Wednesday 4/26/2017
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Volume 6, From The Millennial Kingdom to Eternity"
Mac Dominick, Cutting Edge Films - Final Volume in this
ALL!! This video examines Rev 19-22, a most exciting
and impactful chapter as Jesus Christ speedily concludes
His dealing with wicked, sinful mankind, preparing the
world for the purity required for his Millennial (1,000
Year) Reign!
Jesus begins this
final segment with His holy angels proclaiming ' Alleluia;
Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the
Lord our God' and concluding with Jesus proclaiming
to John 'Surely I come quickly'!
During these four
chapters, Jesus consummates His 'Marriage Supper of
the Lamb', His final judgment - the 'White Throne Judgment'
- seizing Satan and binding him and his demons for Jesus'
1,000 year reign, the final battles as Jesus releases
Satan for a short while, and the New Heaven / New Earth,
and the glorious beginning of Eternity!
A triumphant wrap-up
to a glorious book in which Jesus purifies Earth of
its sinners and their sin so that He can begin the Eternal
reign which He planned far back in Eternity Past.
1 Hour, 15 Minutes,
Only $19.99
of Babylon, Capital Of The New World Order"
Volume 5 - DVD 
by Mac Dominick
of Cutting Edge Films
the trailer now.
Runtime 93 minutes http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2765
For more information
and trailers on the DVDs individually select the front
cover in which you are interested, below:

Offer is Available, Volumes 1-4: You save $16
News Analysis
1. The Democrat
Party may have just rendered itself a permanent minority
party for the next 50 years!
The new DNC Chairman
ordered all pro-Life Democrats to leave the party!
Even though 23%
of all Democrats are pro-Life!
2. As the Trump
Re-negotiation of NAFTA -- North American Free Trade
Association -- draws nigh, the President makes his opening
He slaps a 20%
tariff on Canadian softwood lumber.
Remember, genuine
Conservative / Christian citizens do NOT want NAFTA
re-negotiated, we want it abolished altogether.
3. A swarm of
teen criminals invaded a BART transit train, robbing
passengers with impunity, and left before armed authorities
Nothing illustrates
the reality that criminals love to attack within California,
because its gun control policies paint a huge "Gun
Free Zone" all over the state.
4. Liberal Democrat
Feminists are worried these days.
Ivanka Trump is
aggressively courting the same constitutent that Liberals
love to claim, but doing so in support of her father,
the President of the United States!
5. The President
is meeting with the full Senate today to brief them
on the current situation with North Korea.
American naval
carrier forces are now on station, the US Air Force
is installing special anti-aircraft missiles that is
worrying China and South Korean forces are ready to
"turn Pyongyang to dust".
After enduring
endless war rhetoric from North Korea since 1994, is
this planned nuclear war rhetoric finally coming to
a head?
Coming Convergence" DVD
- Dynamic Prophetic Message Whose Time Has Come
Jesus boldly proclaimed
that one of the major prophetic signs that His return
was close was CONVERGENCE, "when you see these
signs, lift up your heads, for your Redemption draweth
nigh" (Luke 21:22) Jesus' second coming was also
compared to a woman's labor pains, which converge at
the end to give birth to the baby. Likewise,
we are to expect a 'convergence' of prophetic labor
pains just before Jesus returns. That 'convergence'
is upon us NOW!
Jesus chastised
religious leaders in the first century for not knowing
the time of His arrival. Will we make the same mistake
today? Christ stated how His second coming would be
preceded by global events signifying the end of our
age. We may not know the day or the hour, but we can
know the season!
The Coming Convergence
also pulls you deeper into the reality of an approaching
apocalypse as you follow the story of a young girl that
is living through the end of days. Her words of warning
are a wakeup call to the horrors mankind will soon face.
The conclusions of The Coming Convergence explain how
the scenarios described within Revelation are converging
before our very eyes.
This documentary-film
features Kade Hawkins, Ray Bentley, Douglas Hamp, Tom
Hughes, Brent Miller Sr and Jack Hibbs!
Shipping Monday,
April 17 - Introductory price is good only until we
start shipping

News Headlines
1. The Democrat
Party may have just rendered itself a permanent minority
party for the next 50 years!
The new DNC Chairman
ordered all pro-Life Democrats to leave the party!
Even though 23%
of all Democrats are pro-Life!
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrat
Party Chair Says There’s No Place for Pro-Life
Democrats", Life News, April
25, 2017
"Yesterday, LifeNews.com
covered how the chairman of the Democratic Party made
it clear that pro-life Democrats are no longer welcome
in the party. But polling data from earlier this year
shows that 23% of Democrats consider themselves pro-life
on abortion. That makes it so the abortion advocates
who run the party are essentially driving away 1/4 of
the party supporters and making them more likely to
support pro-life Republican candidates."
Gone are the days when
the despicable unchristian National Democrat Party can
win elections, almost as if "by default"!
So many elections are decided by margins of 1% or less,
that a party which has deliberately -- and probably,
permanently -- alienated 23% of its voter base is almost
guaranteed to lose.
Let us return to our featured
"By telling pro-lifers
that there is no room for them in the Democratic Party,
Perez is effectively isolating a large portion of Democrats
that consider themselves to be pro-life ... The Marist/KofC
polling consistently shows that majorities of Americans
favor restrictions on abortion, including Clinton voters
polled just before and after the election.
— 83% oppose taxpayers funding abortions overseas
— 61% oppose taxpayer funding of abortion in U.S.
(this included 4/10 HRC voters)
— 74% of voters say abortion should be limited
to first trimester (6/10 pro-choice voters support this
limiting abortion to the first trimester)"
"The poll also shows
that there is a bipartisan political consensus forming
to limit abortion to the first trimester. 55% of Clinton
voters support this; 91% of Trump voters support according
to the survey ... By a six to one margin (83% to 14%)
Americans oppose having tax dollars pay for abortions
in other countries. And by a whopping 61% to 35%, Americans
resist paying for abortions at home."
Can you see how devastating
this ultimatum can be for the Democrat Party? Pro-Life
Democrats will literally be "voting with their
feet" as they trample down the doorway out of the
What did DNC Chairman
Perez say, exactly?
"DNC Chair declares there is no place for
pro-life Democrats in today’s party",
Hot Air News, April 23, 2017
"Democratic National
Committee chairman Tom Perez became the first head of
the party to demand ideological purity on abortion rights,
promising Friday to support only Democratic candidates
who back a woman’s right to choose.
" 'Every Democrat,
like every American, should support a woman’s
right to make her own choices about her body and her
health', Perez said in a statement. 'That is not negotiable
and should not change city by city or state by state'.”
That statement is not
only bold, it will prove to be a "Waterloo"
disaster for Democrats statewide and nationally to render
the Democrat Party a permanent minority party. Why,
this statement from Tom Perez elevates Abortion On Demand
to the level of litmus test!
The situation seems clear:
When Hillary Clinton adamantly supported Planned Parenthood
through the thick and the thin of undercover videos
showing Parenthood officials callously and casually
negotiating the sale of dismembered body parts, the
net effect is that Democrat officials decided to increase
their public support for the world's #1 killer of unborn
Ignoring polls which clearly
showed the level of opposition to the Abortion Industry
from Democrat voters, Hillary and her ilk decided to
create a situation within the Democrat Party where a
member must be an abortion supporter if she/he intended
to be called a true Democrat.
Truly a stupid
2. As the Trump
Re-negotiation of NAFTA -- North American Free Trade
Association -- draws nigh, the President makes his opening
He slaps a 20%
tariff on Canadian softwood lumber.
NEWS BRIEF: "President
Trump Announces 20 Percent Import Tax on Canadian Softwood
Lumber", Breitbart News, 25 April
"President Donald
Trump announced that he wanted a 20 percent tax on softwood
lumber coming from Canada, telling conservative media
... 'We’re going to be putting a 20% tax on softwood
lumber coming in — tariff on softwood coming into
the United States from Canada', Trump announced during
a meeting with conservative journalists. He also signaled
he wanted action on Canadian dairy products as well."
“ 'We’re going
to start doing lumber in our country, it’s going
to mean that farmers are going to start selling milk
in our country', Trump said."
In international relations,
whenever one country places a significant tariff on
another country, it is because they want some relief
in another area; in this case, Trump is placing a tough
tariff on Canada's softwood lumber so that he can gain
leverage to seek tariff relief on softwood lumber.
But, Candidate Trump repeatedly
promised voters during the 2016 campaign that he would
negotiate tough terms with our international customers.
He could not have selected a more important product
to attack with a 20% tariff than Canada's softwood lumber.
"A senior administration
trade official said that the issue was a “long
simmering problem” with Canada, pointing out that
they get cheap lumber from federally-owned timber and
sell it at subsidized rates. 'We love Canada, wonderful
people, wonderful country, but they have been very good
about taking advantage of us through NAFTA', Trump said."
I find it worrisome that
President Trump views this issue through the lens of
renegotiating NAFTA rather than shutting it down completely.
genuine Conservative / Christian citizens do NOT want
NAFTA re-negotiated, we want it abolished altogether.
Staying within NAFTA will form the North American Union,
which forms Supernation #1 of both the Elite Plan and
the ultimate agenda which will put Antichrist on the
world scene!
Donald Trump will
be facilitating the appearance of Antichrist, probably
without realizing it.
3. A swarm of
teen criminals invaded a BART transit train, robbing
passengers with impunity, and left before armed authorities
takeover robbery: 40 to 60
teens swarm train, hold up riders",
San Francisco Chronicle, April 24, 2017
"BART police are
beefing up patrols at Oakland stations after dozens
of juveniles terrorized riders Saturday night when they
invaded the Coliseum Station and commandeered at least
one train car, forcing passengers to hand over bags
and cell phones and leaving at least two with head injuries."
"The incident occurred
around 9:30 p.m. Saturday. Witnesses told police that
40 to 60 juveniles flooded the station, jumped the fare
gates and rushed to the second-story train platform.
Some of the robbers apparently held open the doors of
a Dublin-bound train car while others streamed inside,
confronting and robbing and in some cases beating riders."
"Police received
no reports of guns or other weapons being brandished."
Wait a minute!! Do you
mean to tell me that none of these criminal thieves
wielded any weapons with which to intimidate the passengers?
Why, one passenger with a gun could have instantly put
an end to this insane robbery! Just one passenger with
one gun!
Furthermore, this next
news segment demonstrate the false futility of the "gun
control" advocate that "police can protect
"... police arrived
at the station in less than 5 minutes, but ... the robberies
took place in just seconds."
Nothing illustrates
the reality that criminals love to attack within California,
because its gun control policies paint a huge "Gun
Free Zone" all over the state.
NEWS BRIEF: "'Gun-Free
Zone' of California, knowing citizens would be powerless
to defend themselves... California is a human shooting
range", Natural News, December
3, 2017
"At the time of this
writing, news about the horrific
mass shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., is still
unfolding. There are a great many details that have
not yet become clear, except that more than a dozen
people have been killed, many more wounded, and that
the shooters targeted the Inland Region Center ... What
is less certain – in fact, what is a downright
mystery, both to me and tens of millions of my countrymen
– is why, oh why, there continue to be "gun-free
zones" in a nation whose founders sought to ensure
that none of their progeny would be without a means
to protect themselves and their families unless they
made the personal choice to be vulnerable."
"And honestly, California
is one of the worst offenders, featuring strict gun
control laws, byzantine gun licensure processes and
a ruling class that is at once protected by men and
women with guns but disavowed of any obligation to allow
those they rule the same right."
This fact is absolutely
true! The same politicians who demand that they have
a right to strip guns from law-abiding citizens as though
this stupid act will make citizens safer from violent
criminals, use taxpayer dollars to protect them, using
all sorts of heavy caliber and unique weapons!
is a human shooting range"
4. Liberal Democrat
Feminists are worried these days.
Rocks Berlin: President Trump’s ‘Policies
Are Central to the Economic Empowerment of Women’,"
Breitbart News, 25 April 2017
"Ivanka Trump, the
first daughter and an assistant to the president, told
Breitbart News exclusively that her father’s policies
focused on childcare and paid maternity leave are “central
to the economic empowerment of women.”
"These policies are
central to the economic empowerment of women and they
will ensure economic growth and job creation across
the country,” Ivanka Trump told Breitbart News
via email after an appearance in Berlin, Germany, alongside
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, International Monetary
Fund managing director Christine Lagarde, and the Netherlands’
Queen Maxima."
“ 'Ensuring that
women enter and stay in the workforce is vital as well
as breaking down the barriers for female small business
owners so they can become job creators', Ivanka Trump
Ivanka TRUMP is courting
the same female constituency as thousands of other feminists
in the world, but she is helping their cause by promoting
her success as a female business owner, rather than
by encouraging women to get ahead by either showering
guilt upon all males within the economy or by teaching
women how to more effectively learn how to get their
begging hand up!
Ivanka Trump is
aggressively courting the same constituent that Liberals
love to claim, but doing so in support of her father,
the President of the United States!

5. The President
is meeting with the full Senate today to brief them
on the current situation with North Korea.
BRIEF: "Entire
US Senate to go to White House for briefing on North
Korea", The Straits Times, April 25,
- Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare
briefing on Wednesday (April 26) at the White House
for the entire US Senate on the situation in North Korea
... All 100 senators have been asked to the White House
for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson,
Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis, Director of National
Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said."
We are used to seeing
officials from the White House to go to Capital Hill
to speak with Congressmen, I cannot ever remember the
entire Senate traipsing over to the White House to be
briefed by the President of the United States!
Furthermore, the President
will head up a very powerful delegation. He will be
supported by these officials:
* Secretary of State Rex
* Secretary of Defence
Jim Mattis ("Mad Dog")
* Director of National
Intelligence Dan Coats and
* General Joseph Dunford,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Officials of other countries
-- including enemy countries -- will view this special
meeting very somberly. They will believe that this special
meeting of the President and Congress will most probably
be a prelude to war!
When the President asks
Congress for a special bi-partisan blessings on his
possible range of options against North Korea, whom
better to bring along than his most senior military
and political leaders? Together, they can answer just
about anything these members of Congress can possibly
"US officials have
expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear
and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United
States and its Asian allies. President Donald Trump
criticised North Korea's "continued belligerence"
and said its actions were destabilising during a telephone
call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the
White House said."
And, when President Trump
has finished speaking with the Senate, he plans a similar
meeting with all House of Representatives members!
Amidst all this sudden
flurry of pre-war activities, the USS Carrier Group,
the USS Carl Vinson, has arrived in the oceans near
North Korea. Is this carrier group going to be joined
by two other carrier strike groups? Only the Pentagon
knows, and, for Reasons of National Security, are not
telling anyone else!
Is this 23-year-long crisis
finally going to break forth into real war, with real
people dying? Remember the stated reason for this created
Script has now been written ... A hair-raising nuclear
confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period,
threaten man's very survival." [Peter Lemesurier,
"The Armageddon Script", p. 223]
A. World War III
dominated world headlines over this weekend past! More
people Searching than ever before.
Are we headed
for Jesus' "men's hearts
failing them for fear" prophecy, Luke 21:26?
Consider these
urgent news headlines:
* Israeli Prime
Minister threatened complete destruction of any threatening
PM issues Holocaust day warning:
"Those who threaten to destroy us risk being destroyed
themselves", Yahoo News,
April 23, 2017
"Jerusalem (AFP)
- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday threatened
to destroy those who call for the destruction of Israel,
in a speech to mark the annual Holocaust Remembrance
Day. 'Iran and the Islamic state want to destroy us,
and a hatred for Jews is being directed towards the
Jewish state today', he said at a ceremony in Jerusalem's
Yad Vashem memorial."
" 'Those who threaten
to destroy us risk being destroyed themselves', Netanyahu
The Israeli Prime Minister
then reiterated a call which originated at the End of
World War II, when Jewish leaders began teaching that
the only way in which Jews could be guaranteed that
they would no longer be mercilessly slaughtered was
to form their own nation!
" 'From being defenceless
people, we have become a state with a defensive capacity
that is among the strongest in the world', he said."
The point we need to make
here is that even the Israeli Prime Minister was raising
the specter of a Holocaust type war.
* British Prime
Minister Theresa May urged a Western Power nuclear 'First
Strike' against North Korea -- No matter the consequences!
NEWS BRIEF: "British
PM Theresa May is prepared to use nuclear weapons 'as
a first strike'," Yahoo News, April
24, 2017
"Prime Minister Theresa
May would be prepared to authorise a pre-emptive nuclear
strike, the UK's defence secretary has confirmed. Speaking
on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme on Monday, (24 April),
Michael Fallon said the prime minister would launch
the weapons in exceptional cases ... 'The
whole point about about the deterrent is you've got
to leave uncertainty in the mind of anybody who might
be thinking of using weapons against this country."
Fallon went on to claim the UK 'uses the deterrent every
single day".
* US Senator Lindsay
Graham (R-SC) urges a pre-emptive first strike
Lindsey Graham (R-SC) calls for preemptive strike on
N.K. even if it means war", Yonhap
News, 4-20-2017
"A ranking U.S. senator
said the U.S. should launch a preemptive strike on North
Korea if that's what it takes to stop Pyongyang from
building a missile capable of hitting America, even
though such military action would mean war. Sen. Lindsey
Graham (R-SC) made the argument during an interview
with NBC News, saying that war would be bad for South
Korea, Japan and other countries in the region, but
won't reach the U.S., while an intercontinental ballistic
missile could do."
Wait one minute! Is Senator
Graham -- a RINO Republican -- adopting President Bush's
nonsense that we are far better to fight Islamic terrorists
in Afghanistan and Iraq than here?
" 'It would be terrible
but the war would be over here (there), wouldn't be
here', Graham said with a gesture with his fingers.
'It would be bad for the Korean Peninsula. It would
be bad for China. It would be bad for Japan, be bad
for South Korea. It would be the end of North Korea.
But what it would not do is hit America and the only
way it could ever come to America is with a missile'."
* North Korea
promised a "Thermonuclear Strike" could erupt
any minute
Korea warns 'thermonuclear war may break out at any
moment'," The Guardian, 18 April 2017
"A senior North Korean
official has accused the US of turning the Korean peninsula
into 'the world’s biggest hotspot' and creating
'a dangerous situation in which a thermonuclear war
may break out at any moment'."
* China warns
that 'World War III' is imminent!
Warns ‘World War 3 Imminent’,"
Kashmir Observer, April 15, 2017
"Bijing: China has
warned that 'conflict could break out at any moment'
on the Korean Peninsula, as North Korea and the United
States increasingly seem headed for a potential military
"Earlier on Friday,
the North Korean Foreign Ministry censured the United
States for the deployment of 'huge nuclear strategic
assets' to the Korean Peninsula ... 'This has created
a dangerous situation in which a thermo-nuclear war
may break out any moment on the peninsula and posed
serious threat to the world peace and security, to say
nothing of those in Northeast Asia', it added."
* Japanese citizens
are panicking, buying nuclear war shelters
NEWS BRIEF: "Japanese
people are buying nuclear shelters because they are
scared of North Korea missile strike",
Yahoo News, April 24, 2017
"Sales of nuclear
shelters and radiation-blocking air purifiers have surged
in Japan in recent weeks as North Korea presses ahead
with missile tests. A small company that specialises
in building nuclear shelters has received eight orders
in April alone compared with six orders during a typical
"North Korean missiles
have fired with increasing frequency. Last month, three
fell into waters within Japan’s exclusive economic
zone, some 300-350 kilometres off the coast of northern
Akita prefecture. The Japanese government on Friday
urged local governments to hold evacuation drills in
case of a possible missile attack, heightening a sense
of urgency among the public."
"In a call with President
Trump at the weekend, an increasingly worried President
Xi called for all sides to show restraint, fearful that
the situation could spin out of control."
"Russia, meanwhile,
has reportedly ordered troops and weapons to be sent
to the country’s border with North Korea as tensions
continue to escalate."
Nearly every day, the
peoples of the world are being conditioned by news stories
and statements from political leaders that a World War
III is imminent, and that it may quickly turn nuclear.
Futher, our Mass Media
outreach today seems uniquely situated to explode over
the heads of nearly everyone in the planet simultaneously.
Truly, we seem at the
point where this global war news, plus bad tidings on
other subjects throughout our existence, is whipping
people up like never before. We may be entering into
a unique prophetic mindset revealed by our Lord and
Speaking of the End Times'
signs, Jesus said:
"Men's hearts failing
them for fear, and for looking after those things which
are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall
be shaken." (Luke 21:26)
This moment on the prophetic
calendar should present us Fundamental Christians with
an historic situation where we could reap a soul-harvest
unparalleled in Church History. When confronted with
seemingly imminent death through the fires of nuclear
warfare, tens of millions of people will turn to Christians
for answers.
Are you prepared to lead
them to Jesus Christ by giving them the Gospel and inviting
them to receive Jesus' FREE Gift. Print out this Salvation
Plan and be prepared to use it regularly during this
monumental period:
B. Six times the
world nearly came to nuclear blows
(6) times the world was on the edge of nuclear war",
The New York Post, April 18, 2017
"As tensions between
North Korean and the US heighten fears of a nuclear
war, here are the times the world has come perilously
close to annihilation only to be saved by smart diplomacy,
incompetence or good luck."
Here are the six times
in modern history that the nations of the world veered
perilously toward the Abyss of nuclear war.
* "The Cuban
Missile Crisis" -- This is the closest
the world has come to a nuclear war. The
Cuban Missile Crisis was a frightening confrontation
in October 1962 between the US and the USSR at the height
of the Cold War."
"Robert Litwak of
the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
has warned in the New York Times that the current conflict
between the US and North Korea is 'the Cuban missile
crisis in slow motion'.”
* "The Yom
Kippur War" -- In October 1973, Egyptian
and Syrian forces launched an attack against Israel
on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar ... Israel
and its Prime Minister Golda Meir were caught off guard
and fought back by authorizing the activation and distribution
of nuclear warheads to the air force."
The Israeli PM actually
authorized IDF bombers to load nuclear warheads, prompting
the US to move to a DEFCON-3 alert and B-52 nuclear
bombers to be prepared.
"The US would then
likely commit a retaliatory strike."
"The UN was able
to secure a cease-fire between Egypt and Israel but
not before significant casualties for Israel and a heavy
military defeat for Syria as Israel gained more territory
in the Golan Heights."
* "Korean
Airlines Flight 007" -- The September
1, 1983, shooting down of a passenger jet by Soviet
fighter jets, in which 269 people died, was one of the
great misunderstandings of the Cold War. The tragic
incident also highlighted the disturbingly error-prone
nature of Early Warming Systems."
"Amid intense paranoia
in the Soviet region about US spy planes, the USSR was
put on high alert when the Korea Air Lines Boeing 747
veered off course from New York to Seoul via Anchorage,
Alaska when its autopilot failed ... when there was
no response Soviet pilot Gennadi Osipovitch was given
instructions to fire upon the plane by his command."
"President Ronald
Reagan said the attack was 'a crime against humanity'
with 'absolutely no justification, legal or moral'.”
* "Able Archer
83" -- In November 1983, a NATO war game,
named Able Archer 83, almost led to a nuclear holocaust.
The Soviets were convinced that the large-scale military
exercise being conducted in Eastern Europe was a ruse
for a real invasion and a US nuclear first strike. The
exercise simulated a coordinated nuclear war and heads
of government were involved. "
"In response, the
USSR armed their intercontinental nuclear missiles and
put them on the front line, cutting down their standard
process times from hours to just 20 minutes."
* "Pakistan
vs. India" -- Pakistan readied its nuclear
arsenal for a possible attack against neighbor India
in the Kargil war of 1999, in the disputed territory
of Kashmir. As Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz
Sharif sought American help to prevent an escalation
of the war, he admitted to president Bill Clinton that
his country was ready to use their nuclear arsenal against
their bitter rivals."
"Sharif indicated
he believed India was ready to do the same ... Clinton
convinced Sharif not to use his nukes and to pull his
forces out of India-administered Kashmir before he was
able to get India to agree to a cease-fire."
* "North
Korea threatens the US" -- On March 7,
2013, North Korea threatened the US with a preemptive
nuclear strike after the UN approved new sanctions against
the reclusive regime. In response, the White House said
it was 'fully capable' of defending against any North
Korean missile attack."
In our DVD shown above,
"World War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event",
we show all the numerous crisis which the Elite have
created, but have not yet launched. These crises will
await until World War III breaks out and then all will
unleash at once.
We may be nearing this
point, at which time Jesus' prophetic statement that,
at the End of the Age, men's hearts will be failing
them for fear, will actually occur.
But, remember, the real
objective of this war is to produce Antichrist on the
world scene.
American naval
carrier forces are now on station, the US Air Force
is installing special anti-aircraft missiles that is
worrying China and South Korean forces are ready to
"turn Pyongyang to dust".
After enduring
endless war rhetoric from North Korea since 1994, is
this planned nuclear war rhetoric finally coming to
a head?
Shipping NOW!!!
Tale of Two Babylons DVD: Trump's Prophetic Appointment
With 'Destiny' "

Cutting Edge Director, David Bay -- Only $19.99
The Bible mentions the
name 'Babylon' 264 times in the KJV. Today, many Christians
are confused about references in prophetic passages
which use Babylon in seemingly difference ways. When
a Christian tries to shoe-horn one definition into all
references to Babylon he / she is unnecessarily confused.
In our study of 'A Tale of Two Babylons', we are going
to demonstrate that prophetic literature speaks of God's
judgment on one physical nation 'Babylon' (Judged in
Isaiah 13) and one nation Symbolically called 'Babylon'
( Judged in Revelation 18).
If you understand this
difference, you will properly understand End Times prophecy.
But, if you do not understand the difference between
these 2 Babylons, you will be unnecessarily confused,
and will be open to being mislead on one of the most
important End Times subjects.
Since the confusion begins
with the definition of Babylon, let us begin at there!
Bible scholars recognize that God uses the name Babylon
in two distinct ways. (Quoting from The Free Dictionary
1) "... the capital
of the ancient kingdom Babylonia in Mesopotamia on the
Euphrates. Established as capital c. 1750 bc, rebuilt
in regal splendor by Nebuchadnezzar II after its destruction
(c. 689 bc) by the Assyrians, Babylon was the site of
the Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the
World 2) A city or place of great luxury, sensuality,
and often vice, corruption or a place of captivity or
In this study of 'A Tale
of Two Babylons', we are going to demonstrate that End
Times prophecy speaks of God's judgment on one physical
nation 'Babylon' and one nation Symbolically called
We will also reveal two
major contributions to End Times' prophecy which Donald
J. Trump is poised to fulfill. In fact, Trump may be
the only leader who can fulfill these prophecies in
America today. President Trump does not realize it,
but he has 'An Appointment With Destiny', a favorite
term uttered many times by 33rd Degree Masonic President,
Franklin Roosevelt, referring to the New Age / Masonic
Messiah, whom the Bible calls Antichrist.
1 hour 37 minutes run
- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2768
Headline News Articles 
Shack' Movie Presents A Spiritual Danger Which Shall
Introduce You To Satanism While Taking Your Breath Away
MK Ultra Mind
Control Manuals
by Former Satanist,
Cisco Wheeler


The official
trailer contains colors and filters which creates a
look and feel of the 'Wizard of Oz', which introduced
hundreds of millions to the Black Magick world of the
House of Theosophy, and created a most important "Mind
Trigger" for the Master MK Mind Controller.
Just as "Wizard
of Oz" movie created a new Mind Control trigger/controller,
so might 'The Shack' today. Antichrist is foretold to
control the minds and actions of most people on Earth.
Did you know it is possible for
entire populations to be mind-controlled without
using super-natural mind control? How much easier would
it be, then, to control entire nations using occult
mind control?