Once you understand that
the true aim of these Leftist, Communist, and Democrat
Party leaders is the destruction of America, the consequences
be damned, then you will be closer to comprehending
the force behind all of this terror.
Any American who currently
owns personal wealth, be forewarned, that when these
radicals seize power, one of the first actions they
will take is to seize all your assets and then murder
you, just as the Communists murdered the Czar and his
family, and then murdered tens of millions of average
Russian citizens. So they will murder all people of
wealth, even the Leftists of today.
2. "De-fund
the Police" is the new rallying cry for Leftist
forces nationwide, a Communist goal in any nation they
want to overthrow.
NEWS BRIEF: "Minneapolis
City Council Promises to Abolish the Police;
‘Police-free Future’,"
Breitbart News, 7 June 2020
"A veto-proof majority
of the Democrat-dominated Minneapolis City Council announced
Sunday that it had bowed to Black Lives Matter protesters’
demands to abolish the police, promising the demonstration
a 'police-free future'.”
" 'We recognize that
we don’t have all the answers about what a police-free
future looks like, but our community does', they said,
reading off a prepared statement. 'We’re committed
to engaging with every willing community member in the
City of Minneapolis over the next year to identify what
safety looks like for you'.”
* A reading from
the "De-fund" website will curl your hair
Black Lives Matter activists see the future of urban
policing", New York Post, June
8, 2020
"This is the cop-free
world that Black Lives Matter protesters are dreaming
* "Social workers
and religious leaders would replace officers on the
* "... there would
be no crimes such as stealing because the community
workers would do such a good job helping everyone, fueled
by money redirected from local police departments..."
* "Now, instead of
cops — a.k.a. 'strangers armed with guns'—
mental health providers, social workers, religious leaders
and victim advocates could keep law and order, MPD150
As usual, this unrealistic
view of the people who live in America is driven by
a view colored by the issue of slavery.
"Opal Tometi, one
of the community organizers who started Black Lives
Matter in 2013, told the New Yorker last week that policing
in American was 'founded as a slave patrol."
* " 'What we concluded
is that we need social workers', Tometi said."
* An admission
that no citizen in trouble can depend upon help from
a 9/11 call will make you wish you had a gun.
NEWS BRIEF: "Minneapolis
City Council President: Calling police for break-in
'comes from a place of privilege', (Video)" The
Washington Examiner, June 7, 2020
"The president of
the Minneapolis City Council said expecting help from
the police 'comes from a place of privilege' ... CNN
anchor Alysin Camerota asked Lisa Bender, the president
and representative from Ward 10, whom she should call
if someone broke into her home, during an interview
Monday morning, a day after the city council voted to
dismantle the police department."
Carefully read the response
from this President/Representative of Ward 10, and try
not to pass out in disbelief that this nonsensical answer
really came out of the mouth of an elected representative.
CNN Anchor: whom I should
call if someone breaks into my home"?
Lisa Bender's Reply:
" 'Yes, I mean, I
hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors',
she explained. 'And I know — and myself, too,
and I know that that comes from a place of privilege.
Because for those of us for whom the system is working,
I think we need to step back and imagine what it would
feel like to already live in that reality where calling
the police may mean more harm is done."
In the meantime, while
a citizen is "stepping back to imagine" what
a police-free community might look like, she is killed
by her intruder as well as her husband and all her children!
This is the reality that
faces all of us every day of our lives. All men are
born with sin, just as the Bible says. Police were created
to protect citizens from people whose sinful nature
has gotten control over them, and who are now a threat
to people and to our property.
* This goal is
rooted in the Communist unbiblical view of man!
What is the Biblical view
of all mankind?
"For all have sinned,
and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23,
But, what does Communism
believe about the sinfulness of man? They believe that
all men are born without sin, and that they are corrupted
into being evil by forces within society. These corrupting
forces must be physically removed over a period of several
generations before Perfect Man can arise.
Christianity, Christian
parents, and institutions are singled out for physical
destruction (murder). This belief is the reason that
Communism has killed over 200 million people since Lenin
overthrew the Russian Czarist government.
Communism views Capitalism
as a product of Christianity, since Capitalism recognizes
the inherent sinfulness of man and seeks to channel
it constructively throughout the economy. A good example
is the recognition that man is inherently greedy for
gain. Rather than trying to outlaw greed, Capitalism
rewards it, allowing the man who has thought of a better
way to do something to keep his increase. Therefore,
Capitalism can skyrocket into the stratosphere almost
without limits, and it enriches everyone in the community
/ nation.
Radical / Communists cannot
stomach this concept and, therefore, steal from the
rich to give to the "poor" (actually keeping
the vast majority for himself). This "redistribution
of wealth" has proven quite deadly over the past
100 years, in every nation it has been implemented:
Russia, Communist China, Cuba, South Africa, Rhodesia.
This belief will also
murder tens of millions of Americans if it is ever forced
upon this nation.
* Even Chicago's
Liberal black lesbian mayor had a rude awakening: Walmart
may not rebuild the stores robbed and ruined, and officials
had this opinion before the "De-fund" concept
was published.
pleads with Walmart, other retailers to not abandon
Chicago", WBBM
News Radio, June 4, 2020
"Mayor Lightfoot
said she’s hopeful major retailers will reopen
the Chicago stores that were looted or otherwise damaged
during protests surrounding George Floyd’s killing
by police in Minnesota. But, she’s unsure of one
of the biggest."
"Mayor Lightfoot
said she was on a conference call with Walmart and other
major retailers that had stores looted or heavily damaged
during the unrest in Chicago. She said she pleaded with
them to not abandon Chicago ... My hope is that they
will come back ..."
When a normal person looks
at a "brick-and-mortar" store, like a Walmart,
they see the store and the merchandise inside. But,
when an executive looks at the same store, he sees the
monetary investment Walmart has made to build that store,
to fill it with the right inventory, and to maintain
I would not be surprised
to learn that Walmart has upwards to $50 million invested
in each store.
Therefore, when a location
proves to be unprofitable, either because customers
steal enough merchandise to render the store unprofitable,
or because rioters and looters are too much a threat,
then that executive will close that location or will
refuse to rebuild.
AND, if the police are
eliminated, all stores of that chain will immediately
close their doors and pull all inventory out before
rioters can plunder again. Store owners depend upon
the local police to protect their investment at each
In every city in which
police are dismantled, retailers and all business owners
will immediately consider leaving. A trail of economic
devastation will instantly blight the city, the state,
and the nation.
All homeowners should
also seriously consider leaving the moment the decision
is made to de-fund the police department.
Insurance companies will
immediately cancel all policies of car, home, and commercial
3. Antifa, Black
Lives Matter, and the radical arm of the Democrat Party
all are funded by George Soros, that former Nazi turned
Richardson Post, June 1, 2020
"I am literally watching
my nation on fire. The fire has been started and fuelled
by two domestic terrorist organisations. These are both
funded by public enemy #1-György Schwartz, a.k.a.,
George Soros. It’s time to take down Soros ..."
"All the Democrat
Party strongholds across my homeland, were ready and
waiting for an ‘incident’ to encourage riots.
Minneapolis became the Democrat host of the spark that
lit these well-lain fires. It was the perfect place
to start George Soros’ last stand against the
President of the United States, Donald Trump, in a fight
to the finish."
* "Their fake Russia
Hoax failed to do it."
* "Their Ukraine
scandal backfired, as the only criminal conduct exposed
was that of George Soros, Joe Biden and senior diplomats
and officials in the Obama Administration. "
* "Even the impeachment
show trial failed..."
"None of this is
playing out in Republican-run cities – not even
one. These are all hardcore Democrats stoking the flames
– From Minnesota Governor Walz to Minneapolis
Mayor Frey ... New York is also in riot mode–a
Democrat viper’s nest as well – from Socialist
Governor Cuomo down to Communist Mayor DeBlasio and
his Chief of Police ... Rioting and violence are happening
in Portland, Oregon; Oakland and Los Angeles in California;
Chicago, Illinois; Washington, DC – all Democrat-run
to the core ... Atlanta, Georgia (Democrat Mayor) where
the brick piles planted for the rioters, is now under
organised attack as well."
And, guess who is funding
this entire illegal and unconstitutional attempted overthrow
of the President of the United States?
"These riots were
planned and executed by Soros-funded terrorist groups,
Black Lives Matter and Antifa ... Soros must be taken
down to protect the free world."
"In another interview,
Soros announced, 'I am a God. I created everything'.
The interviewer went on to say, ‘George Soros
not only openly claims he is a god and 'the creator
of everything', the billionaire globalist also warns
he is a 'self-centred' god who believes 'normal rules
do not apply' to him."
Now you know why Democrats
like Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and every
other Deep
State person who cooperated to bring down
Trump gets this belief. And, Soros' vast wealth so far
has protected all of them.
We agree: George Soros
needs to be brought down, but so do all his American

4. Abruptly, after
toying with the idea of supporting the "De-fund"
cry Democrat leaders are "fleeing the scene"!
Biden Declines to Stand Up Against Democrat Calls to
‘Defund Police’,"
Breitbart News, 7 June 2020
"Joe Biden’s
campaign was asked Sunday about the demands for defunding
the police, but he did not want to talk about it ...
Biden, so far, has enjoyed the luxury of remaining in
his basement, hidden away from volatile activists who
want answers."
President Trump not only
tied this Radical Left position to Joe Biden, he also
took the defunding question to another level.
"Not only will Sleepy
MILITARY! He has no choice, the Dems are controlled
by the Radical Left."
As a matter of fact, the
following American presidents did so completely defund
the military that their successors faced a military
which did not have ammunition to fight a war!
* Jimmy Carter
* Bill Clinton
* Barack Obama
So, you see, Trump's warning
that a President Biden would also defund the military
is rooted in recent past history!
Biden ‘Does Not Believe’ Police Should Be
Defunded", Breitbart News,
8 June 2020
"Former Vice President
Joe Biden’s White House campaign on Monday said
that the presumptive Democrat nominee does not support
defunding police, putting him at odds with Black Lives
Matter. 'Biden does not believe that police should be
President Trump
has received the best gift for his re-election imaginable!

5. The World Health
Organization (WHO) was forced to backtrack its support
for a phony study on Hydroxychloroquine.
Forced to Renew Research Into Hydroxychloroquine After
Relying on Phony Study Slamming 'Trump’s Drug',"
Breaking Israel News, June
8, 2020
"One of the more
disturbing aspects of the Coronavirus pandemic is the
politicization of medical matters, most notably seen
in the conflict surrounding hydroxychloroquine. A media
storm followed President Trump’s suggestion that
the drug showed promise and a victory declared after
a study claimed the drug was harmful. But tests of hydroxychloroquine
have been resumed since it was discovered that the research
slamming the drug could not possibly have been more
"The journal’s
editor, Richard Horton, said he was appalled by developments.
'This is a shocking example of research misconduct in
the middle of a global health emergency' ...
How bogus were these so-called
"... some of the
employees of Surgisphere involved in the research that
led to the WHO and governments changing their policies
concerning the use of hydroxychloroquine included a
science fiction writer who, for the purposes of the
hydroxychloroquine study, was listed by the company
as a science editor and an adult-content model who was
listed as a marketing executive. Several of Surgisphere’s
employees were found to have little or no data or scientific
President Trump
will be proven right again!
All the world
will have the cure for COVID-19 in place should a case
of a "second wave" occur!
6. Economic news
was exceptional for the month of May!
House On May Jobs Report: Comeback Begins Today',
One America News, June 7, 2020
"The May jobs report
has both Republicans and Democrats shocked, but the
White House has said this is just the beginning."
the economy will escape the worst-case pandemic scenario",
The Washington Examiner, June
6, 2020
"The economy won’t
suffer the worst-case scenario following the pandemic,
if the most recent signs are predictive."
* "Employers added
2.5 million jobs in May ... a report that shocked forecasters,
who expected millions more in job losses."
* "In total, 7.7
million people went from the ranks of the unemployed
into employment, by far the highest such monthly move
on record, suggesting that businesses were rehiring
their workers en masse ... Unless nearly all of them
can get rehired, the United States faces an extremely
painful recession."
* "Also on Friday,
stocks soared in anticipation of a stronger-than-expected
NEWS BRIEF: "Shockingly
bright jobs report lifts Trump strategy to woo black
voters with economy", The Washington
Examiner, June 6, 2020
"President Trump
is stumping for black votes with a promise to deliver
racial equality through economic prosperity, linking
an unexpectedly bright jobs report Friday to George
Floyd, a black man who died after a white police officer
knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes."
"Prior to a coronavirus
recession that cost 40 million people their jobs, Trump
aimed to double his support with black voters over 2016
with a focus on a booming economy that led to record-low
unemployment within the black community. "
"But that has not
stopped the Trump campaign from using the 1994 crime
bill to undermine Biden’s relationship with black
voters. The legislation, co-authored by Biden when he
was a Delaware senator, was supported by most of the
public at the time because it addressed fear of urban
lawlessness. But it has since been blamed, by Democrats
and Republicans, for unfairly targeting black people
and leading to unjust incarceration."
A black former NFL great
supports the President.
" 'The Left has always
tried to use racism as a way to tank this administration,
but President Trump's record of accomplishment for the
black community speaks for itself', said Herschel Walker,
a former professional football player ... 'The Trump
administration has done what they said they would do
for the black community, and we will remember that when
it's time to vote in November'."
NEWS BRIEF: "Republicans
Cheer: The Trump recovery is ahead of schedule -
"Black employment rose by 283,000", The
Washington Examiner, June 6, 2020
"President Trump
claimed vindication Friday as a surprise positive jobs
report previewed what he called the 'greatest comeback
in American history' for a coronavirus-crippled economy
— and perhaps for his own reelection campaign
... "
President Trump "he
did express hope that an economic renewal would help
bring the country back together."
How much did black employment
"Black employment
rose by 283,000."
House eyeing bill to bring businesses back from China
to distressed areas of the US", The
Washington Examiner, June 4, 2020
"White House Director
of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro will
sit down next week with Rep. Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon,
a Republican from Puerto Rico, to discuss legislation
she crafted to bring companies back from China to distressed
areas in the United States."
"The measure would
offer tax incentives for businesses to move pharmaceutical
drug or device manufacturing to 'distressed zones' in
the U.S. and Puerto Rico. It would also provide tax
breaks for goods and services purchased by a manufacturer
from a provider located within one of these zones. Incentives
would be greater for supply lines that move from overseas
and for purchases made from minority-owned businesses."
President Trump
hailed the news, and told Americans to expect much more
prosperity in the months left in this year.
America is most
definitely heading for our date with God's judgment
foretold in Revelation 18:7, where we are "trapped
in our prosperity"!
We will also reveal two
major contributions to End Times' prophecy which Donald
J. Trump is poised to fulfill. In fact, Trump may
be the only leader who can fulfill these prophecies
in America today. President Trump does not realize it,
but he has 'An Appointment With Destiny'!
Listen to this prophecy
and you will see how it truly applies to America today,
under President Donald Trump: