Today's leadership of
Israel is thoroughly Illuminati, as the disgusting Satanic
hexagram on the Israeli flag proves. They are literally
the type of Jew which Jesus foretold, "who say
they are Jews and not not"... but are "of
the synagogue of Satan"!
They will die at the hand
of God's executioner, the Antichrist, whom they are
trying so hard to produce on the world scene. Do you
see the supreme irony of this prophetic reality?
Biden has lost
America's "Moral Compass" and now World War
III is straight ahead.
Netanyahu Asks World: How
did you lose your moral compass so quickly?',"
Israel National News, March 17, 2024
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated today (Sunday)
that an operation in Rafah, the last Hamas stronghold
in southern Gaza, would take place.
" 'Since the beginning
of the war, we have been fighting on two fronts - the
military front and the political front', Netanyahu began,
adding that 'on the political front, we have so far
managed to allow our forces to fight in an unprecedented
manner for five full months. But it is no secret that
the international pressure against us is increasing'."
This Prime Minister may
rank in God's sight as equal to King David, if he stands
"No international
pressure will stop us from realizing all the goals of
the war: eliminating Hamas, freeing all our hostages,
and ensuring that Gaza will no longer pose a threat
against Israel'."
Polls show that an overwhelming
number of Israelis strongly support Netanyahu's position!
Then, Secretary of State
Blinkin issued a statement which is wrongly stupid by
any stretch of the imagination:
2. Secretary of
State Blinkin stated, "Israel's job #1 is to protect
Gazan civilian citizens.
NEWS BRIEF: "Blinken:
Israel’s ‘job number one’ is protecting,
aiding Gazans", Israel365 News,
March 14, 2024
"U.S. Secretary of
State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday that protecting
and aiding Gazans is Israel’s primary mission
as it wages war against the Hamas terrorist group."
“We look to the
government of Israel to make sure this is a priority.
Protecting civilians, getting people the assistance
they need—that has to be job number one, even
as they do what is necessary to defend the country and
to deal with the threat posed by Hamas,” the top
American diplomat told reporters in Washington after
a meeting with his international counterparts on Gaza.
WRONG!! "Job
#1" of any government is to protect the lives of
her own countrymen.
Since almost 70% of Gazan
citizens support the bloody tactics of Hamas, they must
be considered "guilty terrorists"and not so
important as to protect at the expense of protecting
In fact, throughout history,
governments have been tasked with giving top priority
to protecting their own fellow citizens.
3. Biden badly
misused his own Intelligence Service to try to overthrow
the Prime Minister.
Administration Abuses U.S. Intelligence Community to
Undermine Netanyahu’s Leadership,"
American Greatness, March 15, 2024
"For America’s
intelligence agencies to do the job they were created
to do and be taken seriously by presidents and U.S.
officials, they must strictly stay out of U.S. politics
... something reprehensible happened this week during
a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on the U.S.
Intelligence Community’s annual worldwide threats
report. In addition to discussing threats to our country
from China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and terrorist
groups, the report questioned the leadership of Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and said large protests
in Israel demanding his resignation could drive him
from power."
To achieve the backing
of the public in his criticism of Israeli Prime Minister
Netanyahu, President Biden exerted tremendous political
pressure on America's intelligence services.
"Such public criticism
by a top U.S. politician of the leader of a close ally
is inappropriate. But it is unacceptable for the U.S.
Intelligence Community to do this ... This was politicization
of intelligence, pure and simple, and followed a long
tradition of Democratic administrations using intelligence
agencies as proxies to promote their policies. By asserting
that U.S. intelligence is strictly nonpartisan, expect
White House officials to claim these findings are authoritative
and nonpolitical."
"... no sensible
person in this country believes the myth that U.S. intelligence
agencies are nonpolitical and above politics."
"For America’s
intelligence agencies to do the job they were created
to do and be taken seriously by presidents and U.S.
officials, they must strictly stay out of U.S. politics."
4. During this
entire border fiasco, we must remember:
The United States
is not the world's trash can.
States Isn’t the World’s Trash Can,"
American Greatness, March 15, 2024
"If America is to
be restored, its citizens and politicians alike must
once again revere her. The border disaster is only one
manifestation of America’s broken psyche and Democrat
contempt for America."
The Democrat Party has
been contemptuous of America ever since her leaders
engineered a Civil War in 1861 to force the Republic
to accept slavery of the black race or face a bloody
and extended war which took approximately 750,000 casualties
on both sides.
Now, Democrat leaders
-- in conjunction with R.I.N.O.'s -- are destroying
the most successful country in world history because
their goal is a global dictatorship where America is
no greater than any other country!
That is the slimmed-down
America which is Biden's aim.
Doubt it not!
"Biden and the Democrats
have turned the United States into the world’s
trash can—a place where foreign nations can send
their rubbish. This systemic prioritization of the world’s
foreign populations over U.S. citizens—their needs
and desires over American needs and desires—is
a complete perversion of the actual purpose of the U.S.
"Our government’s
job isn’t to do what’s in the best interest
of Haiti, El Salvador, or any other country. America
isn’t the world’s penal colony, homeless
shelter, rehab, or charity. Our government’s job
is not to help the world’s poor or to take in
unwanted rapists and murderers from third-world countries.
It isn’t to import the uneducated masses from
around the globe. Our government’s job is to do
what’s in the best interest of America."
"The purpose of U.S.
immigration isn’t to help immigrants but to help
America and Americans; it’s not to help improve
other countries but to improve this one ... America
is the Ferrari of countries, but Joe Biden and the Democrats
view America as a Serbian Yugo—a junk car without
value and to be treated with abject disrespect.
"If America
is to be restored, American citizens and politicians
alike must once again revere her."
5. What Trump
said about a ‘bloodbath’ -- in context!
Campaign, Establishment Media, Attack Trump with Fake
Interpretation of ‘Bloodbath’ Comments in
Ohio Rally," Breitbart News,
17 March 2024
"Former President
Donald Trump on Saturday night forecast a financial
“bloodbath” awaits the U.S. motor industry
if he is not elected and China is enabled to swamp the
country with their products."
campaign team plucked a nine-second clip of Trump using
the word, 'bloodbath' and twisted it completely out
of context.
in the political arena and the general media were quick
to wilfully manipulate Trump’s words and infer
intentions on his behalf even after Trump campaign spokesman
Steven Cheung made clear Trump had clearly been talking
about the impact of offshoring on the country’s
auto industry and his own plans to increase tariffs
on foreign-made cars."
Liberal Media
quickly jumped on this one word to shout the monstrous
lie that Trump was planning a civil war with
lots of bloodshed if he is not re-elected.
But, Elon Musk quickly
"Fact Checked" this false claim:
Joe Scarborough deletes ‘Bloodbath’ tweet
after humiliating Elon Musk fact-check,"
BPR News, March 18, 2024
"Thanks to ongoing
efforts to disabuse Big Tech avenues of censorship and
suppression on social media, corporate media gaslighting
doesn’t quite pack the same propagandist punch
it once did. As billionaire Musk had had a personal
hand in that, so too did he step into the mix over the
weekend to confront MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough over
the latest effort to malign former President Donald
"A remark about a
coming 'bloodbath' related to the auto industry if President
Joe Biden won re-election had been painted as dangerous
rhetoric from Trump in line with leftist views that
the GOP leader was somehow a despotic tyrant'."
This corrupt Media attempted
to tie this lying story to the January 6 propaganda
"Running with that,
Scarborough shared a video from the U.S. Capitol on
Jan. 6, 2021, with the caption, 'Donald Trump’s
America. And he is proud of it. Promised another ‘bloodbath’
if he loses again.”
"The post prompted
Musk to doubly criticize the co-host of “Morning
Joe” for both misrepresenting Trump’s comments
and for suggesting the breach of the U.S. Capitol had
been exponentially more violent than it actually was.
“Jan 6 was not a
‘bloodbath’ by any definition and Trump
was referring to job losses in the auto industry when
he used that word. Your post is extremely misleading,”
he wrote."
Joe deleted his post after being humiliated by Elon."
7. Americans Leaving
Cities Destroyed By Democrats
NEWS BRIEF: "Americans
Leaving Cities Destroyed By Democrats",
Canada Free Press, March 17, 2024
"For decades, Democrats
have controlled the nation’s largest cities. The
results have been catastrophic, including high crime
rates, blight, failing public educational systems, rampant
poverty, and an expanding homeless population."
"These horrific outcomes
are due to Democrats supporting failed policies, such
as raising taxes, increasing regulations, growing the
government, and refusing to prosecute violent criminals.
Consequently, citizens voted with their feet and left
in droves, a trend which has started to accelerate.'
What is the ultimate purpose
of these policies?
Cutting Edge has been
writing about the goal of eliminating our cities and
returning the land back to the Native Americans, since
Heading for the
goal of resettling Americans into enclaves in a standard
of living akin to 1620!
The plan is called "Re-Wilding"!
First, understand that
this New World Order Plan was created, in its outline
form, in the mid-1700's. When you understand this fact,
much of what is occurring today will be absolutely believable
and will make a great deal of sense to you. Let us review
two quotes from the oldest known New World Order planning
document, "The Protocols of the Learned Elders
of Zion". Written with a very thin cover as the
plans of worldwide Jewry to gain control of the world,
this plan is, in reality, a most comprehensive plan
as to how to achieve the New World Order. The exact
date in which this was written is obscured, but some
believe it was written in the late 1700's. When I read
this little volume, I am amazed at the supernatural
insight into human behavior these authors possessed.
Listen, now, to their
plans as the world is just about to enter the final
phase of the transition into their 'kingdom', the New
World Order.
"When we come into
our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems
which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring
it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who will
ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed
by us according to a political plan which no one has
so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?"
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,
end of Protocol No. 13.]
Why would the Democrats
and R.I.N.O.'s want to destroy our cities?
"One of the major
teachings of humanism is that man is no better than
the animals. In fact, he is just an animal that is more
highly evolved. However, top leaders of the New
World Order Plan have taken this concept
to a new, and more radical, plane. They are insisting
that man has evolved into such a "predatory"
animal, that he threatens all other animals, and Mother
Earth herself [Gaia is her name] with extinction.
Man's "predatory"
nature that is threatening the world is manifested in
his pollution and destruction of the environment and
his destruction of the many species of wildlife. Therefore,
man is a dangerous "animal" that must be controlled
by other men who have spiritually "evolved"
into a higher state than the rest of us humans.
Of course, these "more highly evolved" humans
just so happen to be the ones who are controlling governments
and global institutions today that are spearheading
the drive to the New World Order!! They have concocted
many extreme environmental "crises" that are
global in nature, and are being promoted by schools
and various governmental agencies as "turning mankind
upside down".
Returning all evidences
of mankind's "imprint on Mother Earth"
The New World Order Plan
envisions that over 50% of America will be set aside
(Re-wilded) so that no human activity whatsoever can
occur within these set aside areas. Again, we encourage
you to read this article if you have not done so yet!
We even showed you an example as to how this plan is
being implemented, right under our very noses, and always
with the highest sounding rhetoric possible. It seems
to be a principle with these guys, that, whenever they
want to enact legislation that will have the effect
of destroying us, or enslaving us, they do so with the
highest flying rhetoric they can possibly write. I guess
we should beware whenever we hear a politician sounding
off about how much they care about us, or how much they
are about to do for us!
"Liberal Democrats
dominate all our nation’s large cities. If their
policies worked, residents would gladly stay. Instead,
Democrats institute unpopular policies such as the strict
mandates during the initial stages of the pandemic.
"In addition, these
cities were the scene of violent riots in the summer
of 2020, after the death of George Floyd. To placate
“Black Lives Matter” protesters, a myriad
of Democratic Party leaders demonized police and supported
efforts to defund law enforcement. Thereafter, law enforcement
agencies across the country suffered a loss of personnel,
but it was especially problematic in Chicago (10.6%),
New York (4.8%), Los Angeles (6.0%), and San Francisco
"The statistics show
that as police leave, so do law abiding residents, who
realize that criminals rule the city streets. One city
that has been particularly impacted by a shrinking police
force is New Orleans. According to the President of
the Police Association of New Orleans, Captain Mike
Glasser, the ideal size for the department is 1,600
Today, it is getting harder
and harder to hide the impact of this "Re-wilding"
effort, but soon, cities are going to have to either
massively correct policies or carry out the 66% decrease
in population which is planned by the highest New Age
leaders that will make this draconian plan a reality.
Most interestingly, the
Book of Revelation lists God's various judgments, which
wipe out 66% of all mankind!