News Analysis
President Trump triggered an often-used Mind Control
Program when he announced support for Gun Confiscation
BRIEF: "Trump
Announces National Push For Gun Confiscation Legislation!
Constitution News, March 12, 2018
a decision that has completely bewildered a great
many within his conservative base, President Trump
has seemingly sided with the gun control crowd in
his response to the horrific Parkland, Florida Valentine’s
Day massacre."
a month ago, 19 year old Nikolas Cruz entered Stoneman
Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, guided by
'demon voices' that he heard within his own head,
and began to slaughter his ex-classmates. At the end
of the event, Cruz was arrested without incident,
and seventeen young Americans were dead."
have a right to be "bewildered", because
this President has claimed to be "one of us",
that is, Conservative and Christian. He has repeatedly
stated that he is supportive of our Second Amendment
of the Constitution, which protects our right to keep
and to bear arms.
Founding Fathers knew the historical reality that
no Absolute Dictatorship can gain power or keep power
if private citizens could bear arms for their defense.
They further knew the historic reality that the #1
killer of a people is its own government.
Therefore, Conservatives/Christians
supported Donald Trump for President, in part, because
we believed his word on this most important subject.
President Trump was America's heat shield, defending
our right to keep weapons, no matter the heat the
Liberals were pouring on.
Not only did President
Trump abruptly reverse his stand against gun control
and seizure, he did so according to a technique of
Mind Control which has been used by the Global Elite
for almost two centuries; this plan is insidious because
it can change the mindset and the values of an entire
population, while remaining invisible and silent.
This Mind Control technique
is called "The Six Step Attitudinal Change
Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan - Insidious Technique
To Change The Mindset of An Entire Population, Invisibly,
Silently", David Bay, Cutting Edge
"The Six Step Attitudinal
Change Plan gives New World Order Planners the ability
to silently, almost invisibly, change the attitudes
and values of the entire population of a people. They
must achieve this before they stage the appearance
of their Christ. You will have trouble believing how
much of your daily life is being manipulated, but
once you understand how this is being accomplished,
you can take steps to reduce its effect or eliminate
it. Learn to protect your loved ones."
How does this insidious
plan work? There are six distinct steps:
(NOTE: We explain how
this terribly effective mind control works in the
DVD shown above, "Invisible,
Invincible Mind Control: Powerful Media Manipulation"
After watching
this video, you will never look at the news the same
way again!
These are the
six Steps:
Step 1.
Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be
discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert
in a RESPECTED forum.
Step 2. At first,
the public is shocked, then outraged.
Step 3. But, the
VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated
becomes the SUBJECT
of the debate.
Step 4. In the process,
sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion
gradually dulling its effect.
Step 5. People then
are no longer shocked by the subject.
Step 6. No longer
outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate
the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging,
instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.
Now, let us examine
how President Trump has triggered Step 1 and then
we can readily see how Steps 2-6 can be achieved more
easily than you think.
Step 1.
Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be
discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert
in a RESPECTED forum.
President Donald J.
Trump has just announced his shocking statement that
he would support legislation which would allow police
to seize the guns owned by a person who is considered
"mentally ill", before they go to a judge
to prove "probable cause". In other words,
this "Conservative" President is supportive
of denying an American citizen "due process",
a Constitutional protection against an aggressive,
dictatorial government!
The President is certainly
a "RESPECTED expert" and the Oval Office
is a "RESPECTED forum"!
Step 2.
At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.
American Conservatives/Christians
are shocked at this turn of events and they are in
the process of being "outraged"! This featured
article is indicative of the outrage now being poured
over this great nation.
Step 3.
But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly
debated becomes the SUBJECT
In other words, as the
debate rages, the focus changes ever so slightly.
Suddenly, leaders and columnists are saying "how
wonderful it is that we can even debate this issue
publicly". The focus changes from the merits
of this controversy to a cultural pride that, only
in America could we have this debate.
Step 4.
In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject
under discussion gradually dulling its effect.
Mass Media has proven
over and over again that they know how to provide
"sheer repetition" of a "shocking subject"!
Step 5.
People then are no longer shocked by the subject.
Step 6.
No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions
to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise,
challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.
At some point, this
public debate will be solved once a "RESPECTED
expert in a RESPECTED forum" steps up to offer
a compromise. He will say, "let us pass this
law, but with strenuous safeguards".
This compromise was
used in the public debate over Abortion On Demand.
The "strenuous safeguards' set in place were
that abortions could only be carried out in the narrowest
of circumstances, only in the case of protecting the
Mother's life or when the conception occurred as the
result of rape or incest.
leaders shouted to the highest heaven that their compromise
prevented a worse evil, i.e., abortion at any time
for any reason.
But, the forces of evil
privately congratulated themselves on complete victory,
because they had opened the forbidden door ever so
slightly, and they knew that, over time, they could
kick that door WIDE OPEN!
And, because of compromise,
over 50 million babies have died in the wombs in America.
We cannot allow the
Second Amendment forbidden door to be opened, even
if it is "ever so slightly"! Once it is
opened a tiny crack, the Absolute Dictatorship of
which we fear can more quickly come in to reality.
That dictatorship is
entitled, "The New World Order" and its
leader is Antichrist!
Doubt it not!
original wording of this plan
CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open
fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby.
This plan is well under way, and so far is working
perfectly. The Middle class is begging the government
to do away with the 2nd amendment."
[Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 225, shown left]
development is dark and foreboding for our Constitutional
right to keep and to bear arms.
As North Korea reaches out to the United States, her
dictator restarts his plutonium reactor.
BRIEF: "North
Korea appears to be making new nuclear bomb fuel,
despite disarmament talk", The Boston
Globe, March 9, 2018
Korea appears to be making new nuclear bomb fuel,
satellite imagery shows, even as its leader, Kim Jong
Un, has expressed willingness to negotiate atomic
disarmament with President Donald Trump. Two separate
teams of U.S. analysts examining satellite images
from January and February have concluded that the
North’s reactor at Yongbyon, which had appeared
to be dormant, is making plutonium — a principal
fuel of nuclear arms."
As we warned in Monday's
News Alert, the world has experienced 13 years of
war to only 1 year of peace, in 3,360 years!
Each side needs to convince
the world that they did everything in their power
to prevent all-out war. And, then, they can launch
that war!
Atheist British Professor, Steven Hawking, dies at
age 76.
BRIEF: "Stephen
Hawking: Visionary physicist dies aged 76",
BBC News, March 14, 2018
was trapped in his own body by motor neurone disease,
but that did not stop Prof Stephen Hawking help us
all get an understanding of the universe. The
world renowned physicist has died at the age of 76,
leaving the world memorable words on a host of subjects.
Wheelchair-bound and largely unable to speak, most
of them were delivered through his famous voice synthesiser."
people have ever shaken faith in God more than Hawking.
BRIEF: "Stephen
Hawking dies: Scientist's most memorable quotes",
BBC News, March 14, 2018
Listen to some of Hawking's
memorable quotes:
* On Humanity:
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on
a minor planet of a very average star. But we can
understand the Universe. That makes us something very
special" - Interview in Der Spiegel, October
* On Euthanasia:
"The victim should have the right to end his
life, if he wants..."
* On Artificial
Intelligence: "The development of full
artificial intelligence could spell the end of the
human race. It would take off on its own, and re-design
itself at an ever increasing rate... Humans, who are
limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete,
and would be superseded" - Interview with the
BBC, December 2014
* On the Possibility of Contact
Between Humans and Aliens: "I think
it would be a disaster. The extraterrestrials would
probably be far in advance of us. The history of advanced
races meeting more primitive people on this planet
is not very happy, and they were the same species.
I think we should keep our heads low" - In Naked
Science: Alien Contact, the National Geographic Channel,
* On Space Colonies:
"I don't think the human race will survive the
next 1,000 years, unless we spread into space. There
are too many accidents that can befall life on a single
planet. But I'm an optimist. We will reach out to
the stars" - Interview in the Daily Telegraph,
October 2001
"For thus says the Lord—Who
created the heavens, God Himself, Who formed the earth
and made it, Who established it and did not create
it to be a worthless waste; He formed it to be inhabited—I
am the Lord, and there is no one else."
(Isaiah 45:17, Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Commentary)
BRIEF: ‘There
is no heaven or afterlife, that is a fairy story’:
How Stephen Hawking confronted the dark realities
of his own death", Daily
Mail, March 14, 2018
"Professor Stephen Hawking passed
away today at the age of 76, after battling motor
neuron disease for 55 years. He lived with the prospect
of an early death for decades - and it made him confront
its dark realities head on. The physicist famously
said 'there is no heaven or afterlife', describing
the belief that we live on after death as a 'fairy
story'. "
Unfortunately, Stephen Hawking right
now knows that he was completely wrong about there
being no afterlife. He will spend eternity separated
from God. Why couldn't he use his brilliant mind to
search out the truth of the Bible, especially the
truth of scientific fact as reported in the Bible?
He could have learned the fact that the Bible is inerrant,
even when it discusses scientific matters. We have
in our Bookstore these titles which would have informed
Stephen Hawking as to the reality of the God of the
Bible before he stepped into eternity.
Unfortunately, God foretold of people
who believe that there is no God:
"The fool hath said
in his heart, There is no God." (Psalm

Why couldn't Stephen Hawkings avail
himself of such wonderful scientific knowledge proving
the truthfulness of the Bible and of the wonderful
nature of God?
Stephen Hawkings may go down in history
as the smartest man to have deliberately ignored the
massive proofs that God has provided to prove His
Word to be true!
President Trump fires Rex Tillerson as Secretary of
BRIEF: "Trump
sacks Rex Tillerson a day after the Secretary of State
blasts Russia over spy poisoning",
Mirror News, 13 March 2018
Trump has sacked Rex Tillerson the day after the former
Secretary of State blasted Russia for the spy poisoning
in Salisbury. Trump announced
with a tweet that CIA Director Mike Pompeo would replace
him. Gina Hapsel, the deputy director at the CIA,
was tipped to succeed Pompeo at the CIA, which would
make her the first woman to run the spy agency."
replacement should warn us all that the nature of
Donald Trump is very dangerous to us all.
"Who is Gina Haspel, Trump's new CIA head? 'Spymaster'
with a torture past", NBC News,
March 13, 2018
— When President Donald Trump nominated Gina
Haspel on Tuesday to be the next CIA director, he
selected a seasoned intelligence officer with decades
of experience, but also a key figure in the agency's
troubled legacy of using torture as an interrogation
61, would be the first woman to lead the nation's
top intelligence agency, a fact Trump highlighted
in his tweet announcing her promotion, and the first
CIA operator to run the agency since William Colby
in 1973."
Haspel has a very dark side to her.
focal point of her career is her involvement in the
CIA's controversial interrogation program, where enhanced
interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding and
sleep deprivation, were used. Trump has publicly supported
using harsh techniques. "I'd bring back a hell
of a lot worse than waterboarding," he said at
a GOP presidential primary debate in 2016. From
2003 to 2005, Haspel oversaw the top-secret CIA program
where dozens of suspected terrorists were deprived
of sleep, stuffed into coffins and had water forced
down their throats..."
In news story #1, above,
we discussed the horror of facing a dictatorial government
without owning our guns, and now we see the same President
advocating harsh torture, another typical part of
any absolute dictatorship.
The inner heart of this
President is becoming more clear by the day, and it
does not bode well for Conservatives/Christians.
Americans will be so
blinded by the prophesied economic prosperity produced
by the economic policies of President Trump that they
will close their eyes to the loss of freedoms once
the Second Amendment is passed and they will really
close their eyes to reports of extreme torture of
political prisoners who are in jail because their
"due process" right was run over roughshod!
The House Intelligence Committee voted to end their
investigation into possible collusion between Trump
and Russia!
found "no collusion" whatsoever!
BRIEF: "House
Intelligence Committee Completes Russia Probe:
‘No Evidence of Collusion’ Between Trump
Campaign, Russians", Breitbart News,
12 March 2018
House Intelligence Committee has found there was no
evidence of collusion by the Trump campaign with Russians,
according to a one-page summary of its findings released
on Monday. 'We have found no evidence of collusion,
coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign
and the Russians', said the summary."
can we end Robert Mueller's witch hunt and begin to
seriously investigate Hillary Clinton for her very
traitorous collusion with Putin?
BRIEF: "Hannity:
Mueller's witch hunt coming to an end?",
Fox News, March 13, 2018
didn't find any evidence of collusion and I don't
think [special counsel Robert Mueller] will either,”
Texas Republican Rep. Mike Conaway, who led the bipartisan
investigation, said on 'Special Report'.”
draft report included 40 other findings, including
how Russians used social media to “sow discord”
in 2015 and 2016, a 'lackluster' pre-election response
to Russian measures, how 'anti-Trump research' made
its way from Russian sources to the Clinton campaign,
and 'problematic contacts between senior Intelligence
Community officials and the media'.”
time has arrived for Robert Mueller and all his Liberal
allies, to stop this so-called "investigation",
as he is embarrassing himself and his entire team,
and the entire Democrat Party!