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"For by
thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have
I leaped over a wall"
Must I Do To Be Saved?
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Combination Video
Offer Saving You $45 over buying individually.

Offering 6 titles
of videos in which key prophecies are currently being
fulfilled in our Daily News!
1) 'Secret Societies
Killed Jesus Christ' reveals the awful truth that the
Pharisees of Jesus' day KNEW he was the prophesied Messiah
but chose to kill him anyway! Events today is the attempt
2) 'Israel's Prophesied
Annihilation of the Palestinians' focuses on the book
of Obadiah in which God detailed -- 3,000 years ago
-- that He would annihilate the Palestinians using Israel
as His tool of judgment.
3) 'Angelic /
Demonic Warfare In The Heavenlies: Daniel 10', shows
how God uses the demonic god, Gog, to convince the leaders
of Russia to lead an attack against Israel in fulfillment
of Ezekiel 38-39. Contained within this set is a BONUS
video 4) in which we show how a similar demonic god is
leading the world into accepting the Roman Catholic
Pope as the False Prophet.
5) 'World War
III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event' demonstrates
how the Elite plan to set up each planned war which
will create the global conflict necessary to stage Antichrist
on the world scene.
6) 'The Full Story
Finally Told - Jesus Returns As Warrior King' closely
examines Jesus' return as avenging Messiah, physically
attacking soldiers of the 200 million man army surrounding
Six (6) Video
Titles, regularly $94.95, on sale now, for only $49.95,
saving you $45! https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2965

for the Days of Noah"
Join Pastor Carl Gallups
in the SkyWatch TV studio for this incredible 2-Part
sermon based off of his ground- breaking work 'The
From living without fear
in the midst of a Global Pandemic to the question surrounding
what Jesus is telling His people through the prophecy
of 'The Fig Tree' and the return of Israel, this companion
DVD will give you a head start to understanding all
you need to know about the coming Days of Noah (the
Is our world actually
reeling toward the foretold days of Noah those days
of unparalleled global turmoil as foretold by Jesus
in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke? Are we really on
the brink of a universal shaking, as
a number of today s prophecy watchers are warning?
Be thrust headlong into
the original days of Noah, and through the theater of
your mind you’ll actually be inside the ark at
the very moment the antediluvian world ripped apart
at the seams!
Walk the Jordan River
Valley with Jesus and His disciples as they made their
way up to Jerusalem one last time.
Be made privy to some
of the deepest meanings of the otherwise hard sayings
that Jesus proclaimed to various audiences, along His
way to Calvary.
Discover the profoundly
stunning truths concerning what Jesus really
meant when He proclaimed that the very last days would
be just like the days of Noah.
Gain a much richer understanding
of today s world, and how it connects to several earth-
shattering biblical prophecies that are coming to life
in our day.
Learn how to immediately
prepare yourself for the future, both logistically and
Only $24.95 in DVD
available in Book format at $19.95
Important News -- Headlines
1. President Biden's
Defense Secretary cannot even get an appointment with
his Chinese counterpart!
China warns Australia
that she would be the first to come under attack from
nuclear missiles should she side with Taiwan and the
United States.
2. Chinese Communist
propaganda has entered a new phase, where brutal threats
are constantly levied.
The goal is to
conquer Taiwan without war.
3. UFO/Alien conditioning
is reaching unprecedented levels.
People all over
the world are being conditioned to believe that Aliens
are going to snatch 'Chosen' people out of this dimension!
This is a most
important "sign" that Antichrist is near!
4. Russia continues
to pressure European countries with military provocations.
5. Israel won
the 11-day battle with Hamas, showing incredible military
But, United States
members of Congress, and the Liberal Media, are spinning
this battle to convince people that Israel lost.
Using same tactics
as they used against President Trump, they threaten
to cut off support from the Jewish State.
6. Do Jewish lives
matter any more?
7. Biden wants
to use zoning regulations to destroy the sanctity of
But, he lives
in a massive home on 4 acres.
8. Dr. Fauci could
face the death penalty for his role in financing, creating
and purposely releasing Covid-19!

Gods, and Dragons"
the Fallen Realm and the Plot to Ignite the Final War
of the Ages"
Giants are real.
The small-g gods of the pagans are real. Dragons are
'Giants, Gods,
and Dragons' is a fresh look at the end of days, drawing
on the worldview of the prophets and apostles, who understood
that the spirit realm is far more real than we’ve
been taught.
You will discover:
* The identities
of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
* The connections
between Babel, Babylon, and what’s in your wallet
* The dragons who will walk the earth in the last days
* The name of the first spirit to rebel against God
(hint: it wasn’t Satan)
* The connection between the reptilian figurines of
ancient Sumer and the practice of human sacrifices
* Fresh new understandings of the final End of the Age
Available in BOTH
Book and DVD:
265 page Book
, only $19.95, https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2954
DVD - https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2957
Is The Planned Key To Resurrection of the Martyred
of the Beast"
Resurrection and Return Planned in Washington
From 1776, a Shadow
Government existed which really controlled the
levers of power; under President Obama, this shadow
government was transformed into the 'DEEP STATE'!
Washington DC was
planned to be a 'High Place' of Luciferian worship,
exactly like the 'High Places" in Old Testament
times, against which God railed. Washington DC
is correctly called the 'most evil place on Earth'
with spiritually controlled buildings and seething
with occult energy, just as we reported in 'Riddles
In Stone'!
Luciferians of Freemasonry,
Rosicrucianism and other occult leaders have always
viewed world and national events as being controlled
by 'National Overlords', demonic beings as revealed
in Daniel 10!
US Capitol was built
with a secret crypt empty of a body, so that,
at the right moment in world history, the body
of the assassinated Masonic Christ can be placed
within (fulfillment of Rev 13:3); the most powerful
Scottish Rite Masonic leaders will then convene
to conduct the Aleister Crowley 'Raising of Osiris'
ritual which will raise 'Osiris' (Antichrist)
from the dead, thus fulfilling Revelation 13:3,
so that the power and authority foretold in Revelation
13:4 can be fully established.
you will understand the Satanic Black Magick power
of Hillary Clinton, much as we reported in our
video 'Hillary Clinton: Sun Goddess Unleashed'!
& The 'Final Solution' "
New Book by Tom
Horn, Only $19.99
It’s been
assumed for centuries that a prerequisite for the coming
of Antichrist would be a revived world order an umbrella
under which national boundaries dissolve and ethnic
groups, ideologies, religions, and economics from around
the world orchestrate a single and dominant sovereignty.
At the head of the utopian administration, a single
personality will surface. He will appear to be a man
of distinguished character, but will ultimately become
a king of fierce countenance (Daniel 8:23) -- ANTICHRIST!
With haughty,
dictatorial decrees, he will facilitate a One-World
Government, universal religion, and global socialism.
Those who refuse his New World Order will inevitably
be imprisoned or destroyed until at last he exalts himself
above all that is called God, or that is worshiped,
so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing
himself that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
Bible prophecy
depicts this coming tyrant as the deadliest in human
history. He will try to carry out a satanic Final Solution
to inflict genocide far beyond that done through Adolf
Hitler's plan by the same name. And this soon-to-come
era is closer than many can imagine; yet, most don't
comprehend the events that lie just ahead.
For the first
time in decades, the truth of dispensational history
is laid out in order that the world can understand what
is unfolding now -- and coming very, very soon. https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2948
Important News -- Analysis

1. President Biden's
Defense Secretary cannot even get an appointment with
his Chinese counterpart!
NEWS BRIEF: "Pentagon
Chief Unable to Talk to Chinese Military Leaders Despite
Repeated Attempts", Conservative
Brief, May 24, 2021
"Joe Biden’s
administration has suffered another humiliation on the
world stage. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has
attempted to speak with China’s top general numerous
times and has been 'unable' to set up any talks."
When an official of a
major country attempts repeatedly to contact an official
of another country to set up a meeting, it is considered
a major gaffe to simply not take his phone call and/or
not to respond to his email.
Such a policy of ignoring
the request is considered to be a signal that the recipient
official does not even consider the person trying to
meet him worthy of a response.
"China has ramped
up military operations in the South China Sea and it
appears they are not making any effort to even speak
to the U.S. about it ... The China Cross-Strait Academy
released a report on Wednesday on relations across the
narrow stretch of water that separates mainland China
from Taiwan,”
"... researchers
had looked at factors including the two sides’
military strength, trade relations, public opinion,
political events and support from allies, concluding
that they were ‘on the brink of war...' ”
Evidently, no leader in
the Western World has any respect for bumbling, cognitively
impaired President Biden. Russia and China must be salivating
over having such a weak man in the White House.
We have always maintained
that Russia and China might go to war -- probably simultaneously
-- because they have no respect for Joe Biden! World
War III is planned to produce Antichrist, and will be
greatly facilitated by the leader of the United States
being such a lightweight.
China warns Australia
that she would be the first to come under attack from
nuclear missiles should she side with Taiwan and the
United States.
warns ‘weak’ Australia it will be the ‘first
ballistic missile target’ if country meddles in
Taiwan conflict", The Sun,
May 24, 2021
"CHINA has sent a
stark warning to Australia that it will be 'the first
to be hit' by a ballistic missile if its military defends
Taiwan. Australia has been branded 'weak' and 'insignificant'
by propagandists in Beijing as tensions with Canberra
reach boiling point over a trade war and blame game
over the coronavirus pandemic."
"... the country
will be in the firing line if it meddles in any potential
conflict with Taiwan."
This threat seems in line
with the overall threat of nuclear war all over the
globe. Listen to the 'macro' plan once the world slides
into world war.
" "But then
war will seldom be absent from the world-scene ... There
will be numerous local conflicts in the Far East, the
Middle East, and Africa. A hair-raising nuclear confrontation
in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten
man's very survival." ("The Armageddon
Script: Prophecy In Action", author
Peter Lemesurier, p. 222)
Once war begins, threats
of nuclear attack will become almost routine. What does
the Bible foretell as to how people will respond to
these threats? Listen:
"Men's hearts failing
them for fear, and for looking after those things which
are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall
be shaken." (Luke 21:26, KJV)
This war, plus unrest
throughout the nations of the world, will so shake the
established order that people will respond postively
when a man surrounded by aliens and UFO's suddenly appears
on the earth, and successfully commands the fighting
to stop!
Maitreya the Christ is
his name but the Bible will label him 'Antichrist' (he
who comes in the guise of Jesus Christ).
Listen now to a commanding
scenario for this Masonic Christ as he arises:
"... when Lord Maitreya
appears, he will appear as different beings to different
* He will appear as a
man to a man and as a woman to a woman.
* He will appear as a
white to a white, as a black to a black, as an Indian
to an Indian, etc."
It makes no difference
whether you are viewing him in person or on Television.
Thus, "he will show that he is all things to all
Another author has also
indicated that his image will appear over all nations
of the earth simultaneously, and that he will speak
to each ethnic group in their own language. We know
this is technologically possible with computer images
being sent from ground to satellite and back down to
earth. There will evidently be a mixing of super-natural
phenomena and advanced technology when the staging of
the Anti-Christ occurs. Of course, if Satan has deliberately
revealed scientific secrets to man, as New Agers claim,
we can say that both the super-natural phenomena and
scientific technology are the work of Satan.
* "Finally, a
sound will be heard world-wide which will herald
the coming of Maitreya the Christ. Prompted by this
sound, people will be aware of his coming on three distinct
levels: Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional." (NEWS1052)
This sound immediately
preceding the physical appearance of Antichrist will
likely be a counterfeit occurrence of the sound heard
at the Day of Pentecost.
"And when the day
of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one
accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound
from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled
all the house where they were sitting ..." (Acts
2:1-2, KJV)
2. Chinese Communist
propaganda has entered a new phase, where brutal threats
are constantly levied.
must choose war or peace",
By Simon Tang, Taipei Times, May 24, 2021
"Some Taiwanese politicians
have been saying that tensions in the Taiwan Strait
are the result of provocations by the US and other Western
countries supporting Taiwan and vilifying China. A democracy
guarantees freedom of expression, but it also has the
right to protect itself, so here is a reproach to those
These are the major threats
from the inside of Taiwan; they literally are shouting
that it is "better to be Red than Dead", They
are the appeasers who open the locked gates so the enemy
can come pouring through.
goal is to conquer Taiwan without war.
"If Taiwan clearly
shows that it is afraid of war, the US might grudgingly
accept it, retreat and instead focus on protecting the
second island chain to prevent an even greater loss
... Many US politicians and academics seem to sense
that Taiwanese society’s fighting spirit is weakening."
"In any case, whether
Taiwan wants war or peace (or perhaps surrender?), it
must prepare in time. If some Taiwanese politicians
want to talk peace with China, they should muster the
courage to admit that and publicly lay out a concrete
Warning: China confident it can 'do what it wants'
and set to spark global nuclear war",
Express, May 23, 2021
"... China is feeling
more confident as a nation. He highlighted that China's
diplomat has insisted that the US can not speak to China
from a position of authority."
Did you catch that last
"... the US can not
speak to China from a position of authority"?
Now you know why Chinese
military authorities will not even take American Defense
Secretary Austin's phone calls!
"And the
stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are
in heaven shall be shaken." (Mark
13:25, KJV)
after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be
darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and
the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of
the heavens shall be shaken." (Matthew
24:29, KJV)
Are you prepared
to "be shaken" to your inner core?
Must I Do To Be Saved?
you imagine what will happen if ... Extraterrestrials
land on the White House lawn ... and the Messiah presents
himself to the world, and all in a very short period
of time?" ["Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 177
3. UFO/Alien conditioning
is reaching unprecedented levels.
answers coming soon? The Pentagon to report on mysterious
sightings", MSN News, May 17, 2021
"We could soon start
getting answers to some vexing UFO questions ... In
December, Rubio asked the Pentagon and the U.S. director
of national intelligence to investigate the UAP issue
and deliver an unclassified report to Congress within
six months."
"The report is due
next month, and Rubio seems eager to see it."
People all over
the world are
being conditioned to believe that Aliens are going to
snatch 'Chosen' people out of this dimension!
are real, feds’ cover-up fueled by fear: Ex-Pentagon
whistleblower ", New York Post,
April 30, 2021
"UFOs exist —
but the government doesn’t want you to know it,
according to the ex-Pentagon official who says he ran
the program investigating 'unidentified aerial phenomena'
or UAP."
"With a bombshell
government report on UFOs set to be released before
the end of June, Elizondo ... has revealed the shocking
things he alleges to have learned, and the chilling
reason why some in the Pentagon don’t want this
information made public."
" 'The level of interest
is reaching a critical mass' he said ... Nick Pope,
former head of the UFO office in the UK’s Ministry
of Defence, told The Post that it all adds up to 'an
advanced technology that we don’t currently possess.
It may be why the Pentagon’s AATIP program was
studying advanced theoretical physics concepts such
as anti-gravity and warp drive'."
"One Pentagon official
understands who and what these aliens are: ‘Well,
then you would know that these things are demonic and
we should not be pursuing them.’
Let us allow a major Luciferian
worshipper tell us exactly what aliens and UFO's truly
are and what their role will be to convince people to
accept and to worship Lord Maitreya.
" 'UFO's and Aliens
are part of the New World Order. They are benevolent
beings which will aid mankind in attaining the goal
of becoming one humanity. They will appear at the proper
time to enable mankind to make that Quantum Leap of
Collective Consciousness -- when the The Christ appears."
(Bill Lambert, New England Director
of the House of Theosophy, Seminar
on August 18, 1991)

This is a most
important "sign" that Antichrist is near!
"The major point
which we want you to grasp from this passage is that
the end result of this unparalleled deception will be
the appearance of Anti-Christ."
"The major point
which we want you to grasp from this passage is that
the end result of this unparalleled deception will be
the appearance of Anti-Christ. This is such a critical
point, I want to repeat it: The planned end result of
this tremendous program of deception is belief in the
Paul continues, verse
9, "The coming of the lawless one, [the antichrist]
is through the activity and working of Satan..."
This verse tells us that the source of this End Time
delusion will be Satan. Make no mistake about it, Satan's
supernatural power will produce the most incredible
deception the world will have ever witnessed. This deception
will seem so incredible, people's minds will literally
be blown away. At this point, we must remind our listeners
that Satan and his angels, also known as demons, are
capable of transforming themselves into human and non-human
forms so as to deceive people. As Paul stated so eloquently,
"Satan himself masquerades
as an angel of light." Keep this fact in mind as
we prepare for the appearance of UFO's and Aliens, acting
on behalf of Lord Maitreya.
"... and will be
attended with great power and with all sorts of pretended
miracles and signs and delusive marvels.. all
of them lying wonders -- And by unlimited
seduction to evil and with all wicked
deception for those who are perishing because
they did not welcome the Truth, but refused to love
it that they might be saved." The only people who
will be deceived will be the unsaved; this truth ties
in perfectly with Jesus' assertion in Matthew 24, where
He says that the Elect, God's chosen people, would not
be deceived. "
Stop for a few minutes
to grasp the power that will be unleashed when Antichrist
* "pretended
miracles and signs and delusive marvels"
* " delusive
* "lying
* "unlimited
seduction to evil"
* "all
wicked deception"
* Finally, Paul reveals
the final intention of this strong delusion, sent by
God, "In order that all may be
judged and condemned who did not believe in the Truth,
but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness."
This strong deception
will be part of God's Judgment upon the wicked."
New Age authors have stated
that the conditioning to get people convinced that this
cover story is real and has been started back about
45 years ago, aimed primarily at children.
Aliens, And UFO's -- Part 2
Let us examine the fruits
of the UFO's by examining the accounts of those people
which have been contacted by them. An excellent source
is a French scientist, Jacques Vallee, in his book,
"Messengers Of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults".
Mr. Vallee is a world-renowned scientist. He brings
a non-Christian scientist's empirical thinking to this
Let us first examine the
subjects which UFO's are teaching the people with whom
they have contacted, whom he calls "Contactees".
* Out-of-Body Experiences
(p. 73)
* Spirit communication (p. 123)
* Automatic Writing (p. 123)
* Some people go into trances, where voices are giving
them messages. (p.85)
* UFO's use crystals for power, even for powering their
space-craft. (p. 109)
* Some people who have gone through this spiritual transformation
begin to see an increase in their psychic awareness.
(p. 83-84).
*The process by which
their human consciousness was raised was the precise
manner in which demonic forces work. It is thought transplant."
(p. 78-79).
At this point, I want
you to be aware of the dangers of hypnosis, and how
New Age hypnotists are using it. When a person undergoes
hypnosis, they are surrendering their consciousness
to the hypnotists. They can be programmed in any number
of ways, especially to the point where they will respond
to certain actions, in response to specific commands.
People who report being contacted by aliens are being
asked to undergo hypnosis so that they can "regress"
back to the scene and "recall" their experiences
with the Aliens, memories which have been repressed
by their conscious mind. However, this is not what is
happening. What is really happening is that the hypnotist
is implanting scenes in the minds of the person who
has been contacted. This person then "remembers"
what they have been programmed with, and the "memory"
seems so real to the contactee they really believe the
lie themselves. In this way, they then become very effective
witnesses that can and do convince other people. Stay
away from hypnosis, even for medical procedures.
* Seances (p.69).
* Doctrines on the existence of superior races, of people
with chosen missions, references to Atlantis and ancient
astronauts..." (p.57, 103). Notice this binds UFO's
with Nazism. But the New World Order is Nazism re-born.
"The expectation
of higher intelligence is beginning to look like a form
of worship...(p.66)
* Aliens utilize standard
New Age terminology when they communicate with their
human "contactees". The best illustration
of this is their teaching to the "contactees"
that "the Ascended Masters of the Hierarchy"
are preparing to intervene again in world history,
to lead mankind to a higher level of consciousness.
"They will select
a human person and endow him with superhuman powers
and knowledge. This man will lead us to world government
and world peace." (UFO: End Time Delusion, David
Lewis, p. 46.
As Christian author,
David Lewis states in his book, UFO: End Time Delusion,
"Without exception, every person claiming an [Alien]
contact...had one thing in common. Each had a prior
connection to metaphysical activity or cults. Some had
been in devil worship, witchcraft, psychic phenomena,
New Age, channeling ... Those involved in direct contact
with UFO aliens already had a connection to the dark
side of the supernatural world."
Thus, people today who
have thus given themselves over to Satanic activities
in some degree are the ones who are being used to deceive
people further into believing in UFO's and aliens.
Then, Lewis adds this
comforting statement, "..no Christian..has ever
had a direct encounter with an alleged E.T." (p.
Thus, God is already protecting
His Elect from this Satanic deception. Praise His Holy
4. Russia continues
to pressure European countries with military provocations.
NEWS BRIEF: "Russian
attack submarines and warships are circling the UK,
warns the Defence Secretary",
Express, May 23, 2021
"RUSSIA is the UK's
'number one threat' as its submarines encircle the British
coastline, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has warned
... Russian naval vessels are usually detected in the
North Sea or the English Channel, but now one has been
observed in the Irish Sea. UK Defence Secretary Mr Wallace
has claimed that a Russian Kilo-class submarine was
spotted in the Irish Sea in 2020."
"Mr Wallace said
that this displayed Britain was 'back' as a global military
I wonder if Russia might
threaten European nations during this planned World
War III, while China is threatening nations in the South
China Sea area.
5. Israel won
the 11-day battle with Hamas, showing incredible military
NEWS BRIEF: "Israel's
Gaza war is like no other military operation in history
", The Jerusalem Post, May 21, 2021
"In earlier wars
the rockets flew as far as Ashdod; now they get as far
as Tel Aviv... And while the missile range might vary
as well as the nature of the threat, the overall challenge
remains the same: Israel and Hamas are launching missiles
at one another again.
"In the years in
between the six named military operations, Hamas improved
its capabilities. It now has more rockets with longer
ranges and larger warheads, more tunnels, more fighters,
and more sophisticated electronic warfare."
"Like the five before
it, the latest operation has had its unique traits and
surprises. Hamas, for example, surprised the IDF with
its ability to fire non-stop barrages ... The terror
group’s ability to fire rockets whenever it wanted,
wherever it wanted, and how many it wanted also showed
that it has sophisticated command-and-control systems
that remain undamaged despite the heavy IDF bombardment
of Gaza."
"... the understanding
is that in any future war in Lebanon with Hezbollah
– which has been watching this war carefully –
the ability to stop rocket fire will be even harder."
"Israel did exceptionally
well during this operation: the intelligence coup of
discovering the route of the Metro, and its destruction
that will set back Hamas for some time."
"Most impressive
however, was Israel’s aerial assault... What exactly
has happened during Guardian of the Walls ... which
is shaping up to be the most accurate and precise military
operation in modern military history."
"Every life lost
is a tragedy. We know that. But think about this: over
1,000 bombs were dropped in Gaza, on over 1,000 targets
– and 60 civilians were killed. Never been done."
"... that does not
mean that we should accept this cycle of war. After
16 years of doing it one way, is it not time to try
something else?"
thinks Hamas 'victory' will lead to new attack on Israel",
The Jerusalem Post, May 24,
"Iran helped push
the war with Gaza but was concerned that Hamas and its
other proxies would lose badly. Instead, they perceive
a surprising victory ... The fuse lit by Hamas will
become the “fire” for a new operation in
the future, according to Iran’s Tasnim News Agency.
The report, reflecting the Iranian regime’s thinking,
details how Hamas won the recent war by not losing."
Because Israel did not
annihilate Hamas' forces, Hamas "won"?
"There are indicators
to determine defeat or victory in war, the report said.
Iran has weighed them and believes Hamas won. This matters
because it means Iran and Hezbollah are not deterred
in the next round against Israel ... For a period, Hamas
and Iran planned this war."
But, United States
members of Congress, and the Liberal Media, are spinning
this battle to convince people that Israel lost.
Using same tactics as
they used against President Trump, they threaten to
cut off support from the Jewish State.
6. Do Jewish lives
matter any more?
Jewish lives matter? ", Israel
National News, May 24, 2021
"A glaring illustration
of the tolerance for violence against Jews is the shameful
silence of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer."
"No matter how it
is spun, in the world at large the Jewish people are
stuck in a conundrum that has us determined to win,
but not to win by too much."
"The wildest suggestion
about all this is that the fight between Israel and
Hamas is unfair and unbalanced because Israel is too
strong. When I hear that and I heard it quite a few
times over the last two weeks, my reaction is---they
have to be kidding."
"As a result of these
latest events in the Middle East the action has spilled
over to American streets where there are ample Jewish
populations ... A glaring illustration of the tolerance
for violence has manifested itself on many levels, but
none more than by the silence of Senator Chuck Schumer,
the Senate Majority Leader... His silence as Jews on
the streets of New York are beaten is deafening and
indeed shocking."
"This year we learned
that black lives matter and that Asian lives matter.
We may have to come to the realization that Jewish lives
matter too."
Forget the argument that
"Israel is too strong". In the final analysis,
God will protect Israel personally with His Omnipotent
power. Listen as God explains:
* "And I will overthrow
the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength
of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow
the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses
and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword
of his brother." (Haggai 2:22, KJV)
* "And they shall
be as mighty men, which tread down their enemies in
the mire of the streets in the battle: and they shall
fight, because the Lord is with them, and the riders
on horses shall be confounded." (Zechariah 10:5,
Please take a few moments
to read our Archived article on the supernatural way
in which God has guided and punished and loved Israel.
7. Biden wants
to use zoning regulations to destroy the sanctity of
But, he lives
in a massive home on 4 acres.
Biden skewered for 'war on suburbs' while he lives in
massive 4 acre home", Express
News, May 24, 2021
"In a furious rant
at US President Joe Biden's multi-trillion dollar Infrastructure
Bill, Fox news host Steve Hilton accused Biden for being
a "hypocrite" for living in a "4 acre"
home whilst pushing a "far-left agenda" with
his housing policies. The bill will see billions of
dollars invested into public housing which Hilton said
was Biden waging "war" on suburban American
families by "bulldozing" the American dream.
The reforms would see the construction of 500,000 affordable
houses for low and middle-income buyers."
In Communist Russia and
China, the Ruling Elite lived like kings and queens,
while the Working Class lived in poverty and squalor.
Tody, this scenario is repeating itself in spades.
"Host Steve Hilton
said: “The largest item in President Biden’s
Infrastructure Bill is a $2.13 billion dollar proposal
to federalise local housing regulations.
“And launch an all
out war on American family homes!"
He added: “This
is yet another un American and un-consitutional power
grab by the federal government. "America
was built on the opposite of that! Strong families,
thriving communties - they sneeringly call it suburban
"But what it really
means is giving people what they want, their own home
with their own space for their own family. Biden is
trying to bulldoze the American family and the American
The Fox news host highlighted:
"Oh and guess what kind of house he has? A four-acre
home on a lake in the upscale neighbourhood of Greenville,
What does the Bible say about the accumulation
of wealth?
* "For what shall
it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and
lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36, KJV)
* "Trust not in oppression,
and become not vain in robbery: if riches increase,
set not your heart upon them." (Psalm 62:10, KJV)
* "He that oppresseth
the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth
to the rich, shall surely come to want." (Proverbs
22:16, KJV)
* "They shall cast
their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be
removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able
to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord:
they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their
bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity."
(Ezekiel 7:19, KJV)
* "And the kings
of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and
the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman,
and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in
the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains
and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of
him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of
the Lamb: For the great
day of his wrath is come;
and who shall be able to stand?" (Revelation 6:15-17,
"Dr. Aurelio Peccei of
the Club of Rome ... advocated that a plague be introduced
that would have the same effect
as the Black Death of history. 'The cure will
be announced as newly developed when,
in fact, it has existed from the beginning."
A Pale Horse ", p. 49, 167]
8. Dr. Fauci could
face the death penalty for his role in financing, creating
and purposely releasing Covid-19!
fraudulent Fauci is found GUILTY of lying about financing,
creating and purposely releasing Covid-19, he could
face the death penalty for treason",
Natural News, May 24, 2021
"Fauci admitted it
all, in his loopy round-a-bout way, that the virus may
not have originated from Nature, and that the United
States DID fund CCP research at Wuhan laboratories with
NIH grants, and Fauci DID sign off on them. He had to
admit it because the paper trails will prove it. Fauci
LIED UNDER OATH during Senate testimony directly in
response to these assertions of treason and mass murder
... "
"So what will Fauci’s
fate be? Will he be tried and found guilty of treason?
Will he get the death penalty for it? Let’s take
a vote on it from all Americans, but this time no mail-in
ballots and no voting machines."
We have learned from the
lack of arrest warrants and trials for the clear and
massive crimes committed by Hillary Clinton and much
of the Obama administration, that there is no Justice
in America anymore.
What kind of Judgment will God
wreak upon America?
"How much she hath
glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment
and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit
a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore
shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning,
and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire:
for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." (Revelation
18:7-8, KJV)
"And the fruits that
thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all
things which were dainty and goodly are departed from
thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all ... For
in one hour so great riches is come to nought."
"And the voice of
harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters,
shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman,
of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in
thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no
more at all in thee; And the light of a candle shall
shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom
and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee:
for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for
by thy sorceries were all nations deceived." (Revelation
18:22-23, KJV)
Dr. Fauci will hear from Jesus' lips at the White Throne
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