I don't know about you,
but his last two sentences seemed artificially contrived.
Almost forced.
"Based on the U.S.
Navy's own photos, the USS Carl Vinson strike group
was in the South China Sea from April 8 to the 14
— still far from the Korean Peninsula. The photos
show the strike group in the Indian Ocean on April
14 and 15. That means it was even farther away from
the Korean Peninsula when North Korean leader Kim
Jong-un conducted his failed missile test over the
Secretary of State Tillerson
deliberately threw more confusion into the situation.
"... on April 12,
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said: 'There is no
particular objective in its current course. The Vinson
sails up and down the Pacific routinely, and so I
would not read anything into the Carl Vinson's current
of War" is considered by the Elite as nearly
as effective as real war in forcing desired changes.
NEWS BRIEF: "America's
'Rumors of Wars' Campaign", David
Bay, Cutting Edge Ministries, 2007
"Remember this
Propaganda Principle: Fear of War Is Nearly As Effective
In Producing Desired Change As Actual Conflict!"
"The Illuminati
views conflict (war) as an excellent means by which
to erode a nation's freedoms and guaranteed liberties.
However, as we shall soon realize, merely the threat
of war is very effective in persuading a people that
they are so threatened that they must agree to give
up some rights in order to counter this threat ...
The changes in society, values, and attitudes for
which the Illuminati is seeking is served very well
by mere threat of attack, almost as well as actual
attack. The world is now in the prophetic time period,
'Wars and Rumors of Wars'."
"The Illuminati
wants to achieve as much erosion of personal freedoms
as possible using the "Fear of Attack" before
they launch the next actual attack."
Modern Mass
Media could create a false global war if that was
the plan.
I believe that this
confusion as to where the USS Vinson is right now
is simply a military tactic designed to protect our
forces by either not divulging its current position
or by providing false information.
However, we must realize
that the Elite uses false information constantly in
order to raise the level of anxiety in the hearts
of men and women everyone on Earth. They know that
"fear of war" is almost as effective as
real war in persuading citizens of every country that
dramatic changes are required, changes that the Elite
have been planning for hundreds of years!
Real war will finally
come, but it may be preceded by many false wars which
will seem to be just as "real as rain".
And, unfortunately,
we are going to be subject to a combination of real
war and false war until the Illuminati gets the One
World System toward which they are driving.
2. The world
annually enters into a most dangerous 13 days in the
Satanic calendar -- April 19 - May 1 -- known as "The
Blood Sacrifice to the Beast".
Did you know that April
19 is a most important date every year in the Satanic
Calendar of High Holy Days? April 19 begins a 13-day
period of blood sacrifice to the Beast , culminating
on May 1!
It was on April 19,
1943 [50 years before Waco] that Nazi Storm Troopers
used flame throwers that incinerated courageous Jewish
freedom fighters who had been resisting the Holocaust
in the Warsaw Ghetto![Facts of April 19 taken from
Circle of Intrigue, Texe Marrs, p. 230]
As the Illuminati carried
out their plans to achieve their New World Order,
this time period was very important to them.
* April 19, 1775, the American Revolutionary
War began at the battle of Lexington-Concord.
* April 19, 1943. Nazi Storm Troopers
trapped the last of the Jewish Freedom Fighters in
a storm sewer pipe in Warsaw. On the morning of April
19, they poured fire into both ends of the huge pipe
with their flamethrowers.
* On April 19, 1993, U.S. military
forces attacked a virtually defenseless compound containing
David Koresh and over 200 men, women, and children.
Violating the Possee Comitatus Act that prohibits
the use of military weaponry against American citizens,
killing 67 adults and 17 children, or 83 total.
* On April 19, 1995, precisely 24
months to the day after the conflagration in Waco,
a huge bomb or bombs explodes, devastating the Murrah
Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
* On April 26, 1998, a school shooter
struck in Edinboro, Pennsylvania -- 1 killed, 3 wounded
* On April 20, 1999, avowed Satanists
struck in Littleton, Colorado, Columbine High School
-- 15 killed, 14 wounded
* April 26, 2002, this shooter struck
in a German high school, exactly four years later
to the day from the shooting in Edinboro.
* April 29, 2002, the second shooter
struck in Bosnia
This time period on the annual Satanic
calendar is 13 days, ending on May 1.
we have only listed a few of the notable disasters
which have occurred during this "Blood Sacrifice
to the Beast", we must end on May 1, the last
day of this annual period. On May 1, 1776, Adam Weishaupt
founded the Black Magick secret society, "Masters
of the Illuminati".
His plan for a global dictatorship,
economy, and religion -- known as the New World Order
-- called for extreme wars, violence, assassinations,
and human carnage. Even though America's Founding
Fathers were in the process of establishing in America
a similar global plan also called the New World Order,
which envisioned that the coming global system would
arise peacefully.
Adam Weishaupt and his group retorted,
"you are crazy if you think this global system
can occur peacefully"! And, to prove their point,
the Illuminati forced the violent, bloody, and insane
"French Revolution", which started in 1789,
just 13 years after its formation on May 1, 1776.
In the DVD, above, "Riddles
In Stone", we hear a 33rd Degree Masonic
leader declare "history tells us that the Illuminati
Now you know why history since 1776
has been so bloody; starting during the "Blood
Sacrifice to the Beast" period, the Illuminati
laid the cornerstone for the complete takeover of
the world!

3. New documents
reveal that Western Allies knew of Hitler's Holocaust
in 1942, years before they said they did.
knew of Holocaust in 1942, 2 years before previously
assumed, UN documents prove",
Times of Israel, April 19, 2017
"Recently released
documents show that the Allied forces were aware of
the scale of the Holocaust some two years earlier
than previously assumed. They did little to stop the
deaths or rescue the victims ... The unsealed United
Nations files show that the US, UK and Russia knew
as early as December 1942 that two million Jews had
been massacred and millions more were at risk of being
"There are other
proofs that the Allies knew the extent of the Holocaust
already in 1942. For example, the Yad Vashem Holocaust
memorial states in a report to the UN that “During
1942, reports of a Nazi plan to murder all the Jews
– including details on methods, numbers, and
locations – reached Allied and neutral leaders
from many sources.”
Allied air forces knew
of the German railroad cars which were transporting
millions of Jews to the concentration camps, but did
nothing to bomb the tracks so they would be useless.
Allied air forces knew
from aerial reconnaissance of the huge new automated
death camps, but did not bomb them either.
And, Western powers
like Great Britain and the United States, turned back
boats of Jewish refugees who had made it to our shores,
forcing them to return to the European country from
which they had escaped. The vast majority of these
Jews died later in one of the extermination camps.
The alliances of World
War II are very revealing:
Axis Powers -- Nazi
Germany, Fascist Italy and Fascist Japan
Allied Powers -- America,
Great Britain and Russia
While no student of
history has trouble understanding that leaders of
the Axis Powers were followers of "Black Magick
Witchcraft", very few realize that President
Franklin Roosevelt (32 Degree Mason), Great Britain's
Prime Minister Churchill (Rosicrucian) and Russia's
dictator Josef Stalin (Worshipper of Baphomet) were
followers of "White Magic Witchcraft.
Thus, World War II was
a battle between Black Magick and White Magic forces!
'White Magic'
practitioners hate the Jew as much as the 'Black Magick"
ones do -- and that is the problem with the Nazi genocide
against the Jewish people.
My extensive research
into World War II from both a standard historical
and occult basis, reveal that Western leaders knew
about Hitler's final solution as far back as 1939.
These Western leaders tacitly supported Hitler's final
Solution against the Jew, but could not publicly admit
But, they could, and
they did, not use any of the overwhelming air power
to stop the German genocide in their tracks. I believe
Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, were quietly rooting
the genocide onward!