Wednesday 7/5/2017
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Must I Do To Be Saved?
New DVD's!
Real Clash of Titans DVD"
(5) Hours Long, Only $19.99
Bible stories you've known since
childhood are actually accounts of supernatural war
between God and the gods who rebelled. In three paradigm-changing
presentations, Derek P. Gilbert, author of The Great
Inception, shows where and how these battles took place
and the importance of holy mountains to the rebels who
conspire to steal the throne of God.
Satanists today continue this
goal of storming the Throne of God after beating Jesus
Christ at the Battle of Armageddon! At this point, the
ultimate battle as shown in Daniel, Chapter 10, will
erupt in the Heavenlies.
Gilbert also shows, through research
into archaeology and ancient languages, that the Titans
of Greek myth were real, and that God once did battle
with the demigod Hercules. Also included on this DVD
are two hours of exclusive TV interviews with renowned
Bible scholar Dr. Michael S. Heiser, author of the groundbreaking
book, Reversing Hermon. Dr. Heiser shows from the Bible
that the sin of the angelic Watchers on Mount Hermon,
mentioned briefly in the book of Genesis, is far more
important to Christians than we have been told. In fact,
understanding their sin is key to comprehending the
full mission of Jesus Christ. -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2776
The Foundation of Our Faith - Volume 1, The War Against
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
If you liked Mac Dominick's Revelation
Series you will love his Genesis Teaching, because Mac
also teaches a combination of Traditional Bible exegesis
plus unique Cutting Edge understandings.
'The War Against God'
God instantly claims this Earth
and the Universe as HIS, uniquely belonging to Him because
He created it by His Wisdom and Power. Evolution is
forever debunked as a false system of belief, coming
from Satan out of the Abyss.
Did you know that the sequence
of creation listed in Genesis 1 is precisely the order
scientists and mathematicians know that is essential
to creating the world? At the conclusion of each of
the SIX DAYS OF CREATION, God examined His work for
that day, and pronounced it 'good', or 'approved'. But,
on the sixth day, when all was created, God pronounced
His work 'very good'.
Mac teaches Genesis One in light
of essential faith and in End Times' prophecy, surprising
even the most hardened skeptic.
In This DVD we present the evidence
that much of the physics and evolution taught today
is made up, contradictory and unscientific theories
contrived by men who hate God!
2 hours run time, Mac plans 3
DVD's in this series
Shipping begins Late July -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2775
News Headlines
1. President Trump
is going to the United Nations to gain "global
consensus" on united effort against North Korea.
Just as Presidents
George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, President Trump
is apparently depending upon the United Nations' approval.
After boldly declaring
that America is going to reassert her authority as a
Sovereign Nation, Trump is traipsing to the U.N. for
her jurisdiction.
2. On July 4,
North Korea sent America a "little present",
a successful ICBM Missile capable of hitting Alaska
and possibly, the West Coast.
3. Former maverick
Democrat Congressman, Dennis Kucinich, warns the Democrats
that their incessant effort to discredit and to impeach
Trump will hurt their Party far greater.
The latest outrage
is their claim that Donald Trump needs to be investigated
for mental illness.
If Trump is the
President to lead America into the scripted war against
North Korea, their claim that he is mentally ill could
divide voters on a foreign war in an unprecedented way.
4. Bernie Sanders
is the one under FBI investigation, not Donald Trump.
Remember that
the Bill Clinton defensive strategy against personal
investigation is to preemptively accuse critics of the
very matter of which he is guilty.
Could this tactic
be what caused the Democrats to accuse Trump of illegally
consorting with the Russians?
5. Israel's leadership
is now beginning to consider what life will be like
"the day after" Palestinian President Abbas
steps down.
No matter what
short-term strategy is developed, God's physical annihilation
in fulfillment of Obadiah will still hold true.
Great Inception-
Psyops from Eden to Armageddon"
317 Page Book,
You stand on a battlefield, surrounded
by an enemy that you've been told doesn't exist. This
is a classic example of a PSYOP a psychological operation,
a mission to change what you believe by feeding you
information that is inaccurate, incomplete, or an outright
This PSYOP is one of many by entities
who've been at war with God since the Garden of Eden.
The Bible calls them gods. God Himself calls them gods.
But we have been taught that they're imaginary, so we
stumble around the battlefield completely unprepared
to defend ourselves and the ones we love. In The Great
Inception, you will learn:
the full descrition here
'Cutting Edge Distinctives" Masterpiece

OFFER REVELATION DVD VOLUMES 1-6: Mac Dominick's Startling
Studies on the Book of Revelation
Regularly $119.94
if you buy them separately
Only $95.94 if
you buy them in this Combination Offer - Saving you
This systematic
study combines standard Biblical Interpretation plus
a number of distinctive Cutting Edge -teachings. You
will be blessed and enlightened.
Volume 1 examines
'Jesus' Warning To His 7 Churches', both then and now.
Volume 2 studies
'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', a most dynamic
and exciting event.
Volume 3 demonstrates
'The Wrath of God', culminating in Him peeling back
the covering of Heaven so that wicked mankind can see
an Angry, Almighty God sitting on His Throne of Judgment.
Volume 4 reveals
'The Final Trumpet Judgments: Time Is Running Out' which
stampede the peoples of the world in a panic mode unprecedented
in all of human history.
Volume 5 - In
Disc 5 of our study, we are drawing very near to the
finale of God's wrath. Chapters 15 and 16 describe the
7 vials of God's wrath that will be suffered by those
who have received the Mark of the Beast, and we will
discuss how Lucifer counters the wrath of God with evil
spirits that seem to turn everything around for sinful
mankind. However, these evil spirits will only set up
Antichrist and his followers for the events that will
push him to the point of gathering his armies from all
over the world for the final showdown at Armageddon.
Dominick makes the case for Antichrist to make his HQ
in physical Babylon, Rev 18
Volume 6 - JESUS
CONQUERS ALL!! This video examines Rev 19-22, a most
exciting and impactful
chapter as Jesus
Christ speedily concludes His dealing with wicked, sinful
mankind, preparing the world for the purity required
for his Millennial (1,000 Year) Reign! Jesus begins
this final segment with His holy angels proclaiming
' Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power,
unto the Lord our God' and concluding with Jesus proclaiming
to John 'Surely I come quickly' During these four chapters,
Jesus consummates His 'Marriage Supper of the Lamb',
His final judgment - the 'White Throne Judgment' - seizing
Satan and binding him and his demons for Jesus' 1,000
year reign, the final battles as Jesus releases Satan
for a short while, and the New Heaven / New Earth, and
the glorious beginning of Eternity!
Total teaching
time is 12 hours. YOU SAVE $24 over buying these
DVD's individually -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2774
For more information
and trailers on the DVDs individually select the front
cover in which you are interested, below:

News Analysis
1. President Trump
is going to the United Nations to gain "global
consensus" on united effort against North Korea.
NEWS BRIEF: "Tillerson
calls for 'global action' to stop North Korea nuclear
program ", The Hill News, July
4, 2017
"Secretary of State
Rex Tillerson called for “global action”
to stop North Korea after the country claimed they successfully
tested an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)
Tuesday. Tillerson condemned the missile launch in a
statement, saying that “testing an ICBM represents
a new escalation of the threat to the United States,
our allies and partners, the region, and the world.”
What makes a tiny, poor,
"hermit" kingdom capable of posing a "global
"Testing an ICBM"
which conceivably can travel 10,000 miles is the only
answer. Already, Japan and South Korea are warning their
people to prepare for a nuclear strike from North Korea.
Unfortunate Japanese citizens are even being schooled
by their public TV as to what they must do within the
first minutes of being told of an incoming North Korean
missile strike.
But, we should not be
surprised that North Korea has been allowed for the
past 24 years to develop a nuclear strike force which
can threaten mankind the world over. After all, that
is the wording of the original plan.
script is now written ... A hair-raising nuclear confrontation
in Korea may ... threaten man's very survival."
(Peter Lemesurier, 'The Armageddon Script", p.
223, 1981)
Of all the planned
crisis the Elite has created to help destroy the Old
World Order, this Korean nuclear confrontation has always
seemed to be the one which would lead to massive loss
of life, and probably begin World War III.
Just as Presidents
George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, President Trump
is apparently depending upon the United Nations' approval.
Please take a few moments
to read our Archived News Articles on this quiet surrender
to the United Nations by two Republican -- R.I.N.O.
-- Presidents.
RESOLUTIONS #1214, 1333, AND 1363." (Posted 2002)
President Bush was having
so much difficulty persuading the United Nations that
Iraq's Saddam Hussein actually possessed Weapons of
Mass Destruction that he sent Former General Colin Powell
to present a powerful speech to the United Nations in
which he repeatedly lied.
Powell: Conned or Con-Man?", Consortium
News, February 4, 2013
"A decade ago, President
George W. Bush was hurtling toward an aggressive war
against a country not threatening the United States.
Only a few people had a chance to stop the rush to war
with Iraq, but one Colin Powell instead joined the stampede
.. Ten years ago, Secretary of State Colin Powell addressed
the United Nations in a speech which routed what was
left of American resistance to the Bush/Cheney push
for invading Iraq."
The United Nations passed
the resolution for which President Bush was seeking.
All key points of Powell's speech was either "highly
dubious or outright fraudulent"!
But, the point here is
that President George W. Bush cared so much about the
United Nations' approval that he went to great lengths
to secure that approval. As President, he did not believe
he had the National Sovereignty to order the attack
Security Council passed U.N. resolution 678 on Nov.
29, 1990 and established Jan. 15, 1991 as the deadline
for Iraq to withdraw its troops from Kuwait or face
a U.S.-led international coalition to force its withdrawal."
News/World Report, 6/12/17)
Both Presidents Bush deliberately
held off implementing their military attack plans until
they had secured UN Resolution support! In other words,
two Presidents of the United States refused to attack
based upon their American sovereignty, subjugating that
national authority to the United Nations!
Both Presidents Bush inflicted
great damage on American National Sovereignty.
After boldly declaring
that America is going to reassert her authority as a
Sovereign Nation, Trump is traipsing to the U.N. for
her permission.
2. On July 4,
North Korea sent America a "little present",
a successful ICBM Missile capable of hitting Alaska
and possibly, the West Coast.
Korea’s surprise launch of ICBM has power to reach
Alaska, upset East Asia power balance",
The Washington Times, July 4, 2017
"It was a Fourth
of July firework that President Trump once vowed would
never get off the ground, but the intercontinental Hwasong-14
missile launched Tuesday by North Korea has the potential
to alter permanently the balance of power in East Asia."
"U.S. and international
military analysts were still scrambling to determine
the exact capabilities of the missile, but there was
little question Pyongyang had made a quantum leap in
its military reach, with the 37-minute flight that soared
1,700 miles into the atmosphere before landing 500 miles
to the east in the East Sea/Sea of Japan.
"On a flatter trajectory,
analysts say, the same missile could threaten all of
And that is the perceived
problem. The United States has sat on its hands for
over 20 years, taking no firm action against this missile
delivery development, because so far, only Japan, South
Korea and Guam are threatened.
But, threatening the West
Coast of the United States is suddenly a threat no President
can tolerate.
DRUMS: U.S. warns North Korea it is prepared to go to
war", End Times Headline News, July
5, 2017
"The U.S. warned
North Korea that it is ready to fight if provoked, as
Pyongyang claimed another weapons-development breakthrough
following its launch of an intercontinental ballistic
missile a day earlier. The regime, having demonstrated
its capacity to reach the U.S. with a missile, on Wednesday
touted another achievement of the test launch: It claimed
that its missile warhead–the forward section,
which carries the explosive–can withstand the
extreme heat and pressure of re-entering the earth’s
atmosphere. If true–the claim couldn’t be
independently verified–that would clear another
hurdle in developing a nuclear-tipped missile that can
reach American cities. As tensions between Washington
and Pyongyang rose, Gen. Vincent Brooks, the top American
military commander in South Korea, said in a statement,