1. Why are Russian forces retreating
from Kiev?
NEWS BRIEF: "Putin retreating?
Russian troops now leaving Kyiv", American
Military News, 3/29/2022
"During peace talks on Tuesday,
a high-ranking Russian defense official announced Russian
forces would sharply reduce combat actions around the
Ukrainian capital city of Kyiv and the northern city of
Chernihiv. The measure was presented as a trust-building
concession during negotiations, and could be a sign Putin
is backtracking on his invasion plan."
Western media certainly reported this
withdrawal in this manner: Ukraine was winning the war
and Russia was starting to look defeated.
However, the Pentagon viewed the Russian
withdrawal differently.
This tactical retreat does not
mean Russia is leaving Ukraine, but may herald something
much more sinister!
NEWS BRIEF: "Pentagon
Says Russian ‘Withdrawal’ North of Kyiv is
Just Repositioning", American
Defense News, 3/31/2022
"The Pentagon is seeing “small
numbers” of Russian troops repositioning to the
north of Kyiv but is not labeling it a withdrawal as Russia
has characterized it. Instead, it believes the troops
might be used in an offensive elsewhere in Ukraine ..."
Bingo! We concur with the Pentagon's
assertion that the Russians are simply repositioning its
forces, either to attack elsewhere or repositioned in
order to use different weaponry.
Even before Putin launched his Ukraine
invasion, he threatened repeatedly that he might be forced
to use tactical nuclear weapons. In the last several days
different leaders have warned that the time is approaching
when Russia might use nukes.
Propaganda machines seem to be cranking
overtime to raise the belief in people's minds that Putin
would actually use nukes. Consider the propaganda
‘Countries All over the World Have to Be Worried’
Putin May Use Tactical Nukes
warning to the U.S. and NATO: Putin
could use nukes
Russian Nuke War Risk Rises
– Concern Arises Over Putin’s ‘Dead
Hand’ Doomsday Device
Russia Digs In, What’s the Risk of Nuclear War?
‘It’s Not Zero’
Shapiro: 'What
happens if Putin decides to use nukes?'
Whenever a military force decides to
use a Weapon of Mass Destruction, they will first order
a withdrawal of their ground forces to a distance equal
to the effectiveness of the WMD they are planning to use.
I believe it highly likely that this
Russian repositioning is simply for the purpose of moving
ground forces far enough away from the target that nukes
can be used.
2. Ukrainian anti-ship missile
struck and sunk the mighty 'Moskova' battleship with an
anti-ship missile.
NEWS BRIEF: "Russian
warship Moskva sinks after 'Ukraine's Neptune missile
strike' ," Hindustan News, april
15, 2022
"The flagship of Russia's Black
Sea fleet, a guided-missile cruiser that became a potent
target of Ukrainian defiance in the opening days of the
war, sank Thursday after it was heavily damaged in the
latest setback for Moscow's invasion. Ukrainian officials
said their forces hit the vessel with missiles, while
Russia acknowledged a fire aboard the Moskva ..."
This ship later sank. Russia's prestige
sank with the cruiser.
Ukranians rejoiced.
Prior to this engagement, the defense
systems of the Moskva was greatly respected. How could
the heavily defended flagship of the fleet be sunk?
is how the Ukrainian Neptune Missiles Sank the Mighty
Russian Moskva Ship", Engineerine News,
April 18, 2022
"This (sinking) is different from
any other news you read due to two reasons:
1) Moskva is
the largest warship that sunk in a battle since the WWII!
Moskva is the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet!
2) Neptune anti-ship missiles are Ukrainian-made and not
sent by the NATO or European countries!
"How did the Neptune missiles hit the Moskva ship
without being intercepted? Moskva is considered one of
the greatest Russian ships; what options does this ship
have to counter any threat? And what are the chances of
the Neptune missile passing these defenses?"
A computer simulation provided the answer.
"Ukrainian officials say that the
Moskva was distracted by the Bayraktar drone before the
Neptune missiles hit it. The drone was used to turn the
radar systems to one side of the ship, (while) the Neptune
missiles attacked from the other side."
"Moskva has multiple radar detection
systems, and such distraction shouldn't be enough to make
it vulnerable to missiles ... The most important radar
is the Top Dome SA-N-6 fire control radar that is used
to target the S-300F missiles ... This radar is just 180
degrees and might be distracted by the drone."
The Ukranian operators knew the characteristics
of their Neptune, and the limitations of the Moskva.
"Storm Distraction:
It was stormy on that day. Waves, rain, storms and any
weather conditions might have caused uncertainty for the
radar systems on the Moskva. Multiple analysts have said
at this point that radars will not be able to clearly
distinguish between the high sea wavelengths and low-altitude
flying missiles."
"But when the weather conditions
changed to stormy and rainy, this was the surprise. The
ship was not able to detect the missiles early and only
engaged the Ak-630 turrets just before the missile reached.
This was not enough time, and the missile was able to
hit the Moskva."
Does this success place our entire
fleet in jeapardy?
3. China is flexing her wings
by building an entire fleet of 5th Generation fighter
aircraft (J-20), designed to neutralize the F-35 and F-22
American fighters.
NEWS BRIEF: "China’s
‘Mighty Dragon’ 5th Generation stealth fighter
(J-20) stretches its wings over a wider area",
South China Morning Post, 14 April 2022
"Chinese J-20 stealth fighters have
been making regular patrols over the East and South China
Seas, the developers have said – the first official
confirmation that the country’s most advanced warplane
is operating over such a wide area."
This airplane was designed to be a 5th
Generation Fighter which could be matched against the
American F-35, and to a lesser degree, against the F-22.
These fighters have never actually seen
combat, so no one can know for sure the capabnilities
versus the proven American jets. Russian jets performed
far less well against Ukrainian forces than the West had
anticipated, but on paper, the J-20.
China has now moved her J-20
planes to the South Pacific, protecting a Chinese invasion
"... the planes, also known as Mighty
Dragons, were now powered by home-made engines –
a reference to a long-standing problem that has hindered
its performance." (Ibid.)
"“The J-20 has switched to
a ‘Chinese heart’ and it has become a training
routine to conduct combat patrols in the East China Sea
and alert patrols in the South China Sea" ... “Combat
patrols” require a high level of combat readiness,
whereas “alert patrols” are mainly for early
warning and surveillance."
However, these J-20 fighters have one
major drawback.
The "Chinese heart" engines
are not yet deployed.
"Ren’s reference to operating
with a “Chinese heart” is a common industry
term for the switch to domestically produced engines ...
The earliest were powered by Russian AL-31F engines and
by Chinese WS-10Bs, which were designed for a less advanced
fighter. Neither allowed the Mighty Dragon to perform
to its full capacity, limiting its manoeuvrability and
stealth capability at supersonic speeds."
"Work to produce a high-thrust turbofan
engine that would allow it to perform at its maximum capacity
repeatedly fell behind schedule. The model, known as the
WS-15, failed its final evaluation in 2019."
These "Chinese heart" engines
"failed its final evaluation in 2019! What are the
Chinese doing to get these birds in the air?
"Instead, engineers have been fitting
planes with WS-10C engines, an upgraded version of the
original WS-10. Last month state media suggested that
the more advanced engines could soon be ready for use,
but no timetable has been confirmed."
Therefore, the J-20 fighter from China
is not quite the 5th generation fighter that could compete
again the American F-35 and F-22!
Now, do you realize how important it
is to Russian and to Chinese leaders to have an elderly,
demented man in the White House who has been bribed to
riches by Russia, Ukraine, and Chinese money interests?
Russia and China can defeat the mighty
American armada simply by having Joe Biden order American
forces to "stand down"?

4. Signs point to Antichrist
coming soon.
Therefore, the time has arrived
for America to "get rid of God'!
York Times Op-ed on Holy Weekend:
Let’s Get Rid of God", Breitbart
News, 15 April 2022
"The New York Times published an
op-ed Friday that proposes eliminating belief in God ...
Titled 'In This Time of War, I Propose We Give Up God',
the article claims that God is responsible for 'war and
violence' and for 'oppression and suffering', and suggests
that people stop teaching children about Him."
During my initial research starting in
1984, I read numerous New Age authors arguing that the
God of the Hebrews was mean-spirited and unusually bloody.
And, that Christians have killed many
people in the name of God through wars and inquisitions.
Let us continue now in quoting this New York Times author.
"God, it seems, paints with a wide
brush. He paints with a roller. In Egypt, said our rabbi,
he even killed first-born cattle. He killed cows ... Killing
gods is an idea I can get behind."
While this author objects mightily to
God killing animals and human beings with whom He was
displeased, he does not object to the incredibly bloody
and torturous gods of the Babylonians, the Caldeans, or
the Mayans. Those religions slaugthered men, women, children
and newly-born infants.
And, when He speaks of God being the
source of wars and violence, he probably has the Roman
Catholic Church in mind. Her torturers murdered 75
million people during the 300 years of Inquistion
(1550-1850) and her armies routinely marched into the
Middle East to protect Jerusalem from the "infidels".

In our Bookstore, we carry a number of
materials which prove the occult
nature of the Ronman Cahtolic religion, and demonstrate
the practical fruits which are to be expected from such
an Luciferian religion.
Here to see the best-selling of our Catholic products.
5. Chinese Communist doctors
are now executing prisoners by 'harvesting' organs while
the prisoner is still alive.
NEWS BRIEF: "Chinese
Doctors are Executing Prisoners by Harvesting Their Organs",
Life News, April 15, 2022
"Shocking allegations about Chinese
organ donation have been made in a leading journal, the
American Journal of Transplantation. An Australian researcher
and an Israeli transplant surgeon claim that “physicians
in the People’s Republic of China have participated
in executions by organ removal”.
While you are rightfully shocked by
the cutting open a human being while still alive and systematically
removing the organs that will command large dollars on
the black market, this scenario was written in the New
Age Omni Magazine issue of September, 1997. Controversial
issues divulged first in Omni, are then debated throughout
society, becoming reality later. Omni Magazine is so influential
that it can really be thought of as the Flagship of the
New Age.
Listen to the write-up:
The scene opens in a hospital operating
room, with the "patient" laying on the table.
Quotations from this article will be within quotation
marks, while our comments will be within brackets and
in bold italic.
The "patient" is never given
a name; rather, he is referred to only as "R.H.".
"On his back, eyes shut, breathing
rhymically, R.H. -- six-three, 170 pounds -- is a handsome
man. Yet even as one admires the strong lines of his body,
surgeons with scalpels incise the skin and muscle of his
chest and abdomen with long, sure strokes. Using a small
electric saw, they cleave the sternum as easily as if
it were made of balsa. There is surprisingly little blood,
but there's a certain amount of disarray in the operating
room (O.R.) when as many as eight doctors have their hands
and arms inside the cadaver, working quickly to disconnect
the organs from their many vessels. [What is happening
here is that this living, breathing human being is being
"harvested" of his organs! Further, this author
writes about this awful scenario as dispassionately as
if she were writing about eight mechanics, with their
hands inside an engine cavity, systematically disassembling
an engine!]
"Rib cage and thoracic cavity are
splayed open and viscera held back with metal retractors
known as 'iron interns'. The organs reveal a marvelous
power, as when someone lifts the hood of a fine car and
sees the friction less workings of a precision-tuned engine.
This 'engine' is awesome -- glistening, organic, wet.
Aesthetically, the liver is most pleasing, resembling
some lustrous sea creature, smooth and supple with sharply
defined edges. But a surgical error contaminates it. As
a result, the liver loses its silkiness and definition,
turning from coral pink to meat-market purple. The surgeons
push the organ aside, and, struggling with their disappointment,
proceed. R.H.'s heart suddenly begins an agitated dance,
speeding from 100 to 200 beats a minute. The surgeons,
alarmed, quiet it with a jolt of electricity from defibrillating
paddles. Two hours later, it, too, is removed and slipped
into a stainless steel bowl full of saline solution."
[Do you realize that this 'journalist' is calmly reporting
the death of a human being? She is actually reporting
the medical murder of a human being! Yet, she is not moved
by any emotions, or any that she reports. She is not moved
to revulsion because God's Commandment against murder
is being callously disregarded. This person is being murdered
by medically removing his organs, undoubtedly 'for the
benefit of mankind'.]
"As soon as each organ comes out
[of the body], it is carefully packed in an Igloo Playmate
full of dry ice and rushed to a waiting helicopter for
delivery to a distant transplant team. Finally, after
the major organs are removed, a blond-haired surgeon from
New York's Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, his eyes
rimmed by dark circles, tells the anesthetist to disconnect
the I.V.'s and turn off the respirator." [It is unbelievable
that this kind of 'human harvesting' is going on at all
in America, but the thought of it occurring in one of
our most prestigious hospitals is true cause for alarm!
You might rationalize that this type of 'harvesting' might
be going on sporadically in a very few, probably backwater,
hospitals, but it is truly sobering to discover that it
is occurring in this elite hospital! I also find it interesting
that this journalist would choose to describe one of the
attendants as a 'blond-haired surgeon. Is she trying,
not too subtly, to draw our attention that this scene
is straight out of the Nazi past?]
The author then tells us that R.H. was
42 years of age, and that he was a victim of an aneurysm
that had rendered him "brain dead". Whew! We
feel better, don't we? Now that we know he is "brain
dead", it is all right to brazenly "harvest"
his organs. Right?! Isn't it better to harvest his organs
so that they can save other lives through transplantation,
rather than just letting them rot in a grave, of no use
to anyone. Right?!
The fact of the matter is that our medical
establishment has been seeking out people they can harvest
who have come to them by abnormal means. In the hypothetical
case of "R.H.", he came to the hospital the
victim of a car crash. He was on life support, he had
no relatives in the area, so he was a perfect candidate
to "become an organ donor".
However, China has callously decided
that the bodies of political prisoners could be used to
harvest organs and sell them on the world market.
China will receive her final
judgment at the slaughter of Armageddon!
6. Biden has enriched the Mexican
Cartels greatly through his open border policy.
Could Bring 30K Illegal Aliens to U.S. Border Every Day
with End of Title 42", Breitbart
News, 10 April 2022
"Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) says President Joe Biden
could potentially entice 20,000 to 30,000 border crossers
and illegal aliens to the United States-Mexico border
every day if he follows through on plans to end the Title
42 public health authority."
"Biden officials have admitted that
they expect up to half a million border crossers and illegal
aliens to arrive at the southern border every month —
the equivalence of Mesa, Arizona’s resident population."
The Mexican cartels have taken full advantage
of the lack of law enforcement at our southern border.
Now the Cartels own their own
drone fleet which they are using to wrest control of our
which country has a virtual airline of drones surveilling
U.S.: Mexican Cartels", World
Net Daily, April 17, 2022
"Mexican cartels have a virtual
airline of drones being flown over the United States to
observe law enforcement and border security operations
... the cartels have completed more than 9,000 drone flights
into U.S. airspace in the last year."
"Judicial Watch reported that federal
officials on the scene said that cartels use the drone
programs to make sure their human smuggling and drug trafficking
programs are a success.
"Specifically, they help identify
gaps in border coverage and assist the cartels in overwhelming
certain areas to create a diversion for moving sensitive
or high value loads through alternate border locations,"
Judicial Watch said."
""They are dropping fentanyl,”
Judd told Judicial Watch. "They fly into certain
locations, drop them to the ground and fentanyl is taken
off of them and they take back off into Mexico."