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Russia seems poised to single-handidly ruin Hillary's chance
to win the White House!
President Putin is
said to have approved the release of all of Hillary's classified
emails which they intercepted, because she was using an
unlawful private server!
NEWS BRIEF: "Russian
Government Intercepted and Will Release Hillary’s
Emails", Breitbart News,
14 June 2016
"Sources are reporting
that the Russian government is prepared to release private
emails that it obtained from Hillary Clinton’s email
server, proving Clinton allowed classified information to
end up in the hands of foreign adversaries."
One of Hillary's main line
of defense was the old adage, "No harm, no foul".
In other words, Hillary is
saying that no evidence exists which proves that she harmed
American national security when she blatantly broke the
law and used a private email server that was not protected
against enemy hackers instead of the Federal Government's
secure server.
When the Russian government
releases thousands of Hillary's emails they intercepted
every day of her tenure as Secretary of State, the entire
world will know that Hillary Clinton badly damaged American
security. Were we in an official state of war against Russia,
Hillary Clinton would be going to jail for a very long time.
The only question is the timing
of the release. Certainly, Hillary cannot afford to have
this grave legal threat come against her before she is the
official Democrat nominee. Therefore, Russia will probably
wait until after the nomination before they release these
And, if President Putin waits
until 4-5 weeks before the election, he gives Hillary and
her camp precious little time to react. American politicians
call this maneuver the "October Surprise".
I cannot imagine a more damaging
revelation that Hillary cannot be trusted to protect America
"from enemies, foreign and domestic"!
An anonymous Israel Defense officer is warning Hamas that
the next war will be their last.
Israel has changed
the IDF goal regarding Hamas, and is now dedicated to annihilating
the military capability of the terror group.
war with Hamas will be its last': IDF senior defense
source says", The Jerusalem Post, 6/15/2016
"The next war between
Israel and Hamas in Gaza will be the last for the Islamist
regime, a senior source in the Defense Ministry said on
Wednesday, though he stressed that Israel is not seeking
conflict and will not be the side to initiate hostilities
... but it also will not tolerate an endless 'war of attrition'
from Hamas, he added ... His comments come after senior
military officials made changes to the IDF's end goals in
any potential future Gaza conflict. Should hostilities erupt
again, military planners would seek the destruction of Hamas's
military wing, not establishing deterrence like they did
in past wars. "
It is extremely significant
that Israel has changed " the IDF's end goals in any
potential future Gaza conflict". While this stated
change sounds less than "regime ending", that
is exactly what it will turn out to be!
The End Times prophecy of
Obadiah 15-18 beckons ominously. As God stated in another
prophecy "... her time is near to come, and her days
shall not be prolonged". (Isaiah 13:22)
Dramatic updates to the Orlando massacre by a terrorist
a. The Orlando massacre
is just the beginning
Orlando Massacre is Just the Beginning",
Breaking Israel News, June 15, 2016
"What is the greatest
lesson of the Orlando massacre, where a Muslim shooter killed
at least 50 people at a homosexual night club ... It’s
that such an attack had to happen—and is destined
to happen again. Why? Because the surest way of seeing an
act occur repeatedly—say a terrorist attack—is
to repeat all the same steps that precipitated and paved
the way for it in the first place."
Scientist Albert Einstein
had his own definition of insanity, which was "the
best definition of insanity occurs when a person does the
same wrong thing repeatedly expecting the result to turn
out right".
By this definition, the Obama
Administration is "Einstein Insane"!
At this point, the author
lists the same dumb mistakes the White House is committing
in its "fight against terror"!
* "The shooter, Omar
Mir Seddique Mateen, was 'quite religious' and a pious Muslim
(he attended mosque and prayed regularly); he clearly saw
himself as a jihadi killing evildoers—he 'recited
prayers to Allah during the attack', pledged this act to
the Islamic State, and the latter (ISIS) claimed it ...
Despite all of the above ... 'FBI Special Agent Ron Hopper
said the bureau was still working to determine whether sexual
orientation was a motive in the Orlando attack'.”
* "President Obama said
what he often says after a Muslim goes on a rampage in the
name of Islam: it’s still too early to know the 'precise
motivations of the killer'.”
* "Obama exploited the
jihadi massacre as a springboard for his own gun-ban agenda,
saying that access to 'very powerful weapons very quickly'
is 'a problem regardless of their motivations'.”
I submit that the shooter,
Mateen, was a "Deep Mole" in the classic definition.
He quietly and over a period of time, melded into American
society, becoming almost invisible. He sought out firearms
training at a police academy, and obtained a job as a security
officer, which gave him legal right to get the necessary
licenses to possess such "very powerful weapons".
He quietly joined ISIS and
submitted to their control and direction.
Then, at the moment deemed
right by ISIS, he struck according to a very specific and
well-thought-out plan.
Omar Mir Seddique Mateen
was ISIS's response to American attacks against their soldiers
in the Middle East. Since this fact is true, we should expect
more such murderous attacks in the future.
Incredibly, an ACLU attorney
is going so far as to blame Christians and/or Conservatives.
"“You know what
is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia
after you created this anti-queer climate,” ACLU staff
attorney Chase Strangio tweeted."
Even Hillary joined in this
moronic shifting of the blame from Muslim ideology to guns!
NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary
Clinton's response to Orlando proves she's too weak to be
president", Fox News, June 14,
"BARCELONA – Hillary
Clinton is too weak and her conclusions after Sunday’s
terror attack in Orlando too timid to be our next president
... On Monday ... the nominee labeled the radical Islamic
terrorist who attacked an Orlando nightclub 'A madman filled
with hate, with guns in his hands and just a horrible sense
of vengeance and vindictiveness in his heart, apparently
consumed by rage against LGBT Americans – and by extension,
the openness and diversity that defines our American way
of life'.”
Millions upon millions of
right-thinking Americans found themselves thinking "how
could Hillary blame the wrong values that made the possession
of guns the murderer? Yet, soon after she stated that the
guns were to blame, other high-ranking officials and politicians
spouted the same insanity.
"The former secretary
of state has incredibly bad judgment ... Hillary doesn’t
get that ... The Orlando attacker pledged his allegiance
to the caliphate and it is clear that more people will do
the same. Every American woman and man who acts Western
are targets. Gays are not separate from this agenda. This
is the real war on women. This is the real war on gays.
This is a war on the West'. "
Does Hillary realize she is
defending the religion -- Islam -- who repeatedly executes
LGBT- Q people, who considers women as less value as cattle
and who routinely murders them for the smallest perceived
Hillary, by this automatic
defense of a most blood-thirsty religion, is disqualifying
herself as being a champion of both LGBT- Q people and women.
Polls have shown that Feminists all across America are beginning
to realize that Hillary is not their friend and not the
kind of advocate they want for women. When you add to this
reality the relentless pursuit of the women who were sexually
ravaged by husband, Bill, and you can see the American votes
slipping away from Queen Hillary!
b. How many dead bodies
will it take before American leaders start using the correct
term, "Radical Islam"?
many bodies will it take? How many dead Americans will
it take before people are willing to speak out against radical
Islam?", by Prof. Phyllis Cheslet, Israel
National News, June 15, 2016
"After being written
off as a racist Islamophobe for fifteen years ... after
viewing the sweet, doomed faces of the 49 murdered gay and
perhaps non-gay people, mainly Latinos and Latinas, often
people of color, on my TV screen—what do I have to
"The question I and others
have raised since 9/11 (for me, since the Intifada against
the Jews that began in 2000), was: “How many bodies
will it take for Americans, especially the intelligentsia,
including the feminists, including gay people, including
our elected officials, before they understand that we: (the
West, America, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslim and ex-Muslim
dissidents) have a very real enemy?" It is radical
Islam or Islamism, Islamic Jihad or, if you prefer, Islamist
Jihad; and it is not going away anytime soon."
At this point, the Professor
gets to one the main points -- and it's not a ban on guns!
"But the handguns and
the rifles are not as important as banning and abolishing
the routine hate of women, the “wrong” kind
of Muslim, ex-Muslim apostates, homosexuals—hatreds
that are intimately part of historic Islam."
When are our elected officials
and the leaders of our Educational System going to realize
that "radical Islamic" hatreds and prejudices
are poisoning 100% of the entire Muslim population?
Therefore, it is the height
of stupidity to talk about how few Muslims are actually
"radicalized" to the point where they can threaten
Westerners? The fact is that the spirit of hatred so ingrained
in Islam seeps through their culture and their educational
system, poisoning them to hate and to go to war.
British/Iranian author, Salmon
Rushdie, published a novel entitled, "The Satanic Verses"
in 1988. The main point underlying the entire book was Rushdie's
belief that EVERYONE who is a Muslim is demonically possessed!
Americans will not ever understand
Islam until they come to this belief. Actually, the Apostle
Paul states that all unsaved are under the power of Satan,
but in Islam, the demon possession runs nearly completely
through the population.
c. Police may be filing
charges against the wife of the Orlando shooter, because
she knew about his plans, and even went with him to case
out potential attack sites.
NEWS BRIEF: "Federal
prosecutors convene grand jury to investigate wife of Orlando
massacre gunman", Fox News, June 15, 2016
"Federal prosecutors
have convened a grand jury to investigate the wife of the
Orlando nightclub shooter, seeking to charge her as an accessory
to 49 counts of murder and 53 counts of attempted murder
as well as with failure to notify law enforcement about
the pending terrorist attack and lying to federal agents
"A federal law enforcement
source additionally told Fox News that Salman knew of her
husband's deadly plans and did nothing to stop him.'
Incredibly, Obama officials are publicly calling for a further
ban on weapons in the wake of the massacre!
renew push for gun control measures, in the wake of the
Orlando terror massacre', Fox News, June 15,
"Congressional Democrats
are renewing their push for gun control measures in the
wake of the Orlando terror massacre, arguing the best way
to prevent suspected terrorists from carrying out acts of
violence is to legally limit their access to firearms."
Is this like saying
the Muslim cannot be held responsible for picking up the
gun used to murder the innocents? Our government is simply
sliding into insanity -- UNLESS YOU KNOW THE ULTIMATE PLAN!
This card from the
Illuminati Card Game -- issued in 1995 -- proves
that one of the objectives that the Illuminati plans to
carry out in order to overthrow this current civilization
so they can introduce the New World Order is gun control
In modern history, no dictator as ascended to power as long
as the people possessed large quantities of guns. Therefore,
the Illuminati has decided to seize guns from their people
before they attempt a truly global push to establish the
New World Order, the Kingdom of Antichrist!
After every shooting, governmental
officials -- including Homeland Security -- in this case,
push for new and more restrictive gun control laws, even
though other officials prove that the measures the government
is pushing will not stop another gun attack.
New Age author, Bill Cooper,
reveals the ULTIMATE PLAN!
""Using drugs and
hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the
CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on
schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan
is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The
middle class is begging the government to do away with the
2nd amendment." [Cooper, Behold
A Pale Horse, p. 64]
The inmates are running
the insane asylum!