1. Iran continued
her avalanche of threats against Israel.
Saber-Rattles: If US attacks, we'll wipe
Israel out in half hour", World
Israel News, July2, 2019
"In a local television
interview Sunday, a senior Iranian lawmaker threatened
that Israel will not survive if the United States
attacks his country. Speaking on Al-Alam TV, Mojtaba
Zonnour, chairman of the National Security and Foreign
Policy Committee of the Iranian parliament, said,
'If America attacks us, Israel will survive for less
than half an hour'."
Do you remember that
old Iraqi blow-hard, Saddam Hussein? He threatened,
in 1991, that he would attack and destroy Israel should
the United States attack his country.
No Arab leader today
believes in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and
they certainly do not believe that He is the one and
only Omnipotent God of the universe.
Nor do they believe
that, over 3,000 years ago, He promised to bring Israel
back from the graveyard of nations, establish her
as a nation again, and begin to prepare Israel for
the appearance of Jesus Christ as Messiah, ruling
from Jerusalem for 1,000 years!
So, Iranian threats
were breathed into the air, but Israel took concrete
But, actions
were carried out only against Iranian proxy forces.
US cyber strike on Shiite rocket control systems in
Lebanon stirs war fears in Israel", DEBKAfile,
June 28, 2019
"The US Cyber Command
on Sunday, June 23, conducted a cyberattack on the
Lebanon-based logistical command centers of the Iraqi
Shiite Kata'ib Hezbollah militia, one of Tehran's
key proxies ... this Iraqi Shiite militia has for
the past two years been busy establishing a command
and control center in Lebanon, for attachment to Hizballah's
general staff. Both have readied themselves for the
intake of combat forces from Iraq and Syria in a Hizballah
war against Israel. The Iraqi militia has been assigned
sectors and set up positions along the Lebanese Israeli
2. Israel wasted
no time sending waves of fighter aircraft against
Iranian positions in the vicinity of Damascus, Syria.
NEWS BRIEF: "Alleged
Israeli strike in Syria likely targeted advanced arms
— intel firm", The
Times of Israel, 1 July 2019
"A private Israeli
intelligence firm on Monday identified one of the
sites in Syria targeted in an alleged Israeli airstrike
earlier in the day as a hangar likely storing advanced
weaponry or other military equipment."
"In the predawn
hours of Monday morning, Syria accused Israel of conducting
a series of air- and sea-based attacks on military
facilities throughout the country ... The Observatory
said at least a dozen Iranian-linked targets were
hit in the strikes, two near Homs and 10 of them near
Damascus, including a base where Iran's Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps forces are headquartered
and a weapons research center."
"The Hezbollah
terror group and Iran's Islamic Revolutionary
Guard Corp have been said to maintain a presence at
the Jamraya facility ... many ambulances had headed
to the site."
"The reported strikes
came just hours after an Israeli satellite imagery
analysis company said Syria's entire S-300 air
defense system appeared to be operational, indicating
a greater threat to Israel's ability to conduct
airstrikes against Iranian and pro-Iranian forces
in the country."
One Syrian S-200
Russian air defense missile veered badly off course
and struck Cyprus! Why?
Missile From Syria-Israel Crash Lands on Cyprus",
The Epoch Times, July 1, 2019
errant missile struck Cyprus early on Monday, July
1, skimming the densely populated capital Nicosia
and crashing on a mountainside in what officials said
could have been a spillover of an Israeli strike on
Syria and a counter-response."
"An Israeli air
strike was underway against Syria at the time. Syrian
state media said the Syrian air defenses had fired
in response to the Israeli attack."
" 'The first assessment
is that a Russian-made missile … which was part
of the air defense system that took place last night
in the face of an air strike against Syria, completed
its range and fell into our country after it missed',
Turkish Cypriot Foreign Minister Kudret Ozersay said
in a post on Facebook."
The freak incident would
be the first time that Cyprus has been caught in the
crosshairs of military operations in the Middle East
despite its proximity to the region ... A Greek Cypriot
military analyst, Andreas Pentaras, said the debris
suggested it was a Russian-made S-200 missile, which
can have a range of up to 400 kilometers."
Might Israeli counter
cyber activity steered this air defense missile away
from its target?
3. After meeting
with Chinese President Xi, and declaring that trade
talks were going to resume,
says he's optimistic about trade deal with Chinese
President Xi", Fox News,
July 1, 2019
"President Trump
... in an exclusive interview, he is optimistic about
a possible trade deal between his administration and
Chinese President Xi Jinping, a potential development
that sent the stock market futures soaring toward
record highs early Monday."
"Trump sat down
with the Fox News Channel host during the president's
trip which included stops in Osaka, Japan, for the
G20 summit, and a first-of-its kind visit by a U.S.
president to North Korea, meeting with dictator Kim
Jong Un at the demilitarized zone (DMZ)"
President Trump
visited North Korean dictator Kim, and actually stepped
over the border into the Hermit Kingdom, and then
slammed Iran!
smiles with North Korea, threatens Iran",
Israel Hayom News, 7/2/2019
"With North Korea,
President Donald Trump puts on the charm. But with
Iran, he cranks up the pressure with economic sanctions
and a stronger military presence in the Persian Gulf.
He has warned its leaders they are 'playing with fire'."
"Nuclear weapons
are at the heart of the difficult US relations with
both Pyongyang and Tehran. But it's in North Korea
where Trump has more leeway and perhaps a greater
chance of striking a deal. North Korean leader Kim
Jong Un has seemed as willing to meet with Trump as
the US president has been to talk and shake hands
in front of the cameras with him. The North Korean
leader jumped at the chance to meet Trump at the demilitarized
zone between the two Koreas last weekend.
"Trump has made
repeated overtures to Iranian leaders too, but without
the same results."
4. Jewish synagogues
are now actively training shooters and worshippers
as to how they should act if an active shooter abruptly
begins firing
NEWS BRIEF: "Synagogues
are now conducting active shooter drills during services",
The Times of Israel, July
2, 2019
"When the ushers
locked the door to the sanctuary, and the congregants
prepared to flee the synagogue in preparation for
a mass shooting, Rabbi Neil Cooper made sure it all
happened before they had to take the Torahs out of
the ark."
"Ten minutes later
the worshipers were back in the pews, doors unlocked,
and getting ready to hear the weekly Torah portion.
The first active shooter drill at this suburban Philadelphia
synagogue was over."
" 'It was not a
high-energy, kind of catching people off-guard kind
of thing', Cooper said five days after the June 22
drill at his Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El in Wynnewood,
Pennsylvania. 'We also wanted to let people know,
more than anything else, that we're on top of
this. We have a procedure. We have people looking
This Rabbi knew what
all Conservatives know, i.e., only a good guy with
a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun, who is intent
upon mass casualties amongst the worshippers.
But, does this Rabbi
know that the really important reason our Founding
Fathers granted us a Constitutional right to keep
and bear arms is to protect us against the rise of
a tyrannical government?
5. The Democrat
Party continues down her path of political demise
by staking out positions which are opposed by millions
of Democrat voters
"Democrats are Officially the Party of Derangement",
American Thinker, July 1, 2019
"It has been quite
a week for the Democrat Party. Actually, it has been
quite a decade. It began when, just seven years after
Islamic extremists executed the worst attack on U.S.
soil killing almost 3,000 Americans, destroying the
World Trade Center, and bringing America briefly to
its knees, the country elected Barack Hussein Obama
as President."
"Obama began by
dividing the country. He advanced acrimonious narratives
such as those awful Americans 'clinging to guns and
religion' (which Hillary then adapted to the 'deplorables'),
advising his base to bring 'a gun to a knife fight'."
"Rather than condemn
this discordant language, Democrats chose to embrace
it ... These same politicians, suffering from Trump
Derangement Syndrome, institute Sanctuary City laws
protecting illegal criminals from federal prosecution
and deportation notwithstanding its flagrant disregard
for our Constitution and the safety of their citizens."
"The Democrats'
clown shows last week serve as the perfect illustration
of just how nuts they have become.:
* "Free everything
for everyone ... is now the policy of the Party."
* "Enforcing our
laws is passé and viewed as bigoted"
* "Democrats support
their intolerant and totalitarian views."
* "Name-calling
has proven effective ... bigot, racist, homophobe,
misogynist, or Islamophobe"
* Our cherished principle
that an accused is considered innocent until PROVEN
guilty has been turned on its head by the very Democrat
politicians who have taken an oath to protect and
defend our Constitution!
* "... the knitting
website announced a policy banning any
statement of support for President Trump."
* Google and YouTube
and now publicly adamant that they are discriminating
against Conservative viewpoints and certainly against
President Trump.
* "The Washington
Post furthered the defense of restaurant employees
banning and assaulting those with whom they disagree
when it published the opinion of the restaurant owner
who threw Sarah Sanders and her family out because
she deemed Sanders her enemy."
* "The hypocrisy
of these people is astonishing. They scream that Trump
is a liar and yet constantly make up their own 'facts'
in their quest for power. They yell about free speech
and yet constantly seek to shut down ideas with which
they disagree. "
Fake News is the news
most days!
"Which explains
the craziness we've seen since Trump was elected
... Democrat leaders are now the pigs in Orwell's
Animal Farm and by the time the rest of the farm animals
wake up to the totalitarianism they invited into their
midst it will be too late to fight back."
*"If any of the
20 Democrats win in 2020, we can officially say goodbye
to our democracy as we know it. College campuses have
already been destroyed. The two left coasts are a
disaster ... More ignorant, arrogant, and bigoted
representatives will be elected to Congress in the
manner of AOC, Omar and Tlaib and Republicans will
find themselves more and more marginalized."
do not care about Americans' rights –
they seek totalitarian power. They need to be stopped."
President Trump
is now more popular than any of the 2020 Democrat
Trump Aligns Better With Voters Than Do Democrat Candidates",
PowerLine, BY JOHN HINDERAKER, June 28, 2019
"The Rasmussen
Survey has two recent polls that shed early light
on how voters see President Trump and the Democratic
presidential candidates in relation to their own views.
A poll of likely voters released today found that:
…just 25% of Likely U.S. Voters consider most
of the announced candidates for the 2020 Democratic
presidential nomination to be about the same as they
are in political terms ..."
"A new Rasmussen
Reports national telephone and online survey finds
that 34% of Likely U.S. Voters say that in political
terms they think about the same as the Republican
president ... If you add the voters who think the
Democratic candidates are similar to their views or
to the right, you get 38%. A clear majority of 54%
says they are more liberal."
"So if you trust
these numbers, Trump has a sizable advantage in terms
of broad voter perception. He is closer to the electorate's
center of gravity than the Democrats ... As, of course,
he is."
A California Christian school is facing state shutdown
because they refuse to allow same-sex relationships
on campus.
NEWS BRIEF: "California
Christian School Faces Shutdown for Not Allowing Same-Sex
Relationships", The
Epoch Times, July 1, 2019
"A private Christian
boarding school in Northern California will possibly
be forced to close after the state filed a lawsuit
to shut it down ... River View Christian Academy (RVCA)
is a private boarding school in Shasta County for
troubled teens and is run by a nonprofit called Teen
Rescue. The school has been in operation since 1993."
law enforcement usually reserved for violent gang
"On Jan. 18 this
year, RVCA was raided by 16 California Highway Patrol
officers, 2 Canine Units, and 17 social workers. The
state allegedly had evidence that school staff were
storing guns and illegal drugs. Nothing was found."
What prompted this totalitarian
raid on this Christian school?
The basis was not the
Christopher Steele document, but "upon an article
from a left-wing tabloid from 10 years ago that accused
the school of outrageous things that were simply not
true," Brad Dacus, founder of the Pacific Justice
Institute, a legal defense group that is representing
"And instead of
sending an investigator to look into the matter, or
simply ignoring it like they should have, the state
sent in 16 state troopers, 2 Canine Units, and 17
social workers in a raid to examine everything and
everyone," Dacus said. 'It was very inhumane,
not only for the staff but also for the students'."
Welcome to the face
of law enforcement in this era of creeping totalitarianism!
"The central claim
of the (Buzzfeed) article was that the school punished
students for saying they were gay or bisexual. Other
claims were that staff "restricted students'
communication with parents, took kids off antidepressants
cold turkey, prohibited girls from speaking for days
or weeks at a time, failed to report abuse, and disciplined
students for attempting to kill themselves."
"The school denies
all allegations of abuse, calling them "disgraceful."
" 'RVCA does not
conduct conversion therapy. In fact, we do not provide
any kind of therapy. We also do not give punishment
for sexual preference', the school's website
states ... After the January raid, the state began
imposing fines on RVCA for operating as an unlicensed
community care facility" ... rather than as a
private school.
So, Josef Stalin is
now the governor of the State of California and the
Legislators are reincarnations of the old rubber-stamp
Communist lawmakers! Bernie Sanders must love this
new state!
7. Mexican President
states he would like to disband the Army!
NEWS BRIEF: "Mexican
president supports declaring Mexico a 'pacifist country'
by abolishing the army",
Washington Examiner, July 1, 2019
"Mexican President
Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he
supports abolishing the nation's army and declaring
Mexico a 'pacifist country' ... If were up to me,
I would get rid of the army and turn it into the national
guard, declare that Mexico is a pacifist country that
does not need a military and that the defense of the
nation, if necessary, would be done by all',"
Mexican cartels
must be paying him half a billion dollars!
Thank God that this
president realizes how impossible such a change would
be, in the face of the incredibly power drug cartels
which literally controls Mexico!
"López Obrador
said that while he wishes he could abolish the army,
he recognized it was likely politically impossible.
'I can't do it because there is resistance.
One thing is what is desirable and another thing is
what is possible," López Obrador added."
You can throw this idea
into the Dustbin of History!