee Donald Trump said the meeting between
Attorney General Loretta Lynch and President Bill Clinton
was “terrible” and “horrible.”
" 'It is an amazing thing',
Mr. Trump said on 'The Mike Gallagher Show'."
'It was really a sneak …
it was really something that they didn’t want publicized,
as I understand it, is that correct? Ms. Lynch and Mr. Clinton
had an impromptu private meeting as they crossed paths at
an airport in Phoenix earlier this week."
Did Bill Clinton deliver a
message to Loretta Lynch?
If she cooperated with the
"no indictment" of Hillary, maybe Hillary might
keep her in office as Attorney General, but if she refused
to cooperate, well, then, Loretta, how is the health of
your grandchildren?
5. Radical gay activists
are planning to use our court system to force Christian
Churches to cater to Lesbian/Gay/Bi-sexual/Transgendered
'Some' churches must comply with transgender bathroom laws",
Fox News Opinion, July 5, 2016
"Is a church a place
of public accommodation and if so – are congregations
required to follow anti-discrimination laws regarding gender
and sexual orientation? That’s
the issue raised by a brochure published by the Iowa Civil
Rights Commission. They contend that any church that opens
its doors to the public would be required to comply with
sexual orientation and gender identity laws."
"Hiram Sasser, the law
firm’s director of litigation, said the Commission’s
brochure means churches would be required to let transgender
individuals use the bathrooms of their choice.
“ 'It further compels
our client to use specific pronouns when referring to certain
‘gender identities’ and prohibits our client
from even teaching its religious beliefs', Sasser said."
If these activists
have their way, Christian Churches will no longer be able
to teach the Biblical standard against homosexuality.
America continues
to fall into the same type of city as Sodom and Gomorrah!