
Wednesday 3/22/2017

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New Headline News Articles

 'The Shack' Movie Presents A Spiritual Danger Which Shall Introduce You To Satanism While Taking Your Breath Away

The official trailer contains colors and filters which creates a look and feel of the 'Wizard of Oz', which introduced hundreds of millions to the Black Magick world of the House of Theosophy, and created a most important "Mind Trigger" for the Master MK Mind Controller.

Just as "Wizard of Oz" movie created a new Mind Control trigger/controller, so might 'The Shack' today. Antichrist is foretold to control the minds and actions of most people on Earth. Did you know it is possible for entire populations to be mind-controlled without using super-natural mind control? How much easier would it be, then, to control entire nations using occult mind control?

MK Ultra Mind Control Manuals

by Former Satanist, Cisco Wheeler


Critical News Headlines

1. As thousands of christian adherents gather in Jerusalem to view the newly renovated "tomb of Jesus", one has to ask --

"Why focus on Jesus' death when He is alive!!

"He is not here, for He has risen" is the angelic cry!

If Jesus remained in the tomb, He would be no more than the founder of a man-made religion, dead and impotent.

2. FBI Director, Comey, shocked nearly everyone in his testimony yesterday before Congress. What did he say?

* Yes, the FBI is probing to see if Russia influenced the 2016 election

* No, they have found nothing

* Hillary Camp angry that Comey waited until after the election to admit the FBI was investigating

* The FBI Director hates the New England Patriots

3. As ratings continue to fall, Liberals/Democrats must be worried they are extinct, like the "dodo Bird".

Most of their wounds since the election have been self-inflicted!

4. Israel plans mass evacuations in the event of the next war.

Can Israeli authorities move civilians out of danger quickly enough?

Shipping NOW!!!

"A Tale of Two Babylons DVD: Trump's Prophetic Appointment With 'Destiny' "

by Cutting Edge Director, David Bay -- Only $19.99

The Bible mentions the name 'Babylon' 264 times in the KJV. Today, many Christians are confused about references in prophetic passages which use Babylon in seemingly difference ways. When a Christian tries to shoe-horn one definition into all references to Babylon he / she is unnecessarily confused.
In our study of 'A Tale of Two Babylons', we are going to demonstrate that prophetic literature speaks of God's judgment on one physical nation 'Babylon' (Judged in Isaiah 13) and one nation Symbolically called 'Babylon' ( Judged in Revelation 18).

If you understand this difference, you will properly understand End Times prophecy. But, if you do not understand the difference between these 2 Babylons, you will be unnecessarily confused, and will be open to being mislead on one of the most important End Times subjects.

Since the confusion begins with the definition of Babylon, let us begin at there! Bible scholars recognize that God uses the name Babylon in two distinct ways. (Quoting from The Free Dictionary Online).

1) "... the capital of the ancient kingdom Babylonia in Mesopotamia on the Euphrates. Established as capital c. 1750 bc, rebuilt in regal splendor by Nebuchadnezzar II after its destruction (c. 689 bc) by the Assyrians, Babylon was the site of the Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the World 2) A city or place of great luxury, sensuality, and often vice, corruption or a place of captivity or exile.

In this study of 'A Tale of Two Babylons', we are going to demonstrate that End Timesprophecy speaks of Gods judgment on one physical nation 'Babylon' and one nation Symbolically called 'Babylon'.

We will also reveal two major contributions to End Times' prophecy which Donald J. Trump is poised to fulfill. In fact, Trump may be the only leader who can fulfill these prophecies in America today. President Trump does not realize it, but he has 'An Appointment With Destiny', a favorite term uttered many times by 33rd Degree Masonic President, Franklin Roosevelt, referring to the New Age / Masonic Messiah, whom the Bible calls Antichrist.

1 hour 37 minutes run time


We truly need your support now to continue reaching the lost.

Do not believe that, because Donald Trump has become President, Christians do not need to feel an urgency to reach the lost for Jesus Christ. Trump is going to fulfill some critically important prophecies during the next four years.

In fact, we have just introduced our first DVD which details how Trump is going to led America to the prosperity foretold in Revelation 18:7 -- "A Tale of Two Babylons: President Trump's Appointment With 'Destiny".

We are also introducing new DVD's and Books, whose purpose is to educate you and inform you of current news in light of End Times prophecy. We need your support in the Bookstore.

We're a small non-profit with costs of a top website: servers, staff, studio expenses and programs. We believe everyone should have access to free knowledge, without restriction or limitation. If Cutting Edge is useful to you, please take one minute to keep us online and to keep us reaching out to over 75,000 people a year with the Plan of Salvation.

If the Lord has blessed you this year, and if you value the special prophetic viewpoint which Cutting Edge provides, please favor us now with a special gift. Just click on the green button and follow the prompts.

We have tried to make supporting Cutting Edge Ministry easy and convenient, with our green "Donation Button".

May Jesus Richly Bless You. David Bay, Director

Revelation Five

"Fall of Babylon, Capital Of The New World Order"


by Mac Dominick of Cutting Edge Films

Only $19.99

This DVD covers Revelation, Chapters 15 through 18, four of the most insightful chapters in the Book.
Mac starts in Revelation 15 with the 7 vials of wrath and then moves to Revelation 16, where a Godly angel proclaims that all Divine Judgments are now completed.


Rev 17 and 18 describe two Satanic behemoths called 'Babylon' which tightly control all the Earth with their monstrous spiritual power and their spiritual influence on all mankind.

Rev 17 describes the False Religious Prophet and his authority over men. Bible scholars believe this prophet is the Pope of Roman Catholicism.

Rev 18 is proposed to be the physical and political capital of Antichrists Kingdom, a.k.a., New World Order. Great video, and very revealing. Run Time 93 minutes Order Yours today

For more information and trailers on the DVDs individually select below


Combo Offer is Available, Volumes 1-4: You save $16

Headline News Analysis

1. As thousands of christian adherents gather in Jerusalem to view the newly renovated "tomb of Jesus", one has to ask --

"Why focus on Jesus' death when He is alive!!

"He is not here, for He has risen" is the angelic cry!


"Thousands of tourists and clergy members from across the globe gathered on Wednesday at the Old City’s Christian quarter to view the recently restored Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where Jesus’s tomb is located. The last time the church was restored was in 1810."

"The work was completed after a reportedly $3.5 million renovation, raised by the representatives of the three churches, including H.B. Theophilos III, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, Fr. Francesco Patton, the Custos of the Holy Land, and H.B. Nourhan Manougian, the Armenian Apostolic Patriarch."


Therefore, we know that this tomb restoration project was undertaken by that portion of the christian church who venerate the Virgin Mary as the "Queen of Heaven" focus of their worship! This fact alone should alert us that these three church movements are presenting a Jesus and a form of worship heretical from the Truth of the Bible!

Drawing upon his deep training as a Luciferian Witch in the Illuminati tradition, Doc Marquis conclusively proves that Roman Catholicism is identical to Ancient Babylonian Witchcraft!

Doc begins by proving that the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven in Catholicism, is identical to Semiramis, the Queen of Heaven in Babylonian Witchcraft! From this extensive treatment, Doc derived the name of this video. Are you aware that Israel's worship of the 'Queen of Heaven' is one of the major reasons God cast Israel into the 70-year judgment at the hands of King Nebuchadnezzar? Yet, Catholicism continually urges her people to worship Mary, Queen of Heaven!

Yet, these Queen of Heaven church movements are totally blind as to the spiritual deception into which they have fallen. Listen to them:

“For the first time in over two centuries, this sacred edicule has been restored,” said Greek Orthodox Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem."

“This is not only a gift to our Holy Land, but to the whole world.”

If Jesus remained in the tomb, He would be no more than the founder of a man-made religion, dead and impotent.

2. FBI Director, Comey, shocked nearly everyone in his testimony yesterday before Congress. What did he say?

* Yes, the FBI is probing to see if Russia influenced the 2016 election

NEWS BRIEF: "FBI head confirms Russia election probe", New Nation, Mach 22, 2017

"FBI Director James Comey on Monday confirmed for the first time that the bureau is investigating possible ties between Republican Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russia as Moscow sought to influence the 2016 U.S. election."

Notice carefully here, that Comey admitted one fact and stated one loosely organized goal.

The firm fact the he admitted was that " the bureau is investigating possible ties between Republican Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russia". that is a fact. The FBI is investigating whether there are "possible ties". Comey is admitting only to the probe.

But, that is not what many Media organizations are reporting. They are slanting this news that the FBI Director has confirmed the propaganda concept from the Hillary Camp during the election that Russia had aggressively sought to influence Donald Trump prior to the election and that they were very successful.

But, again, we reiterate: Comey only admitted that the FBI had a probe going on, and refused to be pinned down as to what conclusions he might draw. He certainly did not claim that Trump was guilty of accepting these Russian overtures.

* No, they have found nothing

NEWS BRIEF: "“FBI Boss Admits: Zero Evidence of Russian ‘Hacking’ in ’16 Election”, The Boston Herald,

"Here’s the real headline from yesterday’s Congressional hearing on Capitol Hill: 'FBI Boss: Zero Evidence of Russian ‘Hacking’ in ’16 Election.”

" 'Shouldn’t that be the lead of all the news stories, instead of 'Comey Confirms Russian Probe'.”

"Probe of what, exactly? I mean, if the Russians didn’t hack the election, what exactly are the FBI’s modern-day Zip Connollys and H. Paul Ricos sleuthin’? The WikiLeaks? Why, the very same fake news outlets now claiming the election was 'rigged' were saying back in October that the leaked emails were nothing. Most of the time they refused to even run them. Now the alt-left media tell us they turned the election in Trump’s favor."

"The fake news media have been getting all kinds of illegal leaks about this investigation into nothing — leaks that are felonies by the way, felonies Comey seemed to have absolutely no interest in investigating. "

"But you can believe what you read in the fake news media."

* Hillary Camp angry that Comey waited until after the election to admit the FBI was investigating

NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary Clinton allies rip James Comey for belated confirmation on Russia probe", Fox News, March 21, 2017

"Once again, James Comey is persona non grata in 'Hillary Land.' After the FBI director on Monday acknowledged a months-long probe into possible links between Russian operatives and Trump campaign associates, veterans of Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid sharply questioned why Comey waited until now -- after their boss lost -- to confirm it."

"Much of the Clinton staffers' irritation stemmed from what they viewed as a double standard: Comey was particularly forthcoming about the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private server to send and receive classified material and yet appeared overly cautious about discussing the Trump probe."

We should not be surprised that Hillary Clinton and her followers are now claiming that the FBI Director held them to a different standard than he held the Trump camp? But, the Clintons have always demanded that government investigators hold them to a different standard.

What standard might this be?

During the time of the Senate Impeachment Proceedings against President Bill Clinton, the senior Senator from Alaska, Ted Stevens stood up and aggressively told the House Congressman that "the FIX" was in place.

Senator Lott made it quite clear that the Senate was writing its own rules in this trial, casting aside all written regulations. Schippers lamented, "The reality was that we had no Republican friends in that room. The Democrats ran the whole show." [Page 18] Schippers then listed the six Senators present at that meeting in which the House impeachment managers were informed that the fix was in, and what form it would take. Present at this meeting were three Democrats and three Republicans. The three Democrat senators were: Joseph Biden, Delaware; Carl Levin, Michigan; and Joseph Lieberman, Connecticut; the three Republican senators were: Fred Thompson, Tennessee; Pete Domenici, New Mexico; and Ted Stevens, Alaska.

The quote of the century belongs to Senator Ted Stevens, Republican, Alaska. Since House impeachment managers did not initially get the message that the fix was in place, they pressed the fact that they had considerable evidence that Clinton had brutally raped Juanita Broaddrick. At this moment, an exasperated Senator Stevens said, "Henry, I don't care if you prove he raped a woman and then stood up and shot her dead -- you're not going to get sixty-seven votes [to impeach]."

The House congressmen were stunned into silence. Schippers then asked Stevens, "Senator, I just watched one hundred Senators raise their right hand to God and swear to do equal and impartial justice. I'm only a Democrat from Chicago, but are you telling me that the Senators are going to ignore that oath also?' Without batting an eye, and without hesitation, Stevens shot back, saying "You're [blank] right they are'." [Page 23]

This sorry affair is the Clinton Standard, and until this 2016 election, it was the standard by which the Clintons repeatedly got off, even though they were very guilty!

We have one more revelation about this heinous story.

"Schippers would later list other more serious offenses of the President that were known to the committee, but never reported out of the office of Ken Starr, Republican Independent Counsel appointed by Janet Reno. We shall come back to this issue in a few moments, but first, let us listen to Schippers as he tells us who put the "fix" in place so that President Clinton got off scot-free, acquitted of all charges.

"… before we ever appeared on the floor of the United States Senate, the House impeachment managers and I knew we didn't have a shot to win. It was a flat-out rigged ball game ... it wasn't all the Senators. But it was the ones that counted -- the leadership. And not just the Democratic leadership. The Republican leaders … Our own guys, selling us down the river!" [Page 7]

"... Schippers then zeroes in on Republican Senate leader Trent Lott as the pointman in this effort. "Lott leaned back in his chair with a power lean that said, 'I am in charge'. I'll never forget the first words out of his mouth: 'Henry, you're not going to dump this garbage on us'. Stupid me, I thought everything was on the legit … but no … the Senate Republican leadership wanted to sink us … [Page 8-9]

As Cutting Edge has said all along, there is no bottom-line difference between Democrat and Republican leadership, as both are equally committed to the New World Order.

We are watching President Trump, hoping he will be the lone exception since the last President who refused to follow the Illuminati line, President Abraham Lincoln!

* Oh, yes, and the FBI Director hates the New England Patriots

3. As ratings continue to fall, Liberals/Democrats must be worried they are extinct, like the "dodo Bird".

NEWS BRIEF: "Is The Democratic Party Going Extinct?", The Federalist, March 20, 2017

"Donald Trump’s populist victory has turned conventional political wisdom on its head. Going into the election, the media and the electorate largely believed Hillary Clinton would crush Trump and become the first woman president. But as the night of November 8 wore on, it became clear that Trump would edge Hillary out. He ended up winning the Electoral College, but lost the popular vote by a record 2.1 percent. In contrast, George W. Bush lost the popular vote by just one half of one percent ... Democrats have won the popular vote in six of the last seven elections: 1992, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012, and 2016. "

"November 8 revealed that the Democratic base is retreating to urban areas (mostly along the coasts). Their decision to cut bait with working class whites was a mistake. And the Obama coalition disintegrated as soon as Obama was off the ballot ..."

"... there is a possibility—however outside the norms of what we’ve come to expect from two-party politics—that the Democratic Party is facing extinction ... Contrast those issues with the ones facing Democrats: a shrinking base, a shattered coalition, and policies that push people out of the party. One of the main reasons Hillary lost was because of increasing polarization between urban and rural areas. Clinton easily won large metropolises like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. She even ran ahead of Obama in those places. But voters further removed from an urban core outvoted the cities and put Trump over the top."

Our Founding Fathers foresaw this type of electoral nightmare, where voters in the populous cities along the coast could simply outvote voters in rural areas. To correct this disaster, our Founders created the Electoral College, which forced campaigns to made a major effort to campaign in "Fly-over country".

Hillary did not campaign in this manner, and lost the Electoral College and, therefore, lost the election!

Most of their wounds since the election have been self-inflicted!


4. Israel plans mass evacuations in the event of the next war.

NEWS BRIEF: "Israel plans mass evacuation if war erupts again", Big Story, Associated Press, March 21, 2017

"JERUSALEM (AP) — If Islamic militants in Gaza or Lebanon go to war with Israel, they could find their usual targets empty. Israel is drawing up contingency plans to evacuate up to a quarter-million civilians from border communities to protect them from attacks from Hamas, Hezbollah or other Islamic militant groups. The mass evacuations would be the biggest in Israel's history, part of a bigger plan where the army works with municipalities to keep civilians safe."

I can appreciate this desire to protect as many Jewish civilians as possible who are living in border areas. But, since Israel is so geographically tiny and Islamic rockets so advanced, don't they have all of Israel under their guns?

"Each side has warned that a new conflict would be worse than previous ones ... Israel says Hezbollah and Hamas have rebuilt larger arsenals capable of hitting the entire country ... 'In 2017, all of Israel is under threat', said Col. Itzik Bar of the military's Homefront Command. Preparations are underway for Israel to deal with 'very high amounts' of incoming fire, he said."

Thank God that Israel does have the End Times protection from Almighty God, the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Israel.

"Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." (Exodus 3:6)

God Himself claims that He is the Personal God of the Jewish people.

" And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God." (Amos 9:14-15, KJV)

When God brought " again the captivity of my people of Israel", in May, 1948, He triggered the last of this verse, "they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them..." and then He sealed this promise with a Divine Oath of Protection, "saith the Lord thy God."



Dr. E. Ray Moore Interviewed by Dr. James Dobson About Common Core!

The Current State of Public and Christian Education” will be aired on Monday, March 20th and Tuesday, March 21st. Please let others know so that they can listen and hopefully call-in or write-in with encouraging, supportive comments because Dr. Dobson expects to have negative reactions from some of his listeners.

They can listen to the program through multiple media outlets, including the Family Talk App, a podcast, or a local station. A list of local stations is on their website: We believe this will be a tremendous boost for our ministry, and we’re praying that the Holy Spirit will convict the hearts of Christian parents who continue to send their precious children to the public schools.


Since President Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have announced their plan to discontinue this despicable Common Core curricula, we have a special opportunity with this Dr. Dobson interview to fully register our complaints. Dobson has a special voice with Republican Conservative leaders in Washington.

You can purchase 'Common Core' DVD's as follows:

"Escaping Common Core: Setting Our Children Free" - Single DVD at $19.99

* 5 pack for 74.96 -- Regularly $99.95
* 10 Pack for 119.90 -- Regularly $199.90
* 20 DVD pack for 199.90
-- Regularly $399.80

How bad is "Common Core" Curricula? ("4+5=About 10)

Common Core is the planned substandard education for all of us, the "Common Herd" people!


"Wise as Serpents" Training


"Joel Osteen - The Smile of Deception"

by Mike Oppenheimer - Lighthouse Trails

What are Joel Osteens beliefs based on, what has made him one of the most watched and popular TV preachers? Because of peoples lack of discernment they are unable to recognize what is obviously wrong.

The teachings of Joel Osteen are Biblically light and often out of context. Joel Osteen's open ended spiritual inclusiveness is misleading many. Osteen's teaching combines Positive Thinking and Kenneth Hagin's Positive Confession with 'The Secret'. He has it based on 'word faith teaching' that he learned from his father. His positive thinking and confession visualization techniques are aligned with the Secret that Oprah promotes. He is promoting decreeing, creating by words; word faith declarations, with Visualization.

This amounts to a dangerous mix that departs from Biblical teaching into New Age/Mysticism.

Numerous video clips with PowerPoint presentations, makes it clear what has made Lakewood the largest church in America.

This video is over an hour long and very well worth your time.

Only $14.95

"The Need For Discernment In These Last Days"

Believers are told in the last days that false prophets and false teachers will increase and that deception will be pervasive in the world and in the church. What are the new spirituality movements and methods that are consistently springing up and entering the church? Spiritual Discernment is the need of the hour for our survival and keeping the faith of biblical Christianity.

In this DVD, we use some of the worst examples to demonstrate the dumbing down of the church in discernment, which has resulted in the church becoming deceived. We will learn where and from whom this originated in modern times. For Example:

* Revelations that contradict the Bible
* Dominionist goals of the New Apostles and Prophets,
* People claiming to go to heaven
* Prophetic interpretation of tattoos and piercings
* New Age healing
* Drunken stupors, and becoming frozen and silent.

What is passing for revelation and Bible teaching is astounding. We need to understand what is taking place and stand firmly in our faith. How do we identify and refute these deceptions? How can we protect ourselves and others?

The Bible tells us to grow in discernment, so we can mature and help others who are easily deceived. Being grounded in the core doctrines of the faith and building on them makes one immune to the many deceptions that surround us today. This two-part lecture series will show us why we need discernment and help us learn how to become a discerning Christian.

2 DVD Set | Approx. 2 hours -

Jesus' Final Word

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents (be spiritually discerning), and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10:16, KJV)



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Headline News Subscription Campaign

We are going to continue our special $25 per year subscription fee promotion, for which you will get a FREE DVD / CD for every $25 of support. For example, if you can give $150, you get all six free plus a 6 year subscription. Choose from these great gifts:

To see the description of the six titles available and how to subscribe , go here.

This promotion is also available for those who wish to renew their subscriptions, and for people giving a subscription to someone else as a gift.

If you wish to make a contribution, you can use our electronic Donation Form , or call us at 800-451-8211, or mail a check or money order to:

Cutting Edge Ministries, 1792 South Lake Drive, Lexington, SC, 29073.


'The Shack' Movie Presents A Spiritual Danger Which Shall Introduce You To Satanism While Taking Your Breath Away

The official trailer contains colors and filters which creates a look and feel of the 'Wizard of Oz', which introduced hundreds of millions to the Black Magick world of the House of Theosophy, and created a most important "Mind Trigger" for the Master MK Mind Controller.

The time has arrived for all genuine Christians to jump off that Broad Road leading to Hell and jump on that Narrow Road leading to Heaven! But, at this most deceitful era, how can you correctly discern the genuine Narrow Road?


Subscribe To Headline News For Only $25 per year!


May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries

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What Must I Do To Be Saved?


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