"Expert" reacts to the
news that the Biden Administration does NOT feel obligated
to come to the aid of Taiwan.
NEWS BRIEF: "Blinken
Says US ‘Does Not Support Taiwan Independence’
in China", New York Post, June
21. 2023
"WASHINGTON – Secretary of State
Antony Blinken raised eyebrows Monday, telling reporters
the US 'does not support Taiwan independence' after meeting
in Beijing with officials including Chinese President Xi
"Blinken’s statement ruffled
the feathers of many Republicans in Congress, who viewed
the statement – and the secretary’s inability
to re-establish military-to-military communications –
as an inappropriate kowtow to America’s greatest adversary."
Once again, President Biden and his underlings,
voluntarily surrender our national pride and sovereignty
to unworthy adversaries, both foreign and domestic.
" 'Blinken flew to Communist China
to appease Xi Jinping and state the Biden administration
does not support Taiwan’s independence',” Sen.
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said on Twitter. 'Why won’t
this administration stand up to bullies and stand for freedom?'
But, there is more!
"Rep. Ben Cline (R-Va.) tweeted that
Blinken’s statement was a “dangerous display
of weakness towards our adversaries on the world stage.”
“ 'The Biden admin is giving China
a green light to increase its intimidation of our ally',
Taiwan, he said."
"However, the US also allows for its
military to come to Taiwan’s defense should Beijing
attempt to take Taiwan by force, something both the Trump
and Biden administrations stated repeatedly as US-China
tensions began heating up in 2016."
But, then, former President Trump may have
just sent the spark necessary to cause war to erupt.
Former President
Donald Trump said the same thing!
mum on Taiwan and Ukraine because it’ll hurt ‘negotiations’
if he’s elected", New York
Post, June 19, 2023
"Former President Donald Trump refused
to answer several questions on Monday related to Taiwan
and Ukraine, arguing that doing so would hurt him in 'negotiations'
if he were to be elected president in 2024. The usually
outspoken Trump, 77, was coy when asked by Fox News host
Bret Baier if Taiwan should be independent and if the US
should respond militarily to a Chinese invasion of the island."
This reply is one of the most ridiculous
answer I have heard from Donald Trump!!
Trump's reply to a substantive question
is usually so bold and blunt, which is absolutely necessary
to defuse this probably all-out war question. To keep the
hungry animal on his leash. Trump needed to have plainly
spoken to President Xi: Attack Taiwan and the United States
will counter attack with the full force and scope of the
U.S. military possesses!
Given one more opportunity to make very
sure that Xi did not misunderstand. Trump chose obfuscation!
"When asked by Baier if he
would 'go to war to defend Taiwan' from a Chinese invasion,
Trump again would not give a definitive answer.
World War III Beckons!
2. Workers are resisting the pressure
from their employers to return to work at their original
They simply want to stay at home
and work.
" "A new study shows that employees
who are still working remotely are actively fleeing Democrat-run
cities in the thousands. data from American Community Survey
showed that a number of the largest cities in the country,
all controlled by Democrats, continue to be the hardest-hit
by an ongoing exodus of remote workers. The most severe
net migration loss was in New York City, which lost approximately
116,000 remote employees. Los Angeles lost 53,000, while
San Francisco saw an exodus of 32,000, and at least 29,000
left Chicago."
What forces are acting upon us
all to cause this to happen?
"Rising costs of living,
* "High Taxes,
* "Increasing crime rates due to liberal
soft-on-crime policies
"With a number of companies and various
workplaces realizing that the remote work model could remain
in effect even after the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic ended,
many employees have opted for moving to safer and more affordable
locations as they continue their remote work."
"These three prosecutors were among
the many progressive candidates funded by far-left billionaire
George Soros, in a deliberate effort to undermine the United
States from within by weakening enforcement of basic laws
and refusing to target dangerous criminals."
One of the most important factors which
are contributing to this movement back of the job back to
the home is a complete dismantlement of the application
of basic laws ... prosecutors were among the many progressive
candidates funded by far-left billionaire George Soros,
in a deliberate effort to undermine the United States from
within by weakening enforcement of basic laws and refusing
to target dangerous criminals."
America is falling apart and we
are starting to see it in front of our eyes.
3. God warns people to start obeying
His commands!
NEWS BRIEF: "Reasons
for Divine Commands",
Reasonable Faith, April 25, 2022
"... objective moral values and duties
are rooted in the nature and commands of God."
"As we'll talk about later, it seems
to think that moral obligation arises from God's having
certain reasons for commanding what he does. "
In other words, we are obligated
to serve God's commands simply because they are coming from
Almighty, Omnipotent, and Eternal God!
God revealed a definite pattern of judgment, which we should
expect to see applied to America today.
Holiness demands that He destroy whatever would degrade
or threaten to destroy His creation. God removes infected
people or nations for the same reason that a surgeon would
remove a life-threatening cancerous tumor ...sin defiles
the very land in which the people are dwelling (Leviticus
"God repeatedly urges sinners to repent
and gives them time to do so. However, "...(the person)
who, being often corrected, hardens his neck, shall SUDDENLY
be destroyed... without remedy." (Proverbs 29:1) God
describes Himself as "a consuming fire." (Deuteronomy
We shall introduce you to
a Biblically-based explanation as to how God's attributes
work in His universe. This quick study of "God's Perfections"
is printed below.
view of God's nature, or His "Perfections"
"This creates a false
God who is One-Dimensional, ignoring all His other attributes.
When God is solely a God of love, then no sin, of any magnitude,
is sufficient to send anyone to Hell; therefore, all sin
becomes acceptable, until it is no longer called sin, but,
rather, "sexual preference" or a "woman's
right to choose".
"God's attributes, or perfections,
are not characteristics which God possesses, but are who
He is. This list is not intended to be an exhaustive study,
but a survey to give us a perspective of the impact of God's
perfections upon our world today. As we begin, remember
that all God's perfections flow into one another reinforcing
one another. None can be separated from the other. We can
picture these perfections as flowing in a never-ending circle.
1. God Is Unchanging
2. God is Holy
3. God is Infinite and Eternal
-- "Infinity and Eternity are THE FOUNDATIONAL perfections
of God, ensuring that all other perfections are equally
Infinite and Eternal. "
4. God is Omniscient
5. God is Love - "Because
God is eternal, His Love had no beginning, nor will it have
an end. Because God is Infinite, His love knows no boundaries.
"His Love is an incomprehensibly vast, bottomless,
shoreless sea before which we kneel in joyful silence."
(A.W. Tozer, "The Knowledge Of The Holy")
John 17 -- Christian unity is not
based upon feeling, but upon Truth.
The only source of this Truth is Jesus Christ, in His Person
and His Word. No deviation from the plain and wonderful
FREE GIFT from Jesus Himself.
6. God is Just
God's attribute of Justice always goes
hand in hand with His Holiness and Righteousness. God only
acts in Judgment when man has consistently acted in rebellion
to His commandments, and in the face of repeated warnings.
God is very precise when He is finally moved to Judgment;
no one will ever accidentally receive punishment that he
did not deserve. Remember, God's Perfections operate in
conjunction with one another. His Compassion flows from
His Goodness, but Goodness without Justice is not Goodness.
God simply could not be good if He were not Just.
The Rapture of
the Church will be Act #1 of God's Seven Years of Tribulation
you spiritually prepared?
claims chemicals, body mutilations are 'medically necessary':
American Medical Association Supports Transgender Ideologies",
World Net Daily, June 16, 2023
"The American Medical Association
(AMA) pledged to ramp up its support for cross-sex medical
interventions for minors with gender identity issues in
a resolution its House of Delegates approved this week.
The AMA already supported cross-sex medical interventions
for children, but the new resolution makes this stance more
proactive in response to state-level restrictions on such
procedures; it passed Monday, according to the Endocrine
Society, which sponsored the resolution."
From whom did this sinful nonsense arise?
"The resolution was co-authored by
two medical students, Charles Adams and Delia Sosa, both
of whom are transgender ... The AMA pledged to advocate
against all adverse medical licensing actions and liability,
including responsibility for future medical costs, for doctors
and healthcare facilities that perform cross-sex medical
interventions, as well as against all criminal and legal
penalties against patients and parents seeking cross-sex
medical interventions for minors in the resolution. It also
expressed its intent to communicate with the Federation
of State Medical Boards about the importance of protecting
access to these procedures."
Do not be deceived: any person who is invovled
in any of this nonsense is suffereing a serious malady.
"Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief
for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished
Service Professor of Psychiatry, says that transgenderism
is a 'mental disorder” that merits treatment. He also
says that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery
are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder,
rather than treating it. Dr. McHugh is no casual observer.
He is the author of at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles
and six books.
"The Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) defines transgenderism
as a mental disorder. " (Ibid.)
No one and no company, can be trusted
any longer o have access to minor-age children!
"We are living in a period
of history where intelligent people are silenced so stupid
people are not offended. Unfortunately, we are also living
in a period of time where the gutless allow truth to be
overshadowed by the liars" (Ibid.)
5. Twenty Republicans in Congress
turned "Turncoat", switching positions without
Republicans Do Their Best Benedict Arnold Impression",
Canada Free Press, June 19, 2023
"I wrote an article last week where
I pointed out that Democrats were great at two things: Hypocrisy
and Lying. I actually have to give them credit for a third
trait, they stay united to a fault. Democrats have actually
managed to prove that at times, there can be honor among
These politicians are R.I.N.O.'S!
"The Democrats will hang on
to their rhetoric like grim death, even when they know that
it’s dead wrong. They will also defend one of their
own even though they know that the person is guilty as sin.
A R.I.N.O. Republican is a "Republican
In Name Only" and is secretly supportive of the New
World Order goal of a One-world government, economy, and
religion. Like the proverbial "wolf in sheep's clothing",
they will pretend to be Republican, only until a crisis
situation forces them to act as a public, open supporter
of the Globalist agenda.
This is the reason a Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
can switch sides to join forces with a Hillary Clinton or
a Mitt Romney.
When all is said and done, and the Masonic
Christ is firmly on the world scene, Mitch McConnell and
Mitt Romney and thousands of others, will be responsible
for overthrowing this Constitutional Republic so that the
new Kingdom of Antichrist can be established.
The news of this day seems to closely parallel
Biblical Prophecy!