the full analysis of these articles below our
book store update, below
LAST Religion: Antichrist, Singularity,
and Hyper-Depravity" DVD
Our society is becoming
obsessed with human enhancement technologies
that are being embraced without anyone questioning
whether this new technology is either positive
or benign. This video proves that this technological
path will lead to the type of 'HYPER-DEPRAVITY'
which the Bible foretells will be a key element
in the mind and soul of Antichrist!
Explore Biblical Prophecy
from a 21st Century perspective. with creative
motion graphics and music, this documentary
style presentation features interviews from
over a dozen theologians -- some of them originally
recorded 30 years ago -- to present the most
complete view of the prophecies of Revelation,
created in the style which appeals to the 'YouTube
What role will Artificial
Intelligence -- A.I. -- and Virtual Reality
play in the future enslavement of mankind? The
Climax of human history has been predicted to
follow very specific 'Signs'. We are most assuredly
living in these 'LAST DAYS'!
Learn what personal preparation
you can do to prepare for the coming 'Man of
Sin', the Antichrist.

News Analysis
1. 'Experts'
are suddenly warning that the 2018 Hurricane
Season might feature a new, much more powerful
storm, a "Category 6"!
warn of super storms, call for new Category
6 for oncoming Hurricane Season 2018",
Strange Sounds News, June 4, 2018
"A new analysis
of global hurricane data since 1980 shows the
number of storms with winds over 124 mph has
doubled, and those with winds over 155 mph has
tripled. "
The frightening
scenario articulated by Defense Secretary William
Cohen speaking at a Terrorism seminar on April
28, 1997, is now coming to its logical conclusion.
Cohen stated plainly
and boldly that scientist can use electromagnetic
waves (Scalar Waves) to control weather functions.
He named two of them:
"Others are
engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby
they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes,
volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic
waves ... It's real..." ("William
S. Cohen", Wikipedia)
Our research into
Electromagnetic Waves (Scalar Waves and HAARP)
revealed that these waves are the means God
created from the beginning to control Weather
in all its forms, i.e., earthquakes, volcanoes,
tornadoes, rain, drought, winds.
Since human scientists
can control all weather functions, then mankind
can be spared any more destructive storms! Scientists
could eliminate all storms once and for all!
But, this article just told us that these storms
have doubled and tripled since 1980. Our research
further indicated that Russian and American
scientists achieved total electromagnetic wave
control of weather in 1986.
Let us now return
to our featured news story, above:
"As the 2018
Atlantic hurricane season begins, scientists
are worried that U.S. coastal communities could
face more super storms with winds, storm surges
and rainfall so intense that current warning
categories don't fully capture the threat.
Therefore, scientists call for expanding the
hurricane scale for better warnings that could
save lives."
"The analysis,
published this week by four prominent climate
scientists, also shows other clear trends, including
a poleward migration of the areas where storms
reach peak intensity, which puts new areas at
risk, including New England and even Europe.
Storms are also intensifying more quickly, with
a greater chance they will drop record amounts
of rain, especially if they stall out when they
hit land, as Hurricane Harvey did in Houston
last year."
"Based on
the spacing of Categories 1-5, there should
be a Category 6 approaching peak winds of 190
mph ..."
In late
May, 2004, we warned that scientists could,
indeed , control the weather and could engineer
the devastating storm featured in "The
Day After Tomorrow" movie! Both the
President and Vice President are extremely skeptical
of the "Climate Change" scenario in
this movie.
Please take a
few moments to read our article of May, 2004:
The "Mother
Gaia is Angry" scenario may soon be
2. A majority
of voters now believe that Federal Officials,
from President Obama to Hillary Clinton, deliberately
broke the law in order to prevent Trump from
Majority Believe Feds Broke Law to Stop Trump
from Winning Presidency",
Breitbart News, 4 June 2018
"A majority
of 51 percent of voters now believe 'senior
law enforcement officials are likely to have
broken the law in an effort to prevent Trump
from winning the presidency', according to a
poll from Rasmussen Reports."
"Only 42
percent of voters believe it is 'unlikely that
these officials illegally attempted to stop
a Trump presidency.'"
"Only 26
percent believe it is 'not at all likely'.'"
Despite daily
efforts by the dishonest Mass Media since January,
2017, to paint President Trump, his family,
and his administration as being dishonest, incompetent,
and sold out to the Russians, a majority of
Americans now disbelieve this entire propaganda
But, this story
goes beyond a simple disbelief of the Media
storyline. Voters are now believing that the
people who have been pushing the anti-Trump
scenario are protecting "senior officials"
in the Administration of President Barack Obama!
"While the
corporate media abuses all of its power to scream
propaganda about how Obama's spying was
a righteous and patriotic act, the American
people, including a surprisingly large number
of Democrats, are not only not buying it, they
are moving in the exact opposite direction of
where the fake news media is desperately trying
to push them."
In Communist Russia,
the average citizen adopted a rather unique
way of thinking and believing. After concluding
that the Communist-controlled Media lied about
most everything every single day, discerning
Russian citizens began to believe the exact
opposite of what the Media was telling them.
And, of course, that allowed the discerning
Russian to know the TRUTH!
Discerning American
citizens are now going through the same mindset
of the Russian citizen of 50 years ago!
Once that idea
took root, it did not take long for Americans
to believe that the campaign charges against
Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential
campaign were true, after all. The heavy, cumbersome
machinery of the Department of Justice and the
FBI and Congress is finally aiming at Hillary
At long
last, the Senate is going to hold hearings on
Hillary Clinton's private email scandal.
FBI's Hillary Email Scandal Center of
Upcoming Senate Hearing",
Breitbart News, 3 June 2018
"Senate Judiciary
Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) announced
the date for a hearing on the Department of
Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) report
about Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
officials' conduct ahead of the 2016 presidential
election, including the Hillary Clinton email
scandal. Originally scheduled for Tuesday, the
hearing will now take place at 2 p.m. on June
11 and is open to the public."
Finally, the truth
may be ready to be unveiled.
Finally, we all
will be treated to the spectacle of President
Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
hanging a gigantic sign on the Federal Government
which boldly proclaimed, "For Sale"!
And, this entire
unveiling will come to fruition during the climax
of the Mid-Term Elections! Could
the Swamp finally be drained and all the fearsome
creatures finally be killed?
3. President
Trump stirred up the Leftist hornets nest when
he tweeted that he could pardon himself because
he was President.
Trump: I Can Pardon Myself, but Why Would
Breitbart News, 4 June 2018
Donald Trump stated that he had the right to
pardon himself despite the ongoing investigation
into Russian collusion by Special Counsel Robert
Mueller. 'As has been stated by numerous legal
scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON
myself, but why would I do that when I have
done nothing wrong?' he wrote on Twitter Monday."
The reaction from
the Liberal Media was both immediate and predictable.
Barbara says Trump pardoning himself would be
'almost self-executing impeachment',"
CNN News, June 3, 2018
"Former US
attorney Preet Barbara said Sunday that it 'would
be outrageous' for a sitting president to pardon
himself ... 'I think (if) the President decided
he was going to pardon himself, I think that's
almost self-executing impeachment', Barbara,
a CNN legal analyst, said on CNN's 'State of
the Union'."
says has power to pardon himself; critics disagree",
Reuter's News, June 4, 2018
"Andrew Wright,
a former associate counsel in the Obama White
House, said allowing the president to pardon
himself would be contrary to fundamental principles
of the American legal system. 'One of the basic
rules is that no man is a judge in his own case',
said Wright, a professor at Savannah Law School."
" 'You can't
pardon yourself', Democratic U.S. Representative
Ted Deutch said on Twitter. 'Let me remind you
of something, we don't live in a monarchy
and you are not a king'.'"
legal experts say the president's actions could
be considered obstruction if prosecutors can
show he acted with 'corrupt intent'.'"
---- Have you forgotten that these same Leftist
Democrats were ardently arguing in 2016 that
it made no difference if Hillary were indicted
and convicted, because, as a sitting President,
she could pardon herself?

Hillary Is Indicted, President Clinton Could
Pardon Herself and Congress Might be Helpless",
by Chris White, Law and Crime,
October 28, 2016
Candidate Donald
Trump was preaching that Hillary was guilty
and that an investigation would prove her guilt.
His rhetoric reached a shrill state late in
the campaign, and had reached the point where
many people in the audience shouted "Lock
Her Up", "Lock Her Up"!
Liberal Democrats
reacted instinctively to protect Hillary. Just
days before voters trooped to the polls, "Law
and Crime" published a boldly definitive
answer. Remember, polls were reporting that
Hillary was going to win; virtually every Liberal
and/or Democrat expected that the 45th President
was going to be Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Listen to the
conclusion of this article from "Law and
"On Friday,
just days before the election, reports are emerging
that the FBI has re-opened the Hillary Clinton
email investigation ... it's pretty safe to
bet investigators won't come to any kind of
decision before November 8th ... So what happens
if Clinton is elected, takes office, and then
finds her self under indictment?"
This scenario
Just suppose:
"A few weeks after winning the election
... the Department of Justice handed down a
multi-count indictment against Clinton over
her handling of classified information and her
involvement in an alleged pay for play scandal
with the Clinton Foundation during her time
as Secretary of State. It is a scenario that
several of our commentators, and twitter followers
have asked us to analyze."
Now, get ready
for this expert conclusion:
"The short
answer is she could certainly try, and may very
well get away with it. What's more, there
is likely little Congress could do about it
— even with a Republican controlled House
of Representatives and Senate."
We encourage you
to read this entire article, because author
Chris White makes the same argument that President
Trump's legal team is making.
After "Law
and Crime" published this article, Leftist
supporters calmed down. Their beloved Hillary
Clinton could pardon herself, if it really became
How convenient
it is for Democrats to forget this event of
October 28, 2016, as they slam President Trump
for coming to the same conclusion.
Rank hypocrisy
is the order of the day for these people. They
are following Adolf Hitler's definition of "Truth".
He said, "truth is not what is, truth is
what people perceive it to be"!
In the
of Zion", (Pictured Above)
the Elite politician of any age is instructed
as to how he must speak to his people. Listen
and compare this instruction to the incessant
criticism of everything Trump.
principal factor of success in the political
is the secrecy of its undertakings: the word
should not agree with the deeds of the diplomat."
are instructed to deliberately lie! Doesn't
that sound like the Liberal Press and the equally
Liberal Democrat Party since Donald Trump has
been elected?

4. A more
Conservative Supreme Court has finally delivered
a legal blow in favor of "Religious Freedom".
Triumph For Religious Freedom: Supreme Court
decides Colorado gay wedding cake case",
Fox News, June 4, 2018
"The Supreme
Court ruled in favor of a Colorado baker who
declined to make a wedding cake for a same-sex
ceremony. The case – Masterpiece Cakeshop,
Ltd v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission –
asked the high court to balance the religious
rights of the baker against the couple's
right to equal treatment under the law. Similar
disputes have popped up across the U.S."
"Jack Phillips,
the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood,
Colo., declined to make a cake for the wedding
celebration of two gay men in 2012. Phillips
told the couple that he would make a birthday
cake but could not make a cake that would promote
same-sex marriage due to his religious beliefs."
The final
victory of the LGBT-Q movement might have to
wait a little longer before they can celebrate
America's slippage into the Abyss of Sodom.
5. Suddenly,
the Liberal Press turns on the Trump women in
an attempt to simply ruin them in the public
eye, even though the stories are lies, more
lies, and damnable lies!
Lady Melania Trump
Fake News: CNN's Brian Stelter Lies
About Melania Trump ‘Disappearing',"
Breitbart News, 4 June 2018
Brian Stelter lied to his Reliable Sources audience
over the weekend by repeating the false claim
that First Lady Melania Trump has disappeared
— that she has been 'invisible'.'"
"... the
anti-Trump activist repeatedly and deliberately
misinformed his audience with the false claim
she has been 'invisible'. Stelter also allowed
one of his guests to repeat the false claim
the first lady has 'disappeared'.'"
The truth began
going public soon, but it seemed to butress
the lie by Stelter.
"As recently
as Wednesday, Eamon Javers, a Washington correspondent
for CNBC, reported seeing 'the First Lady walking
with her aides in the West Wing yesterday afternoon'.'"
"Simply put,
Melania Trump being seen in the White House
two weeks after surgery, but not doing public
appearances two weeks after surgery, is a big,
fat nothingburger ... But ... If you withhold
the fact she was seen and then throw around
words like 'invisible' and 'disappear', you
are able to concoct a sinister-sounding conspiracy,
a way to troll Trump, and a fabricated foundation
that allows the likes of the Atlantic's
David Frum to push a crass hypothetical about
the president having 'punched' the first lady."
Oh, I see. CNN
reporter Brian Stelter first concocted the story
that Melania Trump had disappeared so that Atlantic
Editor David Frum could create a false story
that she was staying out of sight because President
Trump had physically abused her, supposedly
causing bruises that needed time to heal!
What lying nonsense!
No wonder Americans of all party affiliations
are turning away from these types of organizations!
Fake News such
as this will contribute mightily to Democrats
losing the Mid-Term elections!
Trump, President's Daughter
Bee to Ivanka:
‘Do Something About Your Dad's Immigration
Practices, You Feckless C*nt',"
Breitbart News, 30 May 2018
"On Wednesday's
Full Frontal on TBS, host Samantha Bee slammed
the Trump administration over separating children
from their families at the border and urged
Ivanka Trump 'do something about your dad's
immigration practices you feckless c*nt'.'"
The reality is
that the entire false narrative being loudly
leveled at the Trump White House whereby minor
children are separated at the border from their
parents was, indeed, a 2014 President Obama
Those pictures
of children sleeping in locked cages occurred
in 2014 when Barack Obama was President. That
decision was his, not Trump's. Those "immigration
practices" were the result of Obama's immigration
Finally, when
Samantha Bee told Ivanka to approach her father
wearing a low cut blouse and tight pants, she
was hinting that Donald Trump practiced incest
with Ivanka! Another inflammable and false charge,
against which voters must react in November.
This Liberal slant
of all news, and the creation of the worst false
news against Trump was visible during the last
two years.
ATTACKS", by Ginny Montalbano,
The Daily Signal, May 15, 2018
"There has
been an outrageous effort to both implicitly
and explicitly connect Ivanka's presence
in Jerusalem at the embassy opening to the violent
Hamas protests and riots along the border. The
most egregious example is the cover of the New
York Daily News, featuring a picture of a smiling
Ivanka Trump by the headline 'Daddy's
Little Ghoul'.'"
Down below the
picture of Palestinian terrorists carrying a
body of one of their men away from the Gaza
border fence, the New York Daily News repeated
the propaganda headline "55 Slaughtered
In Gaza but Ivanka all smiles at the Jerusalem
No Palestinians
were "slaughtered" in Gaza by Jewish
soldiers; by Hamas' own admission, the vast
majority of Palestinians killed who were attacking
the Israeli border fence were members of Hamas.
They were terrorists.
But, this fact
was turned into a lie because the propagandists
at the New York Daily News wanted to slam Trump.
In November" is the battle cry! Don't forget.
6. The
Democrat Party just dis-invited all white voters
of the opposition party to even consider voting
Writers Urge Democrats:
Give Up On White Republicans",
The Western Journal Media Watch,
May 16, 2018
should stop trying to win over white Republican
voters, according to several prominent liberal
writers. That was the point of a column Washington
Post writer Paul Waldman wrote on Tuesday, which
liberal journalists approvingly circulated on
social media, adding their agreement."
"In the endless
search for the magic key that Democrats can
use to unlock the hearts of white people who
vote Republican, the hot new candidate is ‘respect',
Waldman snarked. 'If only they cast off their
snooty liberal elitism and show respect to people
who voted for Donald Trump, Democrats can win
them over and take back Congress and the White
This Washington
Post writer then concludes:
"The problem
isn't Democrats, according to Waldman
— it's that Trump voters are too
uninformed to vote for Democrats."
How long
will it be before the Democrats have whittled
themselves down so much they simply cannot win?
One key doctrine
of winning elections is that a candidate cannot
win an election with no positive view to present
to the voters. He simply cannot win just by
criticizing his opponent. Yet, this fundamental
mistake is being made during this Mid-term Election.
The only view which Democrats are presenting
to the voters is a slanderous vision of President
Trump which simply is not believable, even if
the President were a serial killer like Jeffrey
However, I hope
that these ridiculous opponents of President
Trump keep shouting these "fake news"
stories, using foul-mouthed celebrities, for
this is the recipe of really permanently alienating
American voters.
in November"
First MS-13 Ad Against Democrats Starring Pelosi",
The Daily Wire News, May 29, 2018
Midterm Message: MS-13 Killers...They're Not
So Bad."
"The Republican
National Committee has released its first 'Democrats
defend the brutal MS-13 gang whose motto is
'Kill, Rape, Control' ad — and it's appropriately
brutal ... The MS-13 fiasco began with the media
falsely reporting on President Trump's condemnation
of the notorious gang as 'animals', which the
media distorted to be a condemnation of all
illegal immigrants..."
"The unfortunate
star of the ad is none other than Democratic
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, whose 'spark
of divinity' lecture directed at Donald Trump
earned instant infamy. "
When Pelosi used
the term "spark of divinity" she revealed
herself to be a New Age adherent, a fact that
all Christians should know and understand.
Pelosi was active
on another issue also:
NEWS BRIEF: "Pelosi’s
New Talking Point: Record low unemployment
is meaningless", Canada Free Press,
June 4, 2018
jobs report has been met with virtually universal
praise. The demographic breakdowns are consistently
strong, matching or exceeding the high-water
marks set prior to the collapse in 2000, While
African-American, Hispanic, and Asian unemployment
rates are at their lowest recorded levels ever.
A huge swath of the manufacturing jobs Obama
told us were 'not coming back' have come back,
and all signs indicate that the growth will
"... while
plummeting joblessness and soaring employment
may be good for America, it’s absolutely
terrible news for Democrats. Their party is
built on fear, exploitation, and division –
all things that don’t work when people
are happy with their economic situation. So
Nancy Pelosi, the left’s very own angel
of death, released a statement to remind people
that having a job is pretty much meaningless."
There’s so much stale rhetoric there that
it’s hard to know where to start. Nancy’s
problem, aside from her generally out-of-touch
nature and rapidly diminishing verbal skills,
is that the news is positively chock-full of
reports that contradict virtually everything
she’s saying."
recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli is best
response to Iran", Israel
Hayom News, June 4, 2018
"A source
in the Israeli political system has confirmed
that representatives for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
met with an Israeli Embassy representative in
Washington last week to discuss a six-point
plan to bring the United States closer to recognizing
the Golan Heights as Israeli territory."
Again, President
Trump is making right decisions on Israel, based
upon Biblical fact, not caring one whit about
what the Palestianians might think. The Palestinians
have been sabotaging American and European efforts
to achieve peace simly because they want Jewish
eradication, not peace living next door to Israel.
By recognizing
Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital and by
relocating the American Embassy to that city,
President Trump has blocked the Palestinian
claim that, if we recognized Jerusalem we would
ruin any chance for a negotiated peace.
The same logic
applies to the Golan Heights as well.
Trump has finally
changed all negotiations to be carried out according
to the realities of the region!
In Divers Places
NEWS BRIEF: "Magnitude
5.5 Earthquake strikes Kilauea summit, Sending
ash plumes up to 8,000 feet",
End Times Headlines, June 4,
Cuts Off Last Remaining Escape Route for Group
of Hawaiians Stranded Without Food or Water
", The Western Journal,
June 3, 2018
warned of another eruption of Fuego volcano
as 1.7 million in Guatemala affected",
End Times Headlines,
June 4, 2018
Earthquake Track,
June 5, 2018
"There have
been: (M1.5 or greater)
414 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
2,628 earthquakes in the past 7 days
7,781 earthquakes in the past 30 days
46,610 earthquakes in the past 365 days"
Christian, when
these signs appear, look up, for your Redemption
draweth nigh".
Join me in looking