News Analysis -- End of the Age
Hamas Palestinians struck hard into Israel
over the weekend by launching over 700 missiles.
700 Rockets fired out of Gaza into Israel,
The Golden Report, May
4, 2019
have been firing rockets into Israel sense
early this morning. Several homes have been
hit as far north as Ashdod. Air raid sirens
have been blasting all day keeping hundreds
of thousands in bomb shelters and safe room
in their homes in most cases they have as
little as 10 seconds to find cover before
the rockets hit them. "
Can you image
having only 10 seconds to get to a bomb
shelter once the alarm sounds? This kind
of threat is disrupting normal life for
the average Israeli citizen! Young children
can really not play outside far from the
shelter nor can they be outside without
an adult.
is faced with a very serious decision ...
this isn't as important to him now
as the celebrations on the 8th as Memorial
Day, then the next day the 9th is the celebration
of Israel's Independence Day. To top
that off he has the Eurovision and tens
of thousands coming who may cancel in the
event of a war. So to start a full blown
war right now seems like bad timing, but
that is what Hamas and the Islamic Jihad
are counting on."
This week
is one of the most intense in Israel's annual
calendar and is very often the target of
Arabs who consider it an affront to their
manhood to mark yet one more year in which
they have been unable to uproot and annihilate
those dastardly Jews!
a tough decision for Netanyahu ... Hamas
has shown they now have rockets that can
hit targets in Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and further."
But, Hamas
is not the most potent danger.
the thing most on his mind is Hezbollah
is now waiting for the right time to launch
an attack from the north on all of Israel
with a reported 200,000+ rockets and missiles
that can hit every inch of Israel and they
could be waiting for Israel to get into
a heavy war in Gaza to attack from the north
... both Hamas and Hezbollah are taking
their orders from Iran, and with Trump putting
the squeeze on Iran's economy maybe
it is a good time for them to attack Israel
to change the game plan. The world knows
Iran with their Shiite Islam would be more
than willing to commit suicide and that
is what they will do when they hit Israel
know that there is a war coming and a really
big one, and the longer Israel waits allowing
them to continue to build up their forces
on our borders the harder it will be to
defeat them."
as abruptly as it began, Hamas announced
a "hudna" ceasefire which gave
them time to regroup and resupply the Palestinian
Authority Treasury!
Began at 04:30 Local Time: Confirmed
by Israel, Gaza", The Jewish
Press, May 6, 2019
"A ceasefire
worked out by Egyptian negotiators between
Israel and terrorist leaders in the enclave
began at 04:30 am local time on Monday morning
— conveniently in time for the start
of the first day of the Islamic holy month
of Ramadan."
Do not be
deceived by the term, "Ceasefire".
In English,
a "ceasefire" means "a cessation
of hostilities; truce." Most people
equate a "ceasefire" with a probable
chance to reach an agreement which would
allow both sides to reach a permanent peace.
However, this
"ceasefire" to an Arab means a
"hudna"! The Palestinians had
this temporary lull in mind from the beginning
of their worthless "Hudna" Ceasefire.
The key question is why Israel and the United
States are deliberately turning a blind
eye to the war preparations the Palestinians
are boldly making, right out in the broad
Hudna is an
Islamic term whose meaning Israel has no
right to exist. By definition Israel is
a colony that stole the land of Palestine
and evicted its residents. All the agreements
are temporary. The common justification
given for the very need for a temporary
agreement with Israel is "because of
the current balance of power.
In other words,
an attack followed by a "hudna"
agreement before Israel can mount a strenuous
counterattack aids the Palestinian's current
weakness before the mighty military juggernaut
of Israel.
and the Palestinians also used the rocket
attack as a means of extortion!
Million to be Transferred From Qatar to
PA as Part of Ceasefire: Approximately
$300 million will go to the P.A., while
the rest will go to U.N. programs and electricity
services in the West Bank and Gaza agreement",
Breaking Israel News, May 7, 2019
"As the
ceasefire between Israel and terrorist organizations
in Gaza takes effect, Qatar has announced
that it would transfer $480 million to the
Palestinian Authority and Gaza ... Both
P.A. leader Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader
Ismail Haniyeh thanked Emir of Qatar Sheikh
Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani."
political enemies of PM Netanyahu immediately
pounced upon this extortion racket.
BRIEF: "Gantz,
Lapid, Labor, Call Bibi's Ceasefire
Another Surrender to Hamas' Extortion",
The Jewish Press, May 6, 2019
Kachol Lavan party on Monday morning attacked
the Netanyahu government in light of the
ceasefire with the terrorist organizations
in Gaza ... all directed at civilian areas,
including Barzilai medical center in Ashkelon."
Lavan chairman, former IDF chief of staff
MK Benny Gantz, issued a statement saying:
'Nearly 700 launches into Israeli territory,
many wounded, and 4 killed ... have ended
with another surrender to the blackmail
of Hamas and the terrorist organizations.
All that the government has done, once again,
is to invite the next clash'."
PM Netanyahu
is simply trying to buy time so that the
real start of this coming devastating war
will occur at the time of his choosing and
the place.
Israel PM Netanyahu announced that this
war was "not over yet"!
Netanyahu Warns: Battle with Hamas and
Islamic Jihad not over yet",
World Israel News, May 6, 2019
Israeli prime minister hailed the IDF's
achievements in the latest round with Hamas
and Islamic Jihad, adding that the battle
isn't over ... Over the last two days
we struck Hamas and Islamic Jihad with great
force," he said. 'We hit over 350
targets. We struck at terrorist leaders
and operatives and we destroyed terrorist
Israelis agree, but want a much stiffer
fight waged.
war in the south has not really ended':
Jewish mother of 7 laments", Israel
National News, 5/7/2019
" 'Peace
is made, only after a war is over, and the
war in south Israel is not over'. Tamar
Yonah speaks with the mother of 7 children,
who lives under constant rocket fire.
after the so-called ‘ceasefire'
of early Monday morning, she is mad, and
her words are on fire!"
When Prime
Minister Netanyahu unleashes the hounds
of war, the Israeli Defense Force, he will
have overwhelming support from Israeli citizens!
Not one 2020 Democrat presidential candidate
sided with Israel.
One Democrat Presidential Candidate Defended
Israel During Rocket Attacks",
Breitbart News, 6 May 2019
one of the more than 20 candidates for the
Democratic Party's presidential nomination
in 2020 tweeted this past weekend about
the nearly 700 rockets that Palestinian
terrorists in Gaza launched against Israel
over two days."
Donald Trump and his administration pledged
their full support for Israel's strikes
in self-defense. Trump tweeted: 'Once again,
Israel faces a barrage of deadly rocket
attacks by terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic
Jihad. We support Israel 100% in its defense
of its citizens'.
silence of the Democrats was first flagged
by retired New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind,
who has been a fierce critic of his party's
anti-Israel drift in recent years."
News reviewed the Twitter feeds of every
Democratic presidential candidate and found
no comments about the situation in Gaza
and Israel."
more than half a dozen did tweet Ramadan
wishes at the start of the annual Muslim
holy month."
The leftward
drift of the Democrat Party toward the Islamic
side is getting more noticeable every day!
Do any of them realize that God has chosen
Israel to win every fight and the Muslims
to lose?
Senator Cory Booker continues his hard march
into Left Field as he threatened to throw
any American citizen into jail who refused
to surrender his guns.
Booker: Americans
should be 'thrown in jail' if they won't
give up their guns",
The Washington Examiner, May 6, 2019
Booker said he backs legislation that would
get Americans "thrown in jail"
for owning "assault weapons" if
they do not hand them over in a buyback
program in which they would be sold to the
government. Booker, a senator for New Jersey
and 2020 presidential hopeful, said that
incarceration would be an option after a
'reasonable period' following the buyback
offer. "
These Leftist
politicians are just not going to let this
debate die. They know that no dictatorship
in history ever arose and stayed in power
unless private gun ownership was banned
and guns were effectively seized.
Since the
world is still steaming toward the dictatorial
"New World Order", every American
citizen had better keep their hands on their
guns and their ammunition dry!
Listen to
the Illuminati Plan to convince Americans
to surrender their guns:
drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in
a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated
the desire in these people to open fire
on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun
lobby. This plan is well under way, and
so far is working perfectly. The middle
class is begging the government to do away
with the 2nd amendment." [Cooper, Behold
A Pale Horse, p. 225]
President Trump has declared war with Liberal
has instructed his Cabinet officials not
to comply with House subpoenas.
War: Trump Administration
Slap Down House Democrats' Subpoenas",
News, May 7, 2019
an all-out war. Okay—that was the
case after the 2016 election, but now we're
seeing repetitive smackdowns of subpoenas
issued by Democrats by the Trump administration.
They're all politically motivated.
Trump hasn't committed a crime. The
report on Russian collusion isn't
conclusive on obstruction because the evidence
is not sufficient, as deemed by Deputy Attorney
General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General
William Barr, and it totally kills the narrative
that the Trump campaign colluded with the
Kremlin in the 2016 election."
week, President Trump all but showed his
hand on how this McGahn subpoena was going
to end ... he did not believe he would allow
former White House counsel Don McGahn to
testify to committees in Congress, saying
McGahn had already spoken to the special
counsel on the Russia probe."
" 'I
would say it's done', Trump told Fox
News. 'I've had him testifying already
for 30 hours', Trump said, referring to
McGahn's testimony to Special Counsel
Robert Mueller's team."
The time has
come to play political hardball!
But, the time
has really come to go on offense, indicting
all those people who conspired to treasonously
overthrow a duly elected President Trump.
Legal action begun now will naturally reach
its conclusion during the months leading
up to the 2020 Election!
Now Environmental Crazies are after YOUR
Have Now Declared War On Our Lawns",
Issues & Insights, May 7, 2019
often pride themselves on their lawns. Maintaining
our green grassy landscapes and colorful
gardens is a $36 billion a year industry.
Three-fourths of us have told pollsters
that "my lawn and garden (are) a reflection
of my personality."
the eco-lobby doesn't want us to have
nice things. 'On balance, lawns are awful
for the planet', Eric Holthaus wrote last
week in Grist, an environmentalist online
If you are
naturally angry that anyone would try to
take your green lawn away from you, would
you be even more angry is you realized that
these same people want to take away your
backyard BBQ's?
"If another
hurricane hits, the "Mother Gaia"
principle would be so dramatically strengthened
that we might actually see and hear experts'
popping up to educate the average American
citizen as to why 'Gaia' is so troubled,
and why people need to understand the necessity
of giving up our entire way of living, our
homes, our cars, our careers, our professional
sports, our TV, movies, and even our backyard
barbeques (believe it or not, but New Age
environmentalists even complain about the
"waste" of the backyard BBQ)."
And, of course,
you have heard that flatulating cows are
such a problem we need to get rid of beef!
Americans will soon lose their ability to
have family fun time in our backyards: the
Lawn, the BBQ and the steaks to cook on
Welcome to
the New World Order insanity!
- Deadly Wound "Healed!"
of the Beast: Antichrist's Resurrection
and Return Planned in Washington DC!"

video builds upon the foundation of
our Secret
Mysteries of Americas Beginnings series
and adds to and builds up and updates
what we presented!
1776, a Shadow Government existed
which really controlled the levers
of power; under President Obama, this
shadow government was transformed
into the DEEP STATE!
DC was planned to be a High Place
of Luciferian worship, exactly like
the High Places" in Old Testament
times, against which God railed. Washington
DC is correctly called the most evil
place on Earth with spiritually controlled
buildings and seething with occult
energy, just as we reported in
Riddles In Stone!
of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and
other occult leaders have always viewed
world and national events as being
controlled by National Overlords,
demonic beings as revealed in Daniel
Capitol was built with a secret crypt
empty of a body, so that, at the right
moment in world history, the body
of the assassinated Masonic Christ
can be placed within; the most powerful
Scottish Rite Masonic leaders will
then convene to conduct the Aleister
Crowley Raising of Osiris ritual which
will raise Osiris (Antichrist) from
the dead, thus fulfilling Revelation
13:3, so that the power and authority
foretold in Revelation 13:4 can be
fully established.
Mound Builders" DVD
The Trail of the Nephilim Series,
by L.A. Marzulli
people who visit the complex at Poverty
Point Louisiana, which is the second
largest earthen-mound in the United
States, never ponder how over 390,000
tons of dirt was moved and compacted
to form this incredible wonder of
the ancient world!
Wisdom stats that the earth was dug
with flint hoes and then moved one
basketful at a time to create the
huge mound at Poverty Point. I asked
one archaeologist if this theory
had ever been tested. He answered
that he didn't know!
We timed
how long it would take to dig one
bucket of earth and move it. We then
calculated how many single buckets
of earth it would take to construct
the mound at Poverty Point. How does
26 MILLION SINGLE buckets of earth
sound? Think about it& 26 MILLION
buckets of earth. And, there are 10,000
such mounds in Ohio!
is a hidden history that has been
deliberately obfuscated from the people
of the world. This history points
to the fact that the Biblical narrative
of the Nephilim was a reality. In
other words, giants towering over
9 feet tall once roamed the earth.
was all too real!
$19.99 - Click to "Related Items"
to see
all Marzulli DVDs