'Jesus' Warning To His 7 Churches', New DVD by Mac Dominick
of Cutting Edge Films
are going to examine in this series areas which no other
teacher has even addressed, but you should expect this kind
of in-depth valuable information from Cutting Edge Ministries!
Jesus wrote this prophetic book through John the Apostle,
- 7 Christian Churches in Asia Minor
- 7 Prophetic Seals
- 7 Trumpet Judgments
- 7 Histories (Persons)
- 7 Bowls (Vials)
- 7 Judgments (Dooms)
- 7 New Things
Since God considers the number Seven
as His Perfect Number, we can see that God is offering
a final prophetic book which consists of 7 subjects, each
of which contains 7 events. A Divinely Perfect Book in
all ways!
We are living in an age in which the question,
Is there any hope for mankind? seems to become more
relevant with each passing hour. Every waking hour is
filled with reports of a new crisis, new disasters, new
terror threats, and the realization that the fate of all
of mankind is spinning out of control.
Additionally, this generation is facing
more onslaughts of pure evil than has ever been witnessed
in the entire history of man. As we search for answers,
we must realize that God has given us a guidebook to prepare
us for the future, and that guidebook is none other than
the last book of the BibleThe Book of Revelation.
While there have been any who have taught
and studied this book, most who teach it either teach
it out of the context of the balance of the Word of God
or fail to ask the hard questions surrounding the prophecies
in this book. We at Cutting Edge Ministries are presenting
this series to provide answers to not only the mysteries
of this book, but also to deal with difficult subjects
and answer the hard questions.
A few of the points we will cover in Volume
1 include:
The Rapture of the Church true or false?
Will the Antichrist be Islamic?
How do we understand Islamic eschatology?
Who is ISIS, and will ISIS conquer
the Middle East?
What is the true bloodline of the Antichrist?
What is the fate of Russia?
How can the stars fall to earth from
Was there any prophetic significance
to Nazi Germany?
Can we find the USA in the Book of
We will teach the book in a survey format
that will mingle a traditional, contextual approach
to the book with a digression to apply these teachings
and prophecies to cover the influence (or lack of influence)
of the events we see taking place right before our eyes.
Run Time is nearly 2 hours Watch
the Trailer
Hot News
Did the Wisconsin Republican primary set up the Party for
a great and crushing defeat in November?
The Ted Cruz victory
may be viewed as delivering the White House to Hillary!
NEWS BRIEF: "Republican
Cruz crushes Trump in Wisconsin, says party will unite
", Reuter's News, April 6, 2016
"Republican Ted Cruz
easily won the Wisconsin presidential primary on Tuesday,
dealing a blow to front-runner Donald Trump's hopes of amassing
enough delegates for the party's nomination and boosting
chances of a rare contested convention."
The most dreadful sound any
genuine Conservative can possibly hear is the word that
this upcoming Republican convention may not be won outright
by any candidate, but may be decided in a "contested
In other words, the Republican
convention may not be decided by an outright win on the
first ballot, or the second or the third, etc. If no candidate
can win the minimum number of delegates to win the nomination,
the Establishment "Backroom Boys" may engineer
a candidate who won little or nothing during the long primary
election trail.
Several names keep popping
up as Establishment choices:
* Senator Ted Cruz -- I could
see the party turning to him as the nominee, because he
has won multiple states' primary elections and remains within
striking distance of Donald Trump.
* Ohio Governor John Kasich
-- so far, he has only won the Ohio primary, but he continues
to speak as if he knows a little secret we do not know,
i.e., the "Backroom Boys" are going to make him
the Republican candidate.
* House Speaker Paul Ryan
-- If he were nominated for President by a "contested
convention", this would be the greatest travesty of
all. Ryan has not even declared himself a presidential candidate,
and he certainly has not won any primaries.
Worse, he alienated millions
of genuine Conservatives when he caved to President Obama
on the budget issue last year, his first opportunity to
"lock horns" with the White House. Speaker Ryan
remains the most prominent example of a worthless R.I.N.O.
Republican (Republican In Name Only).
The REAL danger here is that
Donald Trump might simply walk out of a convention rigged
to deny him the GOP nomination and carry through his threat
to establish a Third Party campaign.
Ross Perot's Third Party campaign
in 1992 and 1996 made William Clinton President. Bill was
President twice even though he never won over 50% of the
votes. Some Conservatives have asked the tough question,
"did Ross Perot deliberately set out to make Bill Clinton
While we will never know the
answer, the fact is that Perot could not have been more
effective in delivering Bill to the Oval Office than if
he had planned it that way.
And, so now the scenario is
plausible for a Third Party candidacy to deliver another
Clinton to the White House, Hillary!
If the GOP deliberately hands
the nomination to someone who has not earned it from the
primary campaign trail, they know that the third party campaign
which could very easily occur, will hand the victory and
the White House, to Hillary, for at least four years, and
perhaps eight.
A frightening scenario, but
one becoming increasingly likely.
2. You know the GOP
convention rules are twisted badly when the nominee who
has only won his own state can actually win the nomination!
Ted Cruz realizes
the potential is real for John Kasich to win the nomination,
so he is taking steps to prevent this nightmare scenario.
Do you see how far
removed from reality Establishment politics truly has become?
turns to GOP convention rule to keep Kasich from nabbing
nomination", Fox News, April 3,
"Sen. Ted Cruz is making
the case that GOP presidential rival John Kasich and his
pesky campaign cannot win the party nomination unless he
has top showings in eight states -- an argument that could
help Cruz in the upcoming Wisconsin primary and the GOP
White House race. Cruz in recent interviews has repeatedly
cited a Republican National Committee rule that states candidates
can be nominated only if they've won the total delegate
majority in eight or more states ...."
Why would any candidate ever
be considered the Republican Presidential nominee if they
only won eight states? Cruz' argument is itself deeply flawed.
Usually, a candidate who has lost 42-8 would be considered
the loser and would never be able to accept the party's
nomination for office.
Yet, here we see Cruz making
the argument that John Kasich should not be remotely considered
for the party's nomination because he has not won a measly
8 states' primaries. If the GOP -- or the Democrat -- Party's
nomination could slip to the "Backroom Boys",
then what good is the Primary Campaign System, anyway?
Public support for our political
process could slip badly, causing many millions of voters
to drop out and become totally disillusioned. But, of course,
this has been the Plan for the past 200 years! Listen:
The Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion tells us that the citizen will not be able
to trust in anything the leaders are telling them! We should
expect to be daily lied to and deceived. Listen and be enlightened:
NOTE: This Newsletter continues after the
advertisement, below.
Room" DVD
Prayer Is A Powerful
Filled with heart, humor, and wit,
'War Room' follows Tony and Elizabeth, a couple who seemingly
have it all---good jobs, a beautiful daughter, and their
dream home.
But their appearances are deceiving:
Tony relishes in his professional success and flirts with
temptation, while Elizabeth resigns herself to increasing
bitterness. Their marriage is on the verge of crumbling
until their lives take an unexpected turn. When Elizabeth
meets Miss Clara, she challenges Elizabeth to create a battle
plan of prayer for her family by establishing a 'war room'.
This new film from the Kendrick brothers
is a vivid reminder that prayer is powerful weapon.
'War Room' is a terrific movie, gripping and inspiring!
It has that dynamic mix of good acting, an interesting storyline,
and humor tossed in at the right moments.
Run Time: 120 Minutes
Movie Trailer
3. As the list of
billionaires tumbles out of secrecy in the Panama Papers,
why aren't there more American names?
The whole country
would probably love to see if the Clintons and Donald
Trump had funds at this incredibly lucrative investment
Papers: Why Aren’t There
More American Names? ", The
New Yorker, April 5, 2016
"Who is the odd person out from
this list: Ayad Allawi, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, Bashar
al-Assad, David Cameron, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson,
Mauricio Macri, Lionel Messi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed
al-Nahyan, Marianna Olszewski, Petro Poroshenko, Vladimir
If you picked Olszewski, you’re
right. In the initial wave of stories about Mossack Fonseca,
the Panamanian law firm whose internal documents—2.6
terabytes’ worth—were leaked by an anonymous
source to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung,
she was about the only American citizen I saw mentioned.
The leaked documents, which Süddeutsche Zeitung shared
with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
(I.C.I.J.), a New York-based public-interest organization,
reveal that family members, associates, and financial
advisers of some of the world’s most powerful people
enlisted Mossack Fonseca’s services to set up offshore
shell companies, which can be used to hide money and assets
from the prying eyes of tax inspectors and other government
The revelation that this offshore investment
company even exists is startling, since the main purpose
for existence is to enable the very rich to stay rich
-- even illegally -- and to remain anonymous while doing
Where are the filthy rich Americans?
Is Donald Trump a customer?
Is the Clinton Foundation a customer?
Where are all the filthy rich members
of the Bohemian Grove?
Americans are not mentioned as customers
for several reasons:
"... America is also, thanks to
its relatively lax disclosure laws, emerging as a major
tax haven and destination for offshore funds. Anonymous
money is moving in and out of the United States all the
time, with American lawyers and financial intermediaries
helping to facilitate the flow."
Why get caught in an illegal money scheme
if your own country is set up to be a tax haven?
"A more convincing explanation is
that the journalists who are researching the leaks are
still pursuing American clients of Mossack Fonseca."
After all, 11,500,000 files represent
an awful lot of names. In other words, as soon as journalists
have had the opportunity to scour the records, more American
names might be forthcoming.
"... crony capitalism and tax evasion
are huge problems for poor and middle-income countries:
according to the International Monetary Fund, it costs
them hundreds of billions of dollars in tax revenues each
year. In detailing how this process works, the Panama
Papers stories that have been released thus far have already
performed an important public service. "
Yes, it is distressing for average people
who struggle every month with finances to see how many
people are so well off that they would attempt to invest
their wealth in an offshore investment firm which will
protect their very identity.
4. Warning: Ted
Cruz' promise to eliminate Common Core is a lie!
Once more, we see
how duplicitous an Establishment politician can be while
on the campaign trail.
LIE ", By Anita Hoge,,
April 4, 2016
"How Can Donald Trump Crush Ted
Cruz In Wisconsin? Senator Cruz's EDUCATION Bill S 306
expands Common Core to private, religious, and homeschools."
A concerned parent's greatest concern
is that Liberal politicians will step in with Federal
Government coercive power to force their beloved children
to be "educated" in such an inferior system
as "Common Core". Conservative, Christian politicians
are supposed to be our bulwark of defense, and we have
elected many on that promise alone!
Yet, here we see Senator Ted Cruz supporting
"EDUCATION Bill S 306" which will force Common
Core into all manner of enlightened schools: private,
religious, and even homeschools!
Anita Hoge concludes:
"Ted's promise to do away with Common
Core is a LIE ... Senator Cruz who says he will do away
with Common Core, actually puts COMMON CORE in place for
ALL CHILDREN IN EVERY SCHOOL with federal Title I money.
This is the same plan as Obama's Equity plan. Senator
Ted Cruz manipulates parents' consciences by telling them
they can escape Common Core by using federal so-called
“CHOICE” funds. This is the CHOICE TRAP where
he actually takes a parent's true freedom of CHOICE away."
Therefore, we have one more huge instance
in which there is NO bottom line difference between Republican
and Democrat, between Conservative and Liberal. Leadership
of each party is equally committed to the coming New World
Order, whose educational system will parallel Common Core.
It is disgusting that Ted Cruz' educational
plan is virtually identical to that of President Obama,
but that appears to be the case.
Final Phase of Mankind Is Here"
DVD by Defender
This film is not fiction or a mockudrama
but a new investigative documentary from the internationally
acclaimed team at SkyWatch TV. INHUMAN travels the globe
to unveil for the first time how breakthrough advances
in science, technology, and philosophy - including cybernetics,
bioengineering, nanotechnology,machine intelligence, and
synthetic biology - are
poised to create mind- boggling game-changes
to everything we have known until now about Homosapiens.
As astonishing technological developments push the frontiers
of humanity towards far-reaching morphological transformation
(which promises in the very near future to redefine what
it means to be human), an intellectual and fast-growing
cultural movement known as transhumanism intends the use
of these powerful new fields of science and technology
as tools that will radically redesign our minds, our memories,
our physiology, our offspring, and even perhaps-as Professor
Joel Garreau, Lincoln Professor of Law, claims- our immortal
Certainly, the Global Elite wants desperately
to end biological death and to defeat God's plans for
our souls.
As viewers will learn, this includes rewriting
human genetics, combining human and animal DNA, and interfacing
our brains with strong artificial intelligence systems.
As a result, new modes of perception between things visible
and invisible are expected to challenge bioethics in ways
that are historically, sociologically and theologically
The destiny of each individual - as well
as the future of their families - depends on their knowledge
of this new paradigm, an extraordinary time in the earth's
history already being called the "Hybrid Age".
3 Hours long, 2-Disc Set - Only
As the Apostle John wrote 'Amen! Come quickly,
Lord Jesus'
As Jesus promised, 'When ye see these things
come to pass, look up, for your Redemption draweth nigh'!
Churches Are Ignoring"
DVD Combo by David
Regularly $84.94,Now
only $29.99
You save nearly $55
Why are so many pastors so reluctant to teach
prophecy? Why are so many pastors even more reluctant to
teach how current events are uniquely fulfilling End of
the Age prophecy?
Cutting Edge Director, David Bay, teaches
six hard- hitting lessons on six unique End Times instances
where events are fulfilling prophecy, but no one is talking
about it. Five hot topics on three discs.
1) Israel's Prophesied Triumph over
the Palestinians
2) Russian Bear Poised To Strike Israel
3) 'Masons In The Pulpit'
4) World War III: History's Greatest
Lynchpin Event
5) Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ
Each message is followed by a complete Salvation
Plan, so each DVD becomes a Soul-Winning tool.
Almost 6 Hours of Teaching --
Prophecies a Collection by David Bay- DVD Combo - Volume
1 which contains 3 DVDs with our first six programs.
Here are the six hot topics:
• The Prophetic Beast Arises: Ten Toes of Daniel
Are Forming
• Rapture Precedes Israels Final 'WEEK' of History
• Eternal Security: God's Anchor In A Brutal Storm
• End Times' Judgment On Iraq - Worse Than Believed
Possible - Isaiah 13
• Israel's Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians
• America Identified In Prophecy: Economic Babylon
of Revelation 18
Regular Price: $89.94
Sale Price: $29.99
All TV Interviews on Prophecy In The News

Prophesied Triumph Over the Palestinians"
Saudi Arabia Down: Without Destroying World Economy"
Prophetic Tsunami - Isaiah 19
Interviews On Prophetic Subjects + Southwest Radio Interviews