News Analysis -- End of the Age
Americans proved their Anti-Abortion support
by streaming to theaters to watch the Pro-Choice
Suspends, Then Quickly Reinstates, Account
of Pro-Life Movie ‘Unplanned'
During Release Week", Breitbart
News, 30 March 2019
figures reacted with outrage earlier today
as Twitter suspended the official account
of Unplanned during the pro-life movie's
week of release. The account was restored
shortly after its suspension ... Unplanned,
directed by Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon
and starring Ashley Bratcher, tells the
true-life story of Abby Johnson, a Planned
Parenthood director who becomes a pro-life
activist after witnessing a fetus struggling
for life during an abortion at thirteen
weeks gestation."
film was released in U.S. theaters yesterday
with a R-rating, which drew accusations
of political bias against the MPAA, which
assigns movie age ratings."
should flock to movie theaters to view this
film, knowing that every ticket purchased
will be viewed as an barometer for measuring
the depth and the width and the height of
anti-abortion sentiment in this country.
Do you remember
the outcry from Pro-abortionists a few years
ago, when activists secretly filmed Planned
Parenthood officials talking callously --and
illegally -- about selling baby parts from
murdered infants?
This movie
is the logical next step in bringing this
bloody nightmare into the homes of decent,
honorable men and women. The greatest victory
the pro-Abortion crowd has been their ability
to whitewash the gruesome truth of what
an abortion is and what violence it wreaks
to both the unborn infant and to the mother.
For this reason,
the murdered baby becomes a "fetus",which
sucks the humanity right out of the whole
Also for this
reason, the homicide within the mother's
womb becomes "a woman's right to choose"!
Tens of millions
of women who shouted "you can't tell
me what I can or cannot do with my body"
will shrink timidly before Jesus Christ
at the White Throne Judgment without one
defense to offer Him who ordered us repeatedly
in His Holy Bible, "Thou shalt not
kill"! (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17,
Matthew 5:21, Romans 13:9).
though Twitter temporarily took down the
movie's site during the critical days just
before the release, sales were double estimates!
‘Unplanned' Success: Film
Doubles Predicted Sales, Earns A+ Audience
Score, Breaks Indie Records",
Newsbusters, April 1,2019
all the obstacles in its path, pro-life
film Unplanned had quite a successful opening
weekend. Surprising many, the film placed
fifth in the weekend box office even with
its limited release, boasted the 'highest
per screen average' of any indie film debut
in US history, and almost tripled industry
predictions for how much revenue it would
On election
day, 2020, the Democrat Party will rue the
day they arrogantly declares themselves
to be the Party of Abortion and then invited
all Anti-abortion voters to leave!
Both Israel and the Palestinians have reasons
to go to war sooner rather than later!
set for star turn in Netanyahu re-election
campaign", Yahoo News,
March 24, 2019
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and
US President Donald Trump have developed
a close relationship ... The billionaire
president has already been featured on giant
campaign billboards in Israel shaking hands
and smiling with Netanyahu, and the premier
has shared video of Trump calling him 'strong'
and a 'winner'."
Trump's support has gone far beyond photos
and words as Netanyahu fights a tough re-election
battle ahead of April 9 polls while under
threat of indictment for corruption ...
Trump took to his beloved Twitter account
to present the Israeli leader with what
many analysts saw as a campaign gift."
Again breaking
with longstanding international consensus,
Trump said "it is time" to accept
Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights,
which it seized from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day
War. The tweet granted Netanyahu exactly
what he had been pushing for without asking
for anything in return, at least publicly.
Netanyahu pronounced it a Purim 'miracle'
-- referring to the Jewish holiday Israel
was celebrating the same day -- and phoned
Trump to tell him he had 'made history'."
It is significant
that Prime Minister Netanyahu labeled Trump's
declaration of Israeli sovereignty over
the Golan Heights as a "Purim"miracle,
because Israel is facing a modern Haman
planning to annihilate the Jewish people.
The word,
'Purim' -- phonetically pronounced 'poo-reem'—Strong's
Greek & Hebrew Dictionary, Strong's
Number H6332 -- is from the root word, 'puwr',
Strong's Number, H6331, which literally
means, 'to bring to naught', to 'break',
and to 'crush'. The Purim celebration rejoices
in the Divine deliverance of the Jewish
entire nation from an elaborate plan of
a government official -- Haman -- to completely
annihilate all Jews.
Today, the
Palestinians are as dedicated as a people
to Israel's demise as was Haman in the book
of Esther approximately 2,600 years ago!
As we have
stated before, Prime Minister Netanyahu
is undoubtedly convinced that Israel must
carry out their planned annihilation of
the Palestinians while a President is in
office that strongly supports Israel's right
to defend herself and who is willing to
commit American diplomatic strength and
possibly even her military might to deflect
the tsunami of international outrage that
Israel could have annihilated several million
Hamas also
wants to go to war sooner rather than later.
want closer ties with Israel, world losing
interest in Palestinians",
World Israel News, March 31, 2019
"A global
survey found that Muslim states want closer
ties with Israel. Among all countries surveyed,
over half showed little interest in the
Palestinian conflict."
What horror
this survey must have produced in the hears
and minds of Palestinian leaders. Their
coveted hatred for the Jew may be reaching
unprecedented levels within their hearts,
but is noticeably declining in the minds
and the hearts of many Arabs throughout
the region.
the Palestinian leaders must feel that they
must launch an unprecedented strike against
the heart of Israel, trying to defeat and
destroy all Jews, before this trend continues
to erode support for the Palestinian cause.

When President Trump authorized the permanent
deployment of our THAAD Anti-missile system,
did he create the diplomatic situation where
an attack on American soldiers operating
THAAD would be considered an attack on America?
THAAD US-Israel missile defense exercise
a resounding success",
World Israel News, April 1, 2019
first-of-its-kind deployment of America's
most advanced missile defense system in
Israel was completed to the satisfaction
of both militaries on Sunday after a month
of practice runs dealing with a variety
of scenarios."
What is this
missile defense system designed to accomplish?
(Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) is
designed to intercept both short- and medium-range
ballistic missiles in terminal (or descent)
phase. It is 'the most advanced integrated
air and missile defense system in the world',
said U.S. European Command (EUCOM), when
it brought over 250 soldiers a month ago
today to deploy the system as 'a demonstration
of the United States' continued commitment
to Israel's regional security'."
During the
past several years, China has been protesting
THAAD missile radar as they consider it
to be a tremendous threat. They greatly
oppose our deployment of this missile defense
system to South Korea.
this system must be very effective.
Since Hamas
and Hezbollah possess almost 200,000 missiles
and are all pointing them at Israel, an
effective defense system like this one would
be very important to both sides.
so effective in this drill that Trump is
going to keep it permanently in Israel.
Deployed Permanently to Israel",
The Jewish Press, April
2, 2019
Israel Defense Forces has announced the
U.S. THAAD anti-ballistic missile defense
system is to be fully deployed, permanently,
into the Israel-based Arrow anti-missile
defense system."
The question
is, "will American soldiers remain
in Israel, manning this THAAD system, or
will IDF soldiers take total control so
that American soldiers can leave"?
The answer
to this question seems blurry at best.
IDF cooperates with American forces in order
to enable coordination and improve the operational
capabilities necessary for defending the
skies of Israel," the IDF said in
its statement on Monday. 'The deployment
is another step in strengthening the long-term
relationship between the two countries and
strengthens the close cooperation between
If American
forces are manning this THAAD system, they
will come under attack from the Palestinian
forces attacking Israel. From a diplomatic
perspective, an attack on American soldiers
manning that defense system can be considered
an attack on American herself!
I can just
see the scenario unfolding whereby President
Trump announces that, since American troops
are under attack, he is interceding with
American Air Force and/or Naval units. Thus,
American might will be added to that of
Israel against Arab forces.
Prime Minister
Netanyahu will not want to postpone this
inevitable war, because the time may come
when Trump is politically weakened. Right
now, he is flush off his victory over Robert
Mueller and the Democrats who have pushed
for two years, insisting that the President
traitorously colluded with the Russians
to ensure his election victory.
Remember God's
promise to all nations?
I will bless them that bless thee, and curse
him that curseth thee..." (Genesis
12:3, KJV)
And this understanding
brings us to the wonderful promise of God
to protect the reborn Israel in the same
manner as He protected Ancient Israel. The
DVD shown above, "Against
All Odds" depicts the
thrilling truth that God is protecting Israel
now just as He did an olden times.
Did Former Director of National Intelligence,
James Clapper, just set up Former President
Barak Obama to face TREASON charges?
Clapper Admitted That OBAMA Ordered Strzok
To Kick Off First Big Play of the Russia
Hoax", Big
League News, March 26, 2019
Clapper admitted that Barack Obama personally
ordered the Intelligence Community Assessment
(ICA) at the end of his presidency, which
was compiled by disgraced FBI agent Peter
Strzok in January 2017 and kicked off the
Democrats' Russia-themed agitation
against President Trump as the new commander
in chief took office."
" 'If
it weren't for President Obama we
might not have done the intelligence community
assessment that we did that set up a whole
sequence of events which are still unfolding
today, notably Special Counsel Mueller's
investigation. President Obama is responsible
for that. It was he who tasked us to do
that intelligence community assessment in
the first place', Clapper said in his Anderson
Cooper interview."
released emails show the Obama administration
scrambling to create the 'Russia' scandal
within 24 hours of President Donald Trump
taking the oath of office in January 2017
... the Obama people actually thought they
could stop Trump from getting sworn in."
administration Director of National Intelligence
James Clapper held a meeting in his last
days in office to discuss the idea of going
to a Supreme Court justice to block President
Donald Trump's inauguration, according
to a high-level member of the intelligence
community ..."
Does all this
add up to the high legal bar of TREASON?
In the Russian collusion hoax, have the
"Hunters" become the "Hunted"?
Tables Turn in Russian Collusion Hunt",
American Greatness News, March 31, 2019
irony of the entire Russian collusion hoax
is that accusers who cried the loudest about
leaking, collusion, lying, and obstruction
are themselves soon very likely to be accused
of just those crimes."
that Robert Mueller's 674-day, $30
million investigation is over and has failed
to find the original goal of its mandate—evidence
of a criminal conspiracy between the Trump
presidential campaign and the Russian government
to sway the 2016 election—and now
that thousands of once-sealed government
documents will likely be released in unredacted
form, those who eagerly assumed the role
of the hunters may become the hunted, due
to their own zealous violation of the nation's
trust and its laws."
we one day see Hillary Clinton -- and perhaps
Bill Clinton -- in prison one day?
I doubt it,
because Hillary is so powerful within the
Witchcraft of the Illuminati. She believes
and she has the occult power to back her
up, so she can transcend politics in this
present time, because she was spiritually
transformed into a goddess!
As we demonstrate
in our DVD, "Hillary
Clinton: The Sun Goddess Unleashed",
Hillary is a high level Illuminati Witch
and that she believed herself poised to
complete the 'Co-Presidency' that Bill Clinton
promised in 1993.
I doubt that
Hillary will ever be called to account in
this life for her high-level crimes.
Taiwanese President just announced that
American support has never been higher in
Taiwan's effort to remain free of China's
President Hails U.S. Commitment to Taiwan
Under Trump: ‘Stronger Than Ever',"
Breitbart News, 2 April 2019
President Tsai Ing-wen hailed the U.S. commitment
to Taiwan under the Trump administration
as 'stronger than ever', during at a recent
livestream appearance at a Washington think
"On facing
challenges from China, which sees Taiwan
as a breakaway Chinese province and not
a separate country, Tsai said, 'Taiwan does
not stand alone. The United States commitment
to Taiwan is stronger than ever'."
the Mainland Chinese were promised, back
in 1952, that they would get Taiwan back.
The only question is: what kind of ruse
will be necessary to return Taiwan back
to the Mainland? A major crisis, perhaps?
A major war certainly. (Read NEWS1282,
entitled, "IN 1952, THE ILLUMINATI
Is modern technology now at the "Perfect
Storm" mode, where a unique combination
of Artificial Intelligence, Microchip Implants,
and "5G" are combining to enable
scientists to create the "Mark of the
Beast" (Revelation 13:16-18)?
Implants, Artificial Intelligence, 5G and
The Mark of the Beast", Canada
Free Press, April 1, 2019
a doubt, 5G is the technology that will
usher in the Mark of the Beast ... 5G will
allow banksters to implement a cashless
banking system that could be used from any
cell phone by merely swiping a microchip
implanted in a person's hand. That's
why the banksters and micro-chip representatives
were there. Oddly, during the meeting, a
man volunteered to come on stage and have
a microchip inserted in his hand."
he made a payment by placing his smartphone
over the skin covering the chip. After reading
several reports about the goings on at the
meeting, Revelation 13:16-17 immediately
came to mind. "And he causeth all,
both small and great, rich and poor, free
and bond, to receive a mark in their right
hand, or in their foreheads: And that no
man might buy or sell, save he that had
the mark, or the name of the beast, or the
number of his name."
banning of private ownership of gold and
the creation of the social security system
may have been an attempt to establish the
mark of the beast, but it couldn't
work because the technology wasn't
available to monitor every personal transaction
of every person on the planet. Besides that,
cash cannot be tracked or monitored because
it's physical currency and could change
hands numerous times before it gets back
to a bank. The technology just wasn't
available to monitor every transaction at
the time.
However, intelligent
connectivity, artificial intelligence, can
be used to monitor every individual transaction
world wide. Once 5G technology is fully
implemented, it will allow banksters to
eliminate cash entirely, and it will give
them and the government total control over
everyone's assets and transactions.
Banksters will be able to monitor every
transaction by everyone on the planet. Our
primary source of income, our employers,
will be tied to the 5G wireless banking
system. We will not be able to buy, sell
or profit without using the system, unless
we barter or create our own silver and gold
coins - that without a doubt will be criminalized
by Congress again.
Without a
doubt, 5G is the technology that will usher
in the Mark of the Beast.
DVDs Back Instock

Next Prophecies: Volume
2 of 2
by Bill Salus, Only $19.99
is A DVD that attempts to chronologically
set in order the prophetic events of the
end times. These PROPHECIES will happen
soon after The NOW PROPHECIES and the stage
is presently being set for their fulfillment!
More about
critically important video prepares the
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Dont get LEFT BEHIND to face these NEXT
Now Prophecies" - DVD
The key word
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The NOW Prophecies
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were written centuries ago for THIS GENERATION!
These ancient inscriptions predict powerful
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This video makes it easy to understand how
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More about
this important DVD here -