"Watchman on the Wall"!

Did you know the Illuminati funds, controls, and directs all protests at all their global meetings? Most people are not aware of the dynamics driving Anti-War and Anti-Globalist protests. Such protests only drive to solidify the support of the globalist meeting and of the president's followers. When Eldridge Cleaver realized that protesters were being funded by the very Industrial Complex forces he was trying to overthrow, he exclaimed, in his book, "Do It":

"The wealthy were buying themselves a revolution!" [Epperson, The Unseen Hand, p. 404]

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"Cancel This" - The Bad Guys of the Bible - NEW BOOK

Why read a book about biblical characters who messed up? Because we can learn so much from them by taking a close look at what led to their disastrous decisions and lack of sound judgment at critical times in their lives.

Today, many take this pursuit to an extreme by seeking to cancel all that God says about marriage, gender, and the sanctity of life. Sadly many churches disregard the words of Scripture in these same matters.

Bad Guys of the Bible examines how anger, bitterness, greed, pride, and unforgiving spirit, and a desire for vengeance led these men down dark paths that ultimately shipwrecked their lives. As a remedy for such errant emotions, the book explains how we can apply the Gospel to critical times in our lives when our feelings tend to lead us away from the Lord .It all comes down to understanding God's grace and the full scope of His forgiveness of our sins. It’s on that basis that we forgive others. To help further integrate the powerful lessons we can learn from these men, each chapter concludes with thought-provoking questions to help readers apply solid biblical truths to their own lives through personal or group Bible study.

205 pages

Critical News Analysis

Did you know the Illuminati funds, controls, and directs all protests at all their global meetings? Most people are not aware of the dynamics driving Anti-War and Anti-Globalist protests. Such protests only drive to solidify the support of the globalist meeting and of the president's followers. When Eldridge Cleaver realized that protesters were being funded by the very Industrial Complex forces he was trying to overthrow, he exclaimed, in his book, "Do It":

"The wealthy were buying themselves a revolution!" [Epperson, The Unseen Hand, p. 404]

NEWS BRIEF: "Far-Left Billionaires Funding Jordan Neely Protests", By Eric Lendrum, American Greatness, May 9, 2023

"Liberal billionaires have been actively bankrolling the far-left organization that is now organizing the allegedly grassroots protests in the aftermath of the death of Jordan Neely ... [releasing] "a statement falsely claiming that Neely was 'lynched' on the New York City subway."

"But VOCAL has received donations from several of the biggest billionaires in the world, including George Soros and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg."

"The incident took place on a subway train on May 1st, when Neely, a homeless African-American man with over 40 prior arrests, began screaming violently at other passengers on the train, threatening civilians and, among other things, saying that he was not afraid to go to jail and not afraid to die. Eventually, 24-year-old Marine Daniel Penny restrained Neely in a chokehold, while several other passengers helped restrain Neely as well. Neely died sometime later, although there is no indication yet that he died as a direct result of Penny’s chokehold."

2. Colorado Leftists now drop their final obstacle:

They admit they want to ban ALL guns!

NEWS BRIEF: "Moms’ Gun Control Group Urges Colorado Governor to Ban All Guns", Breitbart News, 8 May 2023

" 'Here 4 the Kids', a gun control group comprised of mothers, is urging Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) to use an executive order to ban all guns in the state ... The Here 4 the Kids website repeats the often stated false claim that “guns are the number one killer of children in the United States.”

"Ironically, the news of Here 4 the Kids pushing a ban on guns comes as David Hogg is trying to assure concerned Second Amendment advocates that “no one is coming for your guns.”

As crime continues skyrocketing, Americans have demonstrating their core belief:

The more citizens who own guns, the safer our streets, businesses, and homes will become.

NEWS BRIEF: "More guns, not fewer, key to safer American streets", The Washington Times - Friday, January 27, 2023

"Geraldo Rivera, Fox News face, earlier this week, pulled out an old tymey style musket during a televised debate about gun rights, and with a flourish, proclaimed: 'This is what weapons looked like when the Second Amendment was passed'— as if to say, oh you silly, stupid Americans; give up your firearms now."

"It was a clown move, aimed at provoking reaction, not serious discussion."

What is the reality?

The average Liberal does "check rational thought at the door". In fact, they dismiss any pertinent facts which show their gun control mindset to be wrong -- and even dangerous to our entire way of life. Have they never read the foundational truth about Gun Control, that the more the average citizen is armed in any particular town or city, the less crime these citizens have to deal with on a daily basis?

Have you heard this truth?

In Liberal mind, the gun issue is this: "Access = Crime". Of course, this proposition is stupidly wrong! A gun is an inanimate object, and can be used for good purposes or evil, depending entirely upon the person wielding the gun. John R. Lott, Jr., writing in his book, 'More Guns, Less Crime' showers the reader with statistics that demonstrate that, when people in a community have the right to bear concealed arms, the crime rate in that community drops in huge double digits, sometimes over 75%! You see, criminals want to steal but most definitely do not want to die. Therefore, they will steer wide and clear from a community in which its citizens have the right to legally bear concealed weapons.

Let us listen to John Lott describe a situation where gunmen firing on innocent civilians were surprised by some of their intended victims firing back!

"Other examples suggest that more than just common crimes may be prevented by law-abiding citizens carrying concealed handguns. Referring to the July, 1984, massacre at a San Ysidro, California, McDonalds restaurant, Israeli criminologist Abraham Tennenbaum described what occurred at a crowded venue in Jerusalem some weeks before the Californian McDonald's massacre: three terrorists who attempted to machine-gun the throng managed to kill only one victim before being shot down by handgun-carrying Israelis. Presented to the press the next day, the surviving terrorist complained that his group had not realized that Israeli civilians were armed . The terrorists had planned to machine-gun a succession of crowd spots, thinking that they would be able to escape before the police or army could arrive to deal with them." [Lott, "More Guns, Less Crime", p. 6; Emphasis added]

No one has ever described to me how I, and my loved ones, would be more secure and more safe from an armed man coming toward my house if I no longer had any guns with which to protect my Life, Liberty, Property and Loved Ones.

The Founding Fathers knew the importance gun ownership was to preserving our rights and freedoms from men and women who seek to destroy them all and throw me and my loved ones into a dictatorial prison!

The Global Elite has been planning an Absolute Dictatorship in America and throughout the world for over 200 years. We demonstrate how our Founding Fathers knew of this plan to impose a dictatorship in America's far future in our award-winning videos, "Riddles In Stone" and "Eye of the Phoenix"!

Do not be deceived nor drawn away by wishful thinking. The dictatorship planned for us will be history's most powerful, the most repressive and the most technological in all world history. Once we fall into this trap, we will not function as a free nation anymore.

Shortly after guns are confiscated, Antichrist will stage his appearance on the world scene and then all of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation will occur.

3. California Leftists are trying to give $200,000,000 (MILLION) to each and every black Californian!

Demand for Reparations is nasty greed, purely and simply

NEWS BRIEF: "Activists Demand ‘$200 Million for Each and Every African American’ in California", Breitbart News, 7 May 2023

"Reparations for black residents in California are forecasted to cost $800 billion — more than twice the cost of the state’s entire annual budget, but activists say that is not enough."

However, this reparations demand does not depend upon the days of slavery; oh, no, these claims are based on the modern era.

"These estimates include, for example, losing $2,352 per person per year of California residence for the over-policing of Black communities, $3,366 per person per year of residence for “discriminatory lending and zoning,” $13,619 per person per year of residence for “injustices and discrimination in health” and $77,000 per person for Black-owned business losses and devaluations."

Of course, every single one of these "reparations demand" is supposedly based on a very fluid concept not able to be proven.

* "over-policing of Black communities"

* "“discriminatory lending and zoning”

* "Black-owned business losses and devaluations"

"Today's radical blacks want Public Welfare continually so they do not have to compete on an equal playing field!

Consider the reparations paid thus far:

* Isn't $142 Trillion freeing the slaves enough? (Newsletter, 4/23/18, Story #2)

* Isn't the loss of 750,000 white Union soldiers enough? (Newsletter, 4/23/18, Story #2)

* Wasn't President Lyndon Johnson's massive Welfare Program enough? (Newsletter, 4/23/18, Story #2)

When will enough ever be enough?Today's radical blacks want Public Welfare continually so they do not have to compete on an equal playing field!

Knowing wicked human nature, the answer is "NEVER"!


4. As 'Title 42' ends on Thursday, millions of illegal immigrants are awaiting the final White House approval.

The plan is to establish a new nation from one which is so overwhelmed by sheer immigrant numbers that the victim nation cannot cope.

NEWS BRIEF: "El Paso Shelter Director: ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ Is Worst I’ve Ever Seen: ‘We Are Expecting the Worst’ when Title 42 Ends", Breitbart News, 8 May 2023

"The Director of the Opportunity Center for the Homeless in El Paso, TX stated that there is 'a humanitarian crisis' in the city, 'we’ve never seen the situation as critical' as it is now, and 'we’re overwhelmed'. "

" 'Martin also stated that they’re “expecting the worst' as Title 42 is lifted."

"We’ve got several partners within the community. All of the emergency shelters are operating at or over capacity, and to give you an example of our situation with the Opportunity Center for the Homeless, we’ve got 200 inside the shelter, and we’ve had up to 810 outside the shelter camped in the alley. So, it truly is a humanitarian crisis.”

At the end of the Trump administration, the southern border was secure, and a security wall was being erected. After taking office, Biden immediately ended the construction of the border wall and opened our nation to illegal immigration."

"Bill Clinton: “There is a limit to how many migrants any society can take without severe disruption and assistance”

I wonder if George Soros' operatives quietly put the word out that America is uniquely wide open for immigration and they had better hurry!

In December, 2003, Soros' organizations spoke, loudly and clearly: "But America is awakening. An immigrant-friendly nation, it has welcomed grateful immigrants from around the world into its system. Now, it faces a new kind of migration -- one that intentionally clashes with everything we have valued and shared. Thomas Sowell summarizes some of its more obvious problems:

"Under affirmative action, combined with amnesty, [illegals] would have preferences in jobs and other benefits. Those who set up their own businesses would be entitled to preferences in getting government contracts. Their children would be able to get into college ahead of the children of American citizens with better academic qualifications. ... [I]f an illegal alien gets stopped for going through a red light... in many communities the cop is forbidden to arrest him.... Under a provision recently passed by the Senate, illegal aliens who forged Social Security cards not only get a pass, they get to collect Social Security benefits. ... We have seen what havoc such notions and practices have created after mass immigration under 'guest worker' programs in Europe...."[6]

"This legalized lawlessness fuels the 'crisis' needed to persuade the masses to accept mass surveillance, universal data collection, and other intrusive strategies for worldwide control. And it gets worse: "Based on a one-year in-depth study, a researcher estimates there are about 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States who have had an average of four victims each."

America is going to suffer under this illegal immigration program until someone creates a solution which "thinks outside the box" -- answer will be to form a 3-nation super alliance between Canada, United States and Mexico.

At that point, illegal immigrants become North American citizens and the southern border becomes Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and a huge step has been realized to fulfilling Daniel 7:7-8 and Revelation 17:12-17!

Therefore, you see, NAFTA is not simply an economic super nation; rather, it is Nation #1 of this 10 Nation New World Order. Very few people understand this, because they have been conditioned by our national leadership, aided by our national mass media. No one has ever explained this before. Now, you can understand why Presidents as seemingly dissimilar in world view, style and philosophy as Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama could support the creation of NAFTA. President George H.W. Bush began the push to create NAFTA, but was unable to see it created before he left for office. President Clinton supported NAFTA, even though he opposed nearly every other thing for which Bush stood.

At this point, I am going to state a truth which I have carefully enunciated in my radio programs, and which I will soon state again: The New World Order Plan was created officially in 1776, and has been consistently supported by Presidents ever since. In this 20th Century, nearly every President, both Democratic and Republican, has secretly supported the Plan for The New World Order. It has not mattered whom we have elected, because both political parties are united in this drive to accomplish this Plan. Generally, Republican Presidents have concentrated on changes in the Foreign Policy field, while Democratic Presidents have concentrated on the needed changes in Domestic Policy. But, whether we have a Republican or Democratic President, the New World Order Plan continues unabated. NAFTA is one example of a Foreign Policy change initiated by a Republican President and continued by a Democratic President.


"Secrets of the Illuminati" Collection PRICE $159.02 SALE PRICE $79.99
Buy all eight DVD titles of Doc Marquis' Secrets of the Illuminati series and save!
Each of these unique DVD's provides information on a part of the Illuminati Plan which only a former Satanist / Illuminati would know. Furthermore, much of the information Doc Marquis provides is the 'Oral Plan', which is the parts of the plan to produce Antichrist which is so evil that it is never written down. These are the titles:
1) 'Arrival of the Antichrist' - Focus is on the History and the Black Magick Religion of the Illuminati and of the coming of the Masonic Christ, Antichrist
2) 'America's Occult Holidays' - Former Satanist, Doc Marquis, delivers a knockout punch against the practice of all our major holidays, providing details only a former Witch would know. Doc begins by demonstrating how the Illuminati effected the change in our calendar and how that change has created a dramatic change in our everyday lives.
3) 'Front Men of the Illuminati' - 'These men pull the strings and we dance'! Doc boldly outlines the real 'movers and shakers' of the Illuminati, those organizations most responsible for driving us all into the global dictatorship, the New World Order. Focus is on the most important 'Illuminati Card Game', explaining the importance of the insights provided by these remarkably accurate cards
4) 'Magick, Mysticism, and Masonry' - This is THE ONE video every Mason to whom you are witnessing must see! Doc Marquis drives a wooden stake into the heart of Freemasonry by exposing truths only known to a former Satanist.
5) 'The Protocols of Zion: Plot Against Israel' demonstrates that not only is the Protocols real but that the world today stands on the verge of World War III simply and only because world leaders have been following this blueprint for over 200 years!
6) 'The Illuminati Is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy' shows that Almighty God is forcing the arrogant and mighty Illuminati into formulating a plan for staging Antichrist which fulfills God's plan precisely. We show that the Battle of Armageddon will result in the greatest, quickest slaughter in the history of mankind.
7) '2012 & Beyond, Volume 1', examines key Mass Media disinformation about what may happen on December 21, 2012. At the end, we reveal what is likely to occur, which we identify as the Paradigm Shift and explain how important this shift is to the plan to produce Antichrist.
8) 'Paradigm Shift: 2012 & Beyond, Volume 2', reveals more important Mass Media expectations as to what may happen on 12/21/2012 and then reveals that the Paradigm Shift is intended to be a global mass demon possession which shall produce the Universal Mind in every unsaved person on Earth. Is this the time of the prophesied 'Strong Delusion'? 8 DVD titles, over 25 hours of teaching Doc Marquis uses the King James Bible There is so much on this flash drive that we have put the full description in a PDF file for you.


"System Breakdown--Living in the Time of The Paradigm Shift Into the New World Order"
On March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the time when things are shifting, there’s going to be a new world order out there, we’ve got to lead it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world while doing it.'
The President is talking about the 'Paradigm Shift' to take us into the New World Order and stage the Antichrist.
We are on the verge of that New World order and our current system is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer confidence is collapsing. This video is the most relevant and current on the market today and combines the best in the progress of Bible prophecy in world news and in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint. This understanding will affect -- should affect -- every other aspect of the current collapse of this once free and mighty nation!
This DVD is a 2-DVD set running about 2 1/2 hours


Billy Crone exposes the deception of Covid!

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse with the pre-planned Covid 19 agenda of the Global Elites, it just did. As if manipulating an election, removing our freedoms, violating our rights to assemble, and murdering a massive amount of people across the whole planet wasn’t enough for them, a whole new layer of evil has been recently discovered that frankly will shock you to the core. Believe it or not, these same sick twisted megalomaniacs have plans with their Covid agenda to also produce a whole new race of people that they proudly call Human 2.0.
A better upgraded human they say, a genetically modified one that’s created in their own image. Therefore, this book, 'Beyond Covid The Global Elites Plan for Human 2.0 'seeks to equip you with the solid evidence revealing this satanic plan for the end of humanity as we know it. Here you will learn such shocking agendas as: * The Exposers of Human 2.0 * The Resisters of Human 2.0 * The Genocide of Human 2.0 * The Signal of Human 2.0 * The Trigger of Human 2.0 * The Super Soldiers of Human 2.0 * The Design of Human 2.0 * The Zombies of Human 2.0 *The Control of Human 2.0 * The Response to Human 2.0
As wild and seemingly impossible as all this might sound, we encourage you to deal with facts before it’s too late. Sticking your head in the sand is exactly what these Global Elites want you to do. Apathy and denial are how they get to continue to march forward with their evil plans. Your life and your family’s life are not only on the line, but so is your actually humanity itself.
Get your copy of Beyond Covid The Global Elites Plan for Human 2.0 before it’s too late! Only $19.99 - https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=3014
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