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Cutting Edge Ministries
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for the past 23 years.
Plans For A Plague
Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome ... advocated
that a plague be introduced that would have the
same effect as the Black Death of history."
A Pale Horse", p. 167]
Into Their New World Order
we come into our kingdom (New World Order) our
orators will expound great problems which have
turned humanity upside down in order to bring
the world, at the end under our beneficent rule."
A Pale Horse", p.
NOTE: The global plan
to establish the New World Order as William Cooper
so brilliantly informed us in "Behold
A Pale Horse", is now finally beginning
to occur with great rapidity!
God REALLY Part The Red Sea?"
Part 1 of
2 - 'Red Sea Miracle' comes in two parts
But, this
title is #3 in the "Patterns of Evidence"
After leaving Egypt,
the Bible describes the Israelites crossing a
deep sea that was miraculously split with walls
of water on their right and left. When the Egyptians
and their chariot force pursued, the water came
crashing back down to destroy the entire army.
Are miracles of this kind even possible?
More info and trailer
Two Hours Long, Only $19.99
That The 'Exodus' From Egypt Was Very Real!
'Thinking Man" Films DVD
of Evidence' Series', Volume 1 - The
Biblical Exodus
Trailer and get more info
A Christian
filmmaker launched this detailed scientific, linguistic
and archaeological study which would prove beyond
doubt that the Biblical account of Moses' Exodus
out of Egypt is thoroughly accurate, not a collection
of legends as modern, progressive christian scholars
Two (2)
Hours Long --Only $16.95
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'Thinking Man' Films DVD
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Cut, Bonus Features
Did Moses
REALLY Write The Torah - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers and Deuteronomy?
Trailer or get more info
Moses really write the first five books of the
Bible -- the Torah -- as God declared? Two (2)
Hours Long
Critical Headlines
1. Now that both
Republican and Democrat agree that the COVID-19 pandemic
has passed through the land and is in steep decline,
the question is how quickly can these economy-killing
measures be removed?
Republicans want
them removed quickly; Democrats want to delay removal,
possibly as long as 1 1/2 years!
2. Austria, harder
hit than America, is removing her restrictions now.
America's CDC
says that any worker who is not symptomatic can return
to work now.
3. Democrats plan
to charge President Trump with "High Crimes and
Misdemeanors" for the way he managed this crisis.
Trump is already
hitting back, with this Crisis Timeline video.
4. Former Governor
Mike Huckabee warns us all, that officials are using
this crisis as a means by which to shred the U.S. Constitution!
Dr. Fauci even
suggested that citizens be required to carry "Vaccination
Papers" at all times -- Papers are a staple in
every Dictatorship!
5. President Trump
announced that the economy will roar back and be far
better than ever!
Just as we have
been predicting, Revelation 18:7 will be literally fulfilled!
6. Democrat presidential
candidate, Joe Biden received the endorsement of Socialist/Communist
Bernie Sanders!
Biden also announced
that his running mate might be a Transgender Woman --
a Drag Queen female impersonator!
Kingdom View = Unbiblical Theology"
Volume 3 of the Series, "Are
We Building The Kingdom of God"?
Two Hours Long, Only $19.99
Deadly errors arise when
people believe in a false, unbiblical view of the
Kingdom and its establishment. Disc 3 will reveal
why this view engenders, not only these problems,
but also the false teachings within Christendom that
have arisen specifically because of a skewed viewpoint
of the biblical teaching of the coming Kingdom of
News Analysis -- End of the Age
1. Now that both
Republican and Democrat agree that the COVID-19 pandemic
has passed through the land and is in steep decline,
the question is how quickly can these economy-killing
measures be removed?
Says He Has Authority to ‘Open Up’ States,
Not Governors", BPR News, April
13, 2020
"President Donald
Trump announced that a decision “will be made
shortly” about reopening the U.S. economy in the
wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Not only did the president
reveal in tweets posted Monday that he will soon be
announcing a decision about getting businesses restarted
and reviving the economy, he made it perfectly clear
that the determination will be decided by himself “in
conjunction with” the nation’s governors."
Does this last statement
mean that the President will allow state governors to
exercise a veto power over the timing of his reversal?
Absolutely NOT!
the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some
in the Fake
News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision
to open up the states, not that of the President of
the United States & the Federal Government,”
Trump tweeted on Monday. 'Let it be fully understood
that this is incorrect. It is the decision of the President..."
" 'I’m gonna
to have to make a decision, and I only hope to God it
is the right decision', Trump said at Friday’s
coronavirus task force news briefing at the White House.
'But I would say without question, it is the biggest
decision I have ever had to make'.”
Do not be deceived by
anyone to think that these restrictive measures are
not severely damaging the economy.
"With most states
issuing stay-at-home orders, the economy has been in
free-fall as nearly 17 million Americans have filed
for unemployment benefits."
Running this economy with
these restrictions in place is like running an auto
engine with no lubricating oil; you will not go far
without totally ruining the engine. But, since the Democrats
are already on the public record as saying that they
are willing to ruin America if they can defeat President
Trump's reelection bid, their leaders are stone cold
when it comes to caring about YOU!
Republicans want
them removed quickly; Democrats want to delay removal,
possibly as long as 1 1/2 years!
Health Advisor: Keep Americans in Lock-down for at Least
1.5 Years",
Israel News, April 13, 2020
"Democratic presidential
candidate Joe Biden’s health adviser, Dr. Zeke
Emanuel, said last week that coronavirus will be around
“for at least eighteen months or more” and
that the U.S. “will not be able to return to normalcy
until we find a vaccine or effective medications.”
This statement is a formula
for economic disaster, from which America might not
ever recover. We cannot delay even 1.5 months, and certainly
1.5 years! Of course, with
a net worth of $2,500,000, Dr. Zeke Emanuel
would be untouched by a return to a Depression-style
But, this formula is brilliant
if your goal is to destroy America so she can enter
into the world of nations as a weakling nation, no stronger
than, say, Germany. (Also an Illuminati goal).
Resistance Fights to Keep the Country Locked Down",
"The resistance freaks
want the country to stay closed as long as possible
because they think it will hurt Trump and they don’t
care about the collateral damage of their political
jihad. American companies destroyed and Americans out
of work, WHO CARES? Orange man bad."
That attitude is perfectly
in line with the Hillary Clintons, the Joe Bidens, the
Nancy Pelosi's, and the Adam Schiff's of the world.
They are all Illuminati and as such, believe in this
horrific mindset.
"... for the progress
of the soul of the individual and the soul of humanity,
death is inevitable, good and necessary." [Alice
Bailey, "The Externalisation of the
Hierarchy", p. 112, 115; Originally
penned in September, 1939]
forget this Satanic principle: "Death is inevitable,
good, and necessary".
Further, you and I are
in their rifle sight!
The Democrats
are marching to a far different drummer boy on this
issue than is President Trump:
We’ll Sue if Trump Issues Order That Puts New
Yorkers in Danger", Breitbart
News, 13 April 2020
"On Monday’s
broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” New
York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) stated that if President
Trump ordered something that jeopardized the health
of New Yorkers 'we would just be off to a lawsuit' ...
you now see a war between the federal government and
the states'.”
Democrat Governor, Cuomo,
had better be careful as he draws swords with President
Trump. No Democrat yet has been able to successfully
battle him yet, and if New York resists Trump's reopen
schedule and are demonstrably worse off than their neighbors
who have followed the President's directives, they may
take their vengeance out at the ballot box in November.
2. Austria, harder
hit than America, is removing her restrictions now.
NEWS BRIEF: "Austria
scales back virus lockdown, reopens some stores",
The Times of Israel, April
13, 2020
"Austria is beginning
to relax its strict coronavirus lockdown measures by
allowing small retailers and DIY and gardening supply
stores to reopen Tuesday."
"All customers will
be required to wear mouth and nose covers that help
reduce the risk of infection for others, and keep a
distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from each other.
There will also be a limit on the number of people allowed
into stores."
"Austrian authorities
have said they plan to let all stores reopen on May
2, followed by restaurants in mid-May, provided the
pandemic remains under control."
The bottom line consideration
in this reopen debate is whether Hydroxychloroquine
is truly a "game changer" medicine. If its
effectiveness is extremely high, then there is no fear
of another wave of infections nor do we have to fear
that some people may still get sick.
They would just take the
Hydroxychloroquine and go back to work.
America's CDC
says that any worker who is not symptomatic can return
to work now.
Critical Workforce Exposed to Coronavirus May
Return to Work", Breitbart
News, 9 April 2020
"The Centers for
Disease Control on Wednesday unveiled new guidelines
for members of the critical workforce exposed to the
coronavirus. Asymptomatic workers exposed to the virus
may return to work, officials explained, provided they
wear a face mask, take their temperature before entering
their workplace, and continue to practice social distancing."
If the medical experts
at the CDC state that anyone who was exposed to the
Coronavirus may now safely return to work, then let
America return to our factories, mines, farms, coal
mines and all throughout this wonderful Capitalist economy.
Remember the one prophetic
Scripture which states that, at the very End of the
Age -- and just before God destroys her -- America
will have an economy which is historically successful
in delivering luxurious wealth to many of her citizens.
"How much she hath
glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment
and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit
a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow."
(Rev 18:7, KJV)
Notice the words of economic
luxury of which these citizens are bragging:
"... merchants
of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of
her delicacies."
Therefore, the American
economy will not collapse because God has planned to
allow Satan to trap us in prosperity.
Americans will be so in love with money and with material
objects, that they will love them far more than they
love Jesus Christ.
This prophetic event,
when the American people are bragging about how rich
they are and how the good times will never end, occurs
after the Rapture of the Church!
Therefore, no matter how
tortured the path to normalcy and luxurious prosperity
may turn out to be, the bottom line is that this economy
will return to normal and then go beyond!
3. Democrats plan
to charge President Trump with "High Crimes and
Misdemeanors" for the way he managed this crisis.
NEWS BRIEF: "Schiff:
I Am ‘Diving Deeply’ into What Warnings
Trump Ignored on Coronavirus", Breitbart
News, 12 April 2020
"Sunday on MSNBC’s
'AM Joy', House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep.
Adam Schiff (D-CA) said he would investigate what warnings
from the intelligence community and health organizations
that President Donald Trump ignored in the early stages
of the coronavirus pandemic."
In other words, Democrat
House leadership is now beginning a second impeachment
process! Doubt it not!
Predicted, Dr. Tony Fauci Turned on President Trump,
Making His Move on Easter Sunday: "Climb out
of this latest impeachment effort, Mr. President",
Canada Free Press, April 13, 2020
"White House so-called
'coronavirus expert' D. Tony Fauci laid an Easter Egg
on President Donald Trump, and from its spikes, it looks
an awful lot like an artist’s rendition of the
deadly coronavirus ... WHITE House coronavirus expert
Dr Tony Fauci said Sunday lives could have been saved
if US had been shut down earlier. (SUN, April 12, 2020)"
"During the interview,
Fauci revealed that the government had been advised
to begin social distancing measures in February ...
Fauci was pressed multiple times by anchor Jake Tapper
on when the US might start to lift isolation restrictions.
He eventually said the country might be able to begin
to open up next month, but said a 'rolling re-entry'
would have to happen and it was not a one-size-fits-all
“It’s not
going to be a light switch,” he said. “It
will depend on where you are in the country.”
President Trump fought
back. " 'When the Failing @nytimes or Amazon @washingtonpost
writes a story saying “unnamed sources said”,
or any such phrase where a person’s name is not
used, don’t believe them', he tweeted."
“Most of these unnamed
sources don’t exist. They are made up to defame
& disparage. They have no ‘source’...”
he added.
Trump is already
hitting back, with this Crisis Timeline video.
Goes to War: Shows Media Video of Their Reporting
Failures on Coronavirus", Breitbart
News, 13 April 2020
"President Donald
Trump on Monday showed reporters at the White House
press briefing a video of their own reporting on the
coronavirus, pointing out their failures and his success
... The president played the video on the screens at
the White House press briefing room."
Please note that CNN and
other Liberal news organizations immediately switched
coverage because they did not want their listeners to
realize how very biased and ignorant and deliberately
false their coverage has been on this issue,
* " 'The media minimized
the risk from the start', the text of the video read,
prior to featuring a series of flashback clips to prominent
media professionals downplaying the threat posed by
the virus'."
* "The clip then
featured a timeline of the president’s actions
to defend the country from the virus, while partisan
media and some Democrats criticized him at every step."
However, this video clip
did include some expressions of support from Democrats:
* "Other clips featured
audio from New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman talking
about the president’s 'effective' attempt to stop
the spread of the virus with the travel ban on China."
* "The clip also
highlighted praise that the president received from
Democrat governors."
"The president said
that the clip was produced by White House staff in just
a couple of hours to show the media their reporting
During the 2020 Reelection
campaign, the President is going to have to remind voters
time and time again that the Mass Media has been lying
to them time and time again!
In my almost 60 years
of closely following politics, I have never seen such
unmitigated hatred spewing out of the mouths of Democrat
and R.I.N.O. Republicans against a duly elected President
of the United States.
Truly, this prophecy is
being fulfilled in our country today.
"... in the
last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers
of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural
affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce,
despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded,
lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.." (2 Timothy
3:1111-4, KJV)
Doesn't this wording remind
you of the daily news we Christians have had to endure
since the attacks of 9/11 and certainly since Donald
Trump has been elected President?
4. Former Governor
Mike Huckabee warns us all, that officials are using
this crisis as a means by which to shred the U.S. Constitution!
NEWS BRIEF: "Huckabee
warns, we’re ‘shredding the Constitution’
for quarantine: ‘Should scare the living daylights
out of us’," BPR News, April
13, 2020
"Former Arkansas
Gov. Mike Huckabee sounded the alarm over how some coronavirus
measures are 'shredding' the U.S. Constitution. Huckabee
criticized recent reports of enforcing quarantine measures,
denouncing what he sees as a threat to Americans’
civil liberties during an interview with Fox News on
What, exactly, were the
measures that alerted Mike Huckabee?
"That is a concern
to me that I don’t hear enough about, is how we
are shredding the Constitution by telling people such
things as you can’t sit in a car by yourself,
you’re going to get arrested, you can’t
drive up to a church in your own vehicle, and the closest
contact you have is with the police officer who comes
and tells us you can’t do it ... "
But, now, Huckabee takes
offense at certain measures during Holy Week.
"Churchgoers in Mississippi
were issued $500 citations for failing to disperse when
they were told by police as they gathered in a church
parking lot, in their own vehicles, to listen to a sermon
on an FM-radio frequency.
Democrat governor Andy Beshear declared that state police
would be recording the license plates of those daring
to attend church services on Easter Sunday."
" 'There are some
things that should scare the living daylights out of
us', he said."
The warning from about
250 years ago from Benjamin Franklin bears scrutiny
in light of today's events.
"Those who would
give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790).
Dr. Fauci even
suggested that citizens be required to carry "Vaccination
Papers" at all times!
Fauci claims it's 'possible' Americans will carry 'certificates
of immunity", World
Net Daily, April 11, 2020
"Dr. Anthony Fauci
confirmed Friday the idea of Americans carrying "certificates
of immunity" is being considered as a possibility
to identify people who have been infected with the coronavirus
and help reopen the U.S. economy in the coming weeks."
"The proposal is
contingent on the success of widespread antibody testing,
which Fauci said could be available in "a week
or so."
Papers are a staple
in every Dictatorship!
And, don't forget, America's
Founding Fathers set us on a course for history's greatest
Absolute Dictatorship -- the 'Novus Ordo Seclorum",
or New World Order!
President Trump announced that the economy will roar
back and be far better than ever!
‘We’ll Be Back Bigger And Better And Stronger
Than Ever Before — You Watch’, "
Tea Party News, April
11, 2020
"Saturday on Fox
News Channel’s 'Justice', President Donald Trump
had a very optimistic view of what was to come in the
wake of the coronavirus pandemic’s stranglehold
on the American economy ... as the country starts to
make moves to return to normalcy, you’ll see momentum
within the economy, which he described as a 'tremendous
surge' and a 'rocket ship'.”
" 'The Paycheck Plan,
as you know, is moving along quickly. That’s the
workers of companies that — we’re loaning
money companies. They’re able to pay their workers.
It’s a thing that’s doing really well. And
it’ll be very shortly a lot of money is going
to be given to employees. We have to keep it all together.
But a lot of things are happening. And I think the stimulus
coupled with this pent-up demand and everybody wanting
to get out and go back to work, I think we’re
going to have just a tremendous surge'.”
Just as we have
been predicting, Revelation 18:7 will be literally fulfilled!
America is on
her way to being "trapped in her prosperity",
with a cold heart toward Jesus and a love of pleasure
and luxury which the world has never seen.
6. Democrat presidential
candidate, Joe Biden received the endorsement of Socialist/Communist
Bernie Sanders!
Sanders Endorses Biden For President",
One America News, April 14,
"Former 2020 presidential
candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders has officially endorsed
presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden. Sanders announced
his endorsement for the former vice president in a livestream
video with him on Monday. The Vermont senator not only
asked his supporters to back Biden, but also Democrats,
Independents as well as Republicans."
Biden also announced
that his running mate might be a Transgender Woman --
a Drag Queen female impersonator!
Joe Biden Aide: ‘Woman’ Running Mate
Could Be Transgender", Breitbart
News, 13 April 2020
"Joe Biden could
select a vice-presidential running mate who identifies
as a woman ... Pollak recalled the Biden campaign’s
characterization of 'transgender equality' as 'the civil
rights issue of our time' .... Joe Biden has said that
the transgender movement is the civil rights movement
of our time, so isn’t it somewhat cisgenderist
to say you’re going to pick a female vice president,
or can one qualify by identifying as female?”
"Vela continued,
'He’s got so many incredibly talented women to
pick from. We have a bench that would make any pro team
very highly successful. From the West Coast with Kamala
Harris, to Nevada with Catherine Cortez Masto, to Amy
Klobuchar in the Midwest and the Heartland, to Gretchen
Whitmer in Michigan, to Elizabeth Warren in Boston,
and so many other women in between'."
Truly, America has transformed
to a new Sodom and Gomorrah! Do you remember Jesus'
prophecy that one of the signs of the End of the Age
was that homosexuality, which was one of the backbones
of Sodom and Gomorrah, would occur again, come into
the open again.
"Likewise also
as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank,
they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But
the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and
brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all."
(Luke 17:28-29, KJV)
And, how does God plan
to destroy America?
"... all nations
have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
and the kings of the earth have committed fornication
with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich
through the abundance of her delicacies ... for she
saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow,
and shall see no sorrow. Therefore
shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning,
and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire:
for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." (Revelation
Stop for a moment to realize
that God allowed the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah
to be "trapped in their prosperity" just before
He annihilated them. We see this luxurious living by
the citizens of Sodom in another part of Scripture.
"Behold, this
was the sin of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters
(outlying cities) had arrogance, abundant food, and careless
ease, but she did not help the poor and needy. They were
haughty and committed repulsive acts before Me; therefore
I removed them when I saw it." (Ezekiel 16:49-50,
P arallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Commentary)
Can you see how
much America is a new Sodom and a new Gomorrah?
Turn now, and
repent through the shed blood of Jesus on Calvary and
you shall live eternally! (Salvation
More time at home
during the pandemic? - This a good time for prayer
and some good time in studying the scriptures. While
we are keeping our readers up to date on world events
we also provide you access to some great Bible study
resources. Here are some that have been very popular.
The Revelation
Series from Mac Dominick and Cutting Edge Films
1 examines 'Jesus' Warning To His 7 Churches'
2 studies 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse'
3 demonstrates 'The Wrath of God'
4 reveals 'The Final Trumpet Judgments
5 - In Disc 5 of our study, we are drawing
very near to the finale of God's wrath.
6 - JESUS CONQUERS ALL!! This video examines
Rev 19-22, most exciting and impactful chapters as Jesus
Christ speedily concludes His dealing with wicked, sinful
SET OF SIX - Total teaching time is 12
hours. YOU SAVE $20 over buying these DVD's individually
Tale of Two Babylons DVD: President Trump's Prophetic
Destiny - DVD by David Bay, Cutting Edge Ministries
Price: $19.99
The Bible mentions the name 'Babylon' 264 times in the
KJV. Today, many Christians are confused about references
in prophetic passages which use Babylon in seemingly
difference ways. When a Christian tries to shoe-horn
one definition into all references to Babylon he / she
is unnecessarily confused. More
info and trailer
A Pale Horse"
by Former Naval
Intelligence, William Cooper
Book 510 Pages,
Only $25.95
One of THE Books Exposing
Illuminati Plan, the most quoted bookstore resource!
Cooper writes about the coming New World Order, and
the Plan, which the "Power Elite" of this
country and this world are implementing, that will bring
about the Global Government, Economy, and Religion.
New Age author Cooper is dead set against this coming
global government, and urgently shows how the Plan is
proceeding NOW.
Some Pertinent Revelations
we come into our kingdom...who will ever suspect that
all these peoples were stage-managed by us according
to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed
at in the course of many centuries?"
(From "Behold
A Pale Horse", by Milton William Cooper,
Light Technology Publishing, 1991, Sedona, AZ, p. 303)
script is now written, subject only to last minute
editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit
as yet in darkness, is almost ready... The last-minute,
walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the
main actors...have already taken up their roles. Soon
it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for
the curtain to rise.
"The time
for action will have come."
(From "The Armageddon Script", by Peter LeMesurier,
St. Martin's Press, 1982, New York, N.Y., p. 252.)
Unseen Hand: Introduction To The Conspiratorial
View of History"
by A. Ralph
Epperson, Only $15.95
One of THE fundamental
books anyone needs to understand before they can really
make sense of what is happening in your Daily News.
Epperson masterfully lays the philosophical groundwork
of the global conspiracy; a person can have only one
of two views of history. Either they believe events
happen by mere chance -- kind of like believing in Evolution;
or, they believe key events in history occurred by design,
as part of a plan. This latter view is called the "Conspiratorial
View of History" and is fully supported
by the Bible. Listen:
"And the ten horns
which thou sawest are ten kings ... For God hath put
in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree
(to act in harmony), and give their kingdom
unto the beast, until the (prophetic) words of God shall
be fulfilled." (Revelation 17:12, 16- 17, KJV)
President Thomas Jefferson
Defined "Conspiracy" For All Time
"... a series of
oppressions, begun at a distinguished period and pursued
unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly
prove a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing us
to slavery." ["The Unseen Hand", by A.
Ralph Epperson, p. 196]
"Christian author
Epperson, in his book, "The Unseen Hand",
showed how this type of wealthy backing for revolutionary
causes exists in the United States. Epperson quotes
radical leader Jerry Rubin, in his counterculture book,
"Do It!", published in 1970 by Ballantine
Books. Rubin candidly writes, "Revolution
is profitable. So the capitalists sell it... The hip
capitalists have some allies within the revolutionary
community: longhairs who work as intermediaries between
the kids on the street and the millionaire businessmen."
Epperson then quotes leaders of the Students For A Democratic
Society as saying that their goal was nothing less than
the destruction of America and her economic system,
to be replaced by a classless world, i.e., the New World
Order. Then, Epperson drops the bombshell, "Yet
in spite of all this evidence about the nature of the
SDS, they continued to receive money from the establishment
they were supposedly out to overthrow... an Illinois
commission on that state's [campus] rioting said that
$192,000 in Federal money and $85,000 in Carnegie Foundation
funds were paid to the Students for a Democratic Society..
during the fall of 1969". Of course, this was well
after the violence perpetrated by these groups from
"... additional funding
for these type of causes came from the United Nations,
the Rockefeller Foundation, the
Ford Foundation, United Auto Workers... and from
the Cuban Embassy."
"Young people...
have no idea that they are playing into the hands of
the Establishment they claim to hate. The radicals think
they're fighting the forces of the super rich, like
Rockefeller and Ford, and don't realize that it is precisely
such forces which are behind their own revolution, financing
it, and using it for their own purposes." Black
Panther leader Eldrige Cleaver even realized at the
end that the wealthy were buying themselves a revolution."
the full most current news alert online
1 - New Atlantis - demonstrates that the Secret
Society plan to create a New Atlantis nation on the
North American Continent began in the 1580's between
Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Bacon. We also show
that America's Founding Fathers carefully carried out
the Baconian Plan in establishing the government of
America. This DVD ends by showing that this plan ends
with Antichrist coming to the world scene, a plan which
is shown in the street layout of Washington, D.C. Nearly
3 hours long
2 - Riddles In Stone: The Secret Architecture of
Washington, D.C., closely examines the pagan monuments,
paintings, sculptures, and street layout in Government
Center and show how the original Bacon Plan can be seen
in these pagan depictions demonstrate that America was
founded according to the Baconian Plan. Nearly 3 hours
3 - Eye of the Phoenix examines the two Seals on
the back of the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates that
they are Global Illuminati Seals, not Seals of the U.S.
Government. Also demonstrates that the occult design
of these Seals represents the most powerful 'Magick"
of any other document in history. These two Seals hide
three (3) hexagrams, forming a '666', another example
of the hidden plan to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist).
Nearly 3 hours long
Entire Combination Offer has almost 9 hours of video
in History Channel quality. You will be mesmerized and
your view of American history and of our national place
in history.
View the Trailers from the title links above.
P.O. BOX 498,
Wagener, SC 29164
Service/Ordering 803-564-3341 / 803-528-0199 /
Number Is: 800-451-8211
Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved
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