Wednesday 3/15/2017
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Headline News Articles 
Shack' Movie Presents A Spiritual Danger Which Shall
Introduce You To Satanism While Taking Your Breath Away
The official
trailer contains colors and filters which creates a
look and feel of the 'Wizard of Oz', which introduced
hundreds of millions to the Black Magick world of the
House of Theosophy, and created a most important "Mind
Trigger" for the Master MK Mind Controller.
The time has
arrived for all genuine Christians to jump off that
Broad Road leading to Hell and jump on that Narrow Road
leading to Heaven! But, at this most deceitful era,
how can you correctly discern the genuine Narrow Road?
MK Ultra Mind
Control Manuals
by Former Satanist,
Cisco Wheeler


News Headlines
1. President Trump
keeps another campaign promise!
The President
signed an executive order cancelling Obama's plan to
seize guns from elderly people!
2. Australia announces
a new gun amnesty program, even though they have had
one in place for decades.
The Problem? Criminals
kept their guns while law-abiding citizens turned their
in. Surprise! The bumper sticker is right after all!
3. Do you remember
those 1950's signs from the John Birch Society?
"Pull the
U.S. Out of the U.N.?"?
President Trump
took the first step of pulling the United States out
of the United Nations by ordering a steep reduction
in funding!
4. Furthermore,
Trump's budget will cut Federal Bureaucrats to the lowest
levels since World War II.
We will watch
to see how Liberal "R.I.N.O." Republicans
react to this genuinely common sense proposal!
Shipping NOW!!!
Tale of Two Babylons DVD: Trump's Prophetic Appointment
With 'Destiny' "

Cutting Edge Director, David Bay -- Only $19.99
The Bible mentions the
name 'Babylon' 264 times in the KJV. Today, many Christians
are confused about references in prophetic passages
which use Babylon in seemingly difference ways. When
a Christian tries to shoe-horn one definition into all
references to Babylon he / she is unnecessarily confused.
In our study of 'A Tale of Two Babylons', we are going
to demonstrate that prophetic literature speaks of God's
judgment on one physical nation 'Babylon' (Judged in
Isaiah 13) and one nation Symbolically called 'Babylon'
( Judged in Revelation 18).
If you understand this
difference, you will properly understand End Times prophecy.
But, if you do not understand the difference between
these 2 Babylons, you will be unnecessarily confused,
and will be open to being mislead on one of the most
important End Times subjects.
Since the confusion begins
with the definition of Babylon, let us begin at there!
Bible scholars recognize that God uses the name Babylon
in two distinct ways. (Quoting from The Free Dictionary
1) "... the capital
of the ancient kingdom Babylonia in Mesopotamia on the
Euphrates. Established as capital c. 1750 bc, rebuilt
in regal splendor by Nebuchadnezzar II after its destruction
(c. 689 bc) by the Assyrians, Babylon was the site of
the Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the
World 2) A city or place of great luxury, sensuality,
and often vice, corruption or a place of captivity or
In this study of 'A Tale
of Two Babylons', we are going to demonstrate that End
Timesprophecy speaks of Gods judgment on one physical
nation 'Babylon' and one nation Symbolically called
We will also reveal two
major contributions to End Times' prophecy which Donald
J. Trump is poised to fulfill. In fact, Trump may be
the only leader who can fulfill these prophecies in
America today. President Trump does not realize it,
but he has 'An Appointment With Destiny', a favorite
term uttered many times by 33rd Degree Masonic President,
Franklin Roosevelt, referring to the New Age / Masonic
Messiah, whom the Bible calls Antichrist.
1 hour 37 minutes run
- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2768
We truly need your support
now to continue reaching the lost.
not believe that, because Donald Trump has become
President, Christians do not need to feel an urgency
to reach the lost for Jesus Christ. Trump is going
to fulfill some critically important prophecies
during the next four years.
In fact, we have just introduced
our first DVD which details how Trump is going
to led America to the prosperity foretold in Revelation
18:7 --
"A Tale of Two Babylons: President Trump's
Appointment With 'Destiny".
We are also introducing
new DVD's and Books, whose purpose is to educate
you and inform you of current news in light of
End Times prophecy. We need your support in the
We're a small non-profit
with costs of a top website: servers, staff, studio
expenses and programs. We believe everyone should
have access to free knowledge, without restriction
or limitation. If Cutting Edge is useful to you,
please take one minute to keep us online and to
keep us reaching out to over 75,000
people a year with the Plan of Salvation.
If the Lord has blessed
you this year, and if you value the special prophetic
viewpoint which Cutting Edge provides, please
favor us now with a special gift. Just click on
the green button and follow the prompts.
We have tried to make supporting
Cutting Edge Ministry easy and convenient, with
our green "Donation Button". 
May Jesus Richly Bless You. David Bay,
Director |
of Babylon, Capital Of The New World Order"
5 - DVD 
by Mac Dominick
of Cutting Edge Films
Only $19.99
This DVD covers Revelation,
Chapters 15 through 18, four of the most insightful
chapters in the Book.
Mac starts in Revelation 15 with the 7 vials of wrath
and then moves to Revelation 16, where a Godly angel
proclaims that all Divine Judgments are now completed.
Rev 17 and 18 describe
two Satanic behemoths called 'Babylon' which tightly
control all the Earth with their monstrous spiritual
power and their spiritual influence on all mankind.
Rev 17 describes the False
Religious Prophet and his authority over men. Bible
scholars believe this prophet is the Pope of Roman Catholicism.
Rev 18 is proposed to
be the physical and political capital of Antichrists
Kingdom, a.k.a., New World Order. Great video, and very
revealing. Run Time 93 minutes Order
Yours today
For more information
and trailers on the DVDs individually select below

Offer is Available, Volumes 1-4: You save $16
News Analysis
1. President
Trump keeps another campaign promise!
The President
signed an executive order cancelling Obama's plan
to seize guns from elderly people!
Promise Kept: Trump Signs Repeal of Obama-Era
Social Security Gun Prohibition Rule', NRA-ILA
News, March 3, 2017
"On Tuesday, President
Donald J. Trump signed the repeal of an Obama-era
Social Security Administration (SSA) rule that would
have resulted in some 75,000 law-abiding beneficiaries
losing their Second Amendment rights each year. "
What was that again,
you blurt? Elderly people on Social Security or receiving
benefits through SSA were going to be forced to surrender
their Constitutional Right to "keep and bear
Which public shooting
was carried out by an elderly Grandpa or Grandma?
Never mind, Liberal
Democrat President Obama knows better, so he signed
an Executive Order stripping guns from the law-abiding
elderly! Barack knew that the public felt more secure!
"The SSA rulemaking
was issued in the waning weeks of Obama’s presidency
and targeted those receiving disability insurance
or Supplementary Security Income based on SSA’s
listed mental disorders and who were appointed a 'representative
payee' to help them manage their benefits. The agency
–for the first time in its history– sought
to portray these individuals as “mental defectives”
who were prohibited from acquiring or possessing firearms
under federal law. "
But, the bad news for
the elderly quickly got worse.
"Making matters
worse, the beneficiaries would have had no ability
to argue about their suitability to possess firearms
before their rights were lost. Instead, they would
have been reduced to filing a petition for “restoration”
of their rights, an expensive and bureaucratic process
that would have required them to pay for a mental
health evaluation and to prove they were not dangerous,
a premise the government never established in the
first place."
Even the ACLU railed
against Obama on this one!
"The plan drew
fire not just from the NRA, but also from the ACLU
and a wide range of mental health advocacy and treatment
groups from across the political spectrum. Also opposing
the plan was the National Council on Disability (NCD),
an independent federal agency charged with advising
the President, Congress, and other federal agencies
regarding policies, programs, practices, and procedures
that affect people with disabilities. "
Fortunately, President
Obama issued this un-Constitutional Order just before
the election, planning to hand off this gift to a
President Hillary Clinton, who could carry out the
new gun control law without having to bear the inevitable
political firestorm if she had issued the Social Security
gun control rule.
Thank you, Mr. President
2. Australia
announced a new gun amnesty program, even though they
have had one in place for decades.
NEWS BRIEF: "Decades
after Firearm Confiscation, Australia Announces New
Amnesty Program: Plan did not disarm criminals",
NRA-ILA News, March
10, 2017
"In a tacit admission
that criminals and scofflaws have had little trouble
circumventing Australia’s National Firearms
Agreement (NFA) and the government’s confiscation
effort, Australian officials have set a date for another
firearms amnesty program. The program is set to begin
in July and last for three months. Despite offering
no compensation for surrendered firearms, government
officials hope that the plan will net 260,000 of an
estimated 600,000 illegally possessed guns."
of yet another amnesty is a broad acknowledgement
of the futility of Australia’s gun control regime
and amnesty programs ... With refreshing candor, the
Australian government has admitted that its intent
with the new amnesty is to disarm the otherwise law-abiding
who are not in total compliance with Australia’s
onerous gun control regime. This pursuit of unregistered
heirlooms and family keepsakes will no doubt have
an effect on violent crime similar to that of previous
amnesties; none."
The Problem?
Criminals kept their guns while law-abiding citizens
turned their in.
Surprise! The
bumper sticker is right after all!
"When guns
are outlawed, only outlaws will own guns"!
Common Sense
prevails, again.+
3. Do you remember
those 1950's signs from the John Birch Society?
"Pull the
U.S. Out of the U.N.?"?
President Trump
took the first step of pulling the United States out
of the United Nations by ordering a steep reduction
in funding!
House Seeks to Cut Billions in Funding for United
Nations: Major retreat", Foreign
Policy, March 13, 2017
"State Department
staffers have been instructed to seek cuts in excess
of 50 percent in U.S. funding for U.N. programs, signaling
an unprecedented retreat by President Donald Trump’s
administration from international operations ... The
push for such draconian measures comes as the White
House is scheduled on Thursday to release its 2018
budget proposal, which is expected to include cuts
of up to 37 percent for spending on the State Department,
the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),
and other foreign assistance programs, including the
U.N., in next year’s budget. The United States
spends about $10 billion a year on the United Nations."
Genuine Conservatives
/ Christians should rejoice, because the United Nations
is the beginning Global Government which shall serve
the Biblical Antichrist once he appears on the world
scene. In fact, the Senate refused to ratify the League
of Nations after World War I because enough Senators
recognized that the proposed world government was
a fulfillment of End Times prophecy.
In other words, the
major reason the Illuminati ignited World War I was
to persuade citizens that a global government would
end all wars. Therefore, all the millions of people
who died during World War I, died to no purpose.
After igniting World
War II, the Illuminati got their coveted Global Government,
and promptly proceeded to build the crisis which would
ultimately produce World War III, out of which will
stride the Man of Sin -- Antichrist.
Predictably. global
Elitists were not pleased.
"Richard Gowan,
a U.N. expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations,
said cuts of this magnitude would create 'chaos'.”
Christians all over
the world should thank President Trump for taking
the first step toward pulling out of the United Nations,
a most worthless institution.
4. Furthermore,
Trump's budget will cut Federal Bureaucrats to the
lowest levels since World War II.
Budget Could Cut Federal Bureaucrats by Highest Levels
Since End of World War Two', Brietbart
News, 13 March 2017
"President Donald
Trump will unveil his budget proposals later this
week, which is likely to include the cutting of government
bureaucrats at levels not seen since the end of the
Second World War, according to budget analysts. The
budget, which will be released on Thursday, is expected
to drastically decrease the size of government, cutting
jobs in sectors such as housing, foreign aid, and
environmental protection — and instead prioritizing
areas such as the military and homeland security."
Once again, President
Trump is simply carrying out a campaign promise.
"During his presidential campaign,
Trump promised to 'drain the swamp' of Washington
D.C. by eliminating corruption and reforming the federal
government ... Trump also promised to introduce a
hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce the
federal workforce through a process of attrition ...
On Monday, Trump signed an executive order aimed at
reducing government waste, telling reporters that
the order will lead to a 'thorough examination of
every executive department and agency' to establish
'where money is being wasted [and] how services can
be improved'.”
We will watch
to see how Liberal "R.I.N.O." Republicans
react to this genuinely common sense proposal!