Liberal Democrats and 'Republicans In Name Only' (RINO)
are Lovers of Death and Haters of God!
all they that hate me love death." (Proverbs 8:36,
It is no wonder Democrat leaders
are openly pursuing the Kingdom of Antichrist (New World
God foretold, "But he that sinneth
against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me
love death." (Proverbs 8:36) All those people who walk
far from God will begin to love and to court death. The
farther they walk from God, the more they gravitate toward
death. Therefore, you can place great spiritual significance
in the death imagery of the Rock industry. And, you can
sit up to take notice at the great popularity of Halloween
at this point in American history. After all, this phenomenon
is not occurring in a vacuum; America is preparing to move
into the Kingdom of Antichrist, the New World Order, so
its people have to be prepared to accept his Satanic values.
No, they have to go further than just "accept"
his values, they have to be conditioned to "love"
Satan's values. Halloween popularity is proof positive that
this value shift has occurred.
What current events are demonstrating this
terrifying reality?
Love of Killing
NEWS BRIEF: "Delaware
Legislature Passes “Kill More Babies” Bill to
Let Nurses Kill Babies in Abortions",
Biden Wants to Force Christian Hospitals to Kill Babies
in Abortions or Shut Down",
Roy Slams Democrats for Ignoring Babies Potentially Killed
in Infanticide: “May God Have Mercy on This Nation”,
Love of Lying
Executives Push Back Against Democrats’ Charge of
Profiting off Russian War: ‘No
Tolerance for Price Gouging’
Falsely Blamed Trump in 2020 Campaign for Whitmer Kidnapping
Jury Acquits 2",
NEWS BRIEF: "Questions
Loom After Verdicts in Whitmer ‘Kidnapping’
Love of Financial Bribery
Biden is the ‘Bagman’ for Biden Family ‘Enterprise’:
Ex-CIA Official ",
Love of Corruption of Children
to 'Defund Disney'
Hatred For Christians
accused of 'purposefully purging Christians from the military':
Using vaccine mandates to target and eliminate the faithful
2. Mass Media opinion shapers are
now screaming the obvious truth:
When China attacks, Taiwan is on
her own!
Chance' That U.S. Would Send Troops: Analysts
Say Taiwan Is On Its Own If China Invades",
International Business Times, 4/11/2022
"As the Russian invasion brings the
spotlight on Taiwan, where a cross-strait invasion threat
looms large, military experts have said that Taiwan will
have to fight for itself if China invades as the U.S. is
unlikely to send its forces. "
Cutting Edge has been saying this for years,
i.e., that the United States would not come to Taiwan's
aid should the Chinese attack. I discovered that China was
going to take Taiwan back as I studied a document entitled,
"Vampire 2000" in 2001.
Once I concluded that China was going to
attack Taiwan, I then began to contemplate the practical
reality of two superpowers tangling, and gradually realized
that End Times prophecy could not be precisely fulfilled
if either China or America destroyed each other over Taiwan.
Most importantly, the Revelation 16:12
prophecy of the :Kings of the East" crossing a dried
Euphrates River with an massive army of 200 million men
would be rendered impossible should China be destroyed by
a nuclear exchange.
Therefore, I concluded that China must
attack Taiwan with no interference from United States' forces.
However, the Taiwanese military has just
demonstrated their firm belief that China IS going to attack,and
sooner rather than later.
NEWS BRIEF: "Taiwan's
military releases war survival guide for civilians amid
China tensions", Sky
News, 12 April 2022
"Taiwan's military has released a
war survival handbook for civilians as Russia's invasion
of Ukraine focuses attention on how the island should respond
to pressure from China."
"Taiwan's guide sets out how to find
bomb shelters via smartphone apps, water and food supplies,
as well as tips for preparing emergency first aid kits.
It uses comic strips and pictures with tips to survive a
military attack, such as how to distinguish air raid sirens
and ways to shelter from missiles."
Obviously, the very practical
Taiwanese military leadership would release such a survival
handbook for civilians only if they felt 100% sure that
China was really going to invade.
3. Russian forces have now pulled back from Kiev, thus
opening the possibility of using tactical nukes.
spectre of tactical nuclear weapons use in Ukraine",
Ukraine Reporter, April 6, 2022
"As Russia flounders on the battlefields
of Ukraine, the once-unthinkable possibility of nuclear
weapons use is now on the rise, as President Vladimir Putin’s
options for victory narrow."
"With the stakes being so high, why
would anyone take that risk?"
"Russia has done badly in this war,
the myth of its new professional armed forces lying in tatters,
the country’s international prestige at rock bottom.
Inefficient, inept and clumsily brutal, Russia’s military
has one more chance to reverse its misfortunes on the battlefield
as a new wave of reinforcements, culled from overseas, begin
to make themselves felt."
"If Putin cannot come out of this
war with something that looks like victory or there is an
occasion where Russian soldiers are being seen to be generally
routed, the chances of nuclear use by Russia to shore up
its status as a world power start to grow."
I disagree. I believe that Putin and Xi
planned on using nuclear weapons from the very beginning.
For this reason, Putin began alluding to battlefield nukes
before his forces invaded and he even put his nuke forces
on heightened alert!
You see, China had concluded, well before
Putin invaded on February
22, that Xi would have to use battlefield nuclear
weapons to secure a beachhead for the invaders.
But, beforehand, Putin of Russia would
have to expose the cowardly nature of both Biden and the
European Union by using nukes and getting away with it.
So far, such calculations as to the cowardly
attitude of the West have proven true. So far, no Western
troops have crossed into Ukraine to confront the Russians,
so the nuke attack is imminent.
Now, what sign should we be looking for
as to determine when a nuke attack is close at hand? The
most obvious sign is a unilateral withdrawal of Russian
forces who might be destroyed by the nuclear blast.
NEWS BRIEF: "Pentagon:
Russia has fully withdrawn from Kyiv, Chernihiv", M5
Sauvuna, April 10, 2022
"Russian forces have fully withdrawn
from the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, and the city of Chernihiv
to its north, the Pentagon said ... Russian forces have
fully withdrawn from the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, and the
city of Chernihiv to its north, the Pentagon said."
Adding to the burden of contemplating the
use of tactical nuclear weapons is the news that Russian
brutality might be getting even worse.
The most brutal Russian general
-- the Butcher of Syria -- is now in charge of Ukrainian
OF SYRIA’: Putin appoints
ruthless general to lead Ukraine war",
New York Post, 11 April 2022
"The new general tapped to lead Russia’s
brutal invasion of Ukraine has been dubbed the 'butcher
of Syria'— sparking concern that the war that has
already left tens of thousands dead will only get more gruesome."
"The United Nations says more than
350,000 people were killed in the Syrian conflict, no thanks
to Dvornikov, who ordered troops to destroy cities and drop
barrel bombs that displaced millions."
No one should be surprised about the brutality
of Russian Communist leaders. Consider Vladimir Lenin.
"On the 21st January 1924 Lenin died,
having killed an estimated 3 million of his people. "
of the most murderous leaders in the world: 93 years ago
Lenin died")
Josef Stalin reigned viciously after Lenin
and murdered an estimated 20 million people. (NEWS1877b)
Why are past Russian Communist leaders
so merciless? Reverend Wurmbrandt states his belief that
Marx was actually possessed of demons, as he quotes Engel's
written statement that Marx was a "monster possessed
by 10,000 devils". This certainly explains Marx's many
evil statements and the evil fruits of Communism so amply
displayed before the world. Wurmbrandt then proceeds to
document the many instances in which 20th Century Communist
leaders have either practiced aspects of Satanism or have
actually worshipped Satan. He succinctly states his conclusion,
"Communism is collective demon- possession".
(Emphasis Added)
4. Responding to a strong increase
in terror attacks, Israel is going to add 25 more miles
to the Separation Fence.
"... will include a massive
concrete wall ... up to a height of nine meters"
Adding 25 Miles to Separation Barrier Following Wave of
Terror", The Jewish
Press, April 10, 2022
"Construction of an additional 40
kilometers of security barrier was approved Sunday at a
meeting of Israel’s high-level security cabinet. Members
of the cabinet unanimously approved the plan submitted by
Defense Minister Benny Gantz to build the additional 25-mile
segment of the separation barrier along the seam line."
"The barrier, intended to replace
the current fence built around 20 years ago, will include
a massive concrete wall, protective measures and other technological
means up to a height of nine meters."
Since September, 2000, Cutting Edge has
taught a very controversial truth: the real reason Israel
is strategically withdrawing from her Biblically mandated
lands is that she is removing her Jewish settlers from harm's
way in the Gaza and the West Bank so that she can annihilate
the Palestinians in fulfillment of Obadiah 15-18.
Israel has been in close-quarter conflict
with the Palestinians, a conflict which has been ongoing
since the early 1970's, where Yassir Arafat's terrorists
murdered 11 Israeli athletes in the 1972 Olympics in Munich.
This conflict has literally tried the soul of Israelis of
all political and religious persuasions.
Western governments generally, and Israel
particularly, would never carry out a complete annihilation
of an enemy population if any of their own citizens were
residing within the targeted towns. Therefore, just before
an annihilation would occur, the Israeli Defense Force would
have to physically separate their own people from the Palestinians.
Thus, when the attack commenced, only Palestinians would
be in the "target zone", i.e., cities and towns.
All Jews would be kept away from harm.
To put this situation another way, when
you see such a physical separation occurring, you must take
this as a definite sign that the annihilation is about to
Since October, 2000, Israel has erected
hundreds of miles of these massive 9-meter-high concrete
blast walls, and now she is going to add 40 kilometers more!
Truly, Obadiah is about to be fulfilled!
5. Is Barack Obama planning to
slither back in to the White House?
Obama about to legally slither back as president?",
World Net Daily, April 10, 2022
"Ever since Barack Obama's recent
visit to the White House in which he was given the star
treatment while Joe Biden was seemingly ignored as he wandered
aimlessly, there has been talk that Biden's presidency is
over and that Obama himself could slither his way back into
the Oval Office."
How can this possibly occur? Isn't a person
forbidden from serving more than two terms? "Yes,
""Obama's aiming to get back
into the Oval Office ... My premise is that Obama fully
understands that, if Biden is ousted immediately under the
25th Amendment, there are only idiots and incompetents to
take his place ...there are three steps to return Obama
to the presidency:"
1. "Have the Democrat establishment
remove Kamala Harris from office, whether through threats
or bribes."
2. "Have the Democrats declare that,
because world instability (Ukraine, Putin, China) puts us
at unprecedented risk, only a politically seasoned person
can be vice president, with Obama graciously accepting that
3. Oust Biden using the 25th Amendment.
And voilà! President Obama (again).
Can this scenario be remotely possible?
"In these days, nothing that happens
is what is generally expected, and each new outrage outstrips
the one before it."
Was last week's appearance at the
White House just a "sign of Obama's re-entrance as

6. Is President Biden planning
to allow the entire
population of Central America across our borders?
NEWS BRIEF: "Record-Shattering
Illegal Border Crossings Likely to Start After Biden Revokes
Title 42 ", CNS
News, April 11, 2022
"President Joe Biden is about to blow
open the floodgates on illegal immigration at the border
... The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently
announced it would revoke Title 42, a public health policy
that has been one of the few effective tools to control
the massive flow of illegal immigrants that began when Biden
became president on Jan. 20, 2021."
"The administrative rule, set for
revocation May 23, was created by President Donald Trump’s
administration and allowed for the rapid deportation of
illegal immigrants coming from countries with an active
COVID-19 pandemic."
How bad is it going to get?
"The Department of Homeland Security
has said that it is planning to process about 18,000 migrants
a day, double the current number ... Biden appears to be
caving to the Democratic Party’s extreme left flank
on illegal immigration."
The Mexican/American border must
be erased if the new North American Union is to be established!
President Biden may be kicking off a serious
effort to begin the process of convincing Americans that
the real solution to this immigrant problem was to change
citizenship from America/Mexico to NAFTA -- (North American
Free Trade Association. (Super Nation #1. shown above)
The real purpose of his statement was to
trigger the final phase toward completion of this new superstate.
Finally, after 30 years of being created only on paper as
an economic union, NAFTA (North American Union) is quickly
being set in place as a real political nation -- with its
own currency (Possibly AMERO), with its own parliament,
and with its own military and police departments.
At the end of March, 2006, President Bush
(America), President Fox (Mexico), and Prime Minister Harper
(Canada) met in a summit in Cancun, Mexico. This very important
summit should have been billed as a NAFTA Summit, for these
three leaders approached nearly every subject from a Continent-wide
perspective. In other words, these three leaders were acting
as though the entire Continent was one nation.
The 2,500-year-old prophecy of Daniel 7:7-8
is continuing to work its way to fulfillment (Read NEWS2363,
entitled "There Is Only
ONE Sequential Prophecy Which Shall Provide Us A Clear Gauge
By Which We Can Know The Approximate Time That Antichrist
Will Arise!")