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News Analysis
Our Redeemer, is coming very soon! Signs of
the Age which He told us to look alertly for
are coming to pass, in our Daily News! For the
Christian, Good News is coming out of the bad,
so preach the Word and share the Gospel NOW!
1. Wars
and Rumors of Wars!
A. North
Korean dictator is said to be running scared
after his brush with Trump's summit cancellation.
Korea PANIC: Kim sends right-hand man for
EMERGENCY US summit talks",
Express News (U.K.), May 29, 2018
"NORTH Korea
is scrambling to save next month's historic
summit with the US, with Kim Jong-un sending
his right-hand man to Washington for emergency
talks ... during his tenure as a senior intelligence
official, Kim was accused by South Korea of
masterminding deadly attacks on a South Korean
navy ship and an island in 2010, and was linked
by US intelligence to a cyberattack on Sony
Pictures in 2014. Due to sanctions against him,
Kim Yong Chol is banned from visiting the United
States. Any visit to the United States would
indicate a waiver was granted."
The very fact
that President Trump issued a waiver of some
sort to allow this criminal to land in the United
States and meet with Administration officials,
demonstrates that this summit is very important
to President Trump as well.
B. Kim
has sent his most important official to Washington,
D.C., to speak with the President in an impromptu
emergency session.
in Kim Jong-un's eyes",
The Korean Times, May 29, 2018
"Did you
see what I saw?"
"The video
and photos released by the presidential office
after the surprise Panmunjeom summit on May
26 show North Korean leader Kim Jong-un minus
the confident aura shown during his first meeting
with President Moon Jae-in April 27. Instead,
his eyes show a strong hint of tiredness, perhaps
from lack of sleep due to worry or fear, and
his smiles were not as open as they were when
he was seen in public with Moon a month ago."
"Trump did
not take the bait. Rather, he played an ace
in the hole with an act of typical trump brinkmanship,
sending an open letter telling the young dictator,
who is half Trump's age, that he would not mind
if Kim did not come to Singapore. The North
panicked. Hours later, Pyongyang issued a statement
virtually apologizing to Trump and asking him
to reconsider."
"So it was
not Kim who played Trump ? it was the other
way around. If there was any doubt about this,
President Moon made it clear. During his news
conference, Moon revealed that Kim had asked
for the Saturday meeting."
The reality that
North Korea "got played" by President
Trump was so clear and so unmistakable that
Liberal Mass Media, who just hours earlier shouted
that Trump had been manipulated by Kim, now
had to eat some serious crow.
This action
is widely seen as a sign of weakness.
SUMMIT?", Valdai Club News,
"Last Thursday,
on May 24, US President Donald Trump cancelled
his meeting with DPRK leader Kim Jong-Un scheduled
for June 12 in Singapore. The next day it was
announced that negotiations still could take
place, but it is clear that the sides will drive
a hard bargain."
"The process
was complicated by vice president Pence and
national security adviser Bolton, who insisted
that North Korea must hand over everything in
line with the Libyan scenario. They did not
say a single word about any reciprocal concessions.
In other words,
Trump Administration officials made it quite
clear that the President would require North
Korea to unilaterally surrender all nuclear
weapons and all ballistic missiles. Further,
by comparing Kim to Libya's "scenario",
American officials were saying that they were
going to attempt to overthrow Kim Jong-un and
perhaps even kill him, as was Libya's Ghadaffi!
North Korea tried
talking tough, only to see President Trump be
unfazed and to pull out of the June 12 Summit!
It seems as though the world will see that President
Trump is by far the superior leader on the International
The Nobel Peace
Prize will then beckon.
Remember, the
Global Elite planned this North Korean nuclear
confrontation all the way back to the time when
the First Korean War was underway (1950-1952).
This truth means that every single event which
is transpiring to make this script work is thoroughly
I do not know
exactly what is going to occur that will cause
the script to be fulfilled, but it will be exactly
fulfilled. What are the aims of this planned
confrontation? Let us refresh our minds with
the exact wording:
hair-raising nuclear confrontation in Korea
may, towards the end of the period, threaten
man's very survival." [Peter
Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script",
p. 225]
Therefore, this
confrontation is designed to accomplish one
major goal: to frighten mankind so terribly
that people all the world over will be so scared
that they nearly got blown up that they be far
more susceptible to the arrival of Antichrist
on the world scene!
Wars and Rumors of Wars!
2. China
prepares for WAR after American warships brazenly
sailed into the East China Sea which Beijing
is claiming as her own.
Readies For Combat After US Warships Challenge
Beijing's Contested Claims To The South
China Sea", The Daily
Caller, 5/28/2018
"The South
China Sea is once again rapidly becoming a major
point of contention between Washington and Beijing,
with both sides refusing to back down. Two U.S.
Navy warships — the Arleigh Burke-class
guided-missile destroyer USS Higgins and Ticonderoga-class
guided-missile cruiser USS Antietam —
conducted a freedom of navigation operation
(FONOP) in the South China Sea Saturday, sailing
within twelve nautical miles of several Chinese-controlled
islands in the Paracels, territories the Chinese
military forcefully seized from Vietnam in the
1970s. "
"In response,
Beijing claims it dispatched warships to drive
the U.S. ships away."
"... China
clearly intends to pursue a more confrontational
approach. "The Chinese army is determined
to strengthen the preparations for sea and air
combat readiness, raise the level of defense,
defend national sovereignty and security,"
a defense ministry spokesman revealed."
The wording "defend
national sovereignty" is aimed directly
at the Taiwanese Government, as China does not
view the island nation as an independent, sovereign
country, but as a renegade island which must
be brought back under Chinese Mainland "Sovereignty".
The military situation
is clearly ominous.
" 'China
is now capable of controlling the South China
Sea in all scenarios short of war with the United
States', Adm. Philip Davidson, the new head
of U.S. Pacific Command, said in April."
Will President
Trump go to an active shooting war with China
over Taiwan, when he will have his hands full
fighting North Korea and supporting Israel in
an all-out conflict with the Palestinians and
other Arab nations surrounding her?
I sincerely doubt
he will.
The 1952 Illuminati
Military Patrol Zone Map shows that China again
controls Taiwan, thereby indicating that China
had already seized the island. Taiwan's doom
is sealed.
Wars and Rumors of Wars!
3. Hamas
fired four barrages of mortars into the civilian
Gaza Strip.
Barrages of Mortars Fired At Southern Israel
From Gaza Strip", The
Jerusalem Post, May 29, 2018
"Four barrages
of mortars, consisting of at least 30 projectiles
in total, were fired from the Gaza Strip at
towns in southern Israel on Tuesday morning,
making it the largest attack on Israeli border
communities since the conclusion of Operation
Protective Edge in 2014 ... mortars were said
to have fallen in at least two Israeli communities
bordering Gaza and another three fell in open
One mortar
round hit a kindergarten and another struck
a schoolyard. The IAF struck back quickly and
the Israeli Prime Minister leveled a grave warning.
Israel will exact a heavy price from those who
try to harm it - IAF hit Gaza Strip after
attack from there", Israel
Hayhom News, May 29, 2018
aircraft struck Islamic Jihad positions in ?the
Gaza Strip Tuesday in retaliation for a mortar
barrage on Israel's south ... Palestinian sources
said earlier that Hamas and Islamic ?Jihad have
evacuated posts throughout Gaza, fearing an
Israeli strike."
"Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu called a special Diplomatic-Security
Cabinet meeting for Tuesday afternoon to discuss
the security escalation on the southern border.
'We take the fire on Israel's south very seriously
and the IDF will mount a forceful response',
Netanyahu said.? 'We hold Hamas responsible.
Israel will exact a heavy price from anyone
who tries to harm it'."
between Israel and the Palestinians have never
been higher
Wars and Rumors of Wars!
4. Israeli
and Russian warplanes reportedly clashed in
the skies over Lebanon.
NEWS BRIEF: "Air-to-air
confrontation between Israel and Russia?",
Israel National News, May 28, 2018
sources claim that Israeli and Russian fighter
jets were involved in an 'incident' over the
skies of Lebanon early Monday morning ... According
to Lebanese media outlets, Israel Air Force
jets were met by Russian Su-34 fighters over
Lebanon and were forced to return to Israeli
airspace. The IDF has refused to confirm the
Of course, Israel
would always deny a report of a skirmish with
the Russians, especially if the Russians had
prevailed in the skir mish.
is attempting strenuously to keep Russian and
Iranian forces as far from the Golan Heights
border as possible.
Natural Human Affection
5. Ireland
has finally succumbed to the global spirit of
death, as her voters have abolished the law
against Abortion.
NEWS BRIEF: "Ireland
ends abortion ban as 'quiet revolution' transforms
country", Reuter's News, May
26, 2018
"DUBLIN (Reuters)
- Ireland's prime minister on Saturday
hailed the culmination of "a quiet revolution"
in what was once one of Europe's most
socially conservative countries after a landslide
referendum vote to liberalize highly restrictive
laws on abortion."
"Voters in
the once deeply Catholic nation backed the change
by two-to-one, a far higher margin than any
opinion poll in the run up to the vote had predicted,
and allows the government to bring in legislation
by the end of the year."
Now, baby
killing is the rule of the land in Ireland.
in Many Different Places
6. The
Hawaiian volcano, Kilauea, is swallowing
more and more land, and homes and businesses,
than ever.
Volcano: Eruption and earthquake chaos as
residents warned ‘LEAVE NOW' --
4.4 Magnitude ", Express News
(U.K.), May 29, 2018
"HAWAII volcano
eruption chaos escalated last night when the
Big Island was hit by a strong earthquake, with
residents also issued a dire warning to "leave
now" as "fast-moving" lava
neared homes."
"Hawaii was
last night struck by a 4.4 magnitude earthquake,
with defence officials forced to assure concerned
residents there was no tsunami threat ... Just
twenty minutes later another warning was issued
regarding fast-moving lava emerging from one
of the many fissures to have split the Hawaii
landscape since the eruption began last month.
The Civil Defence said: "Hawaiian Volcano
Observatory reports that a fast moving pahoehoe
flow from Fissure 8 is advancing on Nohea and
Kupono Streets north of Leilani Street."
As frightening
as a fast lava flow is, that is not the only
danger from this erupting volcano.
"Adding to
this is the danger of 'increased ash and sulphur
dioxide' downwind of the Kilauea Volcano summit.
'Vog - toxic volcanic fog - is also a threat.
And a lava flow is 'also causing concern as
it approaches the Puna Geothermal Venture in
the Leilani Estates near Pahoa, which could
result in a chemical reaction."
Therefore, even
if citizens are well away from the hot lava
flow, the air around them could suddenly be
permeated with "toxic volcanic fog"
(VOG), and they could be overcome and even die.
More citizens
have been told to leave quickly, while the U.S.
Marine Corps evacuation helicopters stand by
for emergency evacuation.
Volcano Eruption: Marines on 'STANDBY',
as Kilauea RAVAGES over 80 Big Island homes"
, Express News (U.K.), May 29, 2018
Kilauea volcano has shown no sign of slowing
down as lava continues to ravage across the
Big Island destroying 82 homes in its path,
leaving Marines on standby."
"The new
fissure sent lava gushing into the evacuated
Leilani Estates district in the eastern corner
of Hawaii's Big Island. Lava engulfed two wells
at a geothermal plant, however, there were no
emissions of hydrogen sulphide ... About 2,200
acres (890 hectares) of the Big Island has been
destroyed to date."
7. In
Yellowstone Supervolcano, the world's tallest
a geyser suddenly awakened and is still shooting
NEWS BRIEF: "Steamboat's
big year: World's tallest active geyser
mysteriously awakens in Yellowstone",
Bozeman Chronicles, May 20, 2018
NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. — It was the talk
of the boardwalk ... a quarter-mile later visitors
hit the platform above Steamboat Geyser ...
Steam billowed out, soaring high above the trees.
Water shot up intermittently, and the vents
roared. Mist drenched one part of the boardwalk
below, forming puddles. People pulled on hoods
as they walked by."
major eruptions are known to reach heights between
300 and 400 feet, sending gravel flying and
soaking cars in the parking lot. The park has
recorded 171 major eruptions of Steamboat since
1878, the year of its first known eruptions.
But the big blasts are completely unpredictable.
One evening this past March, park employees
reported seeing the first major eruption in
nearly four years. Since then, the action hasn't
stopped. As of Friday, there had been five recorded
major eruptions in 2018, already making it the
busiest year for Steamboat since 1984."
When one considers
this sudden resurgence in geyser activity in
conjunction with the volcanic and earthquake
activity in the entire "Ring of Fire"
Pacific area, then you can realize that, just
perhaps, the massive resurgence in Hawaii's
Kilauea Volcano, demonstrates that Steamboat
Geyser's erupting is linked to the Hawaiian
Kilauea Volcano!
More "Ring
of Fire" news!
of Fire on ALERT as Philippines STRUCK by 5.2
earthquake", Express
News (U.K.), May 29, 2018
was hit by the 5.2 magnitude at 4.33pm BST.
With Hawaii rattled by dozens of earthquakes
and a volcanic eruption this month, the Pacific
Ring of Fire is already on high alert."