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Hillary Clinton finally clinched the Democrat Party's nomination
for President as she won California and a handful of smaller
NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary
Clinton celebrates victory, wins California",
CNN News, June 8, 2016
"Hillary Clinton claimed
her place in history Tuesday as America's first female presumptive
presidential nominee ... The former secretary of state immediately
pivoted from her victory to a full bore assault on the presumptive
Republican nominee Donald Trump and made a sweeping effort
to reach out to Sanders supporters in an attempt to unify
Hillary has alienated millions
of Liberal voters with her greed, her Wall Street connections,
her hypocrisy and her blind defense of her husband, Bill
Clinton, as she tries to "defend the indefensible"
sexual scandals plaguing him.
Since Bernie Sanders has garnered
over 10 million votes, it is safe to say that Hillary has
alienated 10 million Liberal Democrats which she must now
win back. If these Liberals just stay home on election day
and not vote, Trump wins.
Hillary's Hypocrisy is also
a very major problem.
you see that $12,495
Armani Jacket Hillary Clinton Wore During a Speech on "Income
The $12,495 Armani Jacket Hillary Clinton Wore During a
Speech on Income Inequality", Heat Street
News, June 7, 2016
"Hillary Clinton is a
multimillionaire, and might even be richer than Donald Trump.
In addition to loving mansions and private jets, Hillary
has very expensive taste in fashion, the New York Post reports.
One especially notable item in Clinton’s wardrobe
is the $12,495 Giorgio Armani tweed smock she wore during
a discussion on income inequality earlier this year following
her primary victory in New York."
Can you imagine the rank hypocrisy
here? Hillary is touting her credentials as a politician
who cares about the desperate plight of millions of Americans
who simply cannot earn enough money to even exist? But,
during a major speech on "Income Inequality",
Hillary wears an Armani jacket which cost her a whopping
$12,495! Most of the people to whom she was speaking cannot
even earn $12,495 a year!
Bill and Hillary Clinton have
gotten away with this kind of horrific hypocrisy for years,
thanks to the lies and manipulations of the Mass Media.
But, why should we be surprised, for the Mass Media has
long been completely sold out to the New World Order plan,
and serves both Democrat and Republican party leadership
when it is beneficial to the global agenda.
Listen to the reality of the
Mass Media, espoused in the early 1800"s; you may be
Key Illuminati Premise:
"We must compel the governments ... to take action
in the direction favoured by our widely conceived plan ...
by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly prompted
by us through the means of that so-called 'Great Power'
-- the Press, which, with a few exceptions, is already entirely
in our hands." [Protocol
of the Learned Elders of Zion, Protocol #7; written
early 1800's]
President Obama is working silently -- but strongly -- behind
the scenes to prevent Hillary from being indicted.
NEWS BRIEF: "Obama’s
Latest Attempt to Save Clinton From Indictment",
Observer News, 6/7/2016
"Despite his repeated
claims of not influencing the Department of Justice and
FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s private email
server scandal, Obama has helped shield her throughout the
fiasco ... The White House has protected Clinton’s
emails with the most potential to incriminate or impugn
Clinton’s self-portrayed public image."
This phrase is the key to
properly understanding how the White House is protecting
Hillary from the probable fatal blow which a Federal indictment
would deliver.
"... Clinton’s
self-portrayed public image... "
The Mass Media, working with
the Clinton campaign, has carefully created a false image
of who and what Hillary is in the minds of Liberal voters.
An indictment over the email scandal would open the door
wide so people can look in and realize the kettle of rotten
fish which is Hillary and Bill.
The President clearly has
clearly supported Hillary over Bernie.
"Despite holding back
an endorsement during the Democratic primaries, Obama hasn’t
made much effort to hide where his favoritism lies. The
Clinton campaign recently claimed Obama will be releasing
an endorsement for Hillary Clinton very soon. "
Obama's attempt to paint the
email server fiasco as "frivolous" took a powerful
blow by his own State Department.
Hillary "never received
authorization for using a private email server and broke
federal record laws by not preserving and turning over her
records to the State Department when she left office ....
she is now depending on him to get through the FBI and Department
of Justice investigation long enough to get to become president—at
which point there will be no chance of serving the indictment
her actions certainly warrant."
Believe me, if Hillary gains
the Presidency, she is brutal enough to make all her enemies
wish that she would have been indicted during the campaign.
She is as dishonest as President Nixon, but unlike "Tricky
Dick", she will not resign her office; she may carry
out the plan of the Protocols to impose the most brutal
Absolute Dictatorship the world has ever seen.
Donald Trump seems to be broadening his base at the same
time that Hillary is swinging toward the Left, courting
Broadens Base of support, As Hillary Clinton Courts Extremists",
Breitbart News, 6 June 2016
"Trump has broadened
his base of support by emphasizing job creation, economic
growth and national security, while the two Democratic candidates
have descended into a slugfest to determine which can genuflect
lower before the radical, anti-capitalist, anti-Israel fringe
of the Democratic Party."
Hillary's move to the Left
to counter the support Bernie Sanders is gaining might prove
fatal to her Presidential ambitions in November. If she
continues to alienate Conservative white voters -- like
the coal miners whom she promised to shut down their mines
-- and if Trump can avoid caustic statements which cost
him votes, we might avoid the political train wreck which
a President Hillary Clinton truly is.

Brexit -- the British movement to leave the European Union
-- is gathering steam in Europe, threatening the fabric
of Supernation #2, the European Union.
Contagion Is Spreading Across the EU, Pew Study Finds",
Bloomberg News, June 7, 2016
"Opposition to the European
Union is growing across the bloc, suggesting that anti-EU
sentiment extends much further than traditionally skeptical
Britain. As the U.K. gears up for a referendum on whether
to remain in the club of nations it joined in 1973, a survey
of more than 10,000 people across Europe showed that voters
from Italy and Poland to Greece and Sweden have lost faith
in the EU."
" 'The British are not
the only ones with doubts about the European Union', said
Bruce Stokes, the chief author of the Washington-based Pew
Research Center report published Tuesday. 'The EU is again
experiencing a sharp dip in public support in a number of
its largest member states'.”
Since December 31, 1972, the
European Union has proven to be a very harsh taskmaster.
Her economic rules have proven to be so restrictive that,
last year, when the western Ukraine sought to become a member
of the E.U., a Ukrainian leader publicly warned that Ukrainians
would rue the day they became E.U. members, for their economic
lives would soon lie in ruins, just as Spain and Greece
have already experienced.
As of this moment, the future
of the European Union lies in doubt. Pressures from average
voters seem to be building to enough power to shatter the
coveted E.U. Leaders from Napoleon to Hitler have sought
to unify Europe, and now that this goal is within reach,
the Elite make everyday life so ruinous that they might
be cast into history's dustbin.
I do not know how this is
going to play out, but I can tell you that the European
Union is Supernation #2 of the Club of Rome plan to reorganize
the nations of the world into precisely the 10 nations of
Daniel 2:40-45, 7:7-8 and Revelation 17:12, 17.
If the European Union is disbanded
because of this crisis, for these prophecies to be fulfilled,
she will have to be reborn as a supernation, undoubtedly
on a more popular basis. This scenario is a most interesting
one, don't you agree?
The 2016 Bilderberg meeting list is now available and demonstrates
a strong pro-E.U. tilt.
NEWS BRIEF: "Bilderberg
2016: Pro-EU Guest List Confirmed", Heat
Street News, 8June 2016
"As Heat Street has previously
made clear, the secretive Bilderberg Group is rabidly anti-Brexit
and ultra pro-EU. This year’s meeting, held in the
German city of Dresden between Thursday and Sunday, will
be no different.
"No Brexiteers have been
The #1 priority of this year's
Bilderberg Conference has to be what they can do to keep
the alliance intact, or to quickly patch it back together
if the Brexit election in Great Britain on June 23 breaks
it apart. The Illuminati has been working hard these past
several hundred years to achieve a unification of Europe,
so they must do whatever they can to keep this prophetically
unique union together.
"The Bilderberg Group
says the following topics are on its agenda. Because it
publishes no minutes, it is impossible to know how accurate
this list will turn out to be:
1. Current events (Brexit?)
2. China
3. Europe: migration, growth, reform, vision, unity
4. Middle East
5. Russia
6. US political landscape, economy: growth, debt, reform
7. Cyber security
8. Geo-politics of energy and commodity prices
9. Precariat and middle class
10. Technological innovation
Why did the Global Elite put
the future of the European Union subject to voter approval,