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- Tuesday, 3/12/2024
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Cutting Edge Teachings
New DVD Titles!
NEW DVDs From Bill Schnoebelen
the past year media buzz about UFOs and a coming DISCLOSURE
of heretofore secret government and military documents
and photos of unknown aircraft has risen to fever
pitch. The Air Force is admitting to more than 140
sightings of UFOs by military aircraft with that number
rising daily.
In addition, hundreds - If not thousands - of people
are coming forward to share their memories of horrific
abduction by some sort of unknown and terrifying alien
entities. These experiences often involve mental and
physical probes, torture and rape.
With decades of research combined with
personal experience, Dr. William Schnoebelen, N.D.,
shares this Spirit-led Teaching containing vital information
for the End-Times concerning the profound, dark magical
underpinnings of the modern UFO phenomenon.
Run Time 1 hour 26 minutes
Full Description or Order Yours Today
there demonic entities and wicked spiritual powers
behind Addiction? If so, what are they? This DVD reveals
Scriptural foundations for deliverance, liberation
and emotional healing from the real demonic culprits
behind tormenting
Addictions and their crippling
Food, Gaming, Pornography, Gambling, Digital, Drugs,
Alcohol, Occult Power & witchcraft, Pharmakeia
and sex addictions.
Bill shares Scriptural foundations for
deliverance, liberation and emotional healing from
the real culprits behind tormenting Addictions and
their crippling behaviors. Learn how to discern symptoms
(especially in youth) of the devastating cycle of
abuse and find out why most Addiction counselors and
the medical community fail. Discover the way to freedom
when vain philosophies and unrighteous headship authority
fails! We present this anointed teaching – and
boldly take hold of liberation, freedom and emotional
healing from Addiction through obedience to Jesus’
Scriptures and our Saviour’s Resurrection Authority!
Run Time 2 hours!
your copy today
Deliver Us From
Evil - Series

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Important News Articles - Analysis --
1. The Jew's enemies
are trying to give God a black eye!
Want to Give God a Black Eye!
The Apple of His Eye", Israel365
News, March 11, 2024
" 'From the river
to the sea Palestine will be free' is the infamous war
cry of anti semites waging so-called holy war, and their
genocidal chant represents gross incitement against
Jews but ultimately against the God of Jews and Christians."
One of Jesus' most famous
prophecies is one of people becoming anti-God at the
End of the Age. Listen:
"And because iniquity
shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."
(Matthew 24:12, KJV)
"They (Palestinian
leaders) shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom,
but none shall be there, and all her princes shall be
nothing." (Isaiah 34:12, KJV)
President Biden will lead
numerous nations in proclaiming a Palestinian State,
but nothing shall come of that pronouncement!
Many are trying
to deny Israel is still God's Chosen Nation and the
Jew His Chosen People - Including Joe Biden
"Since God refers
to Israel as the apple of his eye, anybody who shakes
a fist at the Jewish people, knowingly or unknowingly,
tries by proxy to give God a black eye. The genocidal
slogan calling for the elimination of Israel was defiantly
projected onto a structure symbolizing democracy—
the Big Ben clock tower, an icon of the British nation.
"... antisemitism
has grown at a frightening pace since October 7. Yahya
Sinwar, Hamas military leader and mastermind of massacres,
said October 7 was “just a rehearsal.” Meanwhile,
an anti-Israel derangement syndrome has overtaken the
minds of many who heretofore expressed no particular
interest in the Mideast or politics."
Why is this anti-semitism
risen now to the height and breadth and intensity since
the days of the 1930's, when famed anti-semites Adolf
Hitler, Josef Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Henry Ford
ruled and reigned?
1). "... Israel is
hated and persecuted because Satan opposes the God of
Israel and deeply resents that Israel was the conduit
for the Saviour to enter the world."
2). "... the Jewish
people were chosen by God to be the scribes, and custodians
of the Word of God. Satan deeply resents their guardianship
and lashes out against the Jews for being God’s
chosen people."
3). "God chose the
Jews to be his missionary nation to the world, and so
the powers of darkness are in perpetual enmity against
the Jews."
4). "The chant 'From
the river to the sea Palestine will be free' means that
Israel must cease to exist. But that is impossible because
Israel is God’s timepiece, his clock, telling
the world what time it is on the Bible’s prophetic
"Every Jew-hater
is tragically calling down a curse upon himself according
to Genesis 12: 3, where God states that he will bless
those who bless Israel and curse those who treat Israel
with contempt."
"But nobody is more
outraged than God Almighty, mark my words. He has been
long-suffering with mankind but soon, as prophesied
in the Ezekiel War of Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39, his
fury will come up in his face and he himself will supernaturally
wage war upon the enemies of Israel."
And, when God brings an
absolute 100% elimination of the peoples of Palestinian/Esau
as He foretold 2,500 years ago, the world will be shocked
beyond belief and will begin the final End of the Age
as foretold in the Book of Revelation!
2. Hamas is a
"Culture of Death".
is a culture of death: (Proverbs
8:36)," Israel National News, March
10, 2024
"... terrorists who
participated in the October 7th massacre, exposing the
intensity and magnitude of the cruelty towards the victims
of the attack ... I knew that Hamas was cruel, but I
learned, how much planning, intent, instructions, and
training went into this attack ... most terrorists did
not regret what they had done."
But there is greater depth
of hate that October 7:
"Some even claimed
that they were told ‘to kill everyone,’
and if they had not been handcuffed, would also have
murdered the investigator ... “Hamas planned these
atrocities. Anyone who claims that they were high on
drugs, is wrong. They came in waves, and after the first
wave had made the initial attack, more followed, committing
even more barbaric offenses than the Nukhba. This was
a pre-planned attack. This is a method of education,
of religious indoctrination. They believed that by murdering
a young child, they were killing someone who would one
day be a soldier.”
What does the future hold
for Israel?
"According to Yehezkeli
'this is a culture; a culture of death'. Anyone who
thinks of helping these terrorists must know that if
given the opportunity to do the same thing again, they
will, again and again and again. The same goes for Hamas
members in Judea and Samaria. Are they any less cruel?
If they have the chance to attack with the same cruelty,
nothing is stopping them from doing the same.”
The Book of Obadiah demonstrates
that they have been hating the Jew for 2,500 years now
and will continue spilling their blood during this era.
And is planning
a new offensive during Ramadan but this time a widespread
Regional offensive.
NEWS BRIEF: "Mossad:
Hamas 'striving to ignite the region during Ramadan',"
JNS News, March 10, 2024
"Hamas is trying
to incite a regional escalation during the Muslim holiday
of Ramadan, according to a joint statement released
by Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency and the
Prime Minister’s Office ... "
The American president
is furiously trying to force a ceasefire leading to
a permanent peace agreement before war erupts again.
Hamas leaders are quite
plain regarding their plans this Ramadan.
"Ismail Haniyeh ...
last month urged the Iran-led 'Axis of Resistance' to
step up attacks on Israel during the holiday, calling
for a 'broad and international movement to break the
siege on Al-Aqsa mosque' in Jerusalem."
"The “Axis
of Resistance” includes Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian
Islamic Jihad, the Houthis and other Iranian-backed
terrorist groups in the Middle East. The terror leader
also called on Palestinians in Jerusalem, Judea and
Samaria to storm the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount
3. Even though
both sides are against the idea, President Biden has
ordered a temporary shipping dock in Gaza.
Military Vessel Departs for Gaza to Build a ‘Temporary
Pier’," The Jewish Press,
March 10, 2024
"The USS General
S. Frank Besson departed Langley, Virginia (USA) on
Saturday, less than 36 hours after US President Joe
Biden announced that American forces will join with
the Israel Defense Forces to build a temporary dock
off the coast of Gaza.'
This action is the only
one which President Biden could take that would make
it look as though he was really doing something, even
though both sides opposed it.
"As many as 1,000
US troops are involved in the project. The ship is carrying
logistics equipment to establish a temporary port to
enable delivery of humanitarian aid via a maritime corridor."
"The president and
other international partners are convinced that this
will not only enable a significant increase in the amount
of aid entering Gaza, but that it will also allow the
aid to reach Gaza civilians. To date, much of the aid
delivered to the enclave has been hijacked and stolen
by Hamas operatives. "
"Once the aid reaches
the temporary pier, however, it is not clear how the
supplies will be distributed to civilians within Gaza.
President Biden artfully managed to avoid addressing
that issue — the core issue of the entire problem
— one for which Israel has repeatedly, unfairly
been blamed ... As for claims that Israel is creating
obstacles that are slowing the deliveries “to
a trickle” — that is just bunk."
The IDF surprisingly
stated that the corridor formed by the dock will help
defeat Hamas.
Gallant: Maritime Aid Corridor Will Advance Overthrow
of Hamas in Gaza," The Jewish Press,
March 10, 2024
"Defense Minister
Yoav Gallant told reporters Sunday that the establishment
of a temporary pier off the shore of Gaza will help
advance the goal of overthrowing Hamas rule in the enclave
... "
" 'The process is
designed to facilitate aid directly to civilians and
in this way, it advances [our goal] of overthrowing
Hamas’ rule in Gaza', the minister said."
4. Is Joe Biden
an occult "Walk-in"?
"Conditioning, conditioning,
conditioning ... 'The Great One cannot appear until
and unless a substantial proportion of the population
has been first conditioned to accept him." (Montgomery,
"Herald of a New Age")
The United States of America
is filled with the Satanic values of the New World Order.
Christian author, Johanna Michaelson, captures the Satanic
essence of meditation and Guiding Spirits in her book,
'The Beautiful Side Of Evil'. Guiding Spirits falsely
identify themselves by name, including Jesus Christ,
the Virgin Mary, or one of the Apostles. The person
who is involved is truly deceived into thinking they
have just discovered THE one, true way to actually come
into contact with God. In reality, they have just come
into contact with a Satanic demon, who has temporarily
transformed himself into a being appearing very kind,
gentle, and wise. The stage is set for these demonic
beings to manipulate and mislead their human victims.
These people have become demonically possessed.
Millions upon millions
of today's Americans have participated in this type
of activity, resulting in demonic possession in degrees
ranging from mild to severe. At this point, we need
to reach an understanding as to the nature of Satanic
demon possession. Most of us associate demonic possession
with the stories of the New Testament where demon-possessed
people were violent, were afflicted with mental and
physical diseases, where it was very obvious to everyone
that the person was demonically afflicted or possessed.
All these manifestations
are, indeed, truly associated with demonic possession;
however, a demonically-possessed person does not necessarily
display these characteristics in all cases.
Many people have been
demonically possessed for their entire lives without
the common people around them having the least knowledge
of it. These possessed people might seem very normal
in every respect. The author of the "Dictionary
of the Bible" states that the demon which is possessing
the individual begins the process whereby he effects
'the complete or incomplete loss of the sufferer's reason
or power of will; his action, his words, and almost
his thoughts are mastered by the evil spirit, till his
personality seems to be destroyed...or overborne as
to produce the consciousness of a twofold will within
him, like that sometimes felt in a dream'."
This sentence captures
the essence of what New Age doctrine calls "raising
the level of one's consciousness". Slowly, gradually,
and benevolently, the demonic spirit takes complete
control over the entire mind and personality of the
possessed person. As long as it fulfills the plans of
the demonic spirit, the victim will appear as normal
and happy as you can imagine.
Biden's stumbling, bumbling,
and incoherent speech are strong indicators that the
foretold Walk-in as President is now residing at the
White House.
The subject is "Walk-Ins".
This unfamiliar term has no relevance to those of
us whose background is Biblical, so we need to thoroughly
define it. All believers in the New Age believe in
reincarnation, defined as the belief that "we
do not really die"; rather, our souls supposedly
leave our dead bodies and go into a supernatural state
whereby they wait for the next incarnation cycle.
Walk-ons are defined as "souls
who have earned the right, through many lifetimes
of spiritual growth, to return directly to the earth
plane as adults" (Montgomery, "Herald of
a New Age", page 202). In other words, these
souls in the reincarnation holding cycle want to return
to earth in an adult body, rather than incarnating
in the body of a baby. Montgomery's Guides reveal
that these souls are "not yet perfected souls,
but are high-minded beings intent on aiding their
fellow humans, and tens of thousands of them are already
here..." (Ibid).
These discarnate souls are desperately
wanting to incarnate into an adult body at this moment
in world history so they can help humanity
successfully complete its journey into the New World
Order. And, of course, the occult Spiritual Hierarchy
of Shamballa is very supportive of this desire. (We
need to stop here very briefly to remind our followers
that all this occultic mumbo jumbo is only describing
demon possession in such a way as to make it palatable
and believable to their American and Western audience.
A Walk-in is merely a demon possessing a person who
has spiritually opened themselves up to possession
through occultic meditations and other occult activities.)
Even though these "high-minded"
discarnate souls desperately want to incarnate into
an adult body rather than a baby, they have the problem
of the spirit which is already inhabiting the adult
body. That spirit must voluntarily leave the adult
body so that the new, high-minded spirit can enter.
Montgomery's Guides explain that this is no problem;
the "soul transfer", as it is called, usually
occurs when the adult body is weak, or sick, or when
the spirit inhabiting that body is thoroughly discouraged.
At this moment, the Guides say, the old spirit "walks
out" and the new spirit "walks in".
Very suddenly, the adult body receives a new burst
of spiritual energy, a new sense of revitalization.
This is a "Walk-in".
If Joe Biden can be described in
this manner, then he is most assuredly a Walk-in.
Montgomery's Guiding Spirits reveal one more prophecy
concerning political Walk-ins. On pages 262-3, they
state, "... before the [transition]...a Walk-in
will be elected President of the United States ...The
Walk-in whom the Guides say will be elected President
is 'already in a position of trust and his special
talents are gradually being recognized.
Has Joe looked like he had the complete
or incomplete loss of the reason or power of will;
his action, his words, and almost his thoughts are
mastered by the evil spirit, till his personality
seems to be destroyed...or overborne as to produce
the consciousness of a twofold will within him, like
that sometimes felt in a dream ...?
Even the uninitiated can see this
JOE BIDEN: Comes Out From Behind The Curtain In
Highly Visible DEMONIC Form", Canada
Free Press, March 9, 2024
"Evil Incarnate Stalks SOTU
(State of the Union).
"“This is an unedited
photo of Joe Biden taken by a member of Congress tonight
and sent to me. Joe Biden looks demonic. There is
just no other word for it ... Biden is NOT primarily
the enfeebled, dementia-ridden, bumbling old man the
media says he is, but the evil, corrupt politician
he has always been since first elected some 50 years
Note now how all elements present
in the Democratic platform are melded together in
President Biden's speeches and quotes.
"Only the spawn of the devil
could put their lust for killing babies, mutilating
youngsters as they continue to transgender them; only
the very spawn of the devil could prioritize abortion,
the war in Ukraine above the feeding, safety, security
and well being of their own people!"
What is the inevitable end to this
For all of those who suffered through
last night’s Biden SOTU, remember forever more
what you actually saw and heard. What you really saw
was the REAL JOE BIDEN coming out from behind the
curtain in highly visible DEMONIC form."