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"Speak to us smooth
illusions" -- [Isaiah 30:10]
"You did not know
the time of your visitation" [Luke 19:44]
Jesus considered it
most important matter to be informed as to the "Time
of Visitation!
News Analysis
Jesus, chapter 24, frankly tells
His disciples that the Christians living at the very special
time known as the End of the Age shall know the prophetic
times are close by noting the fact that the numerous prophecies
which He outlined are occurring regularly.
Listen to Jesus' most informative
"Matthew 24 -- Synopsis
-- Jesus' disciples had just pointed out to Him the beauty
and magnificence of the wonderful Temple Herod was re-building,
when Jesus turned around and uttered a most horrible prophecy:
"See ye not all these
things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here
one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down."
Jesus' disciples panicked, because
they equated the destruction of the Temple with the destruction
of the nation, Israel, and further equated both destructions
with the End of the Age. When we properly understand the import
of the signs by which we can know the End of the Age is approaching,
we will be much better prepared when the events begin to break
over our heads. However, before we review these signs, we
need to understand the context into which Jesus placed these
signs. This context is found in verse 8:
"All these are the beginning
of sorrows." This word, "sorrows" has a special
meaning in the original Greek. This word is Strong's Number,
'G5604', which really means the "pangs of childbirth".
The Amplified Bible Commentary renders the verse correctly
and with proper emphasis: "All this is but the beginning
[the early pains] of the birth pangs [of the intolerable
So, the beginning of these multiple
signs heralds the beginning of a birth process; someone or
some thing is to be born on to the world scene; he is to appear!
But, whom? We get this answer in verse 15, when Jesus is suddenly
speaking of the prophecy in Daniel 9:27, 11:31, and 12:11.
This prophecy states that the Antichrist will walk into Holy
of Holies in the Temple at the mid-point of the 7-year Tribulation
Period for the express purpose of desolating it, and causing
extreme offense to God. Daniel calls this act the "abomination
that makes desolate"; scholars have called it "The
Abomination of Desolation".
Therefore, the "baby" to be "born"
is the Antichrist. But, wait, there is another "baby"
born in these verses! When Jesus suddenly starts talking of
the Antichrist committing the Abomination of Desolation in
the Holy of Holies in the Temple, all sorts of red lights
should begin flashing, but thanks to the terrible teaching
of traditional Bible teachers, these red lights are no where
to be found. In Matthew 24:1-2, Jesus foretells the destruction
of the Temple Herod was rebuilding; in verse 3, the disciples
correctly understand that the destruction of the Temple heralds
the destruction of the nation, Israel. Indeed, both destructions
were carried out in 70 A.D.
Jesus is suddenly speaking of Antichrist desecrating the Holy
of Holies! Therefore, the nation, Israel, must have been reborn
by this time, and the Third Temple rebuilt; otherwise, Antichrist
would not be able to offend God by desecrating the Holy of
Holies inside the Temple! We have another "baby"
being born here -- Israel! And, sometime before Antichrist
goes into the Holy of Holies at Day 1,260 of the Tribulation
Period, the Temple has to have been rebuilt.
THEREFORE: the signs, the "birth
pangs" Jesus listed in Matthew 24 will give birth to
two babies: the nation of Israel and Antichrist. Let us examine
these birth pangs, and then we shall see how the baby of Israel
was born exactly in accordance with these signs, these birth
Jesus listed the following birth pangs as
the multiple signs by which believers would know the End of
the Age is close.
Unparalleled Spiritual Deception
[vs 4]; this spiritual deception is so pervasive, and of such
great concern that Jesus reiterated the warning twice more
in this chapter, verses 11 and 24. Certainly, we are faced
with just such spiritual deception today, as ministries thought
as Fundamental and right on target, are suddenly seen shifting
to support Liberal or even New World Order causes. In this
day, Christians must have their eyes on Scripture -- acting
as the Noble Bereans -- and not just on a man or his organization.
We must diligently compare everything said and done against
Scripture, remembering that organizations and men have suddenly
turned bad after years of seeming to be right on target. As
Jesus warned, "He who endures to the end shall be saved".
[Matthew 10:22]
False Messiah Figures [vs
5]; the 20th Century has seen the appearance of so many Messiah-type
figures as to stagger the imagination.
Wars and Rumors of Wars
[vs 6]; Nation Rising Against Nation, and Kingdom against
Kingdom -- this is an idiomatic phrase which defines a conflict
started between two local combatants but quickly joined on
both sides by allies, thus making the war much larger [vs
(World War I especially followed this prophecy,
as the building of the two sides of the conflict came together
in this manner: "the Allies (primarily France, the United
Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Japan and the United States) and the
Central Powers (led by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman
Empire)" (Wikipedia.
World War I)
Famines and earthquakes occurring
all over the globe
When one examines the process of the birth
of Israel from the first Zionist Congress in 1897 to its birth
in 1948, you can easily see how this birth fulfilled the Birth
Pangs prophecy, above.
-- Matthew 24:4
From the beginning, the quiet, invisible
spiritual direction leading Israel back to her land was NOT
traditional Judaism, and it certainly was not Christian; rather,
the spiritual leadership was Illuminist! The Rothschild family
took early leadership in this crucial struggle, and provided
the immense funding necessary for Jewish immigrants to buy
land back from the Arabs once they settled in Israel. No Jewish
settler ever understand this fact; they were totally deceived.
From the beginning of the birth sorrows pains
(1918) through the process of giving birth to Jesus Christ
as the One True Messiah (1948), wars and rumors of wars provided
the accelerant necessary to keep the chain reaction going
that will produce Israel, in one day, 14 May 1948.
Britain felt that it was uniquely aided by
a Jewish British citizen, the brilliant chemist and Zionist
leader, Chaim Weizmann, for his help in the war effort when
he developed a process to synthesize acetone, an ingredient
necessary for producing the explosives that were in extremely
short supply. Further, Britain wanted to establish a Jewish
nation in the Middle East, as a method of keeping the Ottoman
Empire at arms length; plus, she felt that a declaration of
support for the Zionist cause would bring America into World
War I.
Therefore, the British cabinet issued the
famous Balfour
Declaration. Arthur James Balfour, Foreign Secretary
in the British government.
All Earth Seems Shaking
with Shattering Prophetic Events
Nation Arising Against Nation,
Kingdom Against Kingdom -- once again, this idiomatic phrase
indicates a war beginning between two local powers, in which
other powers jump in, supporting the original two combatants,
so that a much larger conflict instantly breaks forth! In
this case, we see the New World Order Plan to start a war
between Israel and the Palestinians [House
of Esau, Obadiah 15-18], in which both sides will receive
allies, resulting in World War III. Read NEWS1422
and NEWS1620
for full details]
The Illuminati has been planning a World
War III since 1870 [Read NEWS1056
and NEWS1057
for full details]. Literally, out of the smoke, destruction,
and death caused by this Third World War, Antichrist will
come striding, displaying enormously effective "lying
signs and wonders".
Famines will occur as the result of this
war, probably in Third World countries. Much of the famine
may be the result of this coming Third World War.
Earthquakes can now be created by HAARP and
Scalar Weapons technology [Read our many articles and other
resources for full details on the current capabilities of
Weather Warfare in our Weather
Control Section. Notice especially the confirmation
from the
NBC Weather Anchorman, Scott Stevens, who uses
his understanding of how weather is controlled to better forecast
-- His site is: Weather Wars].

I honestly believe that the Illuminati plans to deliberately
'underrate' North Korea's total capabilities -- both in the
number of warheads and the accuracy and range of its missiles
-- until the day the crisis breaks. If North Korea suddenly
proved a capability to the world which few expected, the shock
value would be far, far greater. People's minds could literally
be blown by this "underrated, unreported capability"!
The fright factor would be enormously intensified. Can anyone
say "Intelligence Failure" one more time?
New Age author, Bill Cooper, writing in his
book, Behold
A Pale Horse, succinctly states that the appearance
of Antichrist will include a massive earthquake in Los Angeles.
Let us fully quote him here:
"They have plans to bring about things
like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, extra-terrestrial landing,
and economic collapse ... Can you imagine what will happen
if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed
by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out
in the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse,
Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears
from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents
himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time?
...." [p. 177; Emphasis in the original]
This is THE Illuminist Plan! And, it will
bring the peoples of the world to such a panicked state of
mind that Jesus words will become reality,
"Men's hearts failing them for
fear ..." [Luke 21:26]
Have you noticed that governments and events
revolve around FEAR. Men truly are fearful today, in a daily
sort of way which one would expect for the "End of the
Age"! These prophetic signs merely bring us to the point
of being aware that Mother Israel is now in late term birth.
Now, let us examine some current news which
highlight the reality that these are End Times; the expectant
mother is now lying on the baby delivery table, 9 months along.
These "End Signs" now will intensify in frequency
and in intensity. In other words, each birth pang will be
more painful than the one before it.
What are some of these civilization-changing
children, 3 adults fatally shot at Nashville grade school:
Shooter now dead, wielding two “assault-style”
rifles and a pistol ", AP News, March
26, 2023
— A former student shot through the doors of a Christian
elementary school Monday and killed three children and three
adults after elaborately planning the massacre by drawing
out a detailed map and conducting surveillance of the building,
police said. The massacre at The Covenant School in Nashville
was the latest in a series of mass shootings in a country
that has grown increasingly unnerved by bloodshed in schools."
But, then, in a most stunning
revelation, we learn that the shooter is a Transgender!
NEWS BRIEF: "Nashville school
shooter Audrey Hale identified as transgender and had detailed
manifesto to attack Christian academy",
New York Post, March 27, 2023
"Nashville police revealed that the
28-year-old who shot and killed six people at the Covenant
School, including three children, identified as transgender
and had a detailed manifesto to attack the Christian academy.
Officials said Audrey Hale, a former student, entered the
school Monday morning by shooting through a door on the side
of the building."
Now, this civilization-changing system known
as the Six
Step Attitudinal Change Plan, is being utilized
to gradually change the value of our entire Sexual Mores to
reflect Satan's values, not God's!

Right on cue, the Biden Administration used
the shooting as a means by which to repear his dumb-donkey
premise that the best way in which to protect citizens is
to forciby disarm him / her
House Press Secretary: Biden Wants
Congress to Pass More Gun Control", Breitbart
News, March 27, 2023
"White House Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
told reporters Monday that President Biden wants Congress
to pass more gun control after an attacker shot and killed
three students at the Nashville-area Covenant School."
"Jean-Pierre asked, How many more children
have to be murdered before Republicans in Congress will step
up and act to pass the ‘assault weapons’ ban,
to close loopholes in our background check system, or to the
require the safe storage of guns?”
France is exploding in anger and in violence,
the first steps normally taken after the Musim population
reaches a total of 30% is violence and murder and bloodshed.
North Korea is still in consideration for
a spot in World War III.
Korea launches more missiles amid US-South Korea drills",
Military Times, March 27, 2023
"Fighter jets roared off
the USS Nimitz as the nuclear-powered U.S. aircraft carrier
and its battle group began exercises with South Korean warships
on Monday, hours after North Korea fired two short-range ballistic
missiles in an apparent protest of the allies’ expanding
"The North’s continuation
of missile tests showed its determination not to back down
despite the U.S.-South Korea exercises, which are the biggest
of their kind in years. But many experts say the tests are
also part of North Korea’s bigger objective to expand
its weapons arsenal, win global recognition as a nuclear state
and get international sanctions lifted.'
Listen to the original wording:
"4) A very frightening nuclear war threat will suddenly
erupt from North Korea. Listen to the exact wording of the
"A hair-raising
nuclear confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the
period, threaten man's very survival."
(Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. p.
Since 1996, papers have routinely carried
reports that North Korea may be about ready to create her
own nuclear warheads. The reality is that North Korea received
nuclear weapons from Russia when the USSR disbanded in 1991.
She is also constantly launching intercontinental missiles
to one day prove to the world that she can reach the western
coast of the United States. Like Iran, North Korea has possessed
a nuclear capability for a very long time.
Ally Threatens U.S. With 'Unique' Weapons",
Nikolai Patrushev, secretary
of the Security Council of Russia and close ally to President
Vladimir Putin, recently suggested that the country could
strike the U.S. with a 'unique' weapon. Russia
is patient and does not intimidate anyone with its military
advantage. But it has modern unique weapons capable of destroying
any enemy, including the United States, in case of a threat
to its existence."

2. Mother
Gaia (Earth) is being introduced to a waiting population
Church of Gaia: Elevating the planet over people",
"This is an emergency,”
our dear leader bellowed. “I said it last week. I’ll
say it again, loud and clear. I will use my executive powers
to combat… the climate crisis in the absence of congressional
This "emergency" is
brought on by Climate Change!
"According to these charter
members of the “Chicken Little’s Sky is Falling
Club,” anything short of a presidential declaration
of a national emergency consigns us all to planetary destruction
in a matter of days."
“[The President must go]
on offense… [He must] do all the things that [are] within
the executive powers to do that have not so far been done,”
added Whitehouse as he then called for Mr. Biden to “unchain”
himself from Congress in order to save us all from imminent
extinction. "
"This document, which is
apparently considered sacred text by all members of the Democrats’
Church of Gaia, pulls no punches as it sets forth the tenets
of its members’ faith. Declaring that “the climate
emergency presents a ‘code red for humanity,’
the paper proceeds to argue that “unless we ignite an
economic transformation now, we will spiral toward a dangerous
and increasingly unlivable planet.” The authors then
make their premise very clear: “By declaring a national
climate emergency, Biden can unlock emergency executive powers…
to permanently end the federal fossil fuel leasing and drilling
"Declaring that “the
climate emergency presents a ‘code red for humanity,’
the paper proceeds to argue that 'unless we ignite an economic
transformation now, we will spiral toward a dangerous and
increasingly unlivable planet'.” The authors then make
their premise very clear: “By declaring a national climate
emergency, Biden can unlock emergency executive powers…
to permanently end the federal fossil fuel leasing and drilling
"The fool hath
said in his heart, There is no God."
3. Was Texas Governor
Abbott aware of this military intelligence when he ordered
the National Guard into military servive at the wall -- that
many hundreds of military-age Chinese men are suddenly disembarking
at Border checkpoints?
Our Borders Not The Globe", Canada Free
Press, March 26, 2023
"During his 2020 presidential
campaign, Biden welcomed immigrants from around the world
to enter the United States. In a 2019 Democratic Party presidential
debate, Biden said, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing
oppression, you should come'
But, this scenario is not reality
on the ground right now.”
"We have to assume that the
Chinese regime is taking advantage of the situation by smuggling
in their agents.” (Emphasis Added)
Am I the only one who looks upon the Southern
USA/Mexico border and see the possilibity of sneaking in highly-treined
soldiers dressed in civilian garb so that. at the right time
these civilian force could, literally, arise out of the dirt
fully formed and ready to wage war!
BRIEF: "Busloads of Chinese illegal immigrants
released in Texas by Biden border agents",
American Military News, March 26, 2023
"Unfortunately, the wall
was not completed at the end of Trump’s term, and construction
was promptly halted when Joe Biden became President. During
his 2020 presidential campaign, Biden welcomed immigrants
from around the world to enter the United States. In a 2019
Democratic Party presidential debate, Biden said, “You
want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come.”
Is Xi/Biden planning
to suddenly produce a foreign army to invade us from our Southern
"This development should
worry every American as communist China is our foremost enemy.
There is also a high probability that Chinese spies and terrorists
are among the 1.2 million illegal migrants who “got
away” and escaped from U.S. border agents during the
Biden presidency.
"Overall, there have been approximately
189,000 border encounters per month during the Biden presidency,
a 370% increase since the Trump administration. During the
last two years, illegal crossings were one million higher
than during the entire four years of the Trump presidency.
In just 2022, there were more than 2 million illegal border
An army of 1,000,000 men suddenly armed at
our souther border could be such an easy strategy to overtake
the United States, with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and
Mitch McConnell quietly looking on with mock horror.
4. Our American city/suburban
way of life continues to be assaulted so that the joy of city
living will systematically eliminated.
NEWS BRIEF: "Rampant
Crime, Public Drug Use, Vagrancy Are Part of 'Basic City Life,'
Democrats Argue : No, they are not!
NEWS BRIEF: "Cracker
Barrel latest business to flee Dem-run Portland over crime,
homelessness, shut-downs
tornadoes menace Georgia
NEWS BRIEF: "Hazardous
material leaks after train derails in southeast North Dakota
NEWS BRIEF: "Several
Canadian Pacific train cars derailed with some spilling hazardous
material in Richland County
train derailed to avoid plunging into Seattle Puget Sound:
tribal leader says",
5. Porn is Paving the
way to an American Sodom
Church leaders are not
Mind-Blowing Statistics About Pornography And The Church",
Mission Frontiers, November-December 2020
" Statistics reveal that
the increase in the amount and reach of pornography cannot
be ignored. But it is not just a problem affecting men. Women,
teenagers and children are also being caught in the web of
pornography at alarming rates."
"Many Christians may assume
that the Church is immune. They see the smiling faces of the
people who attend their church. Certainly such godly folks
could not be viewing pornography.
But many studies and reports have come out over the last several
years that show quite a disturbing
picture. Not only has pornography invaded churches, but in
many cases, the statistics show that Christians – and
even church pastors – engage in viewing porn at almost
the same rates as the secular population."
American Churches are so riddled
with moral hypocrisy that her leaders can no longer fight
the spiritual warfare occurring right here and right now.
Past Present and Future 4 Video combo on Flash drive in
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Flash drive includes 4 films in MP4 format for play on
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Films include:
Israel's Past, Present and Future - Vol 1&2
Israel, God's Timepiece
Israel's Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians
There is so much on this flash drive that we
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Past Present and Future full description

of the Illuminati" Collection
PRICE $159.02 SALE PRICE $79.99
Buy all eight DVD titles of Doc Marquis'
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Each of these unique DVD's provides information on a
part of the Illuminati Plan which only a former Satanist
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Doc Marquis provides is the 'Oral Plan', which is the
parts of the plan to produce Antichrist which is so evil
that it is never written down. These are the titles:
1) 'Arrival of the Antichrist' - Focus is on the History
and the Black Magick Religion of the Illuminati and of
the coming of the Masonic Christ, Antichrist
2) 'America's Occult Holidays' - Former Satanist, Doc
Marquis, delivers a knockout punch against the practice
of all our major holidays, providing details only a former
Witch would know. Doc begins by demonstrating how the
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Doc Marquis drives a wooden stake into the heart of Freemasonry
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today stands on the verge of World War III simply and
only because world leaders have been following this blueprint
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6) 'The Illuminati Is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy' shows
that Almighty God is forcing the arrogant and mighty Illuminati
into formulating a plan for staging Antichrist which fulfills
God's plan precisely. We show that the Battle of Armageddon
will result in the greatest, quickest slaughter in the
history of mankind.
7) '2012 & Beyond, Volume 1', examines key Mass Media
disinformation about what may happen on December 21, 2012.
At the end, we reveal what is likely to occur, which we
identify as the Paradigm Shift and explain how important
this shift is to the plan to produce Antichrist.
8) 'Paradigm Shift: 2012 & Beyond, Volume 2', reveals
more important Mass Media expectations as to what may
happen on 12/21/2012 and then reveals that the Paradigm
Shift is intended to be a global mass demon possession
which shall produce the Universal Mind in every unsaved
person on Earth. Is this the time of the prophesied 'Strong
Delusion'? 8 DVD titles, over 25 hours of teaching Doc
Marquis uses the King James Bible There is so much on
this flash drive that we have put the full description
in a PDF file for you.
Secrets of the Illuminati Collection full description
Flash-Drive- Instructions

New DVD Titles KLAUS
Study Videos
Sacrifice: Cleansing The Soil For The
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Modern secular
historians totally fail to understand
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and then completely controlled, most of
German christian churches.
Our supernatural
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The christian
church proved to be a soft target for
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The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm
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Global Elite's Plan for Human 2.0"
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and murdering a massive amount of people across the
whole planet wasn’t enough for them, a whole new
layer of evil has been recently discovered that frankly
will shock you to the core.
Believe it or not, these same sick twisted
megalomaniacs have plans with their Covid agenda to
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DVD Set contains 4 DVD's, each with about
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Billy Crone exposes the
deception of Covid!
Just when you thought
it couldn’t get any worse with the pre-planned
Covid 19 agenda of the Global Elites, it just did. As
if manipulating an election, removing our freedoms,
violating our rights to assemble, and murdering a massive
amount of people across the whole planet wasn’t
enough for them, a whole new layer of evil has been
recently discovered that frankly will shock you to the
core. Believe it or not, these same sick twisted megalomaniacs
have plans with their Covid agenda to also produce a
whole new race of people that they proudly call Human
A better upgraded human
they say, a genetically modified one that’s created
in their own image. Therefore, this book, 'Beyond Covid
The Global Elites Plan for Human 2.0 'seeks to equip
you with the solid evidence revealing this satanic plan
for the end of humanity as we know it. Here you will
learn such shocking agendas as: * The Exposers of Human
2.0 * The Resisters of Human 2.0 * The Genocide of Human
2.0 * The Signal of Human 2.0 * The Trigger of Human
2.0 * The Super Soldiers of Human 2.0 * The Design of
Human 2.0 * The Zombies of Human 2.0 *The Control of
Human 2.0 * The Response to Human 2.0
As wild and seemingly
impossible as all this might sound, we encourage you
to deal with facts before it’s too late. Sticking
your head in the sand is exactly what these Global Elites
want you to do. Apathy and denial are how they get to
continue to march forward with their evil plans. Your
life and your family’s life are not only on the
line, but so is your actually humanity itself.
Get your copy of Beyond
Covid The Global Elites Plan for Human 2.0 before it’s
too late! Only $19.99 - https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=3014
As Jesus said: "And
when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and
lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
(Luke 21:27, KJV)
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Wagener, SC 29164
Service/Ordering 803-564-3341 / 803-528-0199 / dbay@cuttingedge.org
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Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved