Hot News
"New Middle
East Map"

The United Nations calls upon "World Powers" to
convene to force a political solution upon Syria!
We have been waiting
for this World Power Summit, for that is the only mechanism
that can re-create the Middle East Map as the Pentagon's
2006 map, above, shows.
Powers must push for political solution in Syria: U.N.
urges", Reuter's News, June 21, 2016
"Russia called on Tuesday
for a swift resumption of stalled Syrian peace talks, saying
it was the only way to halt 'massive violations' of human
rights perpetrated in the five-year-old conflict ... It
supports proposals for a political settlement under which
some Syrian opposition figures would be brought into a Syrian
unity government - steps which rebels and their foreign
backers say do not go far enough."
Any "political settlement"
would immediately spell the doom of President Assad. Allowing
rebel leaders any position within his new government would
be akin to allowing a hungry fox into the chicken coop!
One idea floating around is to allow Assad to remain as
President for a fixed time, like 6 months, after which he
would resign and fly somewhere in exile.
Such an outcome would fulfill
the requirements of the Master Plan for the Middle East
as we demonstrated in "The Pentagon's New Map"
posted 2003) and "President Bush's 2006 'Middle
East Map' (NEWS2213,
posted 2006)!
The invasions of Afghanistan
(Oct, 2001) and of Iraq (March, 2003) were simply the outworking
of a Pentagon Plan to remove all established dictators within
this region so that two goals could be realized by the Elite:
A). To establish Regional
Government #7, as shown below.
you can see, the Middle East falls geographically in Supernation
#7. This Regional government is part of the Club of Rome
Plan whereby all nations are realigned into 10 supernations.
This Plan, once it is set
in place, will fulfill Daniel 2:40-45, 7:7-8, and Revelation
17:12, 17.
Established dictators, like
President Assad of Syria will resist surrendering his National
Sovereignty to Supernation #7.
Therefore, all dictators must
be overthrown, either by invasion or by internal dissent.
This is the true "Rest
of the Story"!
B). To politically
recreate the "New Middle East Map", as shown above.
Once the region has removed
Assad of Syria through this "World Power Summit",
why stop there? Why not force a change in the entire Middle
East? This is the Plan, and it certainly does fulfill the
10-Nation prophecy, listed above!
This story is major,
for it carries significant prophetic implications.
Special Note: Once the civil
wars are over in the Middle East, Western powers can then
begin repatriating Islam refugees who have flooded Europe
and, to a lesser extent, America.
2. President Obama
angrily questioned the need for the U.S. to maintain Israel's
qualitative superiority.
anger, Obama questioned necessity of Israel's qualitative
military edge", The Jerusalem Post, 6/22/2016
"According to US law,
the Defense Department must ensure that weapons sales to
Mideast nations comports with an American guarantee of Israel's
qualitative military edge (QME) in the region."
During both the elections
of 2008 and 2016, Cutting Edge urged supporters of Israel
to carefully consider the fact which seemed obvious to me,
that Barack Obama was a secret supporter of Islam. Modern
history has proven that, when Israel is under fire on the
battlefield, she must have the complete and utter support
of the American President and Congress. The President is
most important, for he is the head of the American military
and must make rapid decisions, while Congress, by its legislative
position, moves far more slowly.
Israel must have the complete
support of the President.
" Frustrated over a stall
in an arms sale to Saudi Arabia, Obama once questioned the
necessity of maintaining Israel’s qualitative military
edge in the region, former defense secretary Leon Panetta
said on Monday ... According to US law, the Defense Department
must ensure that weapons sales to Mideast nations must comport
with an American guarantee of Israel’s qualitative
military edge in the region."
"We were going through
a lot of contortions in order to deal with this issue, to
develop the kind of technical responses that you have to
develop in order to make sure that you protect Israel’s
qualitative edge' ... But it’s not easy'. The president,
Panetta said, then 'reflected some anger about why the hell
do we have to do this in the first place'."
If America were to allow Israel's
Qualitative Edge to disappear, it would take many years
to rebuild it, and that is a likely window of opportunity
to her implacable enemies to strike at her heart.
Do you know the "Dirty Little Secret" of the four
new gun control measures just rejected by the Senate?
dirty secret about the four Senate gun control bills",
Fox News Opinion, June 20, 2016
"In Orlando on Thursday,
President Obama again called on Congress to do something
about these mass public shootings. But the dirty secret
about the four different bills that the Senate will vote
on Monday is that everyone knows that none of them would
have stopped the Orlando massacre. Indeed, none of the bills
would have stopped any of the mass public shootings since
at least 2000."
This defect has been the primary
motivation for every politician who has ever voted on a
Gun Control bill, i.e., they would stop no mass shooter.
This fact is especially true for the Orlando shooter, because
he prepared for his crime a very long time ago. He was patient
enough to go to the police academy, to qualify as a security
guard so he could legally possess firearms, and to become
proficient in accuracy.
Notwithstanding, Liberals
in Congress have used these type of shootings to try to
justify more restrictive gun controls on every law-abiding
Americans! What distresses me is the sad fact that too many
Americans have allowed themselves to be convinced that the
way to stop a madman from shooting a crowd of people is
to completely disarm the public!
Not only is this reasoning
insane, this policy has created a "safe zone"
which guarantees the gunman that he can enter this "gun
free zone" and commence his murderous rampage without
having to fear that he will face immediate counter fire
from citizens who are carrying concealed weapons. This Fox
news story then addresses this issue:
"Everyone wants to do
something to stop these attacks, but the one thing that
we know does matter -- ending gun-free zones – are
being completely ignored in the legislation. Since at least
as far back as 1950, all but three U.S. mass public shootings
(with three or more fatalities) have occurred in places
where citizens are not allowed to carry their own firearms.
Time after time these killers explicitly pick targets where
victims can’t defend themselves."
Now that is an issue behind
which I can rally: eliminating gun free zone"!
In fact, whenever I see a
sign on a restaurant or a public establishment that informs
me that no one can carry a gun while on their premises,
I walk right back out of that place. You should too.
4. Donald Trump signaled that he was significantly
changing the direction and the tenor of his campaign when
he fired his election manager.
Trump will now soften
his rhetoric and move toward the political center, as he
pivots to run the general election.
ready to run 'different kind of campaign':
Fires campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski ",
Fox News, June 21, 2016
"Donald Trump said Monday
night he's ready to run 'a different kind of campaign' while
explaining his decision to fire campaign manager Corey Lewandowski
earlier in the day. The presumptive Republican presidential
nominee told Fox News' Bill O'Reilly in an interview on
'The O'Reilly Factor' that Lewandowski was 'a good man'
who helped him run a 'small, beautiful, well-unified campaign'
during the primary season."
" 'We're going to go
a different route', Trump said."
"His appearance on 'The
O'Reilly Factor' came after a day when his campaign manager
was fired amid an internal campaign power struggle with
Paul Manafort, the veteran operative who since March has
been amassing influence inside Trump HQ ... Manafort was
fed up with battling Lewandowski and let the campaign know
the two of them 'just couldn't get along'."
"Lewandowski's aggressive
approach also fueled near-constant campaign infighting that
complicated Trump's shift toward the general election ...
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus told
Fox News' Greta Van Susteren in an "On The Record"
interview Monday night he thought the firing of Lewandowski
was a "new direction" for the Trump campaign.
" 'I see a pivot and
seriousness to the general election', he said. "
We will probably see Trump
making speeches by following the script on the TelePrompter
than by the looser style which have earned him great negatives
from the voting public. This election is going to be very