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Just in case you missed the most important prophetic news
development in decades!
August, 1991, members of the Boston House of Theosophy were
informed that the One World Religion and its top leader
(False Prophet) would be created by a joint worship ceremony
of believers of all Monotheistic religions in Jerusalem.
Through God's miracle,
David Bay was there, taking notes! (NEWS1052)
Now, 25 years later,
this planned event is about to take place!
Between September
5 to 11, a public ceremony will be held which will feature
a joint prayer meeting between worshippers of Islam / Judaism
/ Christianity, a planned event which fulfills one of the
most important goals of the Global Elite.
Literally, at the
right moment, the False Prophet is planned to stride on
to the world scene to proclaim that "All Religions
Are Now One"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Christians,
Muslims and Jews to build joint house of Monotheistic worship
in Jerusalem", The Jerusalem Post,
"For one week in September,
a small structure of four walls and a bit of balcony, called
the Alpert Youth Music Center will become AMEN. In theory
this should not be be a big deal: men and women of faith,
who share a belief in one God and a love for the city of
Jerusalem, coming together to pray, study and sing. In practice,
it is about as plausible as a snowball’s chance in
the desert."
"... a home for something
that has never before been attempted in the Holy City –
a place of worship for the three great monotheistic religions
'who share a passion for Jerusalem in which they will co-exist
temporarily under the wings of the Almighty'.”
Can you believe it? Worshippers
of the three Monotheistic Religions are going to come under
one roof to pray together. How can this turn of events occur,
when Muslims are attempting to kill all Jews and bury them
in the Mediterranean Sea?
But, The Illuminati
Plan calls for exactly this development! Listen to the wording
of this Plan, personally witnessed by David Bay on 18 August
1991, at the Boston House of Theosophy, by Director Bill
"Sometime, .... the following
scenario will unfold, depending only on the right set of
circumstances. Moslem and Jewish areas in Jerusalem will
be combined with Christian to create the New Jerusalem Covenant.
Then, and only then, will it be possible to build a combination
Temple/Church/Mosque in Jerusalem ..."
To reiterate what Lambert
just said:
The specific part of the New
World Order Plan, called the New Jerusalem Covenant Project,
envisions the establishment of a combination religious Jerusalem
-- Islam, Christianity, Judaism.Bill
further stated that "any purely political settlement
in the Middle East would not, by itself, bring peace. In
other words, a purely political settlement would leave the
religious nature of the problem unsolved."
"Any permanent solution
to the Middle East conflict would also have to see the religious
portion of the problem solved. Once this religious problem
is solved, then the power and influence of the Orthodox
Jews in Israel would permanently decline." (Lambert)
At this point in history,
once the combination worship center is established, then
the Plan calls for the Pope to come to this combination
"At the proper moment
in history, the Pope will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem
sector of Jerusalem to announce that all religions should
be combined into one. This action will then finally break
the Middle East logjam." (Bill Lambert, New England
Director, House of Theosophy, August 18, 2016, read thorough
seminar notes from David Bay, NEWS1052)
Between September 5-11, this
critically important development in the Elite's Plan to
produce both the False Prophet and their Masonic Christ
will occur. When will the Pope arrive to declare all world's
religions to be one? We cannot be sure, but this combination
worship service is a major milestone along the long, tortuous
road to the appearance of Antichrist on the world scene.
I find it very interesting
that this Monotheistic prayer ceremony ends on "9/11"!
Don't you, 9/11, the occult number for Antichrist.
The world is so close
to the Rapture, I can hear the angels singing the "Hallelujah
Even though British voters yanked Great Britain out of Supernation
#2 (European Union), the Global Elite are proceeding to
create Supernation #1 (North American Union)!
The "Three Amigos
Summit" begins today in Ottawa, Canada to continue
planning efforts.
cheat sheet for the Three Amigos summit",
Macleans News, June 28, 2016
"The North American Leaders’
Summit—nicknamed the Three Amigos Summit ... takes
place on Wednesday at the National Gallery of Canada in
Ottawa. the leaders of Canada, the United States and Mexico
will get together to hammer out some key and common issues."
"Here are a few specific
issues important to these three countries:
* Visas:
The visa requirement for Mexicans visiting Canada was a
major sore point for Peña Nieto—he had vowed
not to visit again until it was revoked ... Following Trudeau’s
bilateral meeting on Tuesday, the government announced the
visa requirement would be gone as of Dec. 1, 2016..."
* Trade:
On Tuesday, Peña Nieto, in turn, agreed to lift Mexican
restrictions on Canadian beef imports ... more broadly,
promoting continent-wide trade cooperation was expected
to be a focus, particularly against the backdrop of last
week’s shocking Brexit vote and loud, ongoing protectionist
rhetoric in the U.S. election campaign. The three leaders
are predicted to come out with strong statements in favour
of free trade and the prosperity that can come of
it ..." (Bold Added)
" 'Whether they discuss
furthering their goals of creating jobs or talk about building
a clean growth economy for North America, improved trade
infrastructure must play a key role in reaching those objectives',
Perrin Beatty, president and CEO of the organization said
* Environment:
During Trudeau’s state visit to Washington in March,
he and Obama jointly committed to reducing methane emissions
from the oil and gas industry by 40 to 45 per cent below
2012 levels by 2025 ... It’s expected that at the
Three Amigos Summit, Mexico will co-sign on that pledge
to cut methane, and all three leaders will announce a commitment
to reaching 50 per cent clean energy across the continent
by 2025."
In the series -- pictured
left -- "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings",
we noted that the Illuminati had the goal in mind during
the time of Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) to one day create
the most powerful nation in world history out of the North
American Colonies.
Bacon further believed that,
about 200 years later, the entire North American Continent
would be established as one giant country.
We are at this point now,
and genuine Christians / Conservatives must resist this
move at all costs. You see, this plan has two fatal flaws:
1) Bacon's plan is part of
a global effort to reorganize the world into precisely 10
Supernations, as the map above illustrates. This plan of
the Elite will fulfill major Antichrist prophecies in Daniel
2:40-45 and 7:7-8, and Revelation 17:12, 17.
2) This reorganization of
Canada, the United States, and Mexico will result in the
complete loss of National Sovereignty of all three nations.
This reality means that American laws are now subservient
to the laws of the North American Union, and ultimately,
to the United Nations. We are no longer our own boss. Our
uniquely Christian-based laws will be overturned.
Fortunately, British voters
have just made our job of sinking the North American Union
by voting Great Britain out of the European Union (Supernation
#2). Now, leaders at the "Three Amigos Summit"
are well aware that voters in both continents are truly
up in arms about maintaining our sovereignty.
Further, Donald Trump has
sounded the warning on the campaign trail that establishing
the North American Union is a very bad idea and one in which
he will not participate. Let us hope that Americans piggyback
on the British ground swell of Nationalism and make it a
Britain's "Brexit"
vote and Donald Trump's opposition to the North American
Union loom ominously over this summit. We must not allow
OUR national sovereignty to be erased.
3. Heavily armed terrorists -- possibly ISIS -- struck
Istanbul, Turkey, murdering at least 40 and wounding six
times that number.
this strike a retaliatory blow for the agreement Turkey
just signed with Israel?
NEWS BRIEF: "Istanbul
Airport Suicide Bombing: Nearly 50 Dead, Islamic State
Suspected", Breitbart News, 29 June 2016
"Turkish newspaper Hurriyet
is reporting that two explosions have occurred at Istanbul’s
Atatürk Airport ... The BBC reports that the death
toll is now 41 with more than 230 injured ... Three attackers
arrived in a taxi and began firing at the terminal entrance
late on Tuesday. They blew themselves up after police fired
Through no organization has
claimed responsibility, Turkish authorities suspect ISIS.
The manner in which the attack was carried out seems like
tactics ISIS has used in the past.
Turkey is now talking WAR!
"Soner Cagaptay, director
of the Turkish Research Program at the Washington Institute,
said that If ISIS is indeed behind this attack, as is currently
believed, 'this would be a declaration of war'.”
“ 'Turkey’s vengeance
will come down like rain from hell', he said."
"The attack on Europe’s
third-busiest airport is one of the deadliest in a series
of suicide bombings in Turkey, which is struggling to contain
the spillover from neighboring Syria’s civil war and
battling an insurgency by Kurdish militants in its southeast."
Could this attack have been
carried out by Kurdish rebels (PKK)?
"Adding to evidence that
the Islamic State is behind the attack, the Kurdistan Workers’
Party (PKK), the other major terrorist group active in Turkey,
has disavowed the attack. According to pro-Kremlin news
agency Sputnik, PKK leaders have stated they “played
no part in Tuesday night’s coordinated terror attacks.”
The PKK maintains friendly relations with Russia."
"U.S. experts appear
to agree that the attack does not appear to be a PKK operation."
We have long stated that the
purpose of the Islamic State is to spread chaos and destruction
all throughout the Middle East so that, out of this dust
and chaos, the Elite can build a new Middle East, one in
which individual nations are replaced by the planned Supernation
#7, shown in the 10-Nation Map, above.
Virtually every single major
event is occurring in order to establish God's prophetic
plan to reorganize the world into 10 supernations at the
End of the Age. In fact, this 10-Nation Plan is a prerequisite
for Antichrist to arise. Listen to the prophecy:
In other words, Antichrist
cannot arise on the world scene until and unless the nations
of the world have been reorganized into ten.
As I have stated before, I
have long believed that the Elite cannot carry off this
massive reorganization until Jesus calls His Church home
in the Rapture. The dramatic emergence of the British Brexit
voters and of the Nationalistic presidential campaign of
Donald Trump convince me that the Rapture must occur before
the reorganization in ten can be finalized.
4. Hawaii just betrayed
her own law-abiding citizens by entering in the names of
all her gun owning citizens into a Federal Database.
Puts Names Of Law-Abiding Gun Owners Into Federal Database",
Breitbart News, 26 June 2016
"On June 23, Hawaii Governor
David Ige (D) signed a bill into law placing all of the
state’s law-abiding gun owners in a federal database.
The database – called 'Rap Back'– is run by
the FBI and will alert Hawaiian law enforcement if a Hawaiian
gun owner is arrested for a crime anywhere in the United
States. Fox 59 quoted Ige saying, 'This will allow county
police departments in Hawaii to evaluate whether the firearm
owner may continue to legally possess and own firearms'.”
The Nazi Government of Adolf
Hitler established a nationwide registration of the names
and addresses of each German citizen who owned a gun(s).
This registration made it far easier for the Nazi authorities
to force German gunowners to surrender their weapons.
You see, the German government
long before Hitler arose passed the gun registration act,
and German citizens had no trouble believing their government
would remain benign in this matter. But, all changed in
1933, when the madman Hitler came to power. Very soon, he
was passing laws and regulations which placed a great deal
of pressure on gunowners.
The laws passed by a benign
government created a database which the Nazi government
misused to the enslavement of the entire German people.
"The bill, which received
heavy opposition from gun owners and gun rights groups,
was passed by a Democrat-controlled legislature under the
presumption that background checks are not enough."
But, this threat by the government
is not the only problem with publishing the names and address
in a nationwide database.
Now, a "hacker"
can break in the database and publish the names and addresses
of all legal gun owners, thus opening them up to harassment
and physical danger from radical gun seizure activists!
Didn't we know this
action was one of the reasons the Government has been demanding
that all guns be registered for all these many decades?