Wednesday 5/24/2017
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To 75% Savings On Some Items

20% off the
entire Bookstore through
Midnight, Monday, May 29th, 2017
Just type in the
code ' M2017'. This smashing sale takes 20% off everything,
even items already on sale!!! Total Discounts Are Up
to 70% off on many items.
1) We have cut
prices on numerous items in the Bookstore -- Special
Offers -- plus Big Savings on Closeouts/Sale Items,
Combination Offers, DVD Specials, plus our $4.99 and
$9.99 categories. These price point categories offer
a special opportunity for great savings!
The $4.99 category
has items regularly up to $24.99, that are only $3.99
with this sale. In the $9.99 category, some items are
regularly up to $29.99, for only $7.99 with this sale.
2) This additional
20% off reduces the price of items already on sale by
another 20%.
Adding all these
already reduced categories, you can take an additional
20% off! Total savings reach as high as 70%!
News Headlines
1. The Islamic
terror attack on Manchester Arena after a concert by
Ariana carries four (4) numeric signatures of '22'!
Since '11' and
multiplications thereof, are numeric signatures of Antichrist,
this attack carries an Occult Signature!
2. North Korea
successfully tested a ballistic missile which will allow
them to attack targets on the American East Coast.
World War III
fears skyrocketed instantly!
3. Globalist Mark
Zuckerberg proclaims that a "Global Superstructure"
is absolutely required if "Humanity" is to
be "Advanced"!
Despite Great
Britain's vote against the E.U., and despite American
President Trump rhetorically repudiating global organizations,
the drive to the New World Order continues by other
After all, the
major objective of the planned World War III -- Middle
East and Korean Peninsula -- is to so frighten the peoples
of the world into believing National Sovereignty must
be abolished and a new global structure established!

Watchman Chronicles"
Roswell Insider Speaks Out For the 1st Time!
by L.A. Marzulli
After spending
the last 10 years co-creating the well-known Watchers
DVD Series, L.A. Marzulli is off on another mission.
Hes launched a new project called 'The Watchman Chronicles',
a continuing look into the supernatural, UFOs, the Nephilim,
and the ongoing hunt for ancient artifacts.
On this DVD in
the new Watchman Chronicles series you will see and
hear from real people who have had real UFO encounters.
Some of the encounters are absolutely chilling.
The highlight
of the DVD is the interview with a Roswell insider who
breaks the silence and spills a few more of the alien
beans! Spectacular! Where does L.A. find these people?
Then theres live video footage of a UFO that was captured
on a cell phone that lasts for over 3 minutes! This
unknown object changes shape, color and pretty much
puts on a show for the audience! The dark side is real.
UFOs are real.
Shipping now -
Run Time 1 hr 37 minutes -- Only $19.99 http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2773
Volume 6, From The Millennial Kingdom to Eternity"
Mac Dominick, Cutting Edge Films - Final Volume in this
ALL!! This video examines Rev 19-22, a most exciting
and impactful chapter as Jesus Christ speedily concludes
His dealing with wicked, sinful mankind, preparing the
world for the purity required for his Millennial (1,000
Year) Reign!
Jesus begins this
final segment with His holy angels proclaiming ' Alleluia;
Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the
Lord our God' and concluding with Jesus proclaiming
to John 'Surely I come quickly'!
During these four
chapters, Jesus consummates His 'Marriage Supper of
the Lamb', His final judgment - the 'White Throne Judgment'
- seizing Satan and binding him and his demons for Jesus'
1,000 year reign, the final battles as Jesus releases
Satan for a short while, and the New Heaven / New Earth,
and the glorious beginning of Eternity!
A triumphant wrap-up
to a glorious book in which Jesus purifies Earth of
its sinners and their sin so that He can begin the Eternal
reign which He planned far back in Eternity Past.
1 Hour, 15 Minutes,
Only $19.99
of Babylon, Capital Of The New World Order"
Volume 5 - DVD 
by Mac Dominick
of Cutting Edge Films
the trailer now.
Runtime 93 minutes http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2765
For more information
and trailers on the DVDs individually select the front
cover in which you are interested, below:

Offer is Available, Volumes 1-4: You save $16
News Analysis
1. The Islamic
terror attack on Manchester Arena after a concert by
Ariana carries four (4) numeric signatures of '22'!
The date of the
attack, May 22; timing was 02:21; number of people killed,
22; Islamic terrorist is 22 years old!
What is the significance
of this attack being carried out according to Illuminati
sacred numbers? To understand this significance, we
must go back to our original article following the attacks
of 9/11/2001, where the attack was carried out by 18
instances of '11' (Read NEWS1756,
entitled, "9/11/2001 Attacks
Occur "By The Numbers" -- Sacred Occult Numbers").
We need to quickly review
the reason that this number is so special to the Illuminati.
Let us briefly study the foundational, underlying use
of this special number. To properly understand, you
need to understand that the occultist literally fulfills
Paul's explanation of a pagan, of a satanist, in Romans
1:25, "... they exchanged the truth of
God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature
rather than the Creator ..."
Thus, many of the idols
of the past pagan societies have been formed in the
likeness of fish, birds, animals, the Sun, the Moon,
and the Stars. However, occultists also worship
science and the mathematics underlying science. They
literally believe that numbers possess inherent power,
all their own.
Satanists believe that
a carefully planned event must be carried out according
to the correct numbers, or it may not be successful.
They go to great lengths to make an event occur according
to the correct numbers. As Wescott explains, "...
so 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful,
and imperfect." [Ibid., p. 100] Thus, while 11
is very important, multiplication's are also important,
such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99.
In researching NEWS1756,
we discovered that the attacks of 9/11/2001, had 18
identifiable instances of '11' being the fundamental
number! Occultists love the number '18', because it
is formed by adding 6+6+6, or '666'.
Since '11' and
multiplications thereof, are numeric signatures of Antichrist,
this attack carries an Occult Signature!
The London terror attack
occurred with a '777' numerical occult signature (Read
full details in NEWS2054,
entitled, "LONDON
Since the Illuminati is
still boldly pursuing their "New World Order",
the "Kingdom of the Masonic Christ", they
are still launching attacks to destabilize the Old Order
so it can be knocked down by their planned World War
III, they are carrying out these attacks according to
sacred occult numbers!
Look for the "Occult
2. North Korea
successfully tested a ballistic missile which will allow
them to attack targets on the American East Coast.
Korea, if left unchecked, on 'inevitable' path to nuclear
ICBM - U.S. Intelligence", Yahoo News,
May 23, 2017
- North Korea, if left unchecked, is on an 'inevitable'
path to obtaining a nuclear-armed missile capable of
striking the United States, Defence Intelligence Agency
Director Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart told a Senate
hearing on Tuesday."
Please note that this
intelligence report is following the same tired propaganda
lie which allowed President George W. Bush to invade
Iraq. American intelligence repeatedly warned that Saddam
Hussein was pursuing a nuclear warhead capability, plus
the missiles with which to deliver them.
Iraqi scientists were
said to be "close to" gaining this fearsome
capability and will "inevitably" succeed unless
Western military forces intervened to stop this military
madman! Two years after invading Iraq, we realized that
Bush and Powell and Rice and Cheney had been lying to
us all along. Saddam Hussein stopped his nuclear warhead
research in 1994. under pressure from President Bill
American and Israeli intelligence
also used this tired propaganda concept against Iran.
Read full details in NEWS2106,
entitled, "OH, NO!
posted in 2016.
And, now, since 1994,
this same propaganda campaign has been used against
North Korea. Why not? People the world over have been
duped by this lie, so why change now?
But, the North Koreans
actually do have operable nuclear warheads, since they
inherited Soviet Union uranium factories located on
North Korean soil once the old U.S.S.R. collapsed! (Read
full details in NEWS2138,
entitled, "Korean
Peninsula Nuclear Confrontation Plan Is Still On Track
And Hot!", posted in 2006.
World War III
fears skyrocketed instantly!
Korea's Latest Missile Test Brings Us One Step Closer
To WWIII, Zero Hedge, May 24, 2017
"As time goes on,
North Korea’s nuclear program is making war with
the United States more and more likely ... we’re
on a terrible path that no one knows how to escape from
... Perhaps the only thing that’s preventing a
war from breaking out right now, is the fact that North
Korea doesn’t have an effective way to deliver
a nuke, nor have they been making much progress in that
arena. It seems like every time they test a long range
missile, it fails spectacularly. So long as that state
of affairs continues, war can be averted."
"Unfortunately, North
Korea’s missile program has just made a huge leap.
On Sunday they tested a new missile that was arguably
far more effective than anything they’ve ever
launched before. A Hwasong-12, a new medium long-range
surface-to-surface missile, was launched from Kusong
early Sunday morning. The missile flew roughly 430 miles,
but the weapon was intentionally lofted. Analysts suspect
the missile could potentially hit targets 2,800 miles
away if fired along a standard trajectory."
"In other words,
the missile was launched with a steep arc, as a opposed
to a relatively flat trajectory. This was done so that
the missile could be tested without launching it over
any neighboring countries. Most experts believe that
if the missile had been given a flatter trajectory,
it could have reached American military assets throughout
much of the Pacific."
"Is it any wonder
why North Korea is the perfect trigger for World War
"Unless one side
of this fight backs down, World War 3 is inevitable."
What does the Illuminati
Plan -- published in 1981 -- say about this Korean War?
Script is now written ... A hair-raising nuclear confrontation
in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten
man's very survival." [Peter Lemesurier,
"The Armageddon Script", p. 223]
To fulfill the last phrase
"threaten man's very survival" strongly suggests
that nuclear warheads are going to be successfully delivered
to enough targets, causing enough destruction and loss
of life, that every person on Earth will be sent into
possible panic.
Are you spiritually ready?
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior,
but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with
Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness
and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and
fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then,
you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal
Bible Study.
If you have never accepted
Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His
reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want
to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also
do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept
Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are
as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then,
you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist
will not touch you spiritually.
If you would like to become
Born Again, turn to our Salvation
Plan now.
3. Globalist Mark
Zuckerberg proclaims that a "Global Superstructure"
is absolutely required if "Humanity" is to
be "Advanced"!
Zuckerberg Says We Need a ‘Global Superstructure
to Advance Humanity’, " End
Times Headlines, May 23, 2017
"Facebook founder
Mark Zuckerberg stated his belief that the world is
in need of a 'global superstructure' ... In an article
titled 'Can Facebook Fix It’s Own Worst Bug?'
author Farhad Manjoo poses the question, 'Mark Zuckerberg
now acknowledges the dangerous side of the social revolution
he helped start. But is the most powerful tool for connection
in human history capable of adapting to the world it
"At one point, Zuckerberg
discussed the need for the development of social infrastructure
in order for humanity to 'get to the next level. There’s
a social infrastructure that needs to get built for
modern problems in order for humanity to get to the
next level', he stated."
What on Earth is this
"next level" for humanity?

It is a teaching in advanced
Illuminized Freemasonry, and around this concept, the
Kingdom of Antichrist will build its foundation. The
key to understanding lies in a knowledge of the spiritual
beliefs of the Occult. They believe that man is to be
spiritually "perfected" by undergoing the
process of "Illumination" by achieving a long,
arduous study of "Hidden (Occult) Truth".
Once a man is totally
perfected, he is pictured as standing "upright"
next to, but uncontrolled, by his world. This perfected
man is thought of as symbolizing the Number 1, while
the world is pictured as the large circle on the wall,
otherwise known as a zero (0). Thus, the
number 10 forms this picture of perfected man standing
apart from his world. Thus, the number 10 is a very
important symbolic number to the occultist. ("Magic
Symbols", Frederick Goodman, Brian Todd Publishing
House, London, 1989, p. 46-47; emphasis added). Listen
to the exact explanation from Goodman:
"A similar use of
spiritual 'space' may be seen in the significance of
the number 10, which, as a symbol, consists of a vertical
line facing a circle. In simple terms, represents the
notion of an upright man standing before the spiritual
world (the circle). "
In other words, a Perfected
Man does not need any support from the world, as symbolized
by the circle. The Number '10' thus depicts the Perfect
Man -- the One -- as he stands strong and proud by the
world -- the ZERO.
1 0 or 10 is very powerful
to the occultist. Now can you understand how Satan has
convinced those human leaders to consider the number
"10" to be most sacred. The map below shows
the ultimate political reorganization of all the world
's nations into only 10 Supernations.

Great Britain's vote against the E.U., and despite American
President Trump rhetorically repudiating global organizations,
the drive to the New World Order continues by other
After all, the
major objective of the planned World War III -- Middle
East and Korean Peninsula -- is to so frighten the peoples
of the world into believing National Sovereignty must
be abolished and a new global structure established!
Once successfully completed,
this plan will fulfill prophecies in Daniel 7:7-8 and
Revelation 17:12, 16-17!
Now, you "know the
REST of the story"!
Coming Convergence" DVD
- Dynamic Prophetic Message Whose Time Has Come
Jesus boldly proclaimed
that one of the major prophetic signs that His return
was close was CONVERGENCE, "when you see these
signs, lift up your heads, for your Redemption draweth
nigh" (Luke 21:22) Jesus' second coming was also
compared to a woman's labor pains, which converge at
the end to give birth to the baby. Likewise, we are
to expect a 'convergence' of prophetic labor pains just
before Jesus returns. That 'convergence' is upon us
Jesus chastised
religious leaders in the first century for not knowing
the time of His arrival. Will we make the same mistake
today? Christ stated how His second coming would be
preceded by global events signifying the end of our
age. We may not know the day or the hour, but we can
know the season!
The Coming Convergence
also pulls you deeper into the reality of an approaching
apocalypse as you follow the story of a young girl that
is living through the end of days. Her words of warning
are a wakeup call to the horrors mankind will soon face.
The conclusions of The Coming Convergence explain how
the scenarios described within Revelation are converging
before our very eyes.
This documentary-film
features Kade Hawkins, Ray Bentley, Douglas Hamp, Tom
Hughes, Brent Miller Sr and Jack Hibbs!

We truly need your support
now to continue reaching the lost.
not believe that, because Donald Trump has become
President, Christians do not need to feel an urgency
to reach the lost for Jesus Christ. Trump is going
to fulfill some critically important prophecies
during the next four years.
In fact, we have just introduced
our first DVD which details how Trump is going
to led America to the prosperity foretold in Revelation
18:7 --
"A Tale of Two Babylons: President Trump's
Appointment With 'Destiny".
We are also introducing
new DVD's and Books, whose purpose is to educate
you and inform you of current news in light of
End Times prophecy. We need your support in the
We're a small non-profit
with costs of a top website: servers, staff, studio
expenses and programs. We believe everyone should
have access to free knowledge, without restriction
or limitation. If Cutting Edge is useful to you,
please take one minute to keep us online and to
keep us reaching out to over 75,000 people a year
with the Plan of Salvation.
If the Lord has blessed
you this year, and if you value the special prophetic
viewpoint which Cutting Edge provides, please
favor us now with a special gift. Just click on
the green button and follow the prompts.
We have tried to make supporting
Cutting Edge Ministry easy and convenient, with
our green "Donation Button". 
May Jesus Richly Bless You. David Bay,
Director |
Shipping NOW!!!
Tale of Two Babylons DVD: Trump's Prophetic Appointment
With 'Destiny' "

Cutting Edge Director, David Bay -- Only $19.99
The Bible mentions the
name 'Babylon' 264 times in the KJV. Today, many Christians
are confused about references in prophetic passages
which use Babylon in seemingly difference ways. When
a Christian tries to shoe-horn one definition into all
references to Babylon he / she is unnecessarily confused.
In our study of 'A Tale of Two Babylons', we are going
to demonstrate that prophetic literature speaks of God's
judgment on one physical nation 'Babylon' (Judged in
Isaiah 13) and one nation Symbolically called 'Babylon'
( Judged in Revelation 18).
If you understand this
difference, you will properly understand End Times prophecy.
But, if you do not understand the difference between
these 2 Babylons, you will be unnecessarily confused,
and will be open to being mislead on one of the most
important End Times subjects.
Since the confusion begins
with the definition of Babylon, let us begin at there!
Bible scholars recognize that God uses the name Babylon
in two distinct ways. (Quoting from The Free Dictionary
1) "... the capital
of the ancient kingdom Babylonia in Mesopotamia on the
Euphrates. Established as capital c. 1750 bc, rebuilt
in regal splendor by Nebuchadnezzar II after its destruction
(c. 689 bc) by the Assyrians, Babylon was the site of
the Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the
World 2) A city or place of great luxury, sensuality,
and often vice, corruption or a place of captivity or
In this study of 'A Tale
of Two Babylons', we are going to demonstrate that End
Times prophecy speaks of God's judgment on one physical
nation 'Babylon' and one nation Symbolically called
We will also reveal two
major contributions to End Times' prophecy which Donald
J. Trump is poised to fulfill. In fact, Trump may be
the only leader who can fulfill these prophecies in
America today. President Trump does not realize it,
but he has 'An Appointment With Destiny', a favorite
term uttered many times by 33rd Degree Masonic President,
Franklin Roosevelt, referring to the New Age / Masonic
Messiah, whom the Bible calls Antichrist.
1 hour 37 minutes run
- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2768
Headline News Articles 
Shack' Movie Presents A Spiritual Danger Which Shall
Introduce You To Satanism While Taking Your Breath Away
MK Ultra Mind
Control Manuals
by Former Satanist,
Cisco Wheeler


The official
trailer contains colors and filters which creates a
look and feel of the 'Wizard of Oz', which introduced
hundreds of millions to the Black Magick world of the
House of Theosophy, and created a most important "Mind
Trigger" for the Master MK Mind Controller.
Just as "Wizard
of Oz" movie created a new Mind Control trigger/controller,
so might 'The Shack' today. Antichrist is foretold to
control the minds and actions of most people on Earth.
Did you know it is possible for
entire populations to be mind-controlled without
using super-natural mind control? How much easier would
it be, then, to control entire nations using occult
mind control?