LAST Religion: Antichrist, Singularity,
and Hyper-Depravity" DVD
Our society is becoming
obsessed with human enhancement technologies
that are being embraced without anyone questioning
whether this new technology is either positive
or benign. This video proves that this technological
path will lead to the type of 'HYPER-DEPRAVITY'
which the Bible foretells will be a key element
in the mind and soul of Antichrist!
Explore Biblical Prophecy
from a 21st Century perspective. with creative
motion graphics and music, this documentary
style presentation features interviews from
over a dozen theologians -- some of them originally
recorded 30 years ago -- to present the most
complete view of the prophecies of Revelation,
created in the style which appeals to the 'YouTube
What role will Artificial
Intelligence -- A.I. -- and Virtual Reality
play in the future enslavement of mankind? The
Climax of human history has been predicted to
follow very specific 'Signs'. We are most assuredly
living in these 'LAST DAYS'!
Learn what personal preparation
you can do to prepare for the coming 'Man of
Sin', the Antichrist.

News Analysis

1. Israel
has successfully delivered two blows against
Iran which will prevent Iran from attacking
Israel on her own.
A. Mossad
agents penetrated the most guarded installation
in Iran, the secured vault holding Iran's nuclear
development secrets, and carted off a half-ton
of Top Secret documents.
Stole Iran's Nuclear Files And Smuggled Them
Back To Israel In One Night",
Business Insider, May 1, 2018
Mossad intelligence service broke into the anonymous
Tehran building that housed Iran's secret nuclear
files and smuggled half a ton of documents and
compact discs back to Israel the same night."
Prime Minister
Netanyahu bragged about this feat:
" 'And here's
what we got. Fifty-five thousand pages. Another
55,000 files on 183 CDs. Everything you're about
to see, is an exact copy of the original Iranian
material', he said, adding: 'You may want to
know where are the originals? Well, I can say
they're now in a very safe place'."
B. Israeli
F-35 Fighter/Bombers successfully flew deep
into Iranian airspace, practiced bombing runs
and snapped photos of super-secret installations,
before returning home unhindered and totally
Khamenei Fires Air Force Chief over Israeli
F-35 Deep Penetration of Iran's Sky",
Breaking Israel News, June 20, 2018
"Iran's Supreme
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei fired Iranian
air force commander Brigadier General Farzad
Ismaili ... because the latter had hid from
him the fact that Israeli F-35 planes had penetrated
Iran's sky ... the IAF F-35 "Adir" planes penetrated
Iran's airspace, circled high above Tehran,
Karajrak, Isfahan, Shiraz and Bandar Abbas –
and photographed Iran's air defense system."
"... Iran's
air defense system, including its Russian radar,
did not detect the entry and exit of the fighter
planes ... the Israeli fighter jets had carried
out this sortie as a test of the possibility
of an undetected military attack on Iranian
outposts and bases, during which they photographed
those sensitive bases, evading the Russian S-300
missile system's radar."
Iran is
now in such awe of the capabilities of the Jewish
State that they will not dare to attack unless
they are marching with Russia.
38-39 beckons
I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy
jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine
army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed
with all sorts of armour, even a great company
with bucklers and shields, all of them handling
swords: Persia,
Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with
shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands;
the house of Togarmah of the north quarters,
and all his bands: and many people with thee."
(Ezekiel 38:4-6, KJV)
is today's Iran. Therefore, modern Iran will
march with Russia during this invasion. Why
would Iran wait to march with Russia instead
of attacking Israel now and garnering all glory
for herself, after Israel is annihilated?
The answer is
simple: Iranian leaders do not believe that
the Iranian military can defeat Israel. The
many Israeli victories against overwhelming
Arab forces since 1948, plus many Israeli intelligence
victories, and now, Israel's most modern fighter/bomber
sortie deep into Iranian airspace, have combined
to create an image in the minds of Iranian leaders
that, despite her small size, Israel is unbeatable.
God is already
working in the hearts and minds of Persian/Iranian
leaders, much like this prophecy foretells.
"In that
day, saith the Lord, I will smite every horse
with astonishment, and his rider with madness
... : (Zechariah 12:4, KJV)
God is preparing
a mighty intervention on behalf of Israel, and
the slaughter amongst the Arab armies is going
to be staggering. Literally, End Times' prophecies
depict that God is going to use Israel as His
anvil on which He is going to pound His enemies
into submission.
2. "Never-Trumper"
Democrats have launched a propaganda lie against
Trump in an attempt to force Obama-style open
pictures of minor children in cages in 2014,
and claiming they were just taken, these fraudulent
politicians are claiming that President Trump
initiated the policy of separating children
from their parents at the border and holding
minor children in cages.
Ana Navarro: ‘Shame on Any Christian'
Who Uses Scripture to Justify Separating Families",
Breitbart News, 17 June 2018
"Sunday on
CNN's 'State of the Union'," network commentator
Ana Navarro said it was the 'utmost cynicism'
for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to quote
scripture in defense of separating immigrant
children from their families. Navarro said,
'Nobody is saying we want an open country. What
we are simply saying is we don't want 2-year-olds
torn from the arms of their mothers and crying'
... The consequence of
that is we're going to have 2,000 children who
will have incredible damage, emotional damage.
The consequence of that is human suffering'."
Now, I have to
admit that government policy that separates
minor children from parents at the border because
no one wants such children to go to prison with
their parents, is very problematic; but, what
these #NeverTrumpers do not tell you is that
this policy was implemented by President George
W. Bush and expanded by Democrat President Barack
The first
Truth is that President Obama began this policy
in 2014.
NEWS BRIEF: "Practice
of Separating illegal immigrant children at
he border was initiated by Obama!",
Fox News, May 29, 2018
"The New
York Times Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein
incorrectly shared Obama-era pictures of children
sleeping in enclosed cages to take a swipe at
the Trump administration ... It turned out the
photographs were published by The Arizona Republic
in 2014 after authorities detained over 1,000
children who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border
illegally and placed them in a detention facility."
In other words,
Republican President Trump is being accused
falsely for a policy that was set in place by
Republican President George W. Bush and expanded
by Democrat President Barack Obama! Such hypocrisy
and bold lying is staggering my imagination!
To compound the
error, #NeverTrumper Democrats introduced another
heart-rendering picture of a minor child sitting
in a cage that looked like a large dog cage.
They presented this picture as being representative
of the plight of many thousands of children
being cruelly separated at the border from their
Even Immigration
Advocates were forced to admit the truth:
Thank Obama for Trump's Child Detentions, Immigrant
Advocates Say", by
Betsy Woodruff, The Daily Beast News, May 30,
"Mark it
down: This was the weekend a significant portion
of the internet discovered that the United States
locks up immigrant families. A 2014 story about
family detention circulated on Twitter, with
many media figures embarrassingly indicating
they thought the story was new ... The reality
is that family detention—the practice
of detaining entire family units in special
centers designed just for them—is not
new. For years, immigrants' rights advocates
have pushed for an end to the practice, which
existed during George W. Bush's presidency and
expanded dramatically under President Obama."
The second
truth is that 80% of immigrant children deliberately
send their children to the border unaccompanied!
Sec Nielsen Reveals: ‘Vast, Vast Majority'
of Child Border Crossers ‘Were Sent Here
Alone by Their Parents', " Breitbart
News, 18 June 2018
of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen
Nielsen corrected the establishment media's
false narrative that all children inundating
the United States-Mexico border are arriving
with their parents."
said that the "vast, vast majority" of the 12,000
child border crossers in federal custody were
actually sent to the southern border alone with
human smugglers."
How about that
tactic? Knowing that their children would be
treated differently at the border simply because
of their minor age, parents send their children
off to the border alone!
"The vast
majority, vast vast majority of children who
are in the care of HHS right now — 10,000
of the 12,000 — were sent here alone by
their parents ... But there's two separate issues.
10,000 of those currently in custody were sent
by their parents with strangers undertake a
completely dangerous and deadly travel alone.
We now care for them. We have high standards.
We give them meals, we give them education,
we give them medical care. There's videos, there's
TVs, I visited the detention centers myself."
Nielsen then addressed
the silence of Mass Media when the Bush and
Obama Administrations were carrying out this
"The establishment
media was silent when the Bush administration
and Obama administration separated border crossing
families for processing and detention, a policy
that was chronicled ... and revealed in 2014
photos how Obama's DHS was cramming child border
crossers into detention facilities."
I find it totally
repugnant when important and prestigious Mass
Media deliberately creates a lie based upon
a situation created four full years ago and
sustained by a Liberal darling, President Obama,
accusing President Trump for this situation.
Adolf Hitler war
right when he said to tell a huge lie, repeat
it often, and people will believe!
third truth is that this deliberate lying Liberal
Mass Media outcry accusing Trump of mistreating
minor illegal immigrant children --
when it was really a Bush/Obama program -- broke
in the public arena at the same time as the
long-awaited Inspector General's report on the
Comey/Clinton/McCabe outrageous scheme was gradually
being released to the public.
In the spirit
of "Wag
The Dog", a truthful public
scandal which could put high-ranking officials
in jail was relegated to the last inner page
of Section 'D' because the Media broke a false
story about "imminent" nuclear war!
its all about the Child Camps NOW in effect
since 2014 and NOT the IG report? Hmmmm
", Above Secret News, June
18, 2018
"I was looking
at the MSM news which i rarely do and Ive noticed
that EVERY week there's a new debate, issue
or some other Focused News item that Pulls attention
away from other major important news that gets
little or no exposure its sickening really (sic,
"So the Current
debate is on child immigration "Camps",
Detention centers, Whatever And all the focus
is there, - With the IG report - last weeks
news and not being mentioned when this is extremely
important this is how the elected government
handles 'pay for play' aka TREASON against the
A "Wag
The Dog" tactic all the way!!
White House Press
Secretary Sarah Sanders responded to a harshly
written Opinion Column written by Laura Bush
critical of President Trump's illegal border
crossing policy. And, Sarah pulled no punches.
Sanders to Laura Bush: Trump Trying to Fix Law
that Your Husband Signed",
Breitbart News, 19 June 2018
"White House
Press Secretary Sarah Sanders responded to a
sharply critical Washington Post op-ed penned
by former First Lady Laura Bush addressing President
Donald Trump’s enforcement of border laws
... Sanders said that the president shared her
concerns and urged Congress to change the laws
that were driving the child crisis at the border."
" 'Frankly,
this law was actually signed into effect in
2008 under her husband’s leadership, not
under this administration,” Sanders said
at the White House press briefing on Monday
... 'We’re not the ones responsible for
creating this problem. We’ve inherited
it', she said. 'But we’re actually the
first administration stepping up and trying
to fix it.”