- Tuesday, 6/08/2021
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"He that
is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is
filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous,
let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let
him be holy still." (Rev 23:11, KJV)
Must I Do To Be Saved?
'Making A Deal
With The Devil'
Book by Tom Horn's
Defender Publishing
The modern world has seen
unparalleled challenges, circumstances and outright
travesties. We have battled global pandemic, shutdowns,
riots, economic strains, unprecedented political turmoil,
and fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy
However, there are greater
forces at work beneath the surface, forces that are
Satanic and which will fulfill End Times prophecies
The faltering, apostate
Christian Church, will never identify this damnable
malevolence and warn the LOST, and preach the Gospel!
You will learn: 1) Change
in Mass Media prove that mankind is headed for unspeakable
travesty; 2) How Media Masters manipulate and shape
your mindset; 3) Society is being gradually groomed
for the enforcement of the Mark of the Beast; 4) How
Western Christianity has been redefined as a CULT; 5)
Many more prophetic events
367 pages and still only
$19.95 - Order your copy today
Cutting Edge Ministries
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to guarantee that Cutting
Edge will not disappear for lack of funds. We have a
unique message and a worldview which has proven correct
for the past 23 years. Please help us
of God & The Nephilim"
Supernatural View From the Word of God"
Volume 1 of 2,
Only $19.99
This DVD will cover the events of Scripture
from Genesis 6 through the Flood itself. While some
current authors have gone down paths of incredulity
and blatant fantasy, there have been many solid, biblical
scholars who have taken up the subject matter. In our
new DVD, Cutting Edge Ministries has drawn on our new
research and has assembled a wealth of knowledge from
others who have remained true to the Word of God and
actual historical accounts to compile this new documentary."!
We will additionally discuss the myths
of ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Greece to gain insight
into man’s interpretation of the true events of
the final 2 centuries before the Flood. We will also
explore extra-biblical information from the Book of
Enoch and its account of the Watchers that came from
the heavenly dimension to Mt. Hermon in the days of
The first DVD will resolve the important
1. Who were the Sons of God of Genesis
2. Who were the giants?
3. What was their intention when arriving to our physical
4. What was their impact on mankind?
5. Can we identify these creatures in human history
and/or myth?
6. What happened to them?
DVD 2 is to be released Summer of 2021.
There is a phenomenal amount of information
in this 2-DVD series. Please join us to gain great insight
into the supernatural nature of the Word of God, and
how we should think about these events. We promise that
this DVD set will change the way you look at the Word
of God in general and the Old Testament in particular.
As a result, we would hope that all who view it will
gain a new level of wisdom from the Word of God in order
to live our lives as more acceptable ambassadors for
Jesus Christ.
Run Time 1 hour 32 minutes -- Order
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for the Days of Noah"
Join Pastor Carl Gallups
in the SkyWatch TV studio for this incredible 2-Part
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From living without fear
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what Jesus is telling His people through the prophecy
of 'The Fig Tree' and the return of Israel, this companion
DVD will give you a head start to understanding all
you need to know about the coming Days of Noah (the
Is our world actually
reeling toward the foretold days of Noah those days
of unparalleled global turmoil as foretold by Jesus
in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke? Are we really on
the brink of a universal shaking, as
a number of today s prophecy watchers are warning?
Be thrust headlong into
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your mind you’ll actually be inside the ark at
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Walk the Jordan River
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Learn how to immediately
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$24.95 in DVD
available in Book format at $19.95


Important News -- Headlines
1. BLM leader
urges whites to give up their lands to blacks.
Public Rhetoric
seems to be propelling America onward to the path Rhodesia
took nearly 40 years ago.
2. America has
had a racist political party since 1829:
The Democrat Party
was founded on Slavery.
3. Israel is about
to allow her Islamic enemies to become part of the Government!
Isn't it good,
then, that Almighty God knew this turn of events would
happen and has pledged to never allow Israel to be destroyed
after bringing her back to His land!
4. Egypt may be
preparing Hamas to become re-armed quickly so she may
renew her war against Israel.
5. Dr. Fauci may
fired soon, and should be arrested, for his role in
'covering up' the COVID-19 scandal!
West Point is
scandalously forcing cadets to be vaccinated!
6. Anticipating
a war with China, the U.S. Air Force is dispersing her
forces throughout South East Asia.
American senators
land in Taiwan declaring our firm ties to Taipei.
This show of support
might infuriate China to war.
7. Ashville, N.C.
police department announced that they Will Only Respond
to Certain 911 Calls Due to Staff Shortages
8. President Biden's
plans for a global taxation moves the world toward the
prophesied One World Dictator.
Gods, and Dragons"
the Fallen Realm and the Plot to Ignite the Final War
of the Ages"
Giants are real.
The small-g gods of the pagans are real. Dragons are
'Giants, Gods,
and Dragons' is a fresh look at the end of days, drawing
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been taught.
You will discover:
* The identities
of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
* The connections
between Babel, Babylon, and what’s in your wallet
* The dragons who will walk the earth in the last days
* The name of the first spirit to rebel against God
(hint: it wasn’t Satan)
* The connection between the reptilian figurines of
ancient Sumer and the practice of human sacrifices
* Fresh new understandings of the final End of the Age
Available in BOTH
Book and DVD:
265 page Book
, only $19.95, https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2954
DVD - https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2957
Important News -- Analysis
1. BLM leader
urges whites to give up their lands to blacks.
people need to give up their land, urges BLM leader",
World Net Daily, 6/2/2021
"Leaders of the radical
Black Lives Matter movement in America recently have
been shown to have had some extreme opinions, including
co-founder Patrisse Cullors' appearance in a video calling
for the end to Israel."
Worldwide Anti-Semitism
is reaching new heights, and could very well be approaching
the level seen last in Nazi Germany, where Hitler's
thugs finally were able to start murdering Jews, knowing
that public opinion was on their side.
God took note that Cullors
was calling for the genocide of His people, thereby
calling down Divine Judgment upon their own scalp.
"And a statement
from Alicia Garza, another co-founder, who quoted Mao
Zedong, the Chinese Communist tyrant who is blamed for
killing some 45 million people over the four years of
his Great Leap Forward."
"... another leader
of the movement, Bree Newsome, wants authorities to
hand out land titles as 'reparations'. She wrote on
Twitter that crimes committed by the ancestors of white
people are the reason that those white descendants now
should be forced to pay the descendants of victims."
Public Rhetoric
seems to be propelling America onward to the path Rhodesia
took nearly 40 years ago. (Let us review quickly how
wealthy Rhodesia slipped into poverty-stricken Zimbabwe.
in Rhodesia", National Sentinel, 9
"Last week we talked
about the plight of the farmers of Rhodesia, now known
as “Zimbabwe.” Last week I reported to you
that more than 800 White farms had been invaded and
illegally taken over by Black squatters, with the blessing
of the government of Black dictator Robert Mugabe. This
week the number of White farm families pushed off their
land by Black gangs has risen to more than 1,100, and
the violence of the farm seizures is growing. Before,
the Blacks used knives and clubs. Now they’re
using firearms."
We can believe that, before
the Biden/Harris Administration is finished putting
a wrecking-ball to America, he will allow blacks in
America to seize the land of American farmers, using
Zimbabwe as the template.
"The Lonely Park
Farm belongs to Paul and Liz Retzlaff. During the day
a truckload of Blacks stopped at the driveway to their
farm and attacked one of their Black farm workers who
was mowing the grass with a sickle. They took his sickle
away from him and then hacked him up with it."
In this next segment,
think back to the 2020 riots and you will see that America's
blacks are acting like the blacks in Zimbabwe nearly
40 years ago.
"... cleaning up
the broken glass and smashed furniture and attempting
to repair their wrecked home. "
"... knowing that
they can expect no protection at all from the police.
Furthermore, if they defend themselves forcefully and
kill their attackers, then the police will come —
to arrest them."
NOTE: George Soros' attorneys
general scattered throughout Liberal America, used this
tactic on several occasions during the civil riots during
"Unemployment is
up and rising; inflation is up and rising; crime is
up and rising; the HIV infection rate among Blacks is
20 per cent and rising; production is down and falling."
But, that is OK because
blacks learned they could cause a disaster and then
successfully blame the whites!
"The bones in their
hands were broken with iron rods. Their bodies were
whipped with automotive fan belts. Their feet were burned
with cigarettes. They were beaten savagely with clubs.
Then the Blacks stood David Stevens beside the road
and killed him with shotgun blasts to his head and back."
Economic conditions began
to seriously deteriorate.
"The first thing
the Blacks do when they take over a White farm is 'Africanize'
it. Even though the White Rhodesians have had Black
workers on their farms for more than a century, the
Blacks seem to have learned nothing from the experience.
They are not able or willing to change from the Black
way of farming to the White way. The Black way is a
very primitive style of subsistence farming. When a
mob of Blacks take over a White farm, they wreck the
farm house, subdivide what was an efficient farm into
inefficient plots, and then quickly run it into the
ground. They fail to maintain the farm machinery properly,
and it soon stops working. They eat the breeding stock.
They wear out the land."
"The country has
been in economic decline since the 1990s, experiencing
several crashes and hyperinflation along the way ...
'It was once known as the 'Jewel of Africa' for its
great prosperity'." (Zimbabwe,
This is the Rhodesian
Road upon which America has been thrust. It is sad to
realize that today's American Black Revolutionary party
is operating from the same playbook which absolutely
ruined Zimbabwe.
Thank God Americans still
own about 300,000,000 million guns!
America has had a racist political party since 1829:
The Democrat Party
was founded on Slavery.
NEWS BRIEF: "America
Has Long Had a Racist Political Party",
American Greatness, by Theodore Roosevelt
Malloch, June 7, 2021
"... the Left does
not want you to know it. They have obscured the facts
or tried to rewrite their whitewashed version of history.
"The Democratic Party
was founded in 1828 by the backers of General Andrew
Jackson, a Southerner and ardent racist who owned slaves
and thought nothing wrong with the practice. Jackson,
who became the 8th president, earned his fortune in
a cotton industry based entirely on slaveholding. "
"“Old Hickory”
as his troops called him, was one tough .... Aside from
his attitudinal superiority over blacks, Jackson is
also famous for the “Trail of Tears” which
forced Native Americans off their ancestral lands. These
are the seminal beginning roots of the Democratic Party
tradition in America."
Today's Leftist Democrat
is merely a super-charged version of the 1828 Democrat.
We will show you what "racist" really means
and how much it cost the country to create a society
based upon foul, putrid racism!
Listen to the words of
the Vice President of the Confederate States, as he
publicly spoke to a crowd in Savannah, Georgia, in 1861.
Listen to his disgusting racism.
"In what's now known
as the 'Cornerstone Speech', Stephens told a Savannah,
Ga., crowd in 1861 that 'our new government is founded
upon exactly the opposite ideas [as those of the original
Declaration of Independence]; its foundations are laid,
its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the
negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination
to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.
This, our new government, is the first, in the history
of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical,
and moral truth." ("1861
'Cornerstone Speech' ", by Alexander
H. Stephens, Georgia, Confederate Vice President)
What does the Declaration
of Independence say on this matter?
"We hold these truths
to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness." (The
Declaration of Independence)
Democrat Southern leaders
of the day chimed in as they described the black slaves
and their position within the Southern states.
"My own convictions
as to negro slavery are strong ...We recognize the negro
as ... our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You
cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as
useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."
Top Jefferson Davis Quotes That Reflect His Mind")
Jefferson Davis was the
only President of the Southern Confederate States.
"We do not think
that whites should be slaves either by law or necessity.
Our slaves are black, of another and inferior race.
The status in which we have placed them is an elevation.
They are elevated from the condition in which God first
created them, by being made our slaves. None of that
race on the whole face of the globe can be compared
with the slaves of the South. They are happy, content,
unaspiring, and utterly incapable, from intellectual
weakness, ever to give us any trouble by their aspirations."
Is King" speech, James Henry Hammond
Returning to our original
article, listed above, we further read:
"Leading up to the
Civil War, the Democratic Party had only one platform:
Keeping slavery and the plantation economy intact ...
The Republican Party was formed to abolish slavery and
maintain the Union."
"People like then-Senator
Joe Biden, (D-Del.) from the border slaveholding state,
Delaware, below the Mason-Dixon line, got elected on
a segregationist banner and opposed integration and
school busing throughout the 1970s and 80s. Biden worked
closely for years with Democratic Mississippi Senator
James Eastland and Democratic Georgia Senator Herman
Talmadge, two demonstrably racist Democrats, who opposed
civil rights legislation and all integration efforts.
“We didn’t agree on much of anything. We
got things done,” Biden said in his 2020 campaign,
joking that Eastland “never called me ‘boy’;
he always called me ‘son.'”
"The tortuous history,
when actually read and studied, demonstrates one abundantly
clear fact; America has long had a racist political
party." (Democrats)
How easily and seamlessly
the modern Democrat Party has been able to flip the
facts in order to now appeal to the very people they
have historically suppressed and murdered!
Modern blacks must rise
up to defeat this current propaganda campaign, because
the force they are driving America into is Communism,
purely and simply.
"Far better the leader
that you know than the leader you do not know"!

3. Israel is about
to allow her Islamic enemies to become part of the Government!
refused to rely’ on Arab party, says Netanyahu:
Blasts ‘biggest election scam in history’,"
World Israel News, June 6, 2021
" 'We are witnessing
the worst election deception in the history of the state.
People justifiably believe that they have been tricked',
the prime minister said ... “There’s not
a person in Israel who would have voted for you if they
knew this is what you were going to do,” Netanyahu
said, accusing Bennett of betrayal following his announcement
that he would join a (Left-Wing) Lapid government."
" '“If it looks
like a Left and behaves like a Left – it’s
a Left,” the prime minister said of the Yemina
bloc to seek two-state solution,"
World Israel News, June 7, 2021
"Israel’s change
bloc coalition, made up of eight diverse parties from
the right, center, and left ends of the political spectrum,
intends to prioritize working towards a two-state solution
for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict..."
This attempt to form a
-two-state solution has already been refused by the
Palestinians since the early 1970's!
The culprit is the Palestinian
faction, because they will reject any solution which
leaves Israel alive and her people breathing. The Palestinians
are today's most virulent and violent anti-semites and
anti-Zionists in world history.
Netanyahu: 'If A Government Is Formed, God Forbid,
We Will Topple It Very Quickly' , Israel365
News, June 7, 2021
"Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday called on Knesset lawmakers
from all parties to 'vote their conscience' if the so-called
change coalition presents a new government to the Knesset
this week ... 'When we talk about a dangerous left-wing
government, we are speaking about a government that
would forfeit the Negev and won’t be able to resist
an American demand for a settlement moratorium', warned
Isn't it good,
then, that Almighty God knew this turn of events would
happen and has pledged to never allow Irael to be destroyed
after bringing her back to His land!
4. Egypt may be
preparing Hamas to become re-armed quickly so she may
renew her war against Israel.
Infuriates Israel: Lets Hamas rearm for a fresh
round of rocket aggression", DEBKAfile,
June 6, 2021
"With Hamas threats
pouring out at the rate of one a day, Israel’s
military charges Egypt’s General Intelligence
chief Gen. Abbas Kamal of playing a double game when
he brokered the ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas,
endorsed by the US and Qatar."
"However, under Israel’s
eye, Gen. Kamal is systematically undoing the IDF’s
gains in that operation and allowing Hamas leaders free
rein ... But Cairo exceeded every bound of credibility
as an honest broker when on Friday June 4, Egyptian
state television depicted scores of heavy engineering
equipment and convoys of trucks laden with building
materials bound for the Gaza Strip on the orders of
President Sisi. "
"The Israeli military
pointed to Cairo’s double game on this score too.
While shutting down Hamas; arms smuggling tunnels through
Sinai, Egypt has now opened a new route to supply the
Palestinian terrorist rulers of Gaza with the same items.
What is the bottom line?
"... the
Israel-Hamas ceasefire is far from robust and liable
to break down at any moment."
Dr. Fauci may fired soon, and should be arrested, for
his role in 'covering up' the COVID-19 scandal!
Serious Country Would Jail Anthony Fauci",
American Greatness, June 6,
"As the indispensable
Julie Kelly already observed, nobody will be held accountable
for America’s intentionally politicized response
to COVID-19."
"Anthony Fauci certainly
won’t be punished, even though we now know what
we suspected all along:
* "... he knew masks
were largely ineffective;
* " .. that lockdowns
were unscientific;
* "... that asymptomatic
spread, the impetus for those lockdowns, did not exist;
* ".. that the virus
was not bat-borne in a Wuhan wet market;
"... and that it
was instead quite possibly manufactured in a Chinese
lab. "
"But you wouldn’t
know any of those things if you’ve been following
The Science™ as broadcasted by Fauci across swooning
cable news networks for 15 months. In fact, you would
believe the exact opposite, because the exact opposite
is what the smarmy old man has been preaching to his
Branch Covidian disciples, whom he ruled over with impunity
for the duration of the pandemic. "
"A serious country
would jail Anthony Fauci. It wouldn’t even be
a question. A majority of the population would find
it inexcusable to lie to the public so brazenly, and
he would be expelled from polite society. "
Fauci helped Biden/Harris
"win" the election!
"But lockdowns worked
fantastically for the purpose of implementing vote-by-mail
and “no-excuse” absentee voting, which helped
Joe Biden rake in an incredible 81 million votes—and
I’m using “incredible” in the true
sense of the word. Not. Credible. "
"Democrats would
lose power if they admitted Fauci is the liar that we
all know him to be. And in our unserious country, the
worst thing that could happen is Democrats losing power,
so we’ll have to continue to live with the lies."
West Point is
scandalously forcing cadets to be vaccinated!
NEWS BRIEF: "Vaccine
Scandal Rocks West Point",
CD Media, June 2, 2021
"Cadets are being
threatened with solitary confinement, separation from
the Academy, essential training is being refused, and
they are facing daily direct pressure from senior officers
at the institution if they do not take the Covid-19
mRNA vaccine. "
This action flies in the
face of CDC guidelines: "The Covid-19 vaccines
are experimental and no one can be forced to take them.
They are voluntary per the Center for Disease Control
and the Food and Drug Administration. "
"Apparently, this
means nothing to West Point officials who are essentially
forcing cadets to take these experimental drugs or be
expelled ... Parents of these remaining holdouts are
terrified and are hiring legal counsel, banding together
to fight this perceived criminal behavior by those in
power over their children."
If West Point followed
Dr. Fauci's oft-given advice -- "follow the science"
-- then this issue would have been properly disposed
of already.
"Evidence has shown
that young people have almost zero chance from dying
of Covid, and rarely have severe reactions to the man-made
6. Anticipating
a war with China, the U.S. Air Force is dispersing her
forces throughout South East Asia.
NEWS BRIEF: "Anticipating
War With China, U.S. Air Force Is Spreading Across The
Pacific", Forbes, 6/7/21
"After years of build-up,
the Chinese rocket force possesses around 1,300 ground-launched
missiles with sufficient range to hit Kadena and Andersen
from mainland China. The USAF is keenly aware of the
threat. It has its own plan for dodging the missile
barrages. The idea is to spread out hundreds of warplanes
across potentially dozens of smaller bases—thus
diluting the striking power of China’s rocket
"Less certain are
the airstrips that lies closest to China and the likeliest
war zone, Taiwan. They’re all in the Philippines—Clark
air base and Thitu Island are two good examples. Before
the election of volatile strongman Rodrigo Duterte in
2016, the USAF probably could count on Philippine bases
during a clash with China."
American senators
land in Taiwan declaring our firm ties to Taipei.
rails against ‘provocation’: As American
senators fly into Taiwan on a military plane ",
RT News, June 7, 2021
"The visit “may
trigger an escalation of tensions” with Taipei
and Washington, Beijing warns, after the senators, two
Democrats and one Republican, met with the island’s
president, handing her a vital political boost. "
"On Sunday, three
US senators briefly visited Taiwan in a military aircraft
in a move which angered China. Although they did not
leave the airport and stayed just three hours, they
met with President Tsai Ing-wen and carried the announcement
that Washington would donate 750,000 Covid vaccines
to the island. "
"This could tone
down or delay any response, but the Global Times has
nonetheless branded this visit 'the most serious provocation
that the White House has made to the Chinese mainland
over [the] Taiwan question since US President Joe Biden
took office'.”
This show of support
might infuriate China to war, now rather than later.
7. Ashville, N.C.
police department announced that they Will Only Respond
to Certain 911 Calls Due to Staff Shortages
NEWS BRIEF: "Ashville,
North Carolina, Police Department: Will Only Respond
to Certain 911 Calls Due to Staff Shortages", Townhall,
Jun 6, 2021
"The Asheville Police
Department in North Carolina announced that its officers
will not respond to certain crimes so that they can
be better equipped at answering more serious emergency
calls due to a 'staffing crisis'."
"The police department
has lost 84 officers since the beginning of 2020, the
department said ... The APD's loss of 84 police officers
is a significant loss of staff as they now only employ
219 officers out of the 300 that they have the budget
The more unwarranted pressure
officials from the city to the Oval Office, put on police,
the more cops are going to flee. The time may come when
stripped police forces may not be able to keep criminals
at bay, and that is when Henry Kissinger's prediction
will come true.
"Americans would
be outraged if U.N. troops were to land in L.A. right
now to restore order, but the time is soon coming when
they will welcome such troops". (Henry Kissinger,
Los Angeles 1992 riots)
8. President Biden's
plans for a global taxation moves the world toward the
prophesied One World Dictator.
havens to take hit from new global taxation rate",
Taiwan Sun, 9 June 2021
"Finance ministers
from wealthy G7 nations on Saturday endorsed a global
minimum corporate tax of at least 15 percent, rallying
behind a U.S.-backed plan targeting tech giants and
other multinationals accused of not paying enough."
Finally, America has a
president who is so committed to Global Government --
New World Order -- that he will support a global tax!!
As the world finally spins
toward the "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" (New World
Order) that is on the back of the American One Dollar
Bill, it is fitting that one of the first issues they
would tackle globally will be taxation.
These Elites can do only
one thing well: tax your income and assets!