1. President Trump performed
a diplomatic side-step and then executed a new agreement
with Mexico that just might solve this border problem!
But, did you know that the
President solved this problem within the context of
the USMCA (NAFTA) agreement?
Suddenly, the probability
that Supernation Reorganization might just occur have
taken a huge jump forward?
2. How did the Democrats
They opposed it, of course!
3. Joe Biden, the leading
Democrat in the race for President in 2020, boldly
stated in 1974, that "Politicians
Can Take Away First Amendment ‘If We Want'!
Such callous attitude toward
our Constitution speaks volumes about the true dictatorial
attitude of Biden and of Democrats and of Globalists!
4. President Trump might
have just coined a new term to be slapped on Leftist
Democrats -- "the Illegality Party"!
5. Kiwi citizens roundly
defeated a gun control bill!
New Zealand gun owners are
resolutely refusing to turn in their guns, in full
defiance of their new law!
6. In America, guns defeated
the efforts of criminals to prey upon law-abiding
7. Efforts continue to convert
America into a vegetarian nation.
Did you know that the Kingdom
of Antichrist will be vegetarian?

Clocks A' Ticking": Book
by Dan Goodwin (author of 'God's Final Jubilee")
Regularly $21.99,
Now Only $19.99
The hour is
late, there are seven clocks all ticking towards midnight,
and everything is about to change. This is not just
a book about prophecy; it's a book that reveals the
warning signs pointing toward the end times. I call
them 'ticking clocks'
.These seven
clocks are sounding an alarm of impending doom, and
are speeding towards a season of great tribulation
upon the earth; a time of suffering and sorrow like
the world has never seen.
Today, it is
five minutes midnight; time is running out. Everything
is about to change, and few are aware that a horrific
storm is about to rock the plant.
The condition
of the world today is like the folks on the Titanic:
eating, drinking and being merry, unaware that time
is running out and their doom is just hours away.
Like those on the Titanic, humanity is unaware of
the judgment soon to be released.
Are you spiritually
prepared to meet Jesus in the air?
News Analysis -- End of the Age
1. President Trump performed
a diplomatic side-step and then executed a new agreement
with Mexico that just might solve this border problem!
Announces United States and Mexico Deal to Address
Illegal Immigration", The
Epoch Times, June 8, 2019
"President Donald Trump announced
that a deal has been reached between the United States
and Mexico late June 7, after officials from the two
countries met for the third day of talks at the U.S.
State Department."
" 'I am pleased to inform you
that the United States of America has reached a signed
agreement with Mexico', Trump wrote on Twitter late
June 7. Trump wrote that the tariffs that had been
scheduled to go into effect on June 10 against Mexico
have been indefinitely suspended."
Who said that Trump's negotiating
style is rude and inefficient?
Or, that his "America First"
policy won't achieve results?
The President continues:
" 'Mexico, in turn, has agreed
to take strong measures to stem the tide of Migration
through Mexico, and to our Southern Border', he continued.
'This is being done to greatly reduce, or eliminate,
Illegal Immigration coming from Mexico and into the
United States'."
"A 'U.S.-Mexico Joint Declaration'
released by the State Department late June 7 outlined
the details of the deal, saying the United States
'will immediately expand the implementation' of a
program that returns immigrants who cross the southern
border to Mexico while their claims are adjudicated.
Mexico will 'offer jobs, healthcare, and education'
to those people, 'according to its principles', the
agreement stated. "
Mexico agreed to deploy thousands
of regular Guard military units throughout the country
to stop unlimited illegal migration, especially along
her southern border with Guatemala.
Even more importantly, Mexico agreed
to take specific steps against drug cartels.
"... Mexico is taking 'decisive
action to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking
organizations as well as their illicit financial and
transportation networks', the State Department said
... The Mexican Finance Ministry on the same day also
said they blocked the bank accounts of 26 people for
their alleged involvement in human trafficking. In
a statement, the ministry's Financial Intelligence
Unit (FIU) said it froze the accounts due to 'probable
links with human trafficking and illegal aid to migrant
We have long stated that the only
way in which to defeat the Mexican drug cartel was
to freeze their bank accounts! Thank God this is one
of the ways in which this agreement attacks the disaster
known as illegal immigration.
did you know that the President solved this problem
within the context of the USMCA (NAFTA) agreement?
Migration Deal Requires Regional Fix if Migration
Continues", Breitbart News,
10 June 2019
"The unreleased section of the
U.S.-Mexico migration deal calls for a regional treaty
if the deal fails to greatly shrink the flow of migrants
up to the U.S. border, Mexico's foreign minister
said Monday. 'Both parties agree that if the above
measures do not have the expected results, additional
measures will be taken', Foreign Minister Marcelo
Ebrard reportedly said Monday. 'We would sit down
to discuss with other countries such as Panama, Brazil,
A bipartisan group which specializes
in immigration matters felt this plank was very important.
" 'A regional migration deal
is actually a good thing', responded Theresa Brown,
a pro-migration advocate at the establishment Bipartisan
Policy Center. 'This is a regional crisis'."
Suddenly, the probability
that Supernation Reorganization might just occur have
taken a huge jump forward!
If this regional immigrant crisis
can be solved by turning it into a regional solution,
then the momentum toward moving Mexico into Supernation
#1 is greatly enhanced!
you can see by examining this global map showing the
plan of the Elite to reorganize all nations into a
new organization of 10 Supernations, a plan which
will fulfill Daniel 2:40-45, 7:7-8, and Revelation
17:12-17 once it is completed.
Before Mexico can be trusted to be
the kind of nation which belongs in Supernation #1,
alongside Canada and the United States, this tragic
illegal immigration crisis must be successfully solved.
Furthermore, if the economies of
Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala are improved,
the conclusion of the effort to create Supernation
#6 can continue with greater chances of success.
2. How did the Democrats
They opposed it, of course!
Pelosi Opposes Mexico's Promise to Keep Migrants",
Breitbart News, 8 June 2019
"The top Democrat in the House,
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, is opposing Mexico's comprehensive
immigration reform deal with U.S. President Donald
Trump ... 'We are deeply disappointed by the Administration's
expansion of its failed Remain-in-Mexico policy, which
violates the rights of asylum seekers under U.S. law
and fails to address the root causes of Central American
migration', said the statement from House Speaker
" ... Mexico's offer of
jobs and healthcare to the migrants will make it difficult
for pro-migration lawyers to argue that Trump's
deal violates the legal asylum rights of illegal immigrants."
3. Joe Biden, the leading
Democrat in the race for President in 2020, boldly
stated in 1974, that "Politicians
Can Take Away First Amendment ‘If We Want'!
Biden 1974: ‘Politicians Can Take Away'
First Amendment ‘If We Want', Breitbart
News, 10 June 2019
"Former Vice President Joe Biden
told a journalist in 1974 that 'cruddy politicians'
like himself could 'take away' the First Amendment
if they wanted ... Biden proceeded, according to Kelley,
to lean "over his desk to shake his finger at
me" while explaining elected officials like
himself had the power to "take away" constitutionally
protected rights if they saw fit.
" 'And, whether you like it
or not, young lady," he said. "Us cruddy
politicians can take away that First Amendment of
yours if we want to."
Now we realize why President Obama
and presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, could
run roughshod over our freedoms whenever it suited
their purpose!
Such callous attitude toward
our Constitution speaks volumes about the true dictatorial
attitude of Biden and of Democrats and of Globalists!
4. President Trump might
have just coined a new term to be slapped on Leftist
Democrats -- "the Illegality Party"!
brands Democrats as the 'Illegality Party' ",
Canada Free Press, June 9, 2019
"President Trump has effectively
branded the Democrats as the Illegality Party after
he secured Mexico's pledge to halt the flow
of illegal entrants into the USA. The Democrats
had embraced illegality over the rule of law as they
refused to cooperate with President Trump in trying
to stop this long time problem through America's
Southwest Border with Mexico."
"The Democrats had been calling
this illegal entry a 'manufactured crisis' whilst
the President had been terming it 'an invasion' and
a 'national emergency'."
President Trump succinctly outlined
the outlines of this crisis at our border.
"As everyone knows, the United
States of America has been invaded by hundreds of
thousands of people coming through Mexico and entering
our country illegally. This sustained influx of illegal
aliens has profound consequences on every aspect of
our national life—overwhelming our schools,
overcrowding our hospitals, draining our welfare system,
and causing untold amounts of crime. Gang members,
smugglers, human traffickers, and illegal drugs and
narcotics of all kinds are pouring across the Southern
Border and directly into our communities. Thousands
of innocent lives are taken every year as a result
of this lawless chaos. It must end NOW!"
5. New Zealand's gun owners
are resolutely refusing to turn in their guns, in
full defiance of their new law!
Just Say No To Gun Ban",
Liberty Nation, June 9, 2019
"New Zealand politicians who
rushed to enact nationwide gun confiscation following
the Christchurch mosque massacres are befuddled by
the lack of enthusiasm from citizens who have yet
to comply with the new law. The so-called "gun
reform" was expected to rid the vast New Zealand
countryside of most semi-automatic firearms, magazines
over a specified limit, and shotguns."
"Only 530 guns have thus far
been turned in to the authorities."
Politicians are totally befuddled
why gun owners would rather become law breakers than
to surrender their guns. This next news story provides
the answer.
NEWS BRIEF: "Citizens
Flip New Zealand's Gun Ban The Finger - Only 530 of
300,000 People Turned Guns In",
Freedom Outpost, June 7, 2019
"But in reality, the people
likely don't want to disarm themselves as this
is their only defense against these terrorists. Sure,
people don't simply want to be robbed of their
property without compensation. However, there is no
amount of money that can compensate someone into being
Right, when you see a mass murderer
running toward your house, there is no amount of money
you could have received from your government that
will make it all right that you have no way to defend
yourself and make it seem all right that you and your
family might be minutes away from being brutally murdered.
And, then, the very government who
passed these gun control laws becomes your mortal
"... depending on the current
government, life in disarmed societies can go on peacefully
for a while. However, in some cases, citizens —
men women and children — are slaughtered by
the millions as corrupt government officials and criminals
become the only ones to have guns."
"... Simply put, guns —
in the hands of good people — level the playing
field against guns in the hands of bad people. It
is this simple. As this tragic case illustrates, bad
guys will always have access to guns, even if you
use laws to disarm them."
America's Founding Fathers knew what
they were doing when they ensured that the Constitution
provides the iron-clad guarantee that individual citizens
can own guns without the kind interference that results
in gun confiscation!
6. In America, guns defeated
the efforts of criminals to prey upon law-abiding
NEWS BRIEF: "California
Woman Shoots Home Invader (Who Was) Armed With Hammer",
Governor Signs Bill Allowing More Armed Teachers
But, Liberals are striking back!
NEWS BRIEF: "Elderly
NY man kills repeat burglars, is charged for using
inherited gun, loses his home",
NEWS BRIEF: "Illinois
Advances Bill Requiring Fingerprints of People Buying
NEWS BRIEF: "Virginia
Governor Exploits Virginia Beach Tragedy To Attempt
Gun Control"
7. Efforts continue to convert
America into a vegetarian nation.
NEWS BRIEF: "Growing
Drive to Destroy the Beef Industry",
Canada Free Press, June 10, 2019
"The American beef industry
has long been a tasty target of the environmentalists
and their allies in the animal rights movement. To
understand the reason is to know that protecting the
environment is not the goal, rather the excuse in
a determined drive for global power. Their selected
tactic is to control the land, water, energy, and
population of the Earth. To achieve these ends requires,
among other things, the destruction of private property
rights and elimination of every individual's
ability to make personal lifestyle choices, including
personal diet."
This article then lists the 10 reasons
that organizations like the World Wildlife Fund (WWF),
the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB),
and the U.S, Department of Agriculture falsely list
as the reasons that the entire world must dissolve
the meat industry and go VEGAN and I encourage you
to read it.
But, cutting to the chase, the 'NOVUS
ORDO SECLORUM" goal on the back of the American
One Dollar Bill is the draconian New World Order,
a global dictatorship reorganized into the Ten Supernations
shown above. The dictator will be the Masonic New
Age Christ --- a.k.a., Antichrist.
Did you know that the Kingdom
of Antichrist will be vegetarian?
The simple fact is that the diet
which Antichrist will be virulently vegetarian!
Meet Jeremy Rifkin, New Age activist
extraordinare. He bills himself as the "advisor
to kings and queens" and his books certainly
are some of the most popular in the New Age culture.
If you were to imagine the most vigorous tree-hugging
activist, with a brilliant mind and intellect, that
would be Jeremy Rifkin. Christian author, Constance
Cumbey, describes Rifkin in interesting terms. She
said he practiced a peculiar brand of pantheism, and
"creation-centered spirituality".
In other words, Rifkin is an Earth
Mother worshipper, and a worshipper of Nature at large.
Rifkin is the author of the infamous New Age book
entitled, ENTROPY: A NEW WORLD VIEW. Since this book
is probably the most important Rifkin has written,
we need to spend some time on it to see from whence
Rifkin is coming. The word 'entropy' is used constantly
by New Age authors to justify the kind of radical
changes in the world they are championing, and as
usual, this word shouts "crisis". The New
Age Dictionary defines 'entropy' as, a "measure
of disorder or unavailable or unusable energy; the
tendency to run down or to burn out" [Page 58].
Rifkin and other New Age writers have been shouting
for decades now that our current Industrial Civilization
is running on High Entropy, i.e., using so much energy
that it is unstable, unsustainable, running down,
and burning out. Whenever you see the word, 'sustainable',
or 'unsustainable', you know you are looking at a
code word for dismantling our Industrial Civilization.
In his book, Entropy, Rifkin argues
that the world needs to return to a civilization of
Low Entropy. Listen to his own writings: "If
we continue to ignore the truth of the Entropy Law
... then we shall do so at the risk of our own extinction
... After finishing this book, some will remain unconvinced
... Others will be convinced but will conclude in
despair that the Entropy Law is a giant cosmic prison
from which there is no escape. Finally, there will
be those who will see the Entropy Law as the truth
that can set us free. The first group will continue
to uphold the existing world paradigm. The second
group will be without a world view. The third group
will be the harbingers of the new age." [Entropy
, 1981, Author's Note]
Rifkin then tells us how important
this Entropy Law is to the establishment of the New
World Order.
Rifkin then tells us the real supernatural
spirit behind his new world view. "While the
Entropy Law governs the world of time, space, and
matter, it is in turn, governed by the primordial
spiritual force that conceived it." [Ibid., p.
8] The word, 'primordial' literally means 'archetype',
which to the pagan means the Luciferian spirit from
times in the ancient past. Do not be deceived: Rifkin
has just told us the true spirit behind this entire
New World Order.
"Entropy is a measure of the
amount of energy no longer capable of conversion into
work ... Energy can only be transferred to a dissipated
state." [Ibid., p. 35]. Therefore, Rifkin and
his ilk believe that we must take steps to achieve
some Low-Entropy, steady state type of economy. Conversion
to this type of economy requires not only a 'new world
view', but also a draconian crisis in order to transfer
from one state to the other. Listen:
"The radical change in world
view required to make this transition will have to
be accomplished virtually overnight. There will be
no time for polite debate, subtle compromise, or momentary
equivocation. To succeed will require a zealous determination
-- a militancy, if you will -- of Herculean proportions."
[Ibid., p. 186].
Did you catch that last statement?
"To succeed will require a zealous
determination ... militancy ... of Herculean proportions
"We consumed beef to gain power
over nature and our fellow human beings ... by choosing
not to eat the flesh of cattle, we serve notice of
our willingness to enter into a new covenant with
this creature ... Freeing the bovine from the pain
and indignities suffered on the modern mega-feedlots
and in the slaughterhouses is a humane act of great
symbolic and practical import. Liberating these creatures
from the process of dehorning, castration, and estrus-blocking,
from forced hormone injections, massive doses of antibiotics,
insecticide showers, and an ignoble death on an automated
assembly-line kill floor, is an act of contrition.
It is an acknowledgment of the damage we moderns have
inflicted on the whole of creation in pursuit of unrestrained
power over the forces of nature." [Beyond Beef,
p. 288]
What was God's command, in man eating
animal meat?
"Wherein were all manner of
fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and
creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there came
a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat."
(Acts 10:12-13, KJV)
God, Creator of all life, revealed
to Peter that He had made animals to be at man's disposal,
to eat!
"Time is of the essence, they
believe, because the Beef Industry is daily destroying
Rain Forests, ecosystems, and native wildlife species
... "The collapse of the global cattle complex
will likely precipitate a chain reaction, resulting
in the elimination of other grain-fed meats from the
human diet." [Ibid.]
There, can you see that they have
no intention of stopping at the destruction of the
Beef Industry? They are going to destroy the industries
providing meat from Sheep, Pigs, Chickens, and every
other type of meat that people eat. Vegetarianism
is the order of the day in this coming New World Order.
Have you noticed that some health/disease problem
has suddenly erupted in all these animal groupings?
Even young horse foals are suddenly dying from some
serious malady; undoubtedly, some Animal Rights activist
group is trying to 'liberate' horses from bondage
by humans.
This is the End
Game -- returning mankind back to the earth,
forcibly moving them from "crowded urban"
areas so they can gain their "sustenance directly"
from Mother Earth, the Goddess Gaia. Of course, since
mankind will never appreciate what these Illuminist
leaders are going "for them", they will
have to be dragged kicking, screaming, and dying,
into this Brave New World. First, the Beef Industry
and all other meat-producing Industries, have to be
forcibly destroyed, and removed from their land.
At some point down the road, after
the land has returned to normal, then the time will
have arrived to dissolve the large cities, forcing
urban inhabitants back to the land where they can
practice small-scale agriculture. If you think the
destruction of ranching and farming is creating a
disaster of unparalleled proportion, wait until the
Illuminists come after the urban [city] dwellers to
force them back on to the land."
Welcome to the New World Order and
to its supreme leader, Antichrist.