thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will
keep thee from the hour of
temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to
try them that dwell upon the earth." (Revelation
3:10, KJV)
This promise is
the Rapture of the Church, and it occurs before the
Tribulation Period begins in Rev.1:1.
This truth is
set forth in the words, "keep thee from the hour"!
To keep us from the time period, Jesus will have to
snatch us out of this dimension!
Praise God to
His Holy Hill.
Beginning of Prophecy
in a Jewish home with a deep hunger for understanding,
Messianic Rabbi Eric Walker searched for the answer
as to why Genesis 3:15 was never addressed in the Tenach
(Hebrew Bible). It became a lifelong passion in his
search for the real truth as he came to the Lord at
age forty-five.
• Learn how God's first prophecy impacts every chapter of Scripture
• See how Satan's plan to eliminate the Jews would have catastrophic consequences
• Recognize how insidious and pervasive Satan's agenda has invaded every sphere of influence
• Have the scales fall from your eyes and see how history has chronicled the adversary's every move and no one saw it
• Be empowered by the Holy Spirit to play an important part in defeating this diabolical agenda
• Be compelled to make choices like you have never had to make before ·
YOUR SALVATION DEPENDS on your understanding of this Prophecy that only comes to an end in Revelation 22.
"Every now and then one has the rare opportunity to hear something that not only captures the heart but stretches the understanding as well. Rabbi Eric Walker, my dear friend and brilliant scholar, has offered us such an opportunity. In his new book, 3:15 - The Genesis of All Prophecy, we hear the prophecy God spoke in the beginning and intends to fulfill despite Satan's destructive agenda. We are taken on a journey following the biblical and historical thread of the first prophecy in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation , from a Jewish understanding, all along having our previous paradigms sifted, stretched, and shifted. It is a marvelous work. The Genesis of All Prophecy exposes antisemitism as Satan's agenda in a way most of us have never heard. The book is prophetic, insightful, convicting, and heart rending. I rejoiced, mourned, and contemplated what I was hearing through this exceptional book. In the end, I thanked God for this opportunity to hear the word of the Lord. You will too. This is a book that had to be written, none other like it has ever been written!" Dr. Kim M. Maas, Kim Maas Ministries.
367 pages

News Analysis
1. Are you aware
that the teaching -- that Transgendered Men can get
pregnant and have babies -- fulfills an obscure prophecy?
left thinks that ‘men can get pregnant",
by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Israel365 News, May 16, 2022
"Edinburgh Napier
University in Scotland has reportedly instructed students
studying to become midwives on delivering babies from
'birthing persons' with a penis. This is just the latest
case of lunacy promoted by the left, who claim that
men can get pregnant."
"Can a man
give birth to a child"? (Jeremiah 30:4-8)
I have been familiar with
this passage for at least 60 years, but I discounted
it because is made no sense whatsoever. Let us review
this prophecy in its fulness.
"For thus saith the
Lord; We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and
not of peace. Ask ye now, and
see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore
do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as
a woman in travail ... Alas! for that day is
great, so that none is like it: it is even the
time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved
out of it." (Jeremiah 30:4-8, KJV; Emphasis Added)
I could make no sense
out of the idea that men could actually believe they
could conceive, nourish to full term and then deliver,
a baby. God placed the timing of this prophecy's fulfillment
far into the prophetic future, into the 'time of Jacob's
trouble', which I knew to be during the Seven-Year Tribulation
Antichrist will be on
the throne of the world then, and will be ruling with
a bloody violent hand. Further, this prophecy states
that people will be "trembling, of fear, and not
of peace".
In other words, this stupid
teaching would be contributing to a period of extreme
unease and unhappiness, far into the prophetic future.
Teachings from current
LGBT-Q proponents that transgendered men can deliver
a baby have brought this "far future" phenomenon
into our living rooms!
"The claim that men
can get pregnant has infected western culture and has
manifested itself in various aspects of technology and
entertainment throughout America. " For example:
* "Earlier this year,
Apple released several new emoticons (emojis) as part
of the iOS 15.4 update, one of them being that of a
‘pregnant man.’ "
* "Netflix is streaming
a Japanese program called ‘He’s Expecting,’
which stars a ‘pregnant man.’ "
* "Clavin Klein’s
Mother’s Day ad campaign pandered to the politically
correct by featuring a pregnant transgender man (i.e.,
a biological woman). "
* "The idea of ‘male
pregnancy’ found its way into a recent article
in Medical
News Today that asked, 'Can Men Become
Pregnant?' ... (ended with 'some transgender men and
nonbinary people can [become pregnant]'.”
Medical News Today continues,
"New research in uterine transplants may mean that
male pregnancy could be a possibility in the future,
though ... It is only possible for a person to be pregnant
if they have a uterus. The uterus is the womb, which
is where the fetus develops ... For AMAB people, uterine
transplantation may, in theory, be a possibility, 'Trusted
"A similar article
in Healthline
asked whether men could get pregnant and concluded,
“Yes, it’s possible for men to become pregnant
and give birth to children of their own. In fact, it’s
probably a lot more common than you might think.”
This Jewish author believes
that this prophecy fulfillment is a strong sign that
the approach of the Jewish Messiah (Jesus Christ) is
close at hand.
"Rabbi Yosef Berger,
the rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion,
described the transgender movement as the 'last stage
of idolatry that precedes the Messiah'.”
“ 'Idolatry is Man
trying to replace God', Rabbi Berger said. 'Nature is
one of God’s ways of manifesting in this world.
God determines a person’s sex before he comes
into the world. Rejecting this aspect of yourself is
rejecting your relationship with God'.”
Sex confusion is running
rampant in our culture and will ruin God's wonderful
construct of a mankind consisting of a man and a woman.
Incredibly, God exercised
his prophetic foresight to view society 2,500 years
down the corridor of time to record the incredible truth
that, at the time of the End of the Age, people would
believe that men can bear babies and will actually try
to do so.
Folks, I consider
that the current LGBT-Q movement is fulfilling this
obscure prophecy, thus stamping a seal of validity on
the lateness of the prophetic hour!
Are you spiritually prepared
to meet Jesus at the Judgment Seat?
Must Be Born Again" in order
to meet Jesus in Heaven.
2. Parents are
panicking as they cannot find baby formula with which
to feed their precious infants!
NEWS BRIEF: "Parents
Panic over Biden Baby Formula Crisis –
‘Bone-Deep Anxiety’, Breitbart
News, 17 May 2022
"Parents are expressing
their panic over the baby formula shortage that is gripping
the nation. 'Never did I think I would ever be rationing
formula', said one mother."
How bad is the inadequate
"... eight states
have seen their baby formula supply cut by more than
half. In response to the baby formula crisis, then-White
House press secretary Jen Psaki suggested that parents
“call their doctor'.
Had a Trump
Administration displayed this type of callous response
to an earnest crisis, the Mass Media would be all over
them, accusing them of the most
heinous crimes known to man!
Roe vs Wade has
taught us that the Leftists hate babies, as they have
murdered almost 64 million of them within the womb.
NEWS BRIEF: "63,459,781
Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions Since Roe v. Wade
in 1973", LifeNews,
2 January 2022
"A new fact sheet
that tallies the number of babies killed in abortions
since 1973 presents heartbreaking news for pro-life
Americans. The new figures from the National Right to
Life Committee show that almost 63.5 million babies
have been killed in abortion since the Supreme Court
legalized abortion in roe v. Wade in 1973."
"To get another take
on the enormity of that loss, a nation with a population
of 63.5 million would rank about twenty third on the
list of the world’s most populous countries. In
terms of population, a nation that size would rank ahead
of such countries as Italy, Spain, Kenya, South Africa,
Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Argentina, Columbia, Venezuela,
Hong Kong, Cambodia, South Korea, or Canada', he added."
Fighting Abortion is very
difficult, even though an abortion is not usually carried
out in the privacy of the mother's own home; however,
notice here that the "privacy within one's home"
has just quickly transformed into "private conduct".
Truly, when a formerly forbidden door is opened just
a small crack, the forces of change quickly move to
knock it completely open!
Now, let us go back to
this article for some more sobering ideas as to how
far the ripples from this decision might spread.
"Garrow said it also
weakens the reasoning used by the Supreme Court in ruling
in 1997 that terminally ill people do not have a constitutional
right to doctor-assisted suicide ... Scalia said the
ruling could open the way to laws allowing gay marriage
... The ruling also threatens laws banning bestiality,
bigamy and incest, he wrote."
Now, from Justice Scalia
himself, we see that this ruling might weaken arguments
against some pretty awful societal sins:
* Gay marriage -- Now
legal in Canada; get ready for mighty push to legalize
* Euthanasia -- doctor-assisted
* Bestiality
* Bigamy
* Incest
Of course,, America and
the rest of the Western world, are fighting each of
these abominations today! Since Justice Scalia is correct,
Satan and his demons must be laughing all the way from
the Abyss, for they have just opened America wide open
to the most awful demonic spirits known. Make no mistake:
a giant spiritual portal into Hell has just been opened
by this decision. White and Black Magic practitioners
are very happy today, for they know the impact of this
legal - spiritual - decision!
Why should we
be surprised that they might kill babies who are newly
Why do New Age adherents
hate babies, both inside and outside the womb? In 2007,
we posted an article which answers this question quite
well. Please take a moment to read NEWS2207,
entitled, "Global Genocide To 'Save The Planet'
Is Now Being Actively Promoted")
Radical leaders worship
Mother Earth (Gaia) and believe that man is killing
her with his Industrial Civilization and with his sheer
numbers of population.
"Apparently, saving
the whales is more important than saving 5.5 billion
people. Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea
Shepherd Conservation Society and famous for militant
intervention to stop whalers, now warns mankind is 'acting
like a virus' and is harming Mother Earth. Watson’s
May 4 editorial asked the question 'The Beginning of
the End for Life as We Know it on Planet Earth?' Then
he left no doubt about the answer. 'We are killing
our host the planet Earth', he claimed and
called for a population drop to less than 1 billion."
(Emphasis Added)
“ 'No human community
should be larger than 20,000 people and separated from
other communities by wilderness areas'.” New York,
London, Paris, Moscow are all too big. Then again, so
are Moose Jaw, Timbuktu and even Annapolis, Md.
· “We need
vast areas of the planet where humans do not live at
all and where other species are free to evolve without
human interference.”
· “We need
to radically and intelligently reduce human populations
to fewer than one billion.”
"Watson essentially
called for humans to return to primitive lifestyles.
'We need to stop flying, stop driving cars, and jetting
around on marine recreational vehicles. The Mennonites
survive without cars and so can the rest of us'.”
How is mankind
panicking now? Let us count the ways.
Remember, one of the favorite
slogans of the Illuminized Freemasonry is: 'Ordo ab
Chaos', and Crisis Equals Opportunity. Ordo ab Chaos
is a Latin phrase and the motto of the Thirty-Third
Degree of Freemasonry. It means, 'Order out of Chaos"
"Never waste a good
crisis." -- Hillary Clinton
So, you see, by murdering
babies from conception to seven days following live
birth, tens of millions of babies have been murdered
so far. And, tens of millions more babies will have
been prevented from being born to Moms and Dads by previous
waves of babies.
Murdering babies at both
ends of the pregnancy cycle is a sure-fire way of limiting
population growth. As Paul Watson said "'We
are killing our host the planet Earth'."
3. The Biden Presidency
is declared 'OVER"!
but death and taxes are guaranteed by the Democrats".
Welcome to their New World Order!
Biden Presidency Is Over",
Canada Free Press, May 15, 2022
"Throughout history
we see countries go the way of dictatorships with autocrats
and their cronies forever promising a better life for
their people.
"It never
"It always looks
wonderful on paper. But lives are lived in reality,
not paper.." (And, such governments always fail
-- ALWAYS!. )
"The Biden presidency
is a Shakespearean tragedy ...
"It has everything…the
fool, the ambitious wife, and the antagonist who hinted
all along what he was going to do. We even have the
occasional soliloquy that no one understands."
"Biden cannot do
anything right. His list of presidential un-accomplishments,
as his senate career, is now legendary. He took a vibrant,
growing economy and drove it into the dirt. He just
about killed the rule of law, setting crime records
in almost every major city. With the help of his incoherent
VP, our borders are now non-existent as well as our
brief energy independence that Trump created. Biden
has normalized every form of degeneracy and just about
killed our education system. And now, it seems he is
willing to bring war upon us. We have inflation they
say we haven’t seen in over 40 years…8.3%
Well, not really. How they figure inflation has changed
since 1980 when inflation was at 14.6%. By the method
it was calculated in 1980, our inflation rate today
is 17.1%. Figures don’t lie, but liars figure."
The Biden tragedy was
officially over when Former President Barack Obama visited
the White House in April and was treated to a reception
fit for a reigning monarch. Now, the Democrats have
someone to turn to once Biden is removed.
Even Jeff Bezos
-- CEO of Amazon -- called out Biden.
Bezos Calls Out Joe Biden For Blaming Wealthy Companies
For Inflation", International
Business Times, 5/15-2022
"On Sunday, Bezos
commented that pandemic-related stimulus checks from
the Biden administration helped cause inflation. He
suggested the efforts were a “misdirection."
" 'In fact, the administration
tried hard to inject even more stimulus into an already
over-heated, inflationary economy and only Manchin saved
them from themselves. Inflation is a regressive tax
that most hurts the least affluent. Misdirection doesn’t
help the country,” Bezos tweeted."
The final part of a Shakespearian
Tragedy is that the fool king never has to stand in
the judgment seat to answer for his grievous wrongs!
This current crowd of
Leftist New World Order leaders will never stand in
any judgment seat.
Until Jesus' White Throne
4. Buffalo, NY,
is a Democrat-controlled city in a Democrat-controlled
Murder, mayhem, and blood
are staining Democrat-controlled cities and towns. murder
and mayhem is occurring very rapidly now that the police
have been partially defunded, criminals have been set
free, and bail laws have been changed so that criminals
walk free while awaiting trial!
Democrat-run cities are
With this fact in mind,
let us review the False Flag operation last Saturday
in one of the most continuously controlled Democrat
cities in America -- Buffalo, New York
Of course the
merciless shooting last Saturday as a deliberate "False
NEWS BRIEF: "Buffalo
Shooting - These Flags Won't
False Themselves! ", Jordan's
Newsletter, May 15, 2022
"As the ‘official
story’ goes - last night a man opened fire at
a supermarket in Buffalo, New York while live-streaming
on Twitch, killing at least 10 people and injuring several
others. He also posted an online manifesto in which
he described himself as a white supremacist."
"This situation has
all the earmarks of a standard Deep State false flag
- racist shooter, live-streaming on social media, questionably
written manifesto, symbolism at the scene, calls for
gun control, and political timing of the event. I wouldn’t
be shocked if this shooter happened to be a patsy that
was mind controlled by a shadow government group to
carry out this task."
Remember, a False Flag
describes an event that the Ruling Party carries out
which either: (1) Was carried out by members of the
ruling party, but designed to look like the party of
power; or 2) An event carried out by the ruling power
that was really fake news, never happened.
The shooter was real and
the people he murdered was real, but the motive fueling
the attack is completely nonsensical, i.e., Getting
rid of the Second Amendment by staging so many unprovoked
attacks that the attitude of average citizens could
be convinced that the answer to these horrific shootings
is to seize guns from private citizens!
"After Adolf Hitler,
Josef Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung convinced gullible citizens
to surrender their guns, their combined police and army
units murdered tens of millions. Listen to this researcher:
"In the 20th Century,
governments murdered four times as many civilians as
were killed in all the international and domestic wars
combined. Further, governments murdered millions more
people than were killed by common criminals." ("Death
by Gun Control" by Aaron Zelman and Richard W.
"In just these nine
instances, between 74,200,000 - 89,800,000 people died
once they had given over their guns to their government!
"The total number
of people killed in the 20th Century at the hands of
the very government to whom they had given up their
guns is a staggering figure ... The historical truth:
evil governments did wipe out 170,000,000 innocent non-military
lives in the 20th Century alone. Almost 1/5 of a BILLION
people have died last century when guns were rounded
up." ["Death By Gun Control", by Aaron
Zelman and Richard W. Stevens] (NEWS1877b)
New Age author, Bill Cooper,
then informed us that this entire public massacre campaign
was carried out intentionally for the purpose of turning
the opinion of the average American against the precious
Second Amendment!
Control / Seizure Advocates Enter Through Back Door
To Achieve Control"
"Using drugs
and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called
Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people
to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun
lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working
perfectly. The middle class is
begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment."
[Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 64; Emphasis Added]
5. The Leftist
Communist workforce of Twitter would rather die than
work for a Free Market company.
NEWS BRIEF: "Twitter
engineer recorded saying ‘Commie as f–k’
staff ‘censors the right’ ,"
NY Post, May 17, 2022
"A senior Twitter
engineer has been secretly recorded admitting that the
social media giant is 'censoring the right'— and
that he and his co-workers are 'Commie as f–k'.”
History will record that
Barack Obama, Joe Biden and other Leftist Democrats,
are truly "Commie as 'f-ck'. Their policies, once
taken hold across the board, will have taken America
over into the Socialist / Communist abyss.
“ 'Twitter does
not believe in free speech', Siru Murugesan said in
a series of hidden-camera clips released late Monday
by Project Veritas ... 'Elon [Musk] believes in free
speech', added Murugesan."
"Some of my colleagues
are like super left, left, left, left, left,”
said the engineer, adding that many have threatened
to quit if Musk takes over and enforces his free-speech
model. “Our jobs are at stake — he’s
a capitalist, and we weren’t really operating
as capitalists, more like very socialist,” Murugesan
said. 'We’re all like Commie as f–k'.”
This next quote reveals
how susceptible Twitter was to a take-over by a hard-working
Free Market Capitalist.
“ 'I basically went
to work like four hours a week last quarter', he added.
“And it’s just how it works in our company.”
When Musk looked at this
sorry situation where so many people were getting paid
so much money to work so little, he could see mountains
of profit just waiting to be made. You see, Capitalism
works much like the Biblical model:
"So when even was
come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward,
Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning
from the last unto the first." (Matthew 20:8, KJV)
Every evening, both the
owner and the wage-earner met so they could settle how
much the workman had earned. Honesty and integrity governed
the entire process.
But it might be
Elon Musk who may actual take bullets.
NEWS BRIEF: "Assassinating
Elon Musk?", American
Greatness, May 15, 2022
" 'If I die under
suspicious circumstances, it’s been nice knowin
ya', read Elon Musk’s cryptic tweet from earlier
last week. Musk, the world’s wealthiest man—a
real-life Tony Stark who builds revolutionary electric
cars and game-changing reusable rockets for fun—is
known for his bizarre tweets that generate much publicity."
"This time, sadly,
it was not a joke. Musk was merely responding to a recent
threat made against him by the gonzo Dmitry Rogozin,
the man charged with running Russia’s space program,
Roscosmos. "
The Ukraine War raises
its ugly head at this point.
" The threat was
made because, at the start of the Russo-Ukraine War,
Musk had given Ukraine 40 Starlink terminals which effectively
prevented the Russians from cutting Ukraine off from
the global telecommunications network, providing Ukraine
with desperately needed strategic advantages over their
Russian foes."
But, it is not just the
Russians who are opposed to Elon Musk.
"The Biden Administration
is opposed to Musk’s freewheeling style and is
making a statement in opposition to another freewheeling
legend, Donald Trump, who was largely supportive of
the innovative and daring Elon Musk ... Make no mistake:
Elon Musk is the last of the Great American Tycoons
and he has all the right enemies to prove it."
"Even if Musk isn’t
taken out by the crazed Russians, he will constantly
have to be on the lookout for the Biden Administration’s
apparatchiks who have a political grievance with him.
And should Musk lose either to the Russians or the corrupt
U.S. government, the United States will fall so far
behind its enemies—both foreign and domestic—that
it may never be able to pick itself up again."
The plan is to take America
down economically, militarily and politically so that
the United States can be taken meekly into the final
10-Nation line-up foretold in prophetic Scripture and
planned by the Illuminati (Read NEWS2363
for full details)
6. As the world
marches into a Fall Season of 100 million new cases
of COVID, let us review the lessons of the past two
NEWS BRIEF: "17,000
doctors call for end to COVID-19 emergency",
World Net Daily, May 16, 2022
"Decrying "disastrous"
COVID-19 public health policies, more than 17,000 physicians
and medical scientists from around the world are calling
on nations to lift health emergency declarations, restore
scientific integrity and address 'crimes against humanity'."
What? Do you mean that
the drastic measures imposed upon us all as "necessary
to continue life on this planet" were unnecessary
and even "crimes against humanity'?
"Among the 'foundational
principles' they list are ending the COVID shots, which
they describe as "the experimental genetic therapy
"They also argue
masks "have never been effective protection against
an airborne respiratory virus in the community setting"
and call for funding and research to address "vaccination
damage, death and suffering."
They charge that vaccine
makers – Pfizer, Moderna, BioTech, Jansen, Astral
Seneca– and "their enabler's, withheld and
willfully omitted safety and effectiveness information
from patients and physicians, and should be immediately
indicted for fraud."

COVID-19 was a fraud from
the foundation to the roof!
Here is the true reason
COVID-19 was unleashed upon the peoples of the world:
"Take control of
the world ... to reduce ... the world to a safe level
by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide
... The only alternative left to the world's ruling
elite was to increase the death rate
... Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of
Rome ... advocated that a plague be introduced that
would have the same effect as the Black Death of history."
(Bill Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 49, 167)
The Deathmaking machine
of Antichrist is marching forward.
Are you spiritually prepared?
Must I Do To Be Saved"?