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NEW DVD -- by Chris Pinto

"American Jesuits"

'I do not like the late resurrection of the Jesuits .... If ever any Congregation of men could merit eternal perdition on earth and in hell ... it is this company of Loyola' -- President John Adams

'It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country - the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty.' -- Marquis de Lafayette

'This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.' -- Abraham Lincoln

'[Dr. Anthony Fauci] takes great pride in his Jesuit education, as he proudly professes, it has formed his life and his career.' -- Jesuit Father Daniel Lahart

American Jesuits may be one of the most important documentaries ever produced concerning the social and political conflicts in the United States today. The influence of Rome in America is one that was written about extensively by authors throughout the 19th century and into the early 20th century, with many warnings about a hidden plan by foreign powers to enslave the country. Nevertheless, most modern history books have been carefully rewritten to remove critical information that would likely warn the people about what has been happening behind the scenes for more than 200 years. Is it just a coincidence that many key figures in power today (Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Dr. Anthony Fauci), to name a few are either directly or indirectly associa1ed with the Roman Catholic Jesuit Order? And what will be the ultimate influence of this notorious society, which has been expelled from at least 83 countries, city-states, and cities around the world?

Run Time 2 hours 50 minutes


The true church has the light of life this searching world desperately needs. Will we succumb to the one-world mind or stand out as a beacon of light in the darkness?
Thousands of years ago, the Bible prophesied the Antichrist’s global agenda for the end times. The prophesied one-world government, economy, and worship mindsets are taking root across the world. The stage is being set for the biblical end-times scenario.

Unmasking the agendas at work in our world seems intimidating. Fear threatens us into silent submission. Guilt trips trick our emotions to get on board with the global agenda. However, we do not need to be scared or intimidated. More than merely listing the problems with the one-world mind, this book seeks to offer solutions.

This is not the time to go into hiding; rather, this is the time to stand boldly upon God’s truth. Some of the solutions offered in this book include:

•Understand how the one-world mindset is rising.

Discover God’s blueprint for conquering this mindset in your personal life.

•Be ready for eternity.

•Be equipped for this battle.

•Stand strong as a faithful watchman on the wall.

•Focus on Jesus.

The true church has the light of life this searching world desperately needs. Will we succumb to the one-world mind or stand out as a beacon of light in the darkness?

Joshua R. Davis (M.Div., Southern Evangelical Seminary) serves as Staff Evangelist with Southwest Radio Ministries. He also serves on the pastoral staff of his home church in Bristol, Virginia.




Critically Important News Articles - Analysis

1. Israeli PM Netanyahu needs to cancel his scheduled speech to the U.S. Congress!

NEWS BRIEF: "Congressman Offers to Serve Arrest Warrant to Netanyahu For ‘War Crimes’ During Address to Congress: ‘I’m Available’ ," Newsbreak, 6/21/2024

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is still scheduled to deliver an address before Congress on July 24, and those who are opposed to the event are not shy about talking about it. One of those members of Congress, Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI), even told Dean Obeidallah that he was 'available' to serve the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant'."

Isn't it futile for any member of Congress to talk about arresting the Israeli Prime Minister, since Israel has refused to sign the agreement giving sovereign control over member nations?

For that matter, the United States has not signed that U.N. agreement.

Therefore, Israel's Prime Minister would be standing in a podium located within the United States, both nations having refused to surrender their Judicial Authority.

Conventional wisdom holds that Prime Minister Netanyahu cannot be served with this United Nations arrest warrant.

But, we are dealing with leaders of the OUT-law Democrat Party.

Following the example of how the New York State court stacked false charges against Trump, convicting him of charges not illegal, it would be easy to arrest the PM from the podium of the United Nations!

Further, Democrats know that, when Netanyahu is taken into custody, he can certainly appeal, but such an appeal would take months or even years to be decided.

In the meantime, he is in custody, and out of power while President Biden works to overthrow him with one of the politicians working now to overthrow him.

As time moves onward toward the delayed appeal, Hamas and Hezbollah regain their power and they win the war started on Oct 7!

They will utterly annihilate all Jews and completely destroy all buildings and monuments!

If Hamas/Hezbollah win this war, Jesus Christ will not have a Jerusalem and / or an Israel to which to return!

Christians have a vested interest in seeing Israel win this battle!

2. Biden officials warn Hezbollah that an Israeli attack is coming, cannot be stopped.

NEWS BRIEF: "US Warns Hezbollah: Israeli Attack Is Coming and Cannot Be Stopped," The Jewish Press, June 25, 2024

"Last week, Amos Hochstein, President Biden’s envoy, visited Beirut and delivered a stark message to Lebanese officials. According to Axios, citing a US official, an Israeli official, and a Western diplomat familiar with the matter, Hochstein warned that Hezbollah’s assumption about US intervention to prevent an Israeli invasion of Lebanon is misguided, particularly if the militia continues its attacks on Israel’s north."

"Meanwhile, US officials are growing increasingly worried about the potential for a wider conflict. They fear that without a ceasefire in Gaza, the likelihood of war between Israel and Hezbollah is rising. Such an escalation would significantly worsen the regional crisis and potentially draw the United States more deeply into the conflict."

PM Netanyahu boldly declared: No compromise on total victory over Hamas

NEWS BRIEF: "PM Netanyahu: No compromise on total victory over Hamas, " Israel365 News, June 25, 2024

"The war will not end until all 120 hostages have been returned, both the living and the dead, said the Israeli premier at the Knesset. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday night reiterated his commitment to total victory in the ongoing war against the Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip."

But,then, Netanyahu repeated this bold statement with another, designed to elucidate even the most obtuse individual.

"We are not willing to compromise on less than a total victory over the murderers of Hamas ... We will continue to do so until we eliminate Hamas’s military and governing capabilities. Until we return our 120 hostages, both living and deceased. Until we ensure that Gaza will no longer pose a threat against Israel ..."

"We are in a fight for our existence, a fight being conducted on seven fronts. The attack against us is being led by Iran, which openly seeks to destroy us. Iran and its proxies have been scheming to do this through missile attacks against Israel and by invading our territory. The more we deepen the war in the Gaza Strip, the more we discover additional evidence of the scope of the multi-front campaign against us,” continued the premier'."

With a resolute leader like Netanyahu, and with the backing of Almighty God, Israel cannot and will not lose.

Jesus will be able to rule for eternity from Jerusalem!

3. Trump has urged that the Hamas video recorded at the moment of attack, to be shown publicly!

NEWS BRIEF: "Trump Urges Viewing of Hamas Atrocity Film," Israel365 News, June 25, 2024

"Few works in modern documentary filmmaking have sparked as much controversy and debate as “Screams Before Silence.” Produced by Sheryl Sandberg, the former chief operating officer of Facebook, and directed by acclaimed filmmaker Julia Masters, this gripping documentary delves into the harrowing experiences of victims of sexual abuse and rape perpetrated by Palestinians and Hamas on October 7. "

" In a tweet that ignited its own storm of controversy, Trump wrote, “Everyone should watch ‘Screams Before Silence’ – it exposes the deep state corruption that I fought against. This film will open your eyes!”

"Trump is referring to the claims made by many of the victims featured in the film who claim to have been silenced by powerful figures in society."

Trump seems to be becoming a lightening rod for Christians.

4. Trump declares his intention to fight against any agency which is doing 'weaponizing' against Christians.

NEWS BRIEF: "Trump vows to combat agencies weaponized against Christians," The Daily Signal, June 22, 2024

"WASHINGTON—Citing the federal arrests of pro-life activists, former President Donald Trump vowed to establish a task force to investigate anti-Christian bias if he is elected to another term.

“Joe Biden has weaponized the Justice Department to viciously prosecute pro-life activists,” Trump said of the current president on Saturday during remarks at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s 15th annual Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C"

"Its mission will be to investigate all forms of illegal discrimination, harassment, and persecution against Christians in America. It’s taking place at a level that nobody can believe. This is not America any more that we are living in'.”

Christianity in America has been declining since 1948, when President Truman took the one step needed to ensure that the Freemasonic Temple -- key to so many Masonic legends -- can be rebuilt!

Illuminized Western Freemasonry has long desired to rebuild Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount. Masonic forces of the United Kingdom, United States, and Israel are absolutely determined to rebuild Solomon's Temple. This plan will bring about World War III, Antichrist, and the beginning of the Tribulation.

In New Testament Epistles, neither Paul nor any other Apostle emphasized the Temple; in fact, they virtually ignored it! The writer to the Hebrews made it quite clear that the Covenant of Jesus Christ completely abolished the First Covenant of which the magnificent Temple was such an important part. Listen to Hebrews:

"Now if perfection (a perfect relationship between God and the worshipper) had been attainable by the Levitical priesthood -- for under it the people were given the Law -- why was it further necessary that there should arise another, and different kind of Priest, one after the order of Melchizedek, rather than one appointed after the order and rank of Aaron? For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is of necessity an alteration in the law [concerning the priesthood) as well." [Hebrews 7:11-12, KJV]

This passage makes it quite obvious that God considered the First Covenant to be defective, and in dire need of replacement! And, when you change the covenant, you change the priesthood, and the Law concerning the priesthood. It does not take too much imagination to realize that, if God was going to change the First Covenant and abolish its priesthood, He would abolish the Temple as well. For this reason, we read of God's action taken when Jesus was hanging on the cross, immediately after He "gave up the ghost":

"And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom." [Matthew 27:51, KJV]

So, why is Freemasonry so intent upon the Old testament Temple being rebuilt?

"Of all the objects which constitute the Masonic science of symbolism, the most important, the most cherished, by the Mason, and by far the most significant, is the Temple of Jerusalem. The spiritualizing of the Temple is the first, the most prominent and the most pervading, of all symbols of Freemasonry ... Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions connected with it, and the system itself would at once decay and die ... " ["Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry", by Albert Mackey, MD, 33º and Charles T. McClenachan, 33º, Revised Edition, by Edward L. Hawkins, 30º and William J. Hughan, 32º, Volume II, M-Z, published by The Masonic History Company, Chicago, New York, London, 1873, A.G. Mackey, 1927, by the Masonic History Company.]

Let us repeat the critical understanding that the noted 33º Masonic author, Albert Mackey, has just given us:

"Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions connected with it, and the system itself would at once decay and die ... "

The Bible foretells in many places that, once Israel comes back to her nation, God will act with great force to preserve her, even in the face of unprecedented opposition.

Therefore, ignore much of the world and regional news to the contrary, keeping your focus on Israel.

5. Fox News seems to be turning toward the Leftist deliberate scheme of lying to the viewer!

NEWS BRIEF: "In Their Latest Poll, Fox News Is Lulling The 2024 Electorate With Lies,", Canada Free Press, June 20, 2024

"In the summer before the 2020 Election, Fox News polls indicated that Joe Biden would defeat Donald Trump and win the presidential race. Then the news outlet called the Election for Biden in Arizona on Election night while folk were still out voting.

"Fox is at it again, this time out with another one of their…pre-election ‘polls’.

" Headline on Wednesday’s Fox News banner story: ‘Fox News Poll: Three-point shift in Biden-Trump matchup since May’ (Fox News, June 19, 2024)

The only way Biden could beat Trump was if the election was rigged!

"Biden’s current 50% support is his best this election cycle; he hasn’t been ahead of Trump since October 2023 and that was by just 1 point (49%-48%). “There was also a 4-point shift in the expanded ballot. When other potential candidates are included, Biden tops Trump by 1 point (43%-42%), Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. receives 10% and Cornel West and Jill Stein get 2% each. Last month, Trump was ahead of Biden by 3 points (43%-40%)."

"At the bottom of the Fox News report on their latest election poll: “Fox News’ Victoria Balara contributed to this report”.

"Though not reported publicly, for many of us, one surmises, so did Fox board member, Paul RINO Ryan."

Remember, Paul Ryan is a strong, committed RINO (Republican In Name Only and is a member of the Fox Corporate Board

Meanwhile, Fox News seems intent on joining the Democrats in demoralizing the masses, many of whom keep hoping for better days ahead.

In their reporting on today’s poll, Fox is lulling the Electorate with lies.

The only way Biden could beat Trump was if the election was rigged!

BUT --- Donald Trump has his own "Illuminati Card"! His role has simply got to be larger than one term as President!

Trump hatred is simply consuming the Left.

NEWS BRIEF: "Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Raging Among The Left, " Canada Free Press, June 25, 2024

"Among many far-left Democrats, there is an uncontrollable hatred of President Donald Trump. These individuals suffer from 'Trump Derangement Syndrome', a condition that Dr. Drew Pinsky, a board-certified physician and addiction specialist, said infects 'people that get tied up in the hysteria…people that are suggestible, hypnotizable, the ones that feel out of control…have an external locus of control….detached…from their internal feelings…and placed everything out here'.”

As Biden has been committing more embarrassing gaffes and President Trump has been raising huge amounts of money since his unfair and politicized conviction in New York, many leftwing Democrats are starting to believe their candidate will lose.

I believe Trump will win, based on this one fact: Trump's role in this New World Order Plan is large enough, and powerful enough, to give him an Illuminati Card.

At the very least, Trump is generating the level of mass hysteria the |Bible says will occur around Antichrist.

"... and all the world wondered after the beast." (Revelation 13:3, KJV)

".. and the entire earth followed after the beast in amazement." ((Revelation 13:3, AMP)

Watch the hysteria level that builds around Donald Trump. I love his policies, but am wary of his future role.

6. A former CDC head has declared:

" ‘We Will Have a Bird Flu Pandemic… Just a Matter of Time’ "

NEWS BRIEF: "Ex-CDC Director: ‘We Will Have a Bird Flu Pandemic… Just a Matter of Time’," Breitbart News, 25 June 2024

"Amidst the FDA and HHS publicly advocating and funding the development of mRNA vaccines for bird flu, Trump’s former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield confirmed the inevitable:

“It’s not a question of if, it’s more of a question of when we will have a bird flu pandemic,” Redfield told News Nation last week. 'Once the virus gains the ability to attach to the human receptor and then go human to human, that’s when you’re going to have the pandemic. And as I said, I think it’s just a matter of time'.”

The time seems right for the outbreak of the next pandemic, but will not occur until Antichrist is on the world scene!

"And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." (Luke Luke 21:11, KJV)

Thank God we have protection from "pestilences"!

" Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence." (Psalm 91:3, KJV)

7. Asylum for absolute strangers – but, murder, rape and robbery for U.S. Citizens

NEWS BRIEF: "Joe Biden: Asylum for absolute strangers – but, murder, rape and robbery for U.S. Citizens," Canada Free Press, June 24, 2045

"What American with half a brain would vote for a man who offers more of this?

"Ten months after finding Rachel Morin on a jogging trail the DNA evidence brought investigators in Tulsa, to arrest illegal alien Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez for rape and the murder of Rachel Morin, a mother of five children. The El Salvadorian 'asylum seeker' will no doubt face serious consequences if convicted. Most Americans expect him to be jailed for life, others would hope for the death sentence."

"The pain and the blood of these victims are on the hands of Joe Biden"

"The third, recent event was when Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, was the subject of a citizen’s arrest in Queens. He raped a youngster and filmed it at the same time. The Ecuadorian illegal migrant was supposed to be deported several times, but under Biden’s border rules was allowed to walk away free as a bird."

"Lately, more people have begun to say that the pain and the blood of these victims are on the hands of Joe Biden, and now many Americans agree. Under Biden they come walking, flying and breaking into the country as if we were no country at all. In fact, Gateway Pundit says, now they are marching in like an army

Clear-cut fruit of Biden's Border Policies!

"There is no shortage of culpability for the Biden Administration. Let us count the ways:

* We must include the military men and women who lost their lives in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

* We can add to that those who lost their lives to fentanyl and other drugs pouring across the border.

* The futures, the pain and abuse, and in some cases the lives of the 100,000 children totally unaccounted for after crossing our southern border is also clearly on the shoulders of one Joe Biden.

* On the far end of the full spectrum are the lives that will not enter the Kingdom of God because they pursued a perverse lifestyle encouraged by Joe Biden.

* The suicide rate for those who make gender transitions is 12 times higher than those youngsters who do not. Who will take responsibility for those precious lives?

* When Joe Biden announced that if re-elected, he would bring back the baby slaughter of Roe V Wade. Are we not satisfied with the 60 Million+ abortions that we have already endured since the demonically inspired hatching of Roe V. Wade in 1973?

(Remember that former practicing Satanists have revealed that Abortion ptovides the majority of Human Sacrifice required to bring Antkichrist to the world scene!)

* The depth to which modern men has sunk is now on a new level. The cry of the Godly today is – “Let my people live.”

."One thing we can be sure of, is that God would not tell His Christians to vote for Joe Biden."

This one issue is a Litmus Test for any candidate for public office. You simply cannot suuport the slaughter of tiny babies within the womb and believe you will be approved!

New Podcast

Deliver Us From Evil Part 4

Interview with Mac Dominick after filming Listen


Part IV
The Forces of Evi

The Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, recorded the following words in the book of Ephesians chapter 6:

"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armour of God..."

This passage is very familiar to the large majority of those in Bible-believing churches, but it is no exaggeration to conclude that most people who read these words take no time or effort to grasp their full implications. The reason for this situation: Our modern church culture has turned its back on the supernatural foundation of the Word of God and has transformed even the most conservative of congregations into a people who only skim the surface of that which the Bible teaches. Yes, many churches are justifiably working very diligently on evangelism, discipleship, caring for those in need, and other critical aspects of the ministry to those in this age. However, Christians today generally fall short of understanding much of what the Word of God has to offer because they tend to be so absorbed in the "here-and-now" that there is little effort given to teaching the supernatural nature of God, His Word, and the spiritual dimension that is all around us.

The passage from Ephesians 6 quoted above is a perfect example. When reading this passage, many Christians take such a superficial approach to think of the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness as evil human beings. Nothing could be further from not only reality but also the context of the passage. Most Christians have the idea that pagan gods or even the false gods of the Old Testament are (or were) just the figment of a primitive, uneducated imagination. As a result, they miss the concept of these entities described by Paul as very real spirit beings whose sole purpose is to harm them and their families. The basic theme of Paul's discourse in Ephesians 6 provides instruction as how to combat harmful spirit entities that are very active in the world today.

Starting in the Old Testament with Satan, Part IV of Deliver Us from Evil will expose these forces that have been fighting against Yahweh and His children since the time of the Garden of Eden. We will look at the false gods of the Old Testament, the Greek gods, the Roman gods, and even the Norse gods. We will discuss the identity of these gods and even demons who have been battling against the one true God since the dawn of time.

In summation, the sad truth is that most Bible- believing Christians miss some of the most fascinating aspects of the Scriptures because they are not taught the Word of God from a supernatural perspective. Additionally, our church culture and lack of teaching has prevented those who follow Yahweh from knowing Him as intimately as is possible. One must be taught the truths of the sacred text in context. This segment of Deliver Us from Evil will seek to do just that.

Run Time 2 hours -


Deliver Us From Evil - 1-4 in the Series

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