Newsletter - Wednesday, 6/12/2024

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Out of this World brings the unfathomable to life thanks to an open eyed and detailed analysis of the science and theology brought to our doorsteps by the real possibility that unidentified flying objects are manned by extraterrestrial beings that are likely much smarter and far more spiritual than earthlings. Are they a threat to our national security and to our faith in God? Do they come peacefully or as conquers? For decades US Government officials have denied what many citizens now believe that alien beings are among us and our government knows much more than it has revealed to the public. Do we really have alien craft and “biologics” as Congress was told by former officials?

332 Pages.


The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea:

Charles, Prince of Wales, Foretold Second Edition

This is the SECOND EDITION of the definitive and foremost book on the subject of the AntiChrist. Massively updated, this new edition covers Charles' July 2022 global promotion of Ba'al-Molech worship, his May 2023 coronation, what may occur in Israel after Charles visit to the COP climate accords, to include new details of his extraordinary influence, power and wealth as king—and a very great deal more.<P>

In The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea, Tim Cohen provides biblical evidence to demonstrate that all of the prophecies pertaining to the coming AntiChrist — that can be fulfilled before he assumes control over a global government during the Great Tribulation — are already fulfilled in a living prince of Roman lineage; this is true of no one else. This prince, for example, has the lineage: he claims descent simultaneously from Israel's King David, Islam's false prophet Mohammed, and, by a false occult lineage, Jesus Christ Himself! This prince has the imagery: his personal heraldic achievement or coat of arms has the symbolism of the first beast of Revelation 13.......

Aren't you curious as to who Antichrist is?


NOTE: We do not agree with everything Tim Cohen says but heartily recommend this book because of the great amount of research revealed here. The Bible requires every Christian to be a "Good Berean", who did not believe what the Apostle Paul was telling them until they checked their Scriptures! Likewise, every reader needs to check their Scriptures as they read the books and listen to the videos in this Bookstore.

New Podcast

Deliver Us From Evil Part 4

Interview with Mac Dominick after filming Listen


Part IV
The Forces of Evi

The Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, recorded the following words in the book of Ephesians chapter 6:

"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armour of God..."

This passage is very familiar to the large majority of those in Bible-believing churches, but it is no exaggeration to conclude that most people who read these words take no time or effort to grasp their full implications. The reason for this situation: Our modern church culture has turned its back on the supernatural foundation of the Word of God and has transformed even the most conservative of congregations into a people who only skim the surface of that which the Bible teaches. Yes, many churches are justifiably working very diligently on evangelism, discipleship, caring for those in need, and other critical aspects of the ministry to those in this age. However, Christians today generally fall short of understanding much of what the Word of God has to offer because they tend to be so absorbed in the "here-and-now" that there is little effort given to teaching the supernatural nature of God, His Word, and the spiritual dimension that is all around us.

The passage from Ephesians 6 quoted above is a perfect example. When reading this passage, many Christians take such a superficial approach to think of the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness as evil human beings. Nothing could be further from not only reality but also the context of the passage. Most Christians have the idea that pagan gods or even the false gods of the Old Testament are (or were) just the figment of a primitive, uneducated imagination. As a result, they miss the concept of these entities described by Paul as very real spirit beings whose sole purpose is to harm them and their families. The basic theme of Paul's discourse in Ephesians 6 provides instruction as how to combat harmful spirit entities that are very active in the world today.

Starting in the Old Testament with Satan, Part IV of Deliver Us from Evil will expose these forces that have been fighting against Yahweh and His children since the time of the Garden of Eden. We will look at the false gods of the Old Testament, the Greek gods, the Roman gods, and even the Norse gods. We will discuss the identity of these gods and even demons who have been battling against the one true God since the dawn of time.

In summation, the sad truth is that most Bible- believing Christians miss some of the most fascinating aspects of the Scriptures because they are not taught the Word of God from a supernatural perspective. Additionally, our church culture and lack of teaching has prevented those who follow Yahweh from knowing Him as intimately as is possible. One must be taught the truths of the sacred text in context. This segment of Deliver Us from Evil will seek to do just that.

Run Time 2 hours -


Deliver Us From Evil - 1-4 in the Series

Now Available as a 4 DVD combo pack - Save $10

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Critically Important News Articles - Analysis

1. A jury in Delaware hands down a verdict against Hunter Biden of "Guilty" On All Three Gun Charges.

NEWS BRIEF: "Hunter Biden Found Guilty on All Federal Gun Charges," American Greatness, June 11, 2024

"After only three hours of deliberation, a jury in Wilmington, Delaware has found Hunter Biden guilty of all three federal gun charges tied to the possession of a gun while abusing drugs."

"Hunter faces up to 25 years in prison for “lying on a federal screening form about his drug use, lying to a gun dealer and possessing the gun,” NBC News reported. As a first-time, nonviolent offender however, Hunter is expected to get a shorter sentence ... U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika is expected to set Hunter Biden’s sentencing date soon. Hunter still faces a tax evasion federal trial in California this coming September.:

Could this trial expose even dirtier revelations that could doom both Hunter and Joe?

"More serious charges related to money laundering, bribery, illegal influence peddling, and operating as an unregistered foreign agent of corrupt foreign governments were never brought against the first son."

Donald Trump chimed in his response.

"This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine,” said Trump’s national press secretary Karoline Leavitt. 'Crooked Joe Biden’s reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit'.”

NEWS BRIEF: "Comer: Hunter Biden ‘Guilty’ Verdict a ‘Step Towards Accountability,’ But DOJ Must Probe the Bidens’ Corrupt Influence Peddling" Breitbart News, 11 June 2024

"House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict on three felony counts was a 'step towards accountability', then added the Justice Department needed to go further:

"Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal was smoked out after scrutiny by a federal judge. Today’s verdict is a step toward accountability but until the Department of Justice investigates everyone involved in the Bidens’ corrupt influence peddling schemes that generated over $18 million in foreign payments to the Biden family, it will be clear department officials continue to cover for the Big Guy, Joe Biden."

"Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk called it a 'fake trial', posting on X: 'Hunter Biden guilty. Yawn. The true crimes of the Biden Crime Family remain untouched. This is a fake trial trying to make the Justice system appear 'balanced'. Don’t fall for it."

What, exactly, is the 'end game' which the Biden defense team is pursuing?

"Instead of prosecuting Hunter, James, and the Big Guy for putting U.S. foreign policy on sale to foreign oligarchs, or for years of skipping taxes on millions in kickback payments, the regime will claim the case is ‘resolved’ after a single verdict for lying on a gun form. We’ll never get a full investigation into IRS agents being ordered to stay away from Hunter’s crimes. We’ll never get accountability for prosecutors letting Hunter’s worst crimes stretch past the statute of limitations."

But, now, Hunter will face the far greater Tax Evasion charges in September as a "Convicted Felon".

NEWS BRIEF: "What's next for Hunter Biden? Sentencing, likely appeal and looming trial on tax charges," USA Today, June 11, 2024 (Liberal Source)

"Hunter Biden’s conviction in his federal gun trial is not the end of his legal drama ... U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi set Biden’s trial in Los Angeles on nine tax charges for Sept. 5, after Lowell asked for more time to prepare between trials, after the tax case was initially set for June 20."

"Biden allegedly engaged in a scheme in which he failed to pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed taxes from 2016 through 2019, and also evaded tax assessment for 2018 when he filed false returns, according to the California tax indictment."

These two Hunter Biden trials will heavily and should negatively impact Joe Biden's re-election campaign this Fall.

NEWS BRIEF: "Biden: Slip Slidin' Away", Washington Free Beacon, June 7, 2024

"President Biden 'shows signs of slipping', the Wall Street Journal reported this week. Journalists Annie Linskey and Siobhan Hughes—no conservatives—spoke to 45 people who have met with the president and noticed his mental and physical decline. They recount, in detail, several meetings over the past year where Biden has been forgetful, confused, and out of it. The president, Linskey and Hughes report, 'appears slower now, someone who has both good moments and bad ones'."

Our eyes have been telling us the truth for sometime now.

We Conservative Christians are most concerned, the least of which is the reality that Biden still controls the strategic Nuclear Launch Codes.

An out-of-his-mind Joe Biden could literally incinerate the entire world.

Thank God the Bible tells us that God destroys the world after Jesus' 1,000-year reign is concluded, not man.

When will the Scripted World War III break out?

Modern historians have concluded that Americans are traditionally keen in supporting a wartime president. Therefore, political strategists have a weapon in their arsenal to use to reverse a decline in popularity at the polls.

A perfect example is President Reagan's invasion of tiny, defenseless Grenada on October 25, 1983. This illegal attack on a defenseless Grenada followed by two days a terrorist bombing at a U.S. barracks in Beirut, Lebanon.

But, media attention was drawn away from the American embarrassment in Lebanon and focused on Grenada. President Reagan's popularity was enhanced.

World War III is planned as a means by which to stage the appearance of Antichrist.

The only question is when that war may be triggered.

War signs seem to be every where.

NEWS BRIEF: "Tensions escalate as China's aircraft, vessels intrude near Taiwan's territory," Taiwan Sun, 11 June 2024

"As many as 11 People's Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft and 8 People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) vessels were detected operating around Taiwan's territory up until 6 a.m. (UTC8) today.

"According to the statement, seven PLA aircraft crossed the median line, breaching Taiwan's northern and southwestern Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ). This provocative action underscores the ongoing geopolitical tensions between Taiwan and China, with Taiwan asserting its sovereignty while Beijing continues to assert its claims over the island."

NEWS BRIEF: "Russia Is Not Bluffing", Canada Free Press, June 10, 2024

"It is the same with Biden who is losing badly. They need a war to distract the proletariat, arguing that they are the leaders necessary to achieve victory. War also masks their collapsing economies."

"Recently the Russians have reminded that they have nuclear weapons and take existential threats seriously."

NEWS BRIEF: "Attacks on Northern Israel: First Sign of Messiah and Gog and Magog", Israel365 News, June 10, 2024

"On Monday, Red Alert sirens sounded across northern Israel, including the Haifa region. Several Hezbollah rockets were successfully intercepted by the Iron Dome system, but debris from the interceptions endangered residents in Acre and Haifa."

"As the IDF nears completion of its objectives in Rafah, the focus of Israel’s multi-front war shifts northward. While Hezbollah began attacking Israel in cooperation with Hamas on Oct. 8, rocket attacks have been intensifying as the war continues."

"Waves of drone and rocket attacks launched by Hezbollah targeting the Misgav Am area struck northern Israel on Sunday, sparking massive brush fires in the Golan. One drone impacted in an open area in the Jezreel Valley, near Nazareth, marking the deepest penetration of the war to date, landing 24 miles inside Israel."

BIBLE PROPHECY -- "I will make JERUSALEM a cup of trembling unto all the people round about ... And in that day will I make JERUSALEM a burdensome stone for all people ..." [Zechariah 12:2-3; "In that day" refers to End of the Age; Emphasis added]

NEW WORLD ORDER PLAN: [Peter Lemesurier, The Armageddon Script], scenario detailing how the Antichrist is going to deceive all mankind, especially the Orthodox Jew, by deliberately staging a fake "fulfillment" of Messianic Bible prophecies.

"This hour is not the end of anything , But just the pause, Before the massive wheels of circumstance Grip firmly once again, Iron to Iron, Pulling to Jerusalem" This poem is on the last page, 253.

"Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit as yet in darkness, is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors, once suspects, have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise.

"The time for action will have come." [P. 252, written in 1981, foretelling a global play on a global stage] (Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script")

NEWS BRIEF: "When we come into our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who will ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?" [End of Protocol No. 13, Behold A Pale Horse]

The stage is set for the beginning of World War III. Israel is taking the most intense military and terrorist action, but China and Russia are prepared to take up their assignments in this scripted World War III!

2. President Biden continues to lead America into the most severe and frightening physical judgment imaginable!

The President defended the sexual lifestyle of Sodom (Transgenderism) by misquoting Scripture to justify it!

NEWS BRIEF: "Biden Misquotes Bible to declare his unwavering support of Transgenderism," YouTube. June 9, 2024

"President Biden does not even finish the verse .. Biden told transgender children, 'we have your back ... you are made in the image of God"!

The President blasphemes / insults the Bible by quoting only a portion of a verse which seems to state that God made Transgender people!

This is a lie straight out of the pit of Hell.

Listen to the entire verse: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." (Genesis 1:27, KJV)

God has repeatedly warned against the abominable practice of gay sexual practices, and then He demonstrated that He is so opposed to this type of sex that He annihilated two ancient cities -- Sodom and Gomorrah -- as an example of how He really hates all kinds of gay practice.

Further, Biden has placed America, and you and me, in the Gay-tolerant segment.

America is doomed to suffer God's massive physical judgment, for many sins, not just this sudden love and obsession with gay sex.

Are you prepared to meet your Creator? (What Must I Do To Be Saved?)

God's judgment will come through Prosperity!


The historic fact is that Israel became ever more prosperous even as she became more rebellious against God and was moving down the path to His judgment. To counter the words of God spoken through the Major and Minor Prophets, the false religious leaders of the day pointed to the increasing level of prosperity and said, "God cannot be too upset with us, for otherwise, he would not prosper us at the high level He is prospering us."

These false religious leaders overlooked the fact that Satan can prosper anyone God allows him to, and he can then deceive his victim into believing that God was causing the prosperity. God was allowing Satan to prosper Israel, and the foolish Jews believed the lying words of their apostate religious leaders. Such foolishness cost them their lives and their souls.

3. Iran is said to be in the middle of an atomic extermination plan against Israel.

NEWS BRIEF: "Ex-Israeli defense minister says Iran is planning an extermination program with a nuclear weapon," Yahoo News, June 8, 2024

"Amid allegations leveled against the Biden administration that it is placating the Islamic Republic of Iran’s drive to build a nuclear weapon, former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Tehran seeks a nuclear Holocaust targeting the Jewish state."

Suddenly, the fevered cries of "Never Again" are falling on deaf ears. That cry originated after the Nazis had been defeated in World War III, allowing the world to see firsthand the brutality of the Hitler extermination campaign.

"Lieberman, a member of Israel’s parliament (Knesset), told Israel's Army Radio Tuesday Iran is "planning a Holocaust for us in the next two years."

"We are in the midst of an Iranian extermination program," Lieberman said. "Israel will be attacked with the aim of destroying it from several fronts with tens of thousands of missiles at the same time."

Thanks, Presidents Obama and Biden!

"But maybe [Iran’s leaders] believe that Trump is going to become the next president. They might actually try to break out a bomb now."

At this point, Israel's very existence is massively gloomy, prompting God to unilaterally intervene.

(For further insight, please read NEWS2120, entitled "NUCLEAR ARMED IRAN VS. NUCLEAR ARMED AMERICA -- WHOM SHOULD THE WORLD FEAR?")

Jewish Support for Biden Is Sharply Declining

NEWS BRIEF: "Jewish Support for Biden Sharply Declining, Trump Gaining Ground," Israel365 News, June 10, 2024

"In a significant shift in voter sentiment, recent polls indicate that Jewish-American support for President Joe Biden has declined by more than 20%, with a notable portion of this demographic moving toward former President Donald Trump."

"The AJC’s 2024 Survey of Jewish Opinion, conducted between March and April, reveals that if the presidential election were held today, only 61% of Jewish-Americans would vote for Biden. This marks a dramatic decline from the 2020 election, where Biden secured 77% of the Jewish vote against Trump’s 21% ..."

What has caused this dramatic decline?

"Several factors contribute to this changing landscape.

* "Rising antisemitism in the United States

* "... only 48% approving of his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

* "Trump’s recent comments, including reversing his support for the two-state solution, and pledging to deport pro-Palestinian protesters, appears to resonate with a segment of the American Jewish community."

A huge shift in Jewish support is underway, and it does seem that every time Biden speaks or acts, he further alienates them even more!

4. Biden's betrayal of Israel continues as Biden is said to be contemplating a separate hostage release program. Hamas boasts, "there are no civilians in Gaza"!

NEWS BRIEF: "US considering unilateral deal with Hamas on hostage release", Reuters News, June 9, 2024

"U.S. officials have considered negotiating a unilateral deal with Palestinian Hamas militants to release five American hostages held in Gaza if ceasefire talks involving Israel fail ... Any unilateral talks would be conducted through Qatari negotiators and would not involve Israel, the unidentified officials, who NBC said have all been briefed on the negotiations, told the network."

"The officials said Hamas would have an incentive to reach such a deal with Washington because it would strain U.S.-Israel relations further and add pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been criticized at home for not doing more to get the hostages out.'

Israel is being forced by Biden's policies to fight a "forever war"!

NEWS BRIEF: "Israelis on Front Lines Say Biden's Peace Plan Is Forcing Them To Fight A Forever War," , Washington Free Beacon, June 10, 2024

"President Joe Biden has admonished Israelis to stop waging 'indefinite war' and embrace his plan for Middle East peace."

But, war-weary Israeli soldiers prefer the truth, which is that Biden's plan, if ever implemented, will force Israel into a 'forever war'!

"Biden’s diplomacy is actually dragging out the Gaza war he is pressing Israel to bring to an end. By restraining Israel, they said, Biden is preventing the Jewish state from defeating or deterring its genocidal enemies."

"Israelis are overwhelmingly grateful for U.S. military and diplomatic support, and officials are generally loath to criticize the country's most important ally. But, more than eight months into the Gaza war, IDF reservists's frustration with the Biden administration reflects growing awareness in Israel of a conflict between Washington's imagined Middle East and the brutal reality. It’s a shift that could complicate U.S. efforts to turn Israelis against their own government in the name of peace."

What is that Scripture concerning exclaiming peace in God\s timing ?

"A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace." (Ecclesiastes 3:8, KJV)

5. Secretary of State, Antony Blinkin, admits to Congress that his office has committed betrayal of the United States!

NEWS BRIEF: "Antony Blinken admits to betrayal of United States, BPR News, May 28, 2024

"Secretary of State Antony Blinken has admitted to Congress that the State Department (DOS) committed a crime in Guatemala. He tried to justify it by falsely claiming Guatemalan Attorney General Consuelo Porras was corrupt ... the US embassy had threatened members of Guatemala’s Congress. They were supposed to support Porras’s removal or suffer consequences."

The Fraudulent Justification

"That claim is not true. Even if it were, it would not justify US extortion of another country’s congressmen. Blinken lied to Congress by saying President Bernardo Arévalo was democratically elected. Without DOS-directed electoral fraud, DOS puppet Arévalo would not be president."

"DOS’s betrayal of the United States in Guatemala happened because DOS believed there would be no HFAC oversight. Unfortunately, HFAC has aided the fraud, and Davidson’s question was an exception to the pattern. The House Oversight Committee also has jurisdiction and should conduct investigations and hearings into Biden regime and DOS treason in Guatemala."

How on Earth could anyone in this corrupt Biden Administration claim the moral high ground like election fraud when it has corrupted American elections and when Joe and Hunter Biden have corrupt dollars in their bank accounts to the tune of 500 million dollars?


6. Judge Merchan Notifies Trump Attorneys, Prosecution of Social Media Post, Revealing Jury Verdict One day before verdict was revealed.

NEWS BRIEF: "Judge Merchan Notifies Trump Attorneys, Prosecution of Social Media Post, Revealing Jury Verdict One day before verdict was revealed,Breitbart News, 7 June 2024

"Judge Juan Merchan, who oversaw former President Donald Trump’s business records trial, warned Trump’s attorney, Todd Blanche, and Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Joshua Steinglass of a comment from someone claiming to be the cousin of one of the jurors."

"In a letter addressed to Blanche and Steinglass, Merchan revealed that the court was “aware of a comment” posted to the Facebook page for the Unified Court System, in which a Facebook user revealed the jury’s guilty verdict a day before Trump was convicted."

Can Trump benefit from this revelation?

"Under New York law, 'a defendant can move to vacate a verdict on the basis of juror misconduct if and only if he can prove, by a preponderance of the evidence,” that there was misconduct, and that the misconduct 'created a substantial risk of prejudice',”

But, hold on!

Don't be surprised if we learn that this sordid story is "fake news" after all!!

NEWS BRIEF: "Don’t Be Shocked If the Story About the Trump Juror Spilling the Guilty Verdict Ends Up Being Fake,", Townhall, June 7, 2024

"We knew the trial was a sham. The verdict was baked into the cake long before opening arguments began, but now we have evidence. Judge Merchan’s office issued a letter to Donald Trump’s defense team alerting them that one of the jurors discussed the verdict with a family member, who later shared that foreknowledge on the court’s public Facebook account."

"’My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted!"

"... the whole conviction should be tossed if true."

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