• Learn how God's first prophecy impacts every chapter of Scripture
• See how Satan's plan to eliminate the Jews would have catastrophic consequences
• Recognize how insidious and pervasive Satan's agenda has invaded every sphere of influence
• Have the scales fall from your eyes and see how history has chronicled the adversary's every move and no one saw it
• Be empowered by the Holy Spirit to play an important part in defeating this diabolical agenda
• Be compelled to make choices like you have never had to make before ·
YOUR SALVATION DEPENDS on your understanding of this Prophecy that only comes to an end in Revelation 22.
"Every now and then one has the rare opportunity to hear something that not only captures the heart but stretches the understanding as well. Rabbi Eric Walker, my dear friend and brilliant scholar, has offered us such an opportunity. In his new book, 3:15 - The Genesis of All Prophecy, we hear the prophecy God spoke in the beginning and intends to fulfill despite Satan's destructive agenda. We are taken on a journey following the biblical and historical thread of the first prophecy in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation , from a Jewish understanding, all along having our previous paradigms sifted, stretched, and shifted. It is a marvelous work. The Genesis of All Prophecy exposes antisemitism as Satan's agenda in a way most of us have never heard. The book is prophetic, insightful, convicting, and heart rending. I rejoiced, mourned, and contemplated what I was hearing through this exceptional book. In the end, I thanked God for this opportunity to hear the word of the Lord. You will too. This is a book that had to be written, none other like it has ever been written!" Dr. Kim M. Maas, Kim Maas Ministries.
367 pages

News Analysis
1. When Communist
China carried out her massive military exercise last
week, her Air Force and Naval forces completely surrounded
the island!
Carries Out Reunification Mock Drill, Sends Out Strong
Message To Taiwan: Surrounded Taiwan!",
Republic World, 10th May 2022
"Amid growing tension
between Taiwan and China, reports have claimed that
China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) held a large-scale
joint exercise recently and surrounded the island of
Taiwan from both sides, sending a strong warning to
"Taiwan independence" secessionist forces
and external interference forces. "
"... the PLA exercise
that featured powerful aircrafts and warplanes, was
a partial rehearsal of a possible 'reunification-by-force
operation', including the neutralization of the military
potential of forces on the island and the cutting off
of possible military intervention from countries like
the US and Japan. "
Whenever your determined
enemy, who has warned you for 40 years that they intend
to rule you one day, surrounds your entire nation with
airplanes and naval forces, you must realize that invasion
danger is real and is probably very close.
I cannot conceive of any
other type of warning which carries greater weight than
physically surrounding your nation!
But, there is another
sign that China is preparing to go to war:
Chinese banking
CEO's were summoned to a meeting last week and told
to prepare for China to survive Western sanctions!
Now Preparing To Invade Taiwan",
Newsweek, May 9, 2022
"Officials from the
Chinese finance ministry and central bank on April 22
met with representatives of dozens of banks, including
HSBC, to discuss what Beijing could do in the event
of the imposition of severe sanctions on China. The
finance ministry noted, in the words of the Financial
Times, that 'all large foreign and domestic banks operating
in China' were present'."
In other words, the Communist
Central Bank held a seminar in which they presented
Beijing's plan to weather Western economic sanctions
which are expected after China begins her invasion of
The Taiwan invasion
was not mentioned, but everyone knew that was the only
reason the West would sanction China.
2. Ukraine admitted
it is publishing war propaganda.
NEWS BRIEF: "Ukraine
admits to spreading propaganda:‘Ghost
of Kyiv’ doesn’t exist",
Israel 365 News, 10 May 2022
"At the outset of
Russia’s invasion, Ukraine’s government
invented and perpetuated the myth of a sole brave, highly
accurate fighter pilot who single-handedly shot down
up to 40 Russian aircraft. 'People call him the Ghost
of Kyiv. And rightly so,” the government tweeted
in February of the reputed mysterious figure, saying
the pilot had “already become a nightmare for
invading Russian aircraft.”
Ukrainians under Russian
fire were greatly encouraged by this news story and
were filled with new resolve to carry the fight to the
Russian Bear.
But, some observers were
skeptical, remembering the Old Greek adage:
is the first casualty of war"
"But many questioned
if the 'Ghost' was real, as footage purporting to be
evidence of the pilot turned out to be from a video
game. But those who questioned the official narrative
turned out to be correct.
The 'Ghost of Kyiv' is
a myth, Ukrainian officials admitted.
Note to all our readers:
Since the beginning of the War in Vietnam, Americans
have been subjected to gross and continuing lies from
government officials and from the Mass Media.
Since the beginning of
the war in Ukraine, propaganda is the order of the day.
Most of our knowledge of the war has come from Western
news sources, so we can rest assured that we are being
daily fed with 'Ghost of Kyiv' type stories.
Be careful what you believe.
We at Cutting Edge are very mindful of the dangers of
being mislead, so we are constantly comparing stories
in American media with foreign media so we can hopefully
weed out the false news.
On our Daily
News Upates pages, we quote from 2-3 dozen different
media sources every single day. Please pray that the
Holy Spirit will give us the discernment necessary at
this End of the Age.
This DVD shown above,
"Lies, Deceptions and Media Coverup",
though dated, nevertheless shows the tricks of the propaganda
campaign which has been waged against us for the past
several decades.
The Mass Media has so
many tricks up its sleeve in its attempt to deceive
the citizenry so that the government -- whether Democrat
or Republican -- can lead them down the path to the
dictatorial New World Order.
This DVD examines a particular
moment in history -- the Bill Clinton Presidency - -
to demonstrate how these Media tricks continually deceive
the undiscerning. Media used the same tricks during
the Bush years and used them during the Obama
Truly, you will see that
"there is nothing new under the Sun" (Ecclesiastes
3. President Biden
refused to condemn violence against Christian Churches.
NEWS BRIEF: "President
Biden Won’t Condemn Abortion Activists’
Plan to Attack Churches", LifeNews,
May 6, 2022
"Joe Biden won’t
condemn abortion activists’ plans to target churches
and U.S. Supreme Court justices’ homes in protests
this weekend, despite growing fears of possible violence.
At a press conference Friday, a Fox News journalist
asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki if the Biden
administration believes publishing the addresses of
U.S. Supreme Court justices to encourage protests outside
their homes is 'extreme' ...."
But, Dr. Franklin
Graham uttered a message of severe warning: 'Bring it
Franklin Graham Calls on Christians to Pack Churches
as Pro-Abortion Radicals Plan Protests", Your
News, May 8, 2022
"Rev. Franklin Graham
is calling on Christians to pack their local churches
Sunday as pro-abortion radicals plan church protests
over the leaked Supreme Court draft decision indicating
Roe v. Wade could be overturned.
“ 'The Left is calling
for protestors to show up at churches this Sunday—Mother’s
Day—to protest the Supreme Court’s vote
on Roe v. Wade', Graham wrote in a Facebook post. 'My
response was, GREAT—BRING IT ON!' ”
few attacks were attempted.
4. Leftist Democrats
carried out a verbal campaign, urging followers to illegally
go to the homes of Supreme Court Justices, threatening
the entire family if Roe vs Wade is overturned.
NEWS BRIEF: "Protesters
march to home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito
after leak of his anti-abortion draft opinion",
Yahoo News, May 10, 2022
"Protesters marched
to the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito after
the leak of his anti-abortion draft opinion. The demonstrators
then held a candlelight vigil outside the residence.
About 100 protesters attended the demonstration in Alexandria,
Virginia on Monday evening."
"Tension is rising
over the court’s stance on the 1973 landmark decision,
Roe v Wade, which legalized abortion across the US –
a right activists worry is in jeopardy."
BY the WAY: The Supreme
Court decision will likely not overturn abortion, but
will simply
refer the matter back to the States! We are being
lied to big-time, being told that Abortion will be made
illegal all through this country.
Meanwhile, God
is taking notice of the exceedingly strong emotional
commitment which tens of millions are showing as they
show their passionate love of the bloody murder of innocent
His "Sword
is being bathed in Heaven"! (Isaiah 34:5, KJV)
"For my sword
shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down
upon ... the people of my curse, to judgment."
(Isaiah 34:5, KJV)
Satan has been very successful
in re-introducing a counterfeit truth concerning God's
nature: that God is all loving and could never send
anyone to an eternal hell. This creates a false God
who is One-Dimensional, ignoring all His other attributes.
When God is solely a God of love, then no sin, of any
magnitude, is sufficient to send anyone to Hell; therefore,
all sin becomes acceptable, until it is no longer called
sin, but, rather, "sexual preference" or a
"woman's right to choose".
God's attributes, or perfections,
are not characteristics which God possesses, but are
who He is. (Read here to discover who God is and why
He moves to Judgment: CE1005)
Remember that all God's
perfections flow into one another reinforcing one another.
None can be separated from the other. We can picture
these perfections as flowing in a never-ending
1) God Is Unchanging
2) God is Holy
-- God has made holiness the moral condition necessary
to the health of His universe. Whatever is holy is healthy;
sin is a moral sickness which will end the life of God's
creation. Since God's first concern for His universe
is its moral health, that is, its holiness, whatever
is contrary to this is necessarily under His eternal
WHATEVER WOULD DESTROY IT. When God arises to destroy
sin and save the world from moral collapse, He is said
to be exercising Judgment. EVERY WRATHFUL JUDGMENT IN
His action in removing the sinful person or nation can
be likened to a surgeon removing the cancerous tumor
from the body of a beloved patient. The patient lives
only because the tumor has been removed.
3) God is Infinite
and Eternal
4) God is Omniscient
5) God is Love
-- Because God is eternal, His Love had no beginning,
nor will it have an end. Because God is Infinite, His
love knows no boundaries. "His Love is an incomprehensibly
vast, bottomless, shoreless sea before which we kneel
in joyful silence." (A.W. Tozer, "The Knowledge
Of The Holy")
6) God is Just
-- God's attribute of Justice always goes hand
in hand with His Holiness and Righteousness. God only
acts in Judgment when man has consistently acted in
rebellion to His commandments, and in the face of repeated
warnings. God is very precise when He is finally moved
to Judgment; no one will ever accidentally receive punishment
that he did not deserve. Remember, God's Perfections
operate in conjunction with one another. His Compassion
flows from His Goodness, but Goodness without Justice
is not Goodness. God simply could not be good if He
were not Just.
7) God is Sovereign,
Omnipotent, and Self-Existent -- The
key issue is that men are allowed to make their own
choice during the time frame which God has allowed.
Thus, at the end of time, God has the right to hold
every person accountable for the choices which they
have made.
The second greatest lie
Satan has persuaded men to believe is that man possesses
the authority and power to decide to re-write God's
Commandments in such a way as to accommodate their own
rebellion. Only when it is too late, on Judgment Day
for the unsaved, will tens of millions of people discover
that man had no such authority and/or power. This tragedy
could be averted if man would only come now to recognize
God's revealed authority, humbly coming to Him for forgiveness
for sins. The Bible teaches that, just before individuals
are cast into Hell forever, they will be forced to "bend
their knee" to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is
Lord, Savior, and Almighty God.(Philippians 2:10-11)
Tragically, this forced recognition will not produce
salvation. How much better it would be if men would
just humbly give Jesus this recognition now, while it
is still the "Day of Salvation".
Prophetically, this world
is the Titanic and is simply "rearranging the furniture
" on this doomed vessel. Are you spiritually prepared?
Must I Do To Be Saved?
5. Finally, Satanists
have confirmed a teaching which Cutting Edge has been
preaching for 25 years:
Abortion has its
roots in Satanic Child Sacrifice! Antichrist cannot
arise until massive amounts of blood are sacrificed
to Satan!
NEWS BRIEF: "Satanists
to Make Legal Argument in Favor of Abortion as a Religious
Ritual", American Greatness, May 10,
"The Satanic Temple
of the United States (TST) plans to file legal challenges
against any states that restrict or ban abortions, claiming
that such procedures constitute religious rituals for
its adherents."
"TST has long considered
abortion to be one of its 'religious' rituals, with
one of their main beliefs being that “one’s
body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will
Former Black Magick Satanist,
Doc Marquis, was taught by his Coven leader, that numerous
organizations were committed to the proper shedding
of blood from many sources that would be necessary to
stage Antichrist on the world scene.
Wars count, as do suicides,
murders, and especially, abortion. Satanists regard
abortion to be most powerful of all blood sacrifices!
(Read details at "I

When you understand the
reason that only the United States of America is listed
in this New World Order Organization Chart, you will
be amazed to the point of denial. You will then understand
why God must judge this former Christian Nation the
most severe.
6. What nasty
election surprise does President Biden plan before the
Midterm elections?
is Biden hiding in his executive order on elections?",
The Washington Examiner, May 9, 2022
"Last year, President
Joe Biden issued Executive Order 14019, “Promoting
Access to Voting.” This directed every federal
agency, agencies that are staffed through partisan appointments,
to create a plan to register and mobilize voters. It
also orders these agencies to work with organizations
such as activist groups to register and mobilize voters
in whatever manner they see fit. In doing so, the Biden
administration has politicized election processes that
were uniquely guarded as a nonpartisan since the ratification
of the Constitution in 1788."
"Their efforts would
do grave harm to the nation’s electoral process
by expanding federal control over state voting norms.
Using taxpayer funds to pay political activists to join
with federal bureaucrats is an unprecedented seizure
of power from voters."
What the Democrats are
busily doing is to cheat their way to victory.
However, they have an
ace up their sleeves, that will totally change the entire
voting process:
This developing
World War III will allow him to dispense his political
enemies with the sweep of his Executive Pen!
First, deadly
dangers will be created:
""When we come
into our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems
which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring
it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who will
ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed
by us according to a political plan which no one has
so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?"
["The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,
end of Protocol No. 13.]
Secondly, our beloved
Constitution will be dissolved.
"There is another
reason also why they will close their eyes: for we shall
keep promising them to give back all the liberties we
have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies
of peace and tamed all parties .... It is not worth
to say anything about how long a time they will be kept
waiting for this return of their liberties ..."
("The Protocols of Zion", Protocol Nr. 11,
"We Are Wolves")
This plan is to so panic
the American people that they will allow their Constitutional
government to be abolished and individual liberties
taken away, in order that our Illuminist leaders will
be able to "restore order" and "quell
the enemies the peace"; of course, no American
leader will tell their panicked citizens that the only
reason we are facing the crisis is that our Illuminist
leaders have deliberately caused the panic and the war
in the first place! Nor will our leaders tell us the
truth, that they shall never give us our Constitutional
form of Government back.
President Biden seems
to be this kind of leader, designed to lead America
into the kind of national ruin which will enable us
to transform into the New World Order!
7. Israel is in
the midst of a very strong uprising from the Palestinian
and Arab-Israeli forces.
set off the explosive terror in Israel?",
The New York Post, April 10, 2022
"We have learned
a few things from this, one of them being that, to a
certain degree, terrorism works — it is terrifying
... We are in a hard moment right now. The best we can
do is to put our faith in the security services, be
vigilant, and try not to jump every time we hear a loud
bang or something that sounds like an air raid or police
"Why we are in a
hard moment is a more difficult question. Certainly,
the arrival of Ramadan inherently brings with it heightened
tensions. Yet with more than a dozen Israelis dead in
terror attacks over the past few weeks, the situation
does feel more severe than usual. Something else is
going on."
What is going on is that
Hamas and Iran are preparing a massive wave of attacks
against Israel, from within and without.
Her IDF leaders
are considering a return to Israel's targeted assassinations!
NEWS BRIEF: "Targeted
Assassinations, IDF Operations Among Potential Responses
to Palestinian Terror Campaign", United
With Israel, May 9, 2022
"In the past seven
weeks, 19 Israelis have been killed in terror attacks.
As Palestinian terror attacks continue, Israel is considering
military operations in Jenin and Gaza ... "
What can Israel do to
stop these terrorist attacks?
"Recent reports have
also raised the possibility of Israel renewing targeted
assassinations against Gaza’s terror leaders.
But the reports stress that while the IDF has plans
in place, military officials do not believe the time
is ripe for targeted killings. The IDF hasn’t
carried out a targeted assassination since a May 10,
2021 air strike on Hamas commander Mohammed Abdullah
Fayyad ..."
Prophetic signs are flashing,
warning us all that the attack on Israel that will bring
judgment on all Israel's enemies and which will stage
Antichrist on the world scene, are blinking in full
Are you spiritually prepared?