"Why have
they provoked me to anger with their graven images,
and with strange vanities? The
harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not
saved. For the hurt of the daughter of my people
am I hurt; I am black (with despair); astonishment hath
taken hold on me." (Jeremiah 8:19b-21. KJV)
Must I Do To Be Saved"?
Breakdown--Living in the Time
of The Paradigm Shift Into the New World Order"
March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the
time when things are shifting, there’s going to
be a new world order out there, we’ve got to lead
it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free
world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm
Shift' to take us into the New World Order and stage
the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the
worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer
confidence is collapsing. This video is the most relevant
and current on the market today and combines the best
in the progress of Bible prophecy in world news and
in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint. This understanding
will affect -- should affect -- every other aspect of
the current collapse of this once free and mighty nation!
This DVD will
be available in mid-July, and will be a 2-DVD set running
about 2 1/2 hours
$24.95, Pre-Shipping Retail only $19.95 - Saving You
The pre-order
sale price will end the day we start shipping.
"Ancient Cities And The
Pagan Gods Who Built Them"
Now available as DVD,
or Save $5.00 on the Combo

Who were the Nephilim? What really
happened at the Tower of Babel? Where is Atlantis? Who
are the Shining Ones? Are these questions relevant to
our walk with God today and our understanding of His
Jesus said that as it was in the
days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son
of Man. Jesus also said to be ready for His return,
that it comes like a thief in the night. This DVD takes
an uncomfortable look at the days of Noah and many other
topics so that we can be ready for our Savior’s
return. Topics that God chose to include in His Word
are worth taking the time to study.
Ancient Cities looks at the Antediluvian
world from a solid biblical foundation. Why are the
stories of giants scattered throughout Scripture as
well as our world today? Why did Joshua kill not only
the men, but also the women, children, and livestock
of the Anakim-Rephaim? What parallels do we find between
the Bible and ancient Greek mythology? Ancient Cities
studies Mount Olympus and the Greek gods whose tales
shape our culture today. Why did the Romas at Lystra
in the Bible think that Paul and Barnabas were the Roman
gods Hermes and Zues? Ancient Cities examines the city
of Rome’s important role in spreading Christianity.
Join Micah Van Huss as he teaches the topics that your
Sunday school teacher refused to talk about.
130 Minutes DVD or 203 page book
DVD, OR Order
Book or Save
$5.00 by ordering the Combo
Critical News
1. Is President
Biden drawing down our armed forces and replenishment
ammunition just as
planned in 1952?
announces MASSIVE military expansion in Europe in response
to string of Russian victories in Ukraine",
Natural News, June 30, 2022
"In response to consistent
Russian gains in Ukraine, President Joe Biden announced
that the United States is significantly expanding its
military presence in Europe ... Biden has ordered additional
bases, soldiers and military assets to be set up in
the United Kingdom, Spain, the Baltics and Eastern European
countries like Poland and Romania."
"More armored, air
defense and special operations units will be deployed
in rotation to the three Baltic states – Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania. These additional deployments will
add to the 100,000 troops and billions of dollars worth
of military equipment America already has stationed
in Europe."
Biden is also decreasing
the numbers of military units here at home.
NEWS BRIEF: "40,000
unvaccinated National Guard members set to be fired!",
World Net Daily, June 30, 2022
"(Senator) Blackburn
told the Daily Caller that firing the members would
threaten national security. 'Our service members are
the bedrock of America', she said. 'Firing 40,000 Guardsmen
for refusing the COVID vaccine would be both a complete
disgrace and a threat to our national security'."
This 1952 Plan
also calls for foreign troops to patrol various regions
of America.
This country has to be
fairly empty of American troops before these foreign
troops arrive to take up position. View
Map. In fact, former National Security
Advisor to President Nixon, Henry Kissinger, told a
reporter during the Los Angeles riots, that the time
would come when Americans would welcome foreign troops
to aid in putting down massive riots in cities like
Los Angeles. Of course, this statement begs the question
as to why American troops could not be called upon to
restore order. The only logical answer, I believe, is
that this country has limited organized American units
in it any more. Between discharging men from the armed
forces and deploying Americans overseas, this country
will no longer have sizable forces left in it anymore!
when huge riots break out in American cities, as the
Plan calls for, the President will have to go to the
United Nations, hat in hand, to beg for foreign troops
to restore order. The U.N. will be only too happy to
oblige. At that point, you can rest assured that the
Illuminati Plan is nearing the end of its conclusion,
and that our freedoms are coming rapidly to an end.
Practical ramifications
are somber, as we are facing off against Russia and
But, troop numbers is
not the only problem facing America!
NEWS BRIEF: "America
won’t be able to keep its troops armed for more
than a few weeks during war",
Natural News, July 1, 2022
" The United States
is unlikely to survive more than a few weeks of heavy
warfare against another industrialized power ... the
U.S. isn’t even able to properly arm its ally
Ukraine in its ongoing war against Russia."
"In an analysis of
American weapons production, Vershinin noted that America
would run out of ammo for its artillery guns within
10 days to two weeks, or maybe three weeks if stockpiles
were rationed,"
"Everything from
the production of man-portable anti-tank missiles and
air defense systems to the production of massive ballistic
and cruise missiles shows that the U.S. is severely
lacking compared to states of relatively equal strength
like Russia."
“The bottom line
is, the United States can’t wage war any longer
because the industrial base of America has been, well,
wiped out over the last few decades',” said Adams."
Now that we know that
our capability to resupply is severely limited -- and
that our significant sales to Ukraine has reduced our
stockpile still further -- you can now see why Russia
selected a "slow-motion" invasion strategy
rather than a lightening strike knifing out the Ukrainian
Capital, Kyiv.
Russia and China wanted
us to ship significant quantities to Europe, because
our own forces would badly need that ammunition once
China invaded Taiwan, North Korea invaded South Korea
and Russia started attacking more European countries.
Thse somber facts are
another good reason for "Slow Joe" to decide
not to commit American troops, sailors, and airmen to
the sudden simultaneous world war.

2. Biden Administration
officials reiterate that the main purpose of Biden policies
is to achieve the "Liberal World Order".
administration confirms goal is 'Liberal World Order',"
World Net Daily, July
1, 2022
"... a Biden administration
official has just confirmed that Americans will have
to keep paying those nearly $5 a gallon prices for gasoline
because that's what's needed right now for the 'Liberal
World Order' ... The comment came during a CNN appearance
by Biden adviser Brian Deese."
On July 4, 1776,
Freemason leadership of America destined this country
to lead all nations in the world into this new system.
America was created by
occult Freemasons / Rosicrucians who were following
the dream of Sir Francis Bacon, a plan carefully created
with assistance from 'Familiar Spirits', working from
1590-1626. This plan decreed that North America should
be established as a
New Atlantis. Listen to New World Order
author, Elizabeth van Buren, writing in her book, "The
Secret of the Illuminati" :
"Sir Francis Bacon
had formed with the aid of his secret society ... the
plans for the colonization of the Western Hemisphere
... There is a secret and immutable destiny planned
for mankind, one not recognized by, or dreamt
of, by the mass of humanity. The northern continent
of America had been decreed to be the land of a democratic
commonwealth of states thousands of years before Columbus
ever sailed to its shores. There can be no doubt that
the Enlightened Ones had a hand in the formation of
the new nation. Thomas Paine, George Washington, Benjamin
Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and countless
others who were involved in signing the Declaration
of Independence were all Freemasons or members of some
other sect. The designs for both the Great Seal of the
United States and earlier, the flag of the colony, indicate
that they were inspired by those with esoteric knowledge."
[Pages 142-144; Emphasis added]
Biden's plan is
identical with that of our Founding Fathers'!
United States, in Hall’s view, was a society that
had been planned and founded by secret esoteric orders
to spread enlightenment and liberty to the world."
(Manly P. Hall, Freemason, 'The
Secret Destiny of America', 1944)
'This statement is only
partially true. While Freemasonry originally envisioned
that America would reach unparalleled heights of financial
wealth and diplomatic power, they also recognized that
the time will come in their plan for America to force
the rest of the world into a nasty, evil and dictatorial
plan of the Masonic Christ, whom the Bible calls 'Antichrist'.
We are already seeing a turning toward dictatorship
and the evil nature of Satanism in our country, are
we not? Because the Masonic Plan for America envisioned
this great turning toward dictatorship, war and evil,
America was originally symbolized as the Phoenix
Bird, that mystical Egyptian bird of Antiquity,
who bursts into hot flame as it is dying, and
its body burns totally to ash. America's Founding
Fathers understood that one of the symbols of America
was the Phoenix Bird." ("The
Eye of the Phoenix" DVD, above)
It is a fact, even though
our American Eagle was originally represented by the
Phoenix Bird, our Founding Fathers changed it back to
the Eagle in public, because they believed that Christian
American leaders would too easily understand the national
significance of America being an occult Phoenix Bird.
The vast importance of
the Phoenix Bird is also be communicated by the 72 Phoenix
Bird nests above the 72 columns encircling the National
Archives Building in Government Center, Washington DC,
which we reported in the DVD pictured above, "Riddles
In Stone: Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.")
At the top of each column,
a nearly naked Phoenix Bird has come to life and is
rising out of the nest. In Satanic lore, the Phoenix
Bird is void of feathers when it comes back alive and
remains bald for a short period of time afterwards.
Therefore, these Phoenix
are coming back to life -- after America has suffered
a terrible conflagration!
Listen to the explanation
given by a radical feminist, Barbara Walker, in her
occult book, 'Now Is The Dawning',
p. 281. 'Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the
representative of a god who 'rose to heaven in the form
of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation
of death and rebirth' ..."
Wow! In one sweet, short,
and simple sentence, we have conclusive proof that the
Phoenix bird is a symbol of Lucifer!
But, there is more proof:
"... Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then
rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the
Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in
flames and who ... will one day rise triumphant."
(William Schnoebelen, 'Satan's Door Revisited',
p. 4)
Listen to the warning
again from a familiar spirit of New Age author, Elizabeth
van Buren, in her book, ("Secrets of the
"We have arrived
at a time when many an American, as a New Atlantean,
is receiving the call...The time is short! Build your
Ark and take in it as seed for the future age all that
is worthy of a New World!! Take the dream of a Brotherhood
of Man with you, for it was your country which took
the first steps toward this ideal...Do not fear this,
for out of the ashes of the New Atlantis will rise,
in many parts of the world, a people who are conscious
of their Oneness with Atlantis and America. They will
help to create a democracy of world states
under one government which will rule worldwide with
Love and Wisdom." (p. 150).
NOTE: This " democracy"
of which Joe Biden is fond of saying is really a "democracy
of world states" led by the Masonic Christ
for "Perfected
Not for the masses, but
for Masonically
"Perfected Men"!
These are sobering words,
because Van Buren is predicting nothing less than the
destruction of our system of government so that the
New World Order could arise. And, van Buren's vision
brings us back to the Deese quote, above, 'that the
main purpose of Biden policies is to achieve the "Liberal
World Order".
So, you see, this
occult plan carries a futuristic dark side of a national
disintegration. President
Biden is now carrying out this plan envisioned several
centuries ago, to deliberately bring America into a
"national disintegration"!
At this point, America
is preparing to morph into the "Serpent of Wisdom"!
Chief among these hidden
symbols was the Unfinished Pyramid on the back of our
One Dollar Bill. This Luciferian symbol was created
in 1782 in secret session, and withheld publicly until
1935, when Masonic President Franklin Roosevelt felt
that the population was now ready for it. ['America's
Secret Destiny: Spiritual Vision and the Founding of
a Nation', by Robert Hieronimus, Ph.D.,
p. 2-3; NOTE: This book is New Age, and is discussed
in the Cutting Edge DVD, "Eye
of the Phoenix", pictured above]
To reiterate, the American
Eagle was originally the Egyptian Phoenix Bird. However,
key Masonic leaders at the time felt the American people
would recognize the Phoenix Bird as deeply Satanic,
so they switched to the American Eagle in public.
is America ready to fully move the rest of the nations
of the world into the Kingdom of Antichrist, the New
World Order? Bible prophecies are flashing warning signs
all over the globe that the time of the appearance of
Antichrist is at hand.
Biden and his cabal are
being told the very same thing by their Guiding Spirit.
America is getting close
to the moment when the Phoenix Bird is going to burst
into unquenchable flame, reduce to ashes and then, according
to Satanic lore, arise again from the midst of the ashes.
How does God describe
His final Judgment of America?
"Therefore shall
her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and
famine; and she shall be utterly burned with
fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth
her." (Revelation 18:8, KJV)
The reality is that America
will be permanently annihilated -- "for strong
is the Lord God who judgeth her."
3. President Biden's
planned weakness is starting to annoy people.
in charge?
In Charge? Biden's drift and weakness",
The Washington Free Beacon, July 1,
" 'Which way am I
going?' asked President Biden when he ended Thursday's
press conference at the NATO summit in Madrid. He began
to exit stage right, before someone redirected him toward
stage left. This combination of ignorance and indecision
was not new. Throughout his 18 months as president,
Biden has been confused, uncertain, sluggish. He behaves
as if he is guided by unseen forces. He moves on a course
set by hidden captains."
"If all the White
House has to offer is excuses, if decisions are made
either slowly or randomly, if the communications team
and the president and vice president seem to live on
different planets, if incompetence and mismanagement
appear throughout the government, it is because the
chief executive allows it. No conspiracy is required
to explain the ineptitude ...."
"What I have been
wondering, instead, is whether anyone is leading the
government at all. There is no power, either overt or
covert, in or behind the throne. The throne is empty."
Therefore, the stage is
set for the scenario we have repeatedly set forth: When
China invades Taiwan, North Korea invades South Korea,
and Russia continues to gobble Europe, President Biden
will stand like a 'TelePrompter puppet' and announcement
that he is refusing to commit any American forces to
this World War III!
"Coulda, woulda,
shoulda. Decisive leadership is not Joe Biden's calling
card. And so, the crises continue to mount. And Americans
are left with feelings of aimlessness and fear."
4. California
is leading all states in driving to the New World Order:
* Gas taxes have
just gone up!
Shock: California’s gas tax just went up,
not down", The
Washington Examiner, July 3, 2022
"Just in time for
the Independence Day holiday in California: an increase
in the state’s already sky-high gas tax. The 51-cent
tax jumped 3 cents on Friday, just adding to the misery
for motorists who are paying upward of $7 a gallon,
the highest in the nation ... "
"Both the legislature
and Newsom could have stopped the tax from reaching
54 cents but refused to act, critics say."
* Gov. Newsom
signed into law changes which virtually legalizes prostitution,
including streetwalking!
NEWS BRIEF: "California
will end arrests for loitering for prostitution",
San Francisco Examiner, July 1, 2022
" 'To be clear, this
bill does not legalize prostitution', Newsom said in
a signing message. 'It simply revokes provisions of
the law that have led to disproportionate harassment
of women' and transgender adults, he said, nothing that
Black and Latino women are particularly affected."
"The bill will bar
police in California from arresting anyone for loitering
with the intent to engage in prostitution. "
"The measure also
will allow those who were previously convicted or are
serving sentences to ask a court to dismiss and seal
the record of the conviction."
"The loitering bill
is the latest of several related measures that became
law in recent years. A bill passed in 2016 bars arresting
minors for prostitution, with the intent that they instead
be treated as victims. A 2019 bill bars arresting sex
workers if they are reporting various crimes as a victim
or witness. The same law bans using possession of condoms
as reason for an arrest."
California has just jettisoned
her entire Judeo-Christian foundation!
California is now instituting
the most radical 'Green New Deal" concepts.
NEWS BRIEF: "California
Enacts Ban on Gas-Powered Lawn Mowers, Leaf Blowers",
Car & Driver, October 19, 2021
"State claims an
hour using a gas leaf blower makes as much pollution
as driving a 2016 Toyota Camry 1100 miles, so it's electric
lawn equipment only after 2024."
Now, listen to New Age
authors complaining about everyday activities from our
"polluting" civilization, in this case, advocating
the shutdown of the beef-eating industry:
"We consumed beef
to gain power over nature and our fellow human beings
... by choosing not to eat the flesh of cattle, we serve
notice of our willingness to enter into a new covenant
with this creature ... [Rifkin, 'Beyond Beef',
p. 288]
California is also taking
the lead on the rapid destruction of our economy.
NEWS BRIEF: "70,000
truck owner-operators in California may be forced to
stop driving in one week due to new state law",
Natural News, July 3, 2022
"A (California) Supreme
Court decision may force over 70,000 truck owner-operators
in California to stop driving, creating another choke
point in the already stressed West Coast logistics networks.
The AB5 law restricts the use of independent contractors
and will soon be enforced against the trucking industry
after the court declined to hear their appeal."
What is the effect of
this new regulation have on the economy?
"The California Trucking
Association said in a statement that gasoline has been
poured on the fire that is the ongoing supply chain
crisis ..."
5. In Chicago
yesterday, a gunman opened fire with a sniper rife,
killing 6, wounded at least 24!
NEWS BRIEF: "Police:
6 Killed, at Least 24 Injured in Chicago-Area July 4th
Parade Shooting", Breitbart
News, 4 July 2022
"Multiple people
have been killed after shots were fired along the Fourth
of July parade route in Chicago’s Highland Park
neighborhood ... Robert "Bobby" E. Crimo,
a person of interest in the Highland Park, Illinois
parade shooting, is in custody, police said."
"A doctor who treated
victims on scene says of the slain parade attendees:
'Their bodies were blown up'.”
Chicago has America's
most restrictive gun control laws, the array of laws
which Liberals say they want.
NEWS BRIEF: "Highland
Park Attack Occurred Despite Red Flag Law, Other Stringent
Gun Controls",
Breitbart News, 4 July 2022
"A red flag law,
a waiting period for gun purchases, licensing requirements,
and numerous other gun controls did not prevent the
July 4, 2022, Highland Park attack. Mike Bloomberg’s
Everytown for Gun Safety lists Illinois as the state
with the sixth most stringent gun laws in the country.
Moreover, Gabby Giffords gun control group gives Illinois
a grade of A- on gun control."
Chicago overall was an
"Active Shooter" location over this holidsay
NEWS BRIEF: "Chicago
shootings: 55 shot, 7 killed in 4th of July weekend
violence since Friday evening, CPD says",
ABC7 News, July 4, 2022
"CHICAGO -- Seventy
one people were shot , eight fatally, in 4th of July
holiday weekend shootings across the city, Chicago police
"Last weekend, 24
people were shot, five fatally."
"Monday morning,
a shooting in Parkway Gardens left five men wounded.
6. President Biden
plans to steal the 2022 Midterm Elections, and this
is how he will do it.
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
Out of Control ??? Not Very Likely!!!", Canada
Free Press, July 3, 2022
"It is absolutely
vital that all Republicans wake up and recognize the
election fraud threat that the Democrats pose and realize
that Joseph Stalin had it absolutely correct when he
said: 'It isn’t important who votes, it is only
important who counts the votes'."
"It certainly might
appear that the Democrats are currently out of control
and will lose in this November’s mid-term election.
That could well be the case, and hopefully so, but what
if it is not? What if the Democrat’s current seemingly
“weak and confused” position is all part
of an extensive plan to retain both houses of congress
in 2022 and lay the groundwork to “win”*
everything again in 2024? Are those who are actually
running the Democrat Party that smart and that well
organized? There are certain indications that such could
well be the case."
"As far as the 2022
Mid-Term election is concerned, consider this possibility:
the Democrats will continue to use the so called “Mainstream
Media” to push the narrative that they are going
to lose and lose big with the intention of suppressing
the Republican vote as they succeeded in doing in 2020.
If the Republicans allow that to happen, the result
will be similar and the Democrats will steal this election
as well, retaining control of both House and Senate.
If the Republicans allow that to happen this November,
during the following two years with Biden still “occupying”
the white house, the Democrats will so advance the development
of their election fraud system that they will win the
2024 election no matter who they run for the presidency."
Or, the Third World War
scenario could blow up as is planned, allowing President
Biden to install Martial Law, cancel the Constitution,
Congress and the Supreme Court. Listen to the Plan:
The Elite planned almost
200 years ago to impose the greatest Absolute Dictatorship
the world has ever seen. Listen to their plan:
"These laws will
withdraw one by one all the indulgences and liberties
which have been permitted ... and our kingdom will be
distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions
as to be at any moment and in every place in a position
to wipe out any ... who oppose us by deed or word."
Did you catch the kind
of dictatorship [despotism] that the Illuminati has
planned for every nation once they are brought under
the rule of Antichrist?