who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall
remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty,
Whose power no foe can withstand." (Psalm 91:1)
Must I Do To Be Saved"?
Cutting Edge Podcasts !!
We have just launched our Cutting Edge FREE Podcasts
web site with 6 Podcasts and more to come as David
is busily writing the scripts.
You can
listen direct from the web site and as we add iTunes,
Pandora and many more you will find those links there
so you can listen at home or on your phone or in your
car. Spotify
has already launched our podcasts. Our podcasts are
free to everyone and are provided to you by our readers
and listeners who support Cutting Edge through one time
or monthly donations
and the sales from our book store.
Newest Podcast Posted 6-15-2022
Season 1 Episode 8
will never look at the NEWS the same way again"
us share the Gospel"
We want to thank all of
our financial supporters. Over the years your support
has proven crucial in enabling us to make our full site
free for everyone so that those who cannot afford to
donate can have full access. BUT, This year we have
experienced the painful 'birth pangs' of a world which
is going crazy as it spins toward Antichrist!
We are clinging to life
in a barren land, much as this struggling tree shown
above! Our heartfelt thanks for helping us continue
our outreach and preventing Cutting Edge from disappearing
from the Internet, at a most crucial time in world history!
We have always believed
that more souls will be won for Jesus Christ during
the Last of the Last Days than in entire previous centuries.
But, we need your financial support.
Thank you in advance!
May Jesus Richly Bless
David Bay, Director

Who were the Nephilim? What really
happened at the Tower of Babel? Where is Atlantis? Who
are the Shining Ones? Are these questions relevant to
our walk with God today and our understanding of His
Jesus said that as it was in the
days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son
of Man. Jesus also said to be ready for His return,
that it comes like a thief in the night. This DVD takes
an uncomfortable look at the days of Noah and many other
topics so that we can be ready for our Savior’s
return. Topics that God chose to include in His Word
are worth taking the time to study.
Ancient Cities looks at the Antediluvian
world from a solid biblical foundation. Why are the
stories of giants scattered throughout Scripture as
well as our world today? Why did Joshua kill not only
the men, but also the women, children, and livestock
of the Anakim-Rephaim? What parallels do we find between
the Bible and ancient Greek mythology? Ancient Cities
studies Mount Olympus and the Greek gods whose tales
shape our culture today. Why did the Romas at Lystra
in the Bible think that Paul and Barnabas were the Roman
gods Hermes and Zues? Ancient Cities examines the city
of Rome’s important role in spreading Christianity.
Join Micah Van Huss as he teaches the topics that your
Sunday school teacher refused to talk about.
130 Minutes 
Jewish Roots of Christianity -- 4-DVD Set, 15
Roots of Christianity is now a television series!
Discovering your Jewish roots means
discovering your Biblical roots! In one sense
it may be stated that the gospels are simply
a Jewish debate among Jewish people about the
true identity of a Jewish man, Jesus. And the
story takes place in the Holy Land, Israel.
Now what could be more Jewish than that?
In the DVD Jewish Roots of Christianity,
Larry Stamm, a first-generation Holocaust survivor
and Jewish follower of Jesus, examines the religion
of the Old Testament and in its ultimate fulfillment
in the messianic hope as detailed in page after
page of the New Testament. Jesus himself challenges
us to “search the Scriptures…it
is these which bear witness of me” (John
In this biblical survey, Larry Stamm
introduces such topics as the gospel in the
Old Testament, how the Feasts of Israel point
to the person and work of Messiah Jesus, the
historical interaction between Biblical Judaism
and New Testament faith, and more.

What’s Next in Bible Prophecy (DVD Set)
Dr. Robert Lindsted
24:3: And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples
came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall
these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming,
and of the end of the world?
As the world continues to wax worse and
worse, one thing is very clear: Christ’s return
is drawing near.
Episode 1 – What to expect next on God’s
Calendar, going into the rapture why and when!
Episode 2 – What’s Next on God’s Calendar,
“Coming Soon… on the Earth you Live on!
Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon!
Episode 3 – The coming war of Armageddon in the
Jezreel Valley!
Episode 4 – The Millennial Kingdom, often referred
to as the Millennium. The amazing things that we will
see, as well as the Sheep/Goat judgements.
Episode 5 – The Millennial Kingdom, focusing on
the restoration of creation!
Episode 6 – The Great White Throne Judgement where
all unbelievers will be judged for their rejection of
Christ along with Satan, the fallen angels and many
Episode 7 – The New Heavens and the New Earth,
the beauties of Heaven and power of God. In this 2-disc
series, Dr. Robert Lindsted takes us on a journey through
the Bible as we study to find out more about the end
times and What’s Next in Bible Prophecy.
Over 3 hours of Bible Teaching
Seven Segments on 2 DVDs
A Complete Study of The Rapture, and the end of this
News Analysis
1. Israel's Liberal
Coalition, weak and terribly divided, finally fell yesterday.
NEWS BRIEF: "Israel’s
government falls over internal defections",
DEBKAfile June 20, 2022
"In a farewell speech,
PM Naftali Bennett handed over the caretaker premiership
to his partner, Alternate PM Yair Lapid on Monday, June
20, after they called a new national election for Oct.
But, Company is coming
and he will now be greeted by an Interim Prime Minister.
"It will be up to
Lapid to receive Joe Biden on July 13 when he arrives
for his first trip to Israel as US President."
no Prime Minister in place, we can expect President
Biden to create all sorts of chaos as he fawns over
the Palestinians.
Biden may also address
the issue of un-recognizing the Palestinians and the
status of Jerusalem.
Conservative Likud
Party leader, Benyiman Netanyahu, seems poised to be
Prime Minister again.
NEWS BRIEF: "Netanyahu
and the right are about to regain power: They’ll
hold it for a long time", The Times of
Israel, 8 June 2022
"The eight-party
coalition that took office in Israel a year ago was
always misrepresentative of the electorate’s ideological
affiliations. More than 70 of the 120 politicians Israelis
voted into the Knesset in March 2021 came from seven
firmly right-wing parties, either secular or religious
... Israel has been governed these past 12 months by
a coalition that spans the political spectrum from right
to left, with an Islamist party for good measure...."
What was the political
glue which held this unlikely alliance together?
"a greater Israeli
interest: ousting Benjamin Netanyahu."
2. How does one
create an attitude of "White Supremacy" in
seven easy steps?
to Create White Supremacy in Seven Easy Steps",
American Greatness,
June 19, 2022
"With every news
cycle bringing us a racially inflected incident—such
as the recent racial rampage in Buffalo—the media
leaps at the opportunity to blame all the usual targets
of elite scorn: Fox News, Tucker Carlson, the Republican
Party, and Donald Trump. "
"... this isn’t
meant as a blueprint for actual white supremacists.
I would not be writing this had the identity politickers
on the woke Left not already followed this step-by-step
guide perfectly. Perhaps they didn’t know any
better. But they couldn’t have done any worse
... imagine we had the goal of taking a nation in which
race relations had been steadily improving for decades
and plunging it back into the racial maelstrom from
which a new wellspring of white supremacy could emerge.
Here’s what we’d do:
"Step 1: Dismantle
the Idea of Race-Blindness."
"Step 2: Get Children
to See Race Early and Often" - Starting in Pre-school
"Step 3: Invent Race-Based
Insults to Target Whites."
"Step 4: Spread Black-and-White
Thinking About Race"
"Step 5: Institute
Double Standards in Every Walk of Life."
"Step 6: Mandate
“Diversity” Training."
"Step 7: Say You
See Racism and White Supremacy Everywhere. "
"Trump’s election,
in other words, was not the genesis of a new white racial
consciousness but rather, if anything, a consequence
of it, of the Left’s betrayal of the Martin Luther
King, Jr.’s colorblind dream, of identity politics
run amok, of people being attacked again and again for
having had the misfortune of being born white in 21st
century America. "
And, you can see a mighty
nation wobbling in the high winds,preparing to fall.
The Biblical warning is unheeded and freedoms for 330
million are lost:
"... if a house be
divided against itself, that house cannot stand."
(Matthew 3:25)
Before we leave this section, let us clearly
demonstrate what God's view of races has always been:
"There is
neither Jew nor Greek (Gentile), there is neither bond
nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are
all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians
3:28, KJV)
"For there
is no difference between the Jew and the Greek (Gentile):
for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call
upon him." (Romans
10:12, KJV)
there is neither Greek (Gentile) nor Jew, circumcision
nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free:
but Christ is all, and in all." (Colossians
3:11, KJV)
Therefore, Christians
should not be biased against any race, because each
race was created by the same God, and He will judge
any person who is biased!
Juneteenth - a
natural progression of 'White Supremacy"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Juneteenth
– The Day a Great Republican President Freed the
Slaves (in Texas?)", American
Defense News, June 21, 2022
"While the Left wants
to make the heretofore little-known date of June 19,
1965, a new holiday to bash America due to its partial
history of slavery, Juneteenth (as it is now known)
is not the date slavery ended in the United States.
"Or the day the last
slaves were freed."
As with much of what passes
for history these days, this view is not entirely correct.
In fact, this date of 19 June 1865 brings honor and
glory to Republicans!
"Juneteenth is actually
only a day to celebrate a great Republican president’s
historic message freeing the slaves finally reaching
the Confederate state of Texas. That great Republican
president was of course, Abraham Lincoln, and his historic
message was the Emancipation Proclamation of January
1, 1863."
"Well, this latest
federal holiday ... marks the day residents of Galveston
received General Orders No. 3, which freed slaves in
"On June 19, 1865,
about two months after the Confederate general Robert
E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox, Va., Gordon Granger,
a Union general, arrived in Galveston, Texas, the last
remaining Confederate state, to inform enslaved black
Americans of their freedom and that the Civil War had
"That is the day
slavery officially ended in the Confederate South."
Genuine history records
Lincoln's steadfast belief that slavery would always
be threatening a comeback unless the Constitution was
amended to forbid this deplorable institution.
Therefore, when Kentucky
and Delaware voted to accept the 13th Amendment to the
Constitution, that was on December 6, 1865, the REAL
date that slavery ended in the United States!
3. Understanding
how important demolition of buildings and monuments
is to a Communist coup:
Should we be concerned
that a Supreme Court decision overturning Roe vs Wade
might result in authorities allowing the Supreme Court
Building to be burned?
Revenge Plans Roe v. Wade Reveal: ‘Night of
Rage’," Breitbart News, 19
June 2022
"The radical pro-abortion
group, Jane’s Revenge, is planning more acts of
domestic terrorism when the U.S. Supreme Court’s
decision on Roe v. Wade is revealed, dubbed a “Night
of Rage: An Autonomous Call to Action Against Patriarchal
Just the title makes my
blood boil! The issue of Abortion is not "Patriarchal"
nor "Matriarchal", but is aimed at protecting
the life of an unborn baby still in the mother's womb!
America is so far removed
from God's revealed will that they have slaughtered
almost 65 million unborn babies before they were born.
And, now, some states have even passed legislation which
legalizes the murder of a baby through the 7th day of
When the Supreme Court
overturns Roe vs Wade, will the Communist authorities
in charge of the Capitol allow protestors to assault
and to burn down the Supreme Court?
Communism has always striven
to erase a nation's history by destroying monuments
and buildings of the old order ....
4. Biden is said
to be presiding over the 'controlled demolition' of
Controlled Demolition Of America",
Townhall, JUne 20, 2022
"Historically, opposing
political parties ... the belief that one or the other
party has evil intentions was largely unheard of. It
was assumed that everyone loved their country - the
Republic that was founded in 1776 - and truly wanted
what is best for it and all its people, regardless of
political differences. Sadly, those days are long gone."
"From crime to inflation
to uncontrolled immigration to everything in between,
the United States is falling apart. Nothing is going
right ... What is going on today in America is unprecedented
in the more than two centuries of our history, a controlled
demolition managed by hostile forces who clearly intend
to replace our once-great country with a socialist/communist
hellscape of their own making."
"they have to destroy
the current order and bring the population to its knees
begging for relief. "
In 1919, Alice Bailey,
the global director of the Black Magick secret society,
'The Theosophical Society', wrote the directive of her
familiar spirit, Master DK'. Listen and see how Biden's
race to the bottom of the barrel is so foretold by the
demon inhabiting Alice Bailey:
"Such a change
is rapidly coming and is regarded by some as death --
terrible and to be avoided if possible. It is indeed
death, but it is benevolent and needed...For the progress
of the soul of the individual and the soul of humanity,
death is inevitable, good, and necessary."
("The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", Pages
Taking control of all
nations was always the goal:
"Take control
of the world ... to reduce ... the world to a safe level
by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide"
(Bill Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 49, 167)
President Biden is moving
swiftly to implement these demonic directives, so swiftly
that he can have them in place by the time the developing
World War III gives him the opportunity to set Martial
Law in place, overthrowing our Constitution, and opening
the door for Antichrist to march in.
5. Suddenly, Global
Elite voices start urging Ukraine to surrender to Russia!
NEWS BRIEF: "Western
voices press quietly to end Ukraine war: Ceding
territory to Moscow unavoidable",
by Henry Kissinger, June 17, 2022
"President Joe Biden’s
decision this week to grant Ukraine another billion-dollar
package for its war effort against Russia did not preclude
questions in Washington and from its allies as to how
long this war can go on."
"Russia, for its
part, has sold oil to the West worth $97 bn, enough
to bankroll its Ukraine war and draw the sting of sanctions
from its economy. By the end of the year, Moscow will
have netted $285 bn from its energy sales compared with
$236 bn in 2021."
"As the cost of the
war becomes increasingly exorbitant, more and more voices
are being raised in Western capitals calling for a roadmap
to a solution of the Ukraine war ... Macron thus referred
to territorial concessions, a term hitherto unmentionable
in the presence of Zelensky..."
And, now, the old Globalist
himself, Henry Kissinger, weighs in:
"The veteran diplomat
was sharply rapped exactly a month ago when he ventured
to urge Ukraine 'to cede territory to Russia to help
end the invasion'.”
As Kissinger states the
Globalist plan for Ukraine, Russia will then be free
to move against other states. Might we be witnessing
the prophetic "hook in the jaw" which God
foretold He would bring against the ruler of Russia?
"And I will turn
thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring
thee forth, and all thine army ..." (Ezekiel 38:4)
other words, even though Russia has sent her armed forces
to attack another enemy, God sinks His "hooks in
her jaws" and forces her to redirect her forces
to attack another enemy -- Israel.
Let us look at one verse in the famous
prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39, that so graphically portrays
a Russian-led invasion of Israel in the 'Latter Days',
after Israel comes back to her land. As describing the
situation where God foretells that He will bring Russia
into judgment by causing her leaders to get the idea
of staging an attack on Israel, God lists the nations
that will be joining in the attack. These are the nations
joining Russia in this infamous attack:
1) Attacking from the North of Israel
* Persia -- Modern Iran
* Gomer -- Eastern Europe
* House of Togarmah -- Modern Turkey
2) Attacking from the South of Israel
* Cush -- Modern Ethiopia
* Libya -- still Libya today
Watch events regarding
Russia and Ukraine carefully, as the reorientation of
Russian forces to the South toward Israel may be about
to occur.
6. Mother Gaia
(Climate Change) news continues to condition people
to accept draconian changes in our life-style and our
NEWS BRIEF: "Yellowstone
National Park was never built to take on the rain and
snow that comes with climate change",
Popular Science, June 17, 2022
early this week, Yellowstone National Park was gearing
up for a high-traffic summer season ... But the festive
energy came to a halt on Monday morning: a historic
flood swept through the park, destroying bridges and
roads in the northern section. "
"All park entrances
closed and more than 10,000 visitors were ordered to
leave. River gauges reached record highs as the water
swelled ... On Wednesday, Montana’s lieutenant
governor requested a presidential major disaster declaration.
"The region has seen
floods before, but not of this magnitude, says Sierra
Harris, climate change coordinator at the conservation-focused
nonprofit Greater Yellowstone Coalition. Under a warming
climate, trends suggest that these kinds of events will
become more common—which will have major implications
for future park infrastructure and local communities.
"Harris says this
flood is waking some people up to the increasingly intense
climate variability in the area ... The infrastructure
[of Yellowstone National Park] wasn’t built to
take this magnitude of a flood."
We have reached the point
in propaganda regarding Mother Gaia that virtually every
single natural calamity can be blamed on the Mother
Gaia / Global Warming principle. In this incredible
scenario of using weather control as a "social
engineering tool", it is possible that the final
planned event might be a continent-wide storm that would
deliver such devastation that the survivors would be
exceedingly panicked; they would be prepared to be convinced
by their leadership that this "Superstorm"
had been a natural outgrowth of the Global Warming theory,
and that Mother Gaia was simply cleansing herself of
the unbearable strains put upon her by overpopulation
and our current Industrial Civilization! Thus, when
the president, or the head of F.E.M.A., appears on radio
and television to offer his "plan" to finally
live in harmony with Nature, the people will listen
and will meekly obey.
This global catastrophe, the Guides claim,
will cleanse the earth of pollution and evil people
and will usher in the long-awaited New Age of a thousand
years of peace." [p. 234] "What lies in wait
for the future ... is a global catastrophe that Ruth's
Guides foresee as more massive than anything this planet
has undergone in many thousands of years. The long-awaited
shift of the earth on its axis cannot be avoided, they
stress, since natural forces that have brought about
imbalances will trigger this compensating movement in
order to return it to stability." ["Herald
of A New Age", Ruth Montgomery, p. 254]
Note the civilization
killing words in these two statements:
* "global catastrophe"
* "cleanse the earth
of pollution and evil people"* "cleanse the
earth of pollution and evil people"
* "a global catastrophe
that Ruth's Guides foresee as more massive than anything
this planet has undergone in many thousands of years."
* "long-awaited shift
of the earth"
* "compensating movement
in order to return it to stability."
These are violent, death-dealing
words! These words are purely apocalyptic, and when
carried out, will "cleanse the earth" of at
least 2 billion people. As we review this book by Art
Bell - Whitley Strieber, remember these two paragraphs
from Ruth Montgomery's Guiding Spirits. You will see
this coming Global Superstorm mightily "compensating"
so that the earth can be "returned to stability".
"The Coming Global
Superstorm" may not be fiction; it may be a script
for a coming storm caused by Weather Control.
* "a global catastrophe
that Ruth's Guides foresee as more massive than anything
this planet has undergone in many thousands of years."
* "long-awaited shift
of the earth"
* "compensating movement
in order to return it to stability."
These are violent, death-dealing
words! These words are purely apocalyptic, and when
carried out, will "cleanse the earth" of at
least 2 billion people. As we review this book by Art
Bell - Whitley Strieber, remember these two paragraphs
from Ruth Montgomery's Guiding Spirits. You will see
this coming Global Superstorm mightily "compensating"
so that the earth can be "returned to stability".
"The Coming Global
Superstorm" may not be fiction; it may be a script
for a coming storm caused by Weather Control.
And, Antichrist is awaiting
his cue to come to the world stage!
Beginning of Prophecy
in a Jewish home with a deep hunger for understanding,
Messianic Rabbi Eric Walker searched for the answer
as to why Genesis 3:15 was never addressed in the Tenach
(Hebrew Bible). It became a lifelong passion in his
search for the real truth as he came to the Lord at
age forty-five.
• Learn how God's first prophecy impacts every
chapter of Scripture
• See how Satan's plan to eliminate the Jews would
have catastrophic consequences
• Recognize how insidious and pervasive Satan's
agenda has invaded every sphere of influence
• Have the scales fall from your eyes and see how
history has chronicled the adversary's every move and
no one saw it
• Be empowered by the Holy Spirit to play an important
part in defeating this diabolical agenda
• Be compelled to make choices like you have never
had to make before ·
YOUR SALVATION DEPENDS on your understanding of this
Prophecy that only comes to an end in Revelation 22.
"Every now and then one has the rare opportunity
to hear something that not only captures the heart but
stretches the understanding as well. Rabbi Eric Walker,
my dear friend and brilliant scholar, has offered us
such an opportunity. In his new book, 3:15 - The Genesis
of All Prophecy, we hear the prophecy God spoke in the
beginning and intends to fulfill despite Satan's destructive
agenda. We are taken on a journey following the biblical
and historical thread of the first prophecy in Scripture
from Genesis to Revelation , from a Jewish understanding,
all along having our previous paradigms sifted, stretched,
and shifted. It is a marvelous work. The Genesis of
All Prophecy exposes antisemitism as Satan's agenda
in a way most of us have never heard. The book is prophetic,
insightful, convicting, and heart rending. I rejoiced,
mourned, and contemplated what I was hearing through
this exceptional book. In the end, I thanked God for
this opportunity to hear the word of the Lord. You will
too. This is a book that had to be written, none other
like it has ever been written!" Dr. Kim M. Maas, Kim
Maas Ministries.
367 pages

Filled With
Prophetic Wisdom and Understanding
38: When God Defends Israel"
Ezekiel 38: When
God Defends Israel – The Coming Russian and Iranian
Invasion of the Promised Land. One of the greatest military
slaughters in the history of mankind!
Ezekiel tells
us that in the latter days, a group of armies from the
“uttermost” north will orchestrate a massive
sneak attack on Israel. At the time, Israel is said
to be dwelling in relative security in a land without
walls or bars. A shocking outcome awaits the enemy,
as God breaks his silence and destroys the invading
armies in a supernatural way. It’s a miraculous
rescue mission and it leaves our world and the Jewish
people changed forever.
This 3-DVD set
answers the questions we all want to know.
Part 1 –
Who Are the Enemy Attackers?
Part 2 – Why Is Israel Attacked?
Part 3 – Why Does God Intervene on Israel’s
Part 4 – When Does This End-Time Battle Happen?
What is the outcome of this end-time battle and how
does it change Israel’s future?
As we see these
nations all presently aligned and seemingly ready to
take on God’s Chosen People, we know this battle
is closer than ever.
3-Hours Long -

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The time is here for us
to obey Jesus Christ when He told His followers living
at the End of the Age:
"And when these things
begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads;
for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28,

For more study in Revelation check
out our collection of 6 DVDs
Get the Complete
set. Buy Volumes 1-6 of Mac Dominick's Revelation
Studies and save money over buying them individually.
This systematic
study combines standard Biblical Interpretation plus
a number of distinctive Cutting Edge teachings. You
will be blessed and enlightened.
you spiritually ready? "Ye Must Be Born Again"!
Aliens = Ambassadors
For Antichrist
Plan: 'UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order.
They are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in
attaining the goal of becoming one humanity. They will
appear at the proper time to enable mankind to make
that Quantum Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when
the The Christ appears'." (New
England Director of the House of Theosophy, Seminar,
August 18, 1991)

Must I Do To Be Saved?
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Wagener, SC 29164
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Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved
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