- Tuesday, 3/21/2023
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Living in the
Time of The Paradigm Shift: Can you feel the pain?

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News Analysis
/ FlashDrive
1. Roman Catholic Pope
Deceives Billions!
Francis declares: Hell
does not exist
Francis: 'Hell is not a Place'," Canada
Free Press, March 21, 2023
Would the future
New World Order Pontiff please make up his mind?
#1 - "No one can be condemned
forever" (A.M. 297)
#2 - "Souls of unrepentant
sinners who die in mortal sin are simply 'annihilated' or
disappear and are not punished eternally"
#3 - Hell does not exist"
However wrong-headed these teachings are,
they are still beliefs about Heaven and Hell which have been
held consistently over the past 5,000 years. But, the light-wright
Top Cleric had one more position on which he could be wrong.
"’Hell is a state, it is a state
of the heart” adding that it is 'a posture towards life'.”
Hell does not exist!!! According to this
newest position on Hell is simple: Hell does not physically
exist, just as have Gnostics and many other groups over the
past history of the Catholic Church. If you are trying to
appeal/appease a group of sinners who really don't want to
spend eternity in that place of unlimited punishment for sins
which they really enjoyed.
Francis then seeks to support his unbiblical
belief by pulling another unbiblical twisting of Holy Scripture,
thus seeking to justify his errant belief. Francis continued:
"As always, we see Francis pulling ideas
out of his hat and presenting them as doctrine while mocking
and trashing the Church's true teachings as given by Christ
and upheld through the centuries by true Popes."
As always, Pope Francis begins his litany
of Biblically wrong beliefs by starting at a wrong religious
premise: Francis believes there is such a system that can
produce "true Popes". No pope can be considered
righteous before God because he is the symbol of the most
determined foe of Jesus Christ in all of world history!
Those discerning readers have known now for
years and years that, on 25 March 2000, Pope John Paul II
took an assigned seat in such a manner as to position the
Pope's head so that the evil Twisted
Cross dominated the snapshot.
As you look closely at this picture, you
simply cannot miss the blasphemous Satanic Inverted Cross
behind the head of the seated Pontiff. In fact, this Inverted
Cross is so jarring to my senses that I cannot look at it
for more than a few moments before I have to look away. Of
all the Satanic symbols, the Inverted Cross is the most cruel
caricature of the true Cross of Calvary. I simply cannot stand
the sight of the cross upon which my Savior died for my sins
-- and yours -- turned upside down to depict Antichrist. Remember,
the true definition of Antichrist is "he who comes in
the guise of Christ".
Make no mistake about the fact that the Inverted
Cross predates that other Vatican symbol for Antichrist, the
Twisted Crucifix, which this Pope has been using at every
stop on this trip to the Middle East.
Catholics have been unknowingly bowing down to this symbol
of Antichrist since 1963, when Pope Paul VI began using it
for his public ceremonies. At that time, occult adepts of
all secret societies realized this symbol suddenly being used
by the Paul VI meant only one thing: the Illuminati now controlled
the Vatican ! Finally, after over 200 years of struggle, the
Black Magick forces of the Masters of the Illuminati controlled
the Vatican, vanquishing the White Magic practitioners who
had held power since Constantine.
This doctrine is exactly
what Antichrist wants his deluded global flock to believe.
Antichrist and his prophesied
sidekick, the False Prophet, are foretold to arise together
-- Revelation 13.
He is coming so soon
I can hear the Supernatural hoofs upon the cobblestones of
the courtyard of the life which is to come.
2. GOP rep introduces
a "catch-all" bill to protect Constitutional rights.
This bill Would Nullify
and Cancel Past, Present, and Future Unconstitutional Federal
NEWS BRIEF: "Tennessee
Rep. Authors Bill Nullifying Past, Present, and Future Unconstitutional
Federal Acts", The New American,
March 21, 2023
"Tennessee State Representative
Bud Hulsey has proposed a bill that would establish a permanent
procedure for Tennessee to nullify all unconstitutional acts
of the federal government."
"Hulsey correctly insists
that Tennessee — and every other state in the union
— retains the authority to refuse to cooperate with
any act of the federal government that exceeds the scope of
its constitutionally enumerated powers."
"In reviewing a federal
action, the state would consider “the plain reading
and reasoning of the text of the United States Constitution
and the understood definitions at the time of the framing
and construction of the Constitution by the framers.”
An action deemed “unconstitutional” would be subject
to nullification, and a declaration that the act is “null
and void” in Tennessee would bar state and local governments
from enforcing the nullified federal act."
What, exactly, is the proper
relationship between the Federal Government and its numerous
"The states created the
federal government, set the boundaries of its power, and reserved
to themselves all other rights not specifically delegated
to the new federal authority. The contract containing the
rights and responsibilities of the parties that created the
federal government is called the Constitution. This act of
collective consenting is called a compact.
"This element of the creation of the
union is precisely where the states derive their power to
nullify acts of the federal government that exceed its constitutional
authority. It is a thread woven inextricably in every strand
of sovereignty. It was the sovereign states that ceded the
territory of authority that the federal government occupies.
Our Founding Father, James Mason, was determined
to create a government limited by power and scope by the very
people they seek to govern:
"The powers delegated by the proposed
Constitution to the federal government, are few
and defined. Those which are to remain in
the State governments are numerous and indefinite."
"Representative Hulsey understands this,
and he is determined to apply this remedy to the disease of
federal despotism.
"Hulsey — and his 14 co-sponsors
of the Restoring State Sovereignty Act — realize that
there is no serious debate as to whether the national authority
has repeatedly attempted to break down the boundaries placed
by the Constitution around its power. From the beginning,
our elected representatives have overstepped the limits drawn
around their rightful authority and have passed laws retracting,
reversing, and redefining the scope of American liberty and
state sovereignty. Our sacred duty is to tirelessly resist
such advances and exercise all our natural rights to restrain
government and keep it within the limits set by the Constitution.
Hulsey’s HB 0726 is scheduled to be
heard by the Tennessee House of Representative’s State
Government Committee on March 22.
3. GOP Rep issues the
long overdue warning about our Ukraine arms:
We Can’t Make Weapons Fast Enough ‘to Protect
the United States or our Allies’: and Don’t Have
Deterrence in Taiwan ", Breitbart News,
20 Mar 2023
"... House Foreign Affairs
Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) said that 'we
cannot make our weapons fast enough to protect the United
States or our allies', Taiwan isn’t prepared for an
invasion by China, and the U.S. doesn’t have adequate
deterrence on the island.
"McCaul said, “Taiwan’s
not prepared for this. I signed off on weapons three years
ago, Maria, that have yet to go into [the] country. We have
no deterrence, we have no joint military exercises with Taiwan.
They are — unlike Ukraine, they’re incapable of
fighting their own war if invaded.”
" “When we sell an
ally or somebody like Taiwan our foreign military sales…why
does it take three years? Why don’t we have any weapons
systems in [the] country right now to provide a deterrent
to Chairman Xi from invading? "
"we can’t make these
weapons fast enough, the new ones. And I think that’s
part of the problem, that, it’s a little secret in Washington,
Maria, a little well-kept secret that we cannot make our weapons
fast enough to protect the United States or our allies, and
that’s just the truth.”
Therefore, it is the height
of recklessness and stupidity to quickly sell off the armaments
we have already manufactured when we know this sobering truth:
We now cannot defend
our allies in the short-term, nor have containment over China
and her threats against Taiwan.
4. The U.S. State Department
officially warns:
Americans cannot safely
buy any medications from any Mexican pharmacy! They might
well be covered with Fentanyl.
says citizens not to buy meds in Mexico: "Many contain
fentanyl" Japan Herald, 22 Mar 2023
State Department has issued a travel warning regarding dangerous
fake pills sold at pharmacies in Mexico, which could contain
Americans are putting themselves
at great risk when they go into Mexico to buy any medication
whatsoever, because all pills have been corrupted by fentanyl.
"Americans should 'exercise
caution when purchasing medication in Mexico', the alert said,
adding that small pharmacies in tourist areas and border regions
sometimes sell fake medications branded as OxyContin, Percocet,
Xanax and others without the need of a prescription."
Also, the fake pills "may contain deadly
doses of fentanyl," the State Department warned.
5. Adam Schiff has struck
Trump again -- Schiff became infamous for insisting that he
"had the proof", only to cravenly back down"!
Schiff ... RANTING at Trump about ‘attacking the rule
of law’ goes SO very wrong", twitchy,
March 21, 2023
"Seriously, Adam Schiff
is the last person who should be lecturing anyone else about
‘the rule of law’, especially after everything
he put this country through for years and years ... Seems
it’s only ok with our favorite pencil neck for Democrats
to ‘interfere’ …"
"Schiff always opposes
due process in his political prosecutions ... "
"What you really just said
is 'a guy I don't like just got a lawyer so that he is able
to fully utilize due process instead of just letting us railroad
him because we don't like him. How dare he do that'."
"It's honestly very scary
that you are anywhere near (the process) of creating laws."
A variety of Liberal
Progressive, Soros-funded DA's believe they have (Five) Reasons
to Prosecute, Jail and Invalidate Candidate Trump.
Bragg & George Soros: Manhattan DA’s Funding Ties",
Heavy News, March 21, 2023
"To the Democrats, RINOs and WEF oligarchs,
an image of a shackled Trump will go down in political history
"The indictment of a former president
now running as a contender in the 2024 presidential election
race when it comes this week—next week—or WHENEVER
will be media written in the kind of hysterical propaganda
of an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hair-on-fire style—all
hype and no fact."
"Lost in the telling is that Trump denies
the alleged sexual encounter even ever took place."
What is the objective of all this lying?
" 'I don’t know what’s going
to happen. But I do know this: The Manhattan district attorney
is a Soros-funded prosecutor', DeSantis said, proceeding to
slam Bragg’s lack of priorities in his jurisdiction,
as crime runs rampant throughout the city. These Soros-backed
prosecutors, he continued, 'weaponize their office to impose
a political agenda on society at the expense of the rule of
law and public safety', which is 'fundamentally wrong'.”
Past Present and Future 4 Video combo on Flash drive in
This item is on sale Price: $79.96
Sale Price: $49.98.
Flash drive includes 4 films in MP4 format for play on
your computer or smart TV or smart phone with an adapter.
Films include:
Israel's Past, Present and Future - Vol 1&2
Israel, God's Timepiece
Israel's Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians
There is so much on this flash drive that we
have put the full description in a PDF file for you.
Past Present and Future full description

of the Illuminati" Collection
PRICE $159.02 SALE PRICE $79.99
Buy all eight DVD titles of Doc Marquis'
Secrets of the Illuminati series and save!
Each of these unique DVD's provides information on a
part of the Illuminati Plan which only a former Satanist
/ Illuminati would know. Furthermore, much of the information
Doc Marquis provides is the 'Oral Plan', which is the
parts of the plan to produce Antichrist which is so evil
that it is never written down. These are the titles:
1) 'Arrival of the Antichrist' - Focus is on the History
and the Black Magick Religion of the Illuminati and of
the coming of the Masonic Christ, Antichrist
2) 'America's Occult Holidays' - Former Satanist, Doc
Marquis, delivers a knockout punch against the practice
of all our major holidays, providing details only a former
Witch would know. Doc begins by demonstrating how the
Illuminati effected the change in our calendar and how
that change has created a dramatic change in our everyday
3) 'Front Men of the Illuminati' - 'These men pull the
strings and we dance'! Doc boldly outlines the real 'movers
and shakers' of the Illuminati, those organizations most
responsible for driving us all into the global dictatorship,
the New World Order. Focus is on the most important 'Illuminati
Card Game', explaining the importance of the insights
provided by these remarkably accurate cards
4) 'Magick, Mysticism, and Masonry' - This is THE ONE
video every Mason to whom you are witnessing must see!
Doc Marquis drives a wooden stake into the heart of Freemasonry
by exposing truths only known to a former Satanist.
5) 'The Protocols of Zion: Plot Against Israel' demonstrates
that not only is the Protocols real but that the world
today stands on the verge of World War III simply and
only because world leaders have been following this blueprint
for over 200 years!
6) 'The Illuminati Is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy' shows
that Almighty God is forcing the arrogant and mighty Illuminati
into formulating a plan for staging Antichrist which fulfills
God's plan precisely. We show that the Battle of Armageddon
will result in the greatest, quickest slaughter in the
history of mankind.
7) '2012 & Beyond, Volume 1', examines key Mass Media
disinformation about what may happen on December 21, 2012.
At the end, we reveal what is likely to occur, which we
identify as the Paradigm Shift and explain how important
this shift is to the plan to produce Antichrist.
8) 'Paradigm Shift: 2012 & Beyond, Volume 2', reveals
more important Mass Media expectations as to what may
happen on 12/21/2012 and then reveals that the Paradigm
Shift is intended to be a global mass demon possession
which shall produce the Universal Mind in every unsaved
person on Earth. Is this the time of the prophesied 'Strong
Delusion'? 8 DVD titles, over 25 hours of teaching Doc
Marquis uses the King James Bible There is so much on
this flash drive that we have put the full description
in a PDF file for you.
Secrets of the Illuminati Collection full description
Flash-Drive- Instructions

in the Time of The Paradigm Shift Into the
New World Order"
March 21, 2022 President
Joe Biden said 'Now is the time when things are shifting,
there’s going to be a new world order out there,
we’ve got to lead it, and we’ve got to unite
the rest of the free world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm
Shift' to take us into the New World Order and stage
the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the
worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer
confidence is collapsing. This video is the most relevant
and current on the market today and combines the best
in the progress of Bible prophecy in world news and
in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint. This understanding
will affect -- should affect -- every other aspect of
the current collapse of this once free and mighty nation!
This DVD is a
2-DVD set running about 2 1/2 hours
Global Elite's Plan for Human 2.0"
Billy Crone exposes the deception of
Covid! Just when you thought it couldn’t get any
worse with the pre-planned Covid 19 agenda of the Global
Elites, it just did. As if manipulating an election,
removing our freedoms, violating our rights to assemble,
and murdering a massive amount of people across the
whole planet wasn’t enough for them, a whole new
layer of evil has been recently discovered that frankly
will shock you to the core.
Believe it or not, these same sick twisted
megalomaniacs have plans with their Covid agenda to
also produce a whole new race of people that they proudly
call Human 2.0. A better upgraded human they say, a
genetically modified one that’s created in their
own image. Therefore, this video, 'Beyond Covid The
Global Elites Plan for Human 2.0 'seeks to equip you
with the solid evidence revealing this satanic plan
for the end of humanity as we know it.
Here you will learn such shocking agendas
as: * The Ex posers of Human 2.0 * The Resisters of
Human 2.0 * The Genocide of Human 2.0 * The Signal of
Human 2.0 * The Trigger of Human 2.0 * The Super Soldiers
of Human 2.0 * The Design of Human 2.0 * The Zombies
of Human 2.0 *The Control of Human 2.0 * The Response
to Human 2.0.
As wild and seemingly impossible as all
this might sound, we encourage you to deal with facts
before it’s too late. Sticking your head in the
sand is exactly what these Global Elites want you to
do. Apathy and denial are how they get to continue to
march forward with their evil plans. Your life and your
family’s life are not only on the line, but so
is your actually humanity itself. Get your copy of 'Beyond
Covid The Global Elites Plan for Human 2.0'
before it’s too late!
DVD Set contains 4 DVD's, each with about
2 hours ! Only $29.99 https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=3015
Billy Crone exposes the
deception of Covid!
Just when you thought
it couldn’t get any worse with the pre-planned
Covid 19 agenda of the Global Elites, it just did. As
if manipulating an election, removing our freedoms,
violating our rights to assemble, and murdering a massive
amount of people across the whole planet wasn’t
enough for them, a whole new layer of evil has been
recently discovered that frankly will shock you to the
core. Believe it or not, these same sick twisted megalomaniacs
have plans with their Covid agenda to also produce a
whole new race of people that they proudly call Human
A better upgraded human
they say, a genetically modified one that’s created
in their own image. Therefore, this book, 'Beyond Covid
The Global Elites Plan for Human 2.0 'seeks to equip
you with the solid evidence revealing this satanic plan
for the end of humanity as we know it. Here you will
learn such shocking agendas as: * The Exposers of Human
2.0 * The Resisters of Human 2.0 * The Genocide of Human
2.0 * The Signal of Human 2.0 * The Trigger of Human
2.0 * The Super Soldiers of Human 2.0 * The Design of
Human 2.0 * The Zombies of Human 2.0 *The Control of
Human 2.0 * The Response to Human 2.0
As wild and seemingly
impossible as all this might sound, we encourage you
to deal with facts before it’s too late. Sticking
your head in the sand is exactly what these Global Elites
want you to do. Apathy and denial are how they get to
continue to march forward with their evil plans. Your
life and your family’s life are not only on the
line, but so is your actually humanity itself.
Get your copy of Beyond
Covid The Global Elites Plan for Human 2.0 before it’s
too late! Only $19.99 - https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=3014
As Jesus said: "And
when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and
lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
(Luke 21:27, KJV)
over 60 categories of books and DVDs in our online store
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Wagener, SC 29164
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Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved