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Chuck Missler Passed Away At 83 Years of Age!
We at
Cutting Edge Ministries valued Dr. Missler for
his incredible ability to share with believers
how correct the Bible is when dealing with scientific
matters. Dr. Missler skillfully demonstrated
how modern science has brought us to an understanding
of Biblical facts that we had never comprehended
We did disagree with Missler's political worldview,
but his scientific insight in Biblical matters
was priceless)
Dr. Chuck
Missler will be mightily missed!
Bookstore Items Featuring Dr. Missler



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NOTE: Many ministries do not survive the death
of the founder, especially when the founder
possesses special knowledge that gave the ministry
its popularity.
If you
want any of these wonderful titles, buy them
now, because they may not be available much
News Analysis
1. Without
warning, a bi-partisan bill appeared in Congress
which would grant any President the authority
to arrest anyone, on no charges, and imprison
him forever!
NEWS BRIEF: "Congress
Lining Up Behind Indefinite Detention --
Bob Unruh, World Net Daily, 5/6/2018
"While much
of the reporting on the National Defense Authorization
Act, now pending in Congress, has focused on
issues such as authorization for a military
parade in Washington, Jon Schwarz at the Intercept
noticed a far different issue: the option for
the indefinite detention of American citizens
without charges."
We Conservatives
fought, and lost, this battle during the days
of post-911 chaos, when Patriot Act One was
passed by Congress even though no member had
read it, and when President Bush was considered
exceedingly trustworthy.
Of course, the
names of the accused which were going to be
swept up by this illegal, unconstitutional law
were Mohammed and Ahmed, not Jones and Smith.
This current rebirth of arrest with no charges
for an indefinite period is most definitely
going to include Jones and Smith!
"... the
2012 NDAA ... theoretically, the provisions
should apply only to those involved in 9/11,
such as al-Qaida and the Taliban. 'But now,
incredibly enough, a bipartisan group of six
lawmakers, led by Sens. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.,
and Tim Kaine, D-Va., is proposing a new AUMF
that would greatly expand who the president
can place in indefinite military detention,
all in the name of restricting presidential
power' ..."
Isn't this just
the way politicians work? In the name of "restricting
Presidential power", they actually create
a law which would allow the President to unconstitutionally
imprison American citizens for the rest of their
Do not be mislead
at this point: Corker-Kaine bill is poison to
our rights as citizens!
"... the
Corker-Kaine AUMF allows the president to decide
that he has the power to use force against any
‘organization, person, or force’
essentially at will, by designating them as
associated with previously named enemy groups,”
the report said. The Intercept said there’s
'nothing' to prevent 'a president from naming
an American organization or individual to the
[terror] list'.”
In other words,
this bill will allow any President, under any
circumstance, to simply name a person or an
organization as being terrorist! This action
is what dictators do! They move against a person
or an organization whom they deem as an enemy
simply by declaring them to be such and arresting

Will real
Constitutional Conservatives stand up against
this attempt by a R.I.N.O. Republican and the
Clinton V.P. candidate to overthrow our beloved
Senator Bob Corker,
R-Tenn is one of the Swamp Rats known as "Republican
In Name Only" (R.I.N.O.) and is fully committed
to the globalist New World Order.
Senator Tim Kaine,
D-Va, is a Clinton-era supporter, having run
as Vice President with Hillary in the 2016 election.
These types of
senators are the REAL enemies of all we hold
dear in this Constitutional Republic, and as
such, they believe the Constitution is in the
way of moving quickly into the New World Order,
a.k.a., the Kingdom of Antichrist.
This bill needs
to be voted down! Start writing and calling
while you still can.
2. Also
without warning, Israel abruptly faced a deadly
new threat from a nation considered a friend.
Hezbollah won control of Lebanon's Parliament!
NEWS BRIEF: "Hezbollah,
Amal and allies claim Lebanon election sweep:
Terrorists now control Lebanon's Government,
Armed Forces", al-Jazeera
News, 8 May 2019
and its political allies are the biggest winners
in Lebanon's first general election in nine
years ... Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's leader,
declared the outcome a 'national achievement'
in a televised speech on Monday ... Sami Nader,
a political analyst, told Al Jazeera Hezbollah
and Amal "don't even need the Aounists
(FPM) to form a bloc [in parliament] or to obtain
the veto power".
" 'They can
do it without them', Nader said."
now control all the apparatus of modern state,
including a military which is now aimed directly
at Israel.
has long been stuck in the middle of a regional
power struggle between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
To complicate matters, tensions have been rising
between Israel on the one hand and Iran and
Hezbollah on the other hand."
even before the release of the official results,
Israeli ministers weighed in on the prospects
of a stronger position for Hezbollah in Lebanon's
politics. 'The state of Israel will not differentiate
between the sovereign state of Lebanon and Hezbollah,
and will view Lebanon as responsible for any
action from within its territory," an Israeli
security cabinet minister was quoted by Reuters
news agency as saying."
commenting on Twitter on Monday, Naftali Bennett,
a hawkish member of the Israeli cabinet, said:
'Hezbollah = Lebanon'."
3. Within
hours after President Trump announced he was
pulling America out of the Iran Nuclear Deal,
Israeli missiles and bombers attacked Iranian
missiles in Syria.
NEWS BRIEF: "Sources
in Syria: 'Israel attacked stockpiles of
Iranian missiles', Iranian soldiers killed",
Israel National News, 5/8/2018
"Syrian media
reported on Tuesday evening that a number of
explosions were heard south of the Syrian capital,
Damascus. According to some of the reports,
Israeli planes fired missiles at Iranian targets
near Damascus."
"Rami Abdel
Rahman, director of the Britain-based Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights, told AFP that
missiles targeted an 'arms depot belonging to
Hezbollah and the Iranians'. The monitor said
that at least nine pro-government fighters were
killed in the missile strike, including members
of Iran's Revolutionary Guards and other Iranian-backed
In other words,
Israeli planes and missiles struck quickly against
Iranian missile depots in Syria after President
Trump announced that America was pulling out
of the very flawed nuclear deal with Iran.
Israel will likely strike Iranian military
assets in Syria rather than on Iranian soil!
the identification of irregular activity of
Iranian forces in Syria, the IDF (Israel Defense
Forces) has decided to change the civilian protection
instructions in the Golan Heights and instructs
local authorities to unlock and ready shelters
in the area," the army said in a statement."
4. Could
California flip to a Republican State?
Mesa becomes O.C.’s latest city to oppose
California’s ‘sanctuary state’
law", Los Angeles Times, May
2, 2018
"In a contentious
vote early Wednesday, the Costa Mesa City Council
became Orange County's latest governing body
to declare official opposition to Senate Bill
54, a California 'sanctuary state' law that
provides expanded protection for undocumented
immigrants. The 3-2 decision to adopt a resolution
against SB 54 prompted cheers and chants of
'USA! USA!' from opponents of the law who waited
in City Hall until roughly 1 a.m. for the council's
to the resolution, 'The adoption of SB 54 has
created a conflict between state and federal
law and has restricted local law enforcement's
ability to cooperate with federal authorities
to protect California residents. This conflict
leaves the City Council no choice but to publicly
state its opposition to SB 54'."
As city
after city votes against California being a
"Sanctuary State", one has to wonder
if the Democrats are losing control!
Clarita may join other cities in opposing California's
'sanctuary' law", Los Angeles
Times, May 9, 2018
"The backlash
against a new California law that protects immigrants
continued in Santa Clarita as the City Council
voted to formally oppose the so-called sanctuary
law and file a brief in support of the Trump
administration's lawsuit against the state."
Isn't this a sight
to behold? A city in Democrat-controlled California
has filed a brief in support of the Trump Administration's
lawsuit against the Sanctuary State law. This
City build-up of anger against their own State
is causing some observers to believe that this
issue just might flip the Liberal, Democrat
state to flip over to Republican control.
Internal polls
during the 2016 presidential election told Donald
Trump that he could not lose if he continued
to speak out against Liberal immigration policy.
This issue is even more important today, as
California is now discovering.
5. Hawaii's
volcanic eruption and cauldera collapse are
causing earthquakes to rumble from Alaska to
Central America!
VOLCANO Mandatory EVACUATION - 14 fissures,
300 ft LAVA, Sulphur Gas, 566 EARTHQUAKES",
You Tube, May 7, 2018
"And this
is just the BEGINNING - Kilauea Volcano, Lower
Puna, Leilani Estates mandatory evacuation.
Record Breaking number of earthquakes this week,
Volcanic eruption, thousands evacuate... AND
THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING... This is an historic
Mueller's "Russian Collusion" case
is weakening badly.
Porn star
Stormy Daniels suddenly claims that a Russian
billionaire paid Trump's lawyer $500,000 --
without proof and without naming a source!
Daniels’ Lawyer Says Russian Paid Trump
Attorney Cohen $500,000",
Breitbart News, 8 May 2018
"Stormy Daniels’
lawyer says he has information showing that
President Donald Trump’s longtime personal
attorney received $500,000 from a Russian billionaire
within months of paying hush money to Daniels
... Lawyer Michael Avenatti released no documents
to support the claim and did not reveal the
source of his information."
Keeping the Stormy
Daniels' sordid story alive, Democrats are able
to keep this story floating in the media air,
along with true stories of Democrat politicians
under fire for past sexual sins, as New York
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman demonstrates
so clearly.
Even though the
Stormy Daniels' situation with Trump is clearly
consensual sex rather than the abusive sex with
Schneiderman, an undiscerning public can see
no difference.

US detainees freed in North Korea during Mike
Pompeo visit ",
The Telegraph News, 9 May 2018
"Three American
prisoners have been freed from North Korea and
are heading back to the US with Mike Pompeo,
the US secretary of state, Donald Trump, the
US president announced on Wednesday. 'I am pleased
to inform you that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
is in the air and on his way back from North
Korea with the 3 wonderful gentlemen that everyone
is looking so forward to meeting. They seem
to be in good health', Mr Trump tweeted."
Since North Korea
released these three Americans being held captive
before the summit begins, this will be seen
as a diplomatic victory for President Trump!
The President
has revealed that a specific date has been set
for a One-Day Summit, but he will not specify
this date.
Kim to have 'one-day' summit; time, place to
be announced 'in next few days',
" The Korea Times, May 10, 2018
"U.S. President
Donald Trump said on Wednesday he will announce
the site for a summit with North Korean leader
Kim Jong Un within three days and it will not
be held at the demilitarized zone along the
border between the two Koreas. 'It will not
be there', he told reporters at the start of
a Cabinet meeting at the White House when asked
if the planned meeting would be at the DMZ.
'We're going to announce it within three days'."
We expect that
this summit will fail and that war will commence,
probably quickly. Only war can fulfill the wording
of the Illuminati Plan. Listen:
hair-raising confrontation in Korea may, towards
the end of the period, threaten man's very survival."
[Peter Lemesurier, "The
Armageddon Script", p. 225]
Are you
willing to have 'Alexa' completely control your
CNBC News, 5/9/2018
"Amazon wants
to show you how much you can rely on its Alexa
voice assistant to control everything in your
home, from thermostats to TVs. The company announced
Wednesday it's partnering with homebuilder Lennar
to create "Amazon Experience Centers"
— model homes containing built-in Alexa-controlled
appliances — in hopes of persuading homeowners
and homebuyers to embed Amazon services into
their houses ... can reorder goods from Amazon,
and Alexa-enabled products that allow customers
to control the lights, TV, shades and other
appliances with their voices."
What no one at
Amazon will not admit is that such an electronically
controlled home is far more susceptible to criminal
hackers, who have no trouble bypassing all the
safeguards and enter your home.