1. America's Christian
Churches and her pastors, have drifted so far from the
Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that Biblical values
have been turned upside down. Evil is now called good
and good evil.
"Pole dancers
for Jesus" is now a reality!
2. After losing
58,000 soldiers in the 13-Year Vietnam War, this American
President releases the Arms Embargo against the current
Vietnam government.
How can this type
of betrayal of those men who sacrificed it all for a
cause not meant to be won, occur? The answer may surprise
3. Donald Trump
is said to be destroying the Republican Party with his
rhetoric and his style.
Bernie Sanders
seems to be doing the same thing to the Democrat Party.
Dr. Dennis Cuddy
sums up this situation succinctly: this is the year
when the Global Elite destroys the center -- the core
-- of each major party.
Supernation #1 is planned
to be formed by the next President! Will Hillary's pledge
spark political volcanic explosions in the Presidential
campaign, giving Donald Trump enormous advantage! Will
Trump ride forth to save America on his brave white
Chris Pinto reveals
that Hillary Clinton is a channeler of spirits on the level
of Aleister Crowley, Adolf Hitler, and Madame Blavatsky
(House of Theosophy)!
2 - ARE
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
New DVD by Mac Dominick
The control of the earth that Adam transferred
to Satan is documented in Heaven in the form of a Title
Deed of the Earth. As we take up our study in Revelation
chapter 5, we are given by God in this inspired account
the details of the exercising of this title deed. As with
any deed that is held by a lienholder, payment for the property
will eventually come due. In Disc 2 and following, we become
witnesses to this payment and the judgment for the abuse
of said property by those who were entrusted with its care.
The Book with Seven Seals, a seven-sealed scroll, is this
very title deed, and as the Lord Jesus Christ breaks each
of these seals, the demand for payment is executed.
Disc 2 details the breaking of the first four of the seven
seals, and with the breaking of each of these seals, the
lien-holder (God) allows the empowerment of Satan and his
minions their opportunity to exercise their will over the
earth and mankind. The manifestation of the will of Satan
is illustrated as 4 horsemen who are loosed and empowered
to work their evil will over the planet earth and its inhabitants.
The results are both tragic and devastating:
• Satan will install his man to rule the earth over
a one-world government
• This ruler will deceive the Jews into believing
he is their long-awaited Messiah and the savior of the world
by instituting world peace.
• However, because this is a false peace, war will
break out that reveals the evil that controls the planet.
• Subsequently, there will be famine, pestilence,
and death to more than one-third of the earth’s inhabitants
• Finally, the world ruler will declare war on the
Jews and set up his image in a rebuilt Jewish Temple.
Disc 2 will detail this account, establish
its credibility with prerequisites that show exactly how
these events can and will take place, and prepare the viewer
for the breaking of the remaining seals that initiate the
wrath of Almighty God upon the earth dwellers.
Disc 2 includes answers to the following questions:
• Who is Antichrist, and where will he originate?
• Will the Antichrist be a Muslim as many Evangelicals
now teach?
• Will Israel declare war on her Arab neighbors, and
finally live in peace and safety?
• Is Russia a threat to Israel, and what does Scripture
teach concerning this?
• How will the Jews realize that Antichrist is not
their Messiah but rather, evil incarnate?
'Jesus' Warning To His 7 Churches', New DVD by Mac Dominick
of Cutting Edge Films
are going to examine in this series areas which no other
teacher has even addressed, but you should expect this kind
of in-depth valuable information from Cutting Edge Ministries!
Jesus wrote this prophetic book through John the Apostle,
7 Christian Churches in Asia Minor
7 Prophetic Seals
7 Trumpet Judgments
7 Histories (Persons)
7 Bowls (Vials)
7 Judgments (Dooms)
7 New Things
Since God considers the number Seven
as His Perfect Number, we can see that God is offering
a final prophetic book which consists of 7 subjects, each
of which contains 7 events. A Divinely Perfect Book in
all ways!
We are living in an age in which the question,
Is there any hope for mankind? seems to become more
relevant with each passing hour. Every waking hour is
filled with reports of a new crisis, new disasters, new
terror threats, and the realization that the fate of all
of mankind is spinning out of control.
Additionally, this generation is facing
more onslaughts of pure evil than has ever been witnessed
in the entire history of man. As we search for answers,
we must realize that God has given us a guidebook to prepare
us for the future, and that guidebook is none other than
the last book of the BibleThe Book of Revelation.
While there have been any who have taught
and studied this book, most who teach it either teach
it out of the context of the balance of the Word of God
or fail to ask the hard questions surrounding the prophecies
in this book. We at Cutting Edge Ministries are presenting
this series to provide answers to not only the mysteries
of this book, but also to deal with difficult subjects
and answer the hard questions.
A few of the points we will cover in Volume
1 include:
The Rapture of the Church true or false?
Will the Antichrist be Islamic?
How do we understand Islamic eschatology?
Who is ISIS, and will ISIS conquer
the Middle East?
What is the true bloodline of the Antichrist?
What is the fate of Russia?
How can the stars fall to earth from
Was there any prophetic significance
to Nazi Germany?
Can we find the USA in the Book of
We will teach the book in a survey format
that will mingle a traditional, contextual approach
to the book with a digression to apply these teachings
and prophecies to cover the influence (or lack of influence)
of the events we see taking place right before our eyes.
1. America's Christian
Churches and her pastors, have drifted so far from the Truth
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that Biblical values have
been turned upside down. Evil is now called good and good
"Women in Texas aren't
pole-dancing for tips. They're pole-dancing for Jesus."
The Apostle Paul sternly warned
that Christians are not to mix the things of Jesus with
the abominable things of Baal (the chief of Satan's demons).
"Be ye not unequally
yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath
righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath
light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial?
or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?"
(2 Cor 6:14-15)
When a woman is pole-dancing,
she is simulating sex. The pole is the phallus and she is
simulating sex with a man. She is also nude or nearly so,
thus inflaming the sin of adultery in the mind and the heart
of a man. Jesus made it quite clear that looking lustily
upon a woman is adultery.
"But I say unto you,
That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath
committed adultery with her already in his heart."
(Matthew 5:28)
Therefore, the entire public
sex industry is designed to encourage men to commit adultery,
in their inner heart. How serious is this type of sin?
"And if thy right eye
offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it
is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish,
and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell."
(Matthew 5:29)
And when one sin -- simulating
public sex on a pole -- is mixed with another sin -- looking
with lust upon a woman -- God is especially angered. But,
when supposed believers in Jesus do these things, an entire
nation is set up for His judgment.
As we return to our featured
article, we recognize that these church ladies learning
pole dancing in this instance are not nude, nor are they
performing simulated sex in front of men. But, they are
helping erase a line of morality which defines what is acceptable
and what is not. Later, undiscerning women may not see the
difference, thinking the Bible condones simulated sex in
front of men.
"In a dance studio in
the town of Spring, outside of Houston, women are taking
on the now-popular fitness trend of stripper aerobics –
but instead of moving to a pulsing beat, they're grinding
along to Christian music. "
What kind of Christian music
is she using? Not the old fashioned revival music, for sure.
" 'Pole Fitness for Jesus'
was the brainchild of Crystal Deans, the owner and class
instructor at of Best Shape of Your Life. Deans, a former
'dancer', told MyFox in Houston that she quit the pole-dancing
business years ago ... 'We do the upbeat contemporary Christian
music because people have to bring their church program
to get into the class, so we basically are just continuing
the whole worship thing here', she said."
Discerning Christians understand
that "Contemporary Christian Music" is simply
the old Voodoo beat with christian lyrics. Therefore, it
is not acceptable to use this kind of music in a christian
fitness class.
And, I cannot fathom God being
pleased by this mixture of christian worship and dancing
to the devil's beat. The Bible makes it quite clear that
there is an acceptable way in which to worship Him and there
is an unacceptable way.
"Pole dancing for Jesus"
is mixing Baal and Jesus and is unacceptable to a "Thrice
Holy God". Where will this all end? Probably taking
this pole dancing exercise class into the church! At that
point, the christian church may one day see the parishioners
having sex in the sanctuary -- thinking they are worshipping
Jesus -- just as they always have done in the Temples of
BOOK: The Apostle Paul stated that one of
the signs of the End of the Age is the complete apostasy
of Christian Church. Texe Marrs abundantly proves that the
current beliefs and actions of churches now fulfills this
End of the Age prophecy, without any reasonable doubt.
These unbelievable pastors run our largest churches. They
are seen by tens of millions on TV. Yet, they are preaching
and doing the most horrific thingsand their churches are
growing fast.
Surely, the Devil and his
demons are laughing and cheering as those pastors go wild,
make fools of themselves, and lead entire congregations
down pathways straight to hell!
Some examples of clearly sinful,
but popular, actions now occurring in our churches: 1) Lesbian
theologian encourages prayer to 'Saint Uncumber, a bearded
female saint'.
2) Naked pastor preaches to all nude church.
3) Minister resigns from Episcopal Church, says hes 'fleeing
the madhouse'.
4) Pastor claims Jesus Christ visited him dressed as a fireman.
5) Attractive Hookers for Jesus dress in sexy pink tops
and hand out religious tracts.
2. After losing 58,000
soldiers in the 13-Year Vietnam War, this American President
releases the Arms Embargo against the current Vietnam government.
How can this type
of betrayal of those men who sacrificed it all for a cause
not meant to be won, occur? The answer may surprise you.
lifts arms embargo on Vietnam: Its former enemy is now
a bulwark against the threat of China", by
Kelly McParland, National Post (Canada), May 24, 2016
"U.S. President Barack
Obama arrived in Vietnam Monday for a visit he says has
nothing to do with China’s expansionist ambitions
in the region. He announced that, 40 years after the humiliating
end of the Vietnam War, Washington would lift its arms embargo
and sell its former enemies a full range of U.S. weaponry."
I felt an instant burn in
my heart when I read this news flash. I served in US Army
Intelligence during the 13-year Vietnam War, I have agonized
over the 58,000 men who gave their "full measure of
devotion", only to have that sacrifice washed down
the drain when South Vietnam collapsed.
Now, this President, Barack
Hussein Obama, is selling military equipment to the Communist
Vietnam Government! That whirring sound you hear ringing
in your ears is the sound of all our slain soldiers turning
over in their graves.
Why is this President now
lifting the arms embargo against Vietnam? He is taking this
action because of the very same reason he lifted economic
restrictions against Communist Cuba a few weeks ago.
As we report in our DVD, "The
Prophetic Beast Arises: The Ten Toes of Daniel Are Forming"
-- shown above -- the most important force
in the world today is the Illuminati's Plan to reorganize
all nations of the world into exactly 10 Supernations! The
prophecy in Daniel 2:40-45, 7:7-9 and Revelation 17:12,
17 is not only occurring in the world today, but is the
most powerful and most sweeping of all forces driving world
events today.
Today, Vietnam is a member
of Supernation #9, Southeast Asia, also known as ASEAN!
This dynamic supernation is nearing completion and is an
economic dynamo. We provide all the relevant statistics
in this DVD, and you will be amazed!
The time has come all over
the world to "bring the outlaws in from the cold"!
The sins of outlaw nations are gradually being forgiven
and these nations are being incorporated into the global
community of nations.
As soon as the planned 10-Nation
Reorganization is completed, Daniel 7:7-8 reveals that Antichrist
can arise. Therefore, we can look with interest and with
gathering expectation when one of these former Outlaw Nations
is drawn back in to the Global Community.
Then can be fulfilled this
"And I saw when the Lamb
opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise
of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on
him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went
forth conquering, and to conquer." (Revelation 6:1-2)
Donald Trump is said to be destroying the Republican Party
with his rhetoric and his style.
Bernie Sanders seems
to be doing the same thing to the Democrat Party.
Dr. Dennis Cuddy sums
up this situation succinctly: this is the year when the
Global Elite destroys the center -- the core -- of each
major party.
Reich: Trump’s ‘Anti-Politics’ Resonating
with Ordinary Americans", Breitbart News,
23 May 2016
"Robert Reich shares
the stories of a handful of regular Americans who are supporting
Donald Trump — and warns that the brash billionaire
could win November’s general election. Throughout
the Republican primaries, pundits and pollsters repeatedly
told us he’d peaked, that his most recent outrageous
statement was his downfall, that he was viewed as so unlikeable
he didn’t stand a chance of getting the nomination.
But in my travels around the country,
I’ve found many who support him precisely because
of the qualities he’s being criticized for having."
Donald Trump may be brash
and vulgar, but he is saying things that so many Americans
have felt for the past 40 years. No politician of any stature
has ever made a stand on the issues near and dear to the
hearts of Conservatives all over this land, "from sea
to shining sea"!
People may disagree with how
vulgar he can be when saying some things, but at least he
is saying them and that a lot better than ignoring these
issues altogether, like all the other politicians in this
formerly great land.
"Americans who feel like
they’re being screwed are attracted to an authoritarian
bully – a strongman who will kick ass. The former
reality TV star who repeatedly told contestants they were
“fired!” appears tough and confrontational enough
to take on powerful vested interests."
Trump is pulling the center
of the Establishment Republican Party to pieces. But, is
that such a bad thing to happen? After all the leadership
of the Establishment GOP are the Rockefeller Republicans
we call RINO (Republican In Name Only). If the traditional
GOP center has to be pulled apart in order that someone
like Trump can put it back together in a way which conforms
to our Conservative values, that may turn out for the good
of the Conservative majority!
Do you realize that Bernie
Sanders is doing the same thing to the Establishment Democrat
Sanders arose to challenge
the Establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton. Hillary had
established herself as the "Center-Left" candidate.
Since the Democrat Party has no credible "Right-Wing",
only the Far Left of the political spectrum remained.
And from that Far Left, Bernie
Sanders arose.
Just as millions of Conservative
voters are extremely frustrated, believing that no one is
truly watching out for their values, so millions of Liberal
voters feel the same way. They do not consider Hillary a
true Leftist. They reject Hillary because:
* $he is too far into the
deep pocketbooks of Wall Street companies. In 2013, she
and husband Bill were given over $50 million for "speaking
fees" from a variety of fat-cat Wall Street companies.
This level of income goes far beyond compensating a speaker
for their time and speech and goes to the level of buying
their loyalty once they are in office.
* The genuine poor who are
always looking out for the next government handout cannot
relate to the Fat Cat Clintons.
* Working Class Union members
likewise cannot possibly relate to someone who rakes in
so much money, yet who vows to "shut down coal"
pretending to be interested in the plight of the little
* Radical Feminists are up
in arms over the reality that Hillary protected her husband's
sexual exploits while he was in the White House to the point
of bringing pressure upon his poor sexual victims!
Hillary has shown zero compassion
toward Bill's rape and molestation victims; therefore, she
is being vigorously attacked by the very constituency which
should be her strongest ally -- the Radical Feminist. Nothing
gets one of these ladies more upset than seeing a wife protecting
a husband who is clearly a sexual predator.
Therefore, Bernie Sanders
is pulling apart the Democrat Party Middle, just as Donald
Trump is pulling apart the Republican Part Middle. Dr. Dennis
Cuddy believes the Elite selected this election, this year,
as the most opportune time to pull apart the middle of each
major Party.
As the symbol to the right
indicates the Freemason Fraternity has always planned to
create their new value system by first sowing disorder,
dissent and chaos. Their motto is "Order Out of Chaos".
For this reason, the Global Elite has started wars and insurrections
that will create the new Order out of the disorder they
have just created.
For example, out of the chaos
and disorder of World Wars I and II, the Elite finally realized
their dream of a United Nations! Out of the chaos sown by
these world wars, the Elite was able to create their "infant"
One World Government. When their Masonic Messiah -- Antichrist
-- arises he will seize control of the United Nations!
Likewise, the Illuminati plans
to create chaos out of their destruction of the Democrat
and Republican Establishment Parties, for out of this destruction,
they will bring about much of what they want, like the formation
of Supernation #1, the North American Union.
What was proving to be impossible
with the Establishment Parties in power will prove to be
possible once they are gone and replaced with a splintered
party system in place!
Doubt it not.
Brand New DVD From
Pastor Billy Crone
Religions, Volume 3: Islam, Religion of War or Peace?"
Islam vigorously defends
itself as a 'Religion of Peace', even though today it is
the most bloody religion on Earth. Is Islam peaceful, has
it just been taken over by 'radical extremists'?
Pastor Billy Crone
uniquely examines Islam according to these points:
The Hidden History
and Behavior of Muhammad
The Untold Practices and Beliefs of Modern Day Muslims
The Dangerous Global Islamic Invasion
The Islamization of American Courts, Schools & Media
The Lie of Chrislam in the Church
How Best to Witness to a Muslim
Is Barack Hussein Obama a Muslim?
Filled with heart, humor, and wit,
'War Room' follows Tony and Elizabeth, a couple who seemingly
have it all---good jobs, a beautiful daughter, and their
dream home.
But their appearances are deceiving:
Tony relishes in his professional success and flirts with
temptation, while Elizabeth resigns herself to increasing
bitterness. Their marriage is on the verge of
crumbling until their lives take an
unexpected turn. When Elizabeth meets Miss Clara, she challenges
Elizabeth to create a battle plan of prayer for her family
by establishing a 'war room'.
This new film from the Kendrick brothers
is a vivid reminder that prayer is powerful weapon.
'War Room' is a terrific movie, gripping
and inspiring! It has that dynamic mix of good acting, an
interesting storyline, and humor tossed in at the right
During this week, we ask
you to help Cutting Edge Ministries. To protect
our independence, we'll never run outside advertising
on our site. We're sustained by donations and Bookstore
sales, both of which are declining. Only a tiny
portion of our readers give, only about 2%. If everyone
reading this right now gave $3, our fundraiser would
be done within an hour.
right, the price of a cup of coffee is all we need.
We're a small non-profit with costs of a top website:
servers, staff, studio expenses and programs. We
believe everyone should have access to free knowledge,
without restriction or limitation. If Cutting Edge
is useful to you, please take one minute to keep
us online and reaching out to over 100,000 people
a year with the Plan of Salvation.
We have tried to make supporting
Cutting Edge Ministry easy and convenient, with
our green "Donation Button".
May Jesus Richly Bless You. David Bay,
Final Phase of Mankind Is Here"
DVD by Defender
This film is not fiction or a mockudrama
but a new investigative documentary from the internationally
acclaimed team at SkyWatch TV. INHUMAN travels the globe
to unveil for the first time how breakthrough advances
in science, technology, and philosophy - including cybernetics,
bioengineering, nanotechnology,machine intelligence, and
synthetic biology - are
poised to create mind- boggling game-changes
to everything we have known until now about Homosapiens.
As astonishing technological developments push the frontiers
of humanity towards far-reaching morphological transformation
(which promises in the very near future to redefine what
it means to be human), an intellectual and fast-growing
cultural movement known as transhumanism intends the use
of these powerful new fields of science and technology
as tools that will radically redesign our minds, our memories,
our physiology, our offspring, and even perhaps-as Professor
Joel Garreau, Lincoln Professor of Law, claims- our immortal
Certainly, the Global Elite wants desperately
to end biological death and to defeat God's plans for
our souls.
As viewers will learn, this includes rewriting
human genetics, combining human and animal DNA, and interfacing
our brains with strong artificial intelligence systems.
As a result, new modes of perception between things visible
and invisible are expected to challenge bioethics in ways
that are historically, sociologically and theologically
The destiny of each individual - as well
as the future of their families - depends on their knowledge
of this new paradigm, an extraordinary time in the earth's
history already being called the "Hybrid Age".
3 Hours long, 2-Disc Set - Only
As the Apostle John wrote 'Amen! Come quickly,
Lord Jesus'
As Jesus promised, 'When ye see these things
come to pass, look up, for your Redemption draweth nigh'!
Churches Are Ignoring"
DVD Combo by David
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Why are so many pastors so reluctant to teach
prophecy? Why are so many pastors even more reluctant to
teach how current events are uniquely fulfilling End of
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Cutting Edge Director, David Bay, teaches
six hard- hitting lessons on six unique End Times instances
where events are fulfilling prophecy, but no one is talking
about it. Five hot topics on three discs.
1) Israel's Prophesied Triumph over
the Palestinians
2) Russian Bear Poised To Strike Israel
3) 'Masons In The Pulpit'
4) World War III: History's Greatest
Lynchpin Event
5) Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ
Each message is followed by a complete Salvation
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Prophecies a Collection by David Bay- DVD Combo - Volume
1 which contains 3 DVDs with our first six programs.
Here are the six hot topics:
• The Prophetic Beast Arises: Ten Toes of Daniel
Are Forming
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• Eternal Security: God's Anchor In A Brutal Storm
• End Times' Judgment On Iraq - Worse Than Believed
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• Israel's Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians
• America Identified In Prophecy: Economic Babylon
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